48. Is their Loving bond be misjudged as an extra marital affair???

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A splendid and happy news to share with you all...

"Anything To Make My Smile" has become my 4th story to cross the massive 7000+ votes... My first ever story to cross this benchmark in just 47 chapters...

Thanks to all those readers, whose votes did this magic to happen... Dedicating this chapter to all the lovely readers of This story...


I never believed in magic and I'm so stubborn that these are worthless tricks, which blinds the senses of the humans... But after I saw her smiling face, I started to believe that some kind of magical changes are happening in my life...

I feel my life is so perfect when you are around me...

Not only her smile, her attitude, her confidence, her courage and her will power is making me to fall in love with her again and again... I'm so proud to say that My lady is so powerful and she is the backbone of my success...


Shocking !!!!



Never Expected!!!!




Heart wrenching!!!

All kind of negative exclamations are going on in the mind set of Tanu, as she is not in a state to believe what her eyes had projected before  her... Controlling her shocking reactions, she keeps a stern face not to create any unnecessary fuss in the midst of the group of men and women sitting over there in the meeting room....

Tanu takes long , deep breaths to control her anger and she is forced to stay quiet.... She knows very well that if she over reacts to the situation, chances are there for her to lose the job and also to pay a huge amount as a sort of compensation for disobeying the rules of the company...

It took some time for her to compose herself, but she keeps on staring at the unbelievable duo, who are romancing in their midst... What shocked Tanu is that they are talking to the employees in their typical bossy tone, hiding their hanky pankies with their stern and cold looks....

The most important meeting by the Top Management of Mehra Groups of companies is going on and the selected members, who are going to work under the CEO Madame P are worryingly hearing the indigestable claus, which they need to sign before starting the work... Arjun and Purab are explaining the importance of the project and the role and the duties of the selected team members...

Tanu is tensedly looking  at her watch and she is so nervous that in three hours, she needs to be in the guest house of the heartless monster.... Though she had begged and asked her brother Nikhil to do the needed help, she is so worried that it's going to be tough for Nikhil to convince the arrogant CEO P (Pragya) ...

All of a sudden, Tanu's breath gets strucked up and her eyes popped out from it sockets... She is so shocked and it took some time for her to understand the scenario and her gawking eyes are shamelessly fixed on their Chairman Abhishek Prem Mehra and the new CEO Madame P only...

Tanu never expected that the cold hearted and thick headed Chief of theirs, the man who never desired at any women, the man  who never falls in her traps, the man who distance himself from young, cozy and flirty women, the man who always talks about discipline and professional ethics in the office, will be romancing like this in office and that too in an important meeting...

Tanu is not in a state to even believe that Abhi can have a secret affair with the new CEO Madame P, whom he mentioned as his bestie.... What bothers Tanu is that she finds equal amount of response from the CEO P and there's no sort of discomfort or regret for her actions...

Tanu shook her head in disbelief and stares at the mangalsutra in Pragya's neck , which is being tugged up carefully  inside her dress... She even looks at the kumkum inside Pragya's hairline  too... She can't digest how can the new CEO  indulge in such kind of cheap acts and cheat her husband so easily, just for getting a high profile job, money and status....

Tanu's eyes wobbled out from it's sockets, when Arjun, who stares at the direction of Abhi and Pragya casually, didn't get shocked on seeing their romance... He made a light smile on seeing their lovey dovey acts and doesn't reacts much, as if it's a kind of an usual act between them...

Purab, who watches the duo's doings chuckles lightly and shows thumbs up to Abhi, making Pragya to blush uncontrollably... Tanu watches their reactions with disgust and anger ... She can't tolerate that her target Abhi is slipping from her hands so easily and she venomously looks at Pragya and thinks how to vent out her vengeance towards her....


Pragya tries her level best to keep calm and it's really hard for her to control her moanings, as Abhi's hands are giving sweet tortures to her... Her breaths are getting uneven and she feels all kind of tension building inside her, as her husband Abhi is in full mood to tease her...

Pragya badly wants to compose herself and tries to stop Abhi, with all her might... But his grip on her gets stronger and stronger, when she tries to get rid of his hands... Knowing very well that her husband will not listen to her at this moment and will go over board, if she stops him... Pragya closes her eyes and let out a deep sigh...

Pragya picks up the glass of water and drinks it quickly to gain her lost composure... As she is in a need to  pay attention to the meeting proceedings, she is in so much hurry... She gulps the water in a go and she felt the water hits her nostrils suddenly, making her throat and nose to choke uncontrollably...

Pragya let out a deep breath and her lungs stopped to work properly in the unpredicted incident... Her eyes gets blurred up with tears and she starts to gasp for breathe... With each passing second,  her condition gets worser than before...

Abhi, who was teasing Pragya all the time for ditching him in the morning, is in a full mood to punish her for switching off the alarm and leaving him alone in the home, is completely dumb struck with the sudden turn of events...

Abhi mentally scolds himself for acting so silly and he felt so bad, as he didn't expected that such things will happen all of a sudden... His heart started to get panick and he is completely guilty on seeing Pragya, who is struggling  for breathe because of his teasings....

Just then, Arjun and Purab, who are busy in their communication with the staffs turns up to ask something to Abhi and they noticed that Pragya is in a big trouble.... What boils their nerves is that Abhi is doing nothing, but staring at Pragya with moist eyes...

Arjun's deadly glare brought back Abhi from his guilty and he quickly took the situation in his charge... He excuses and grabbed Pragya in his arms, without minding the heavy gasps and shocks in the face of the staffs over there...

Purab is sweating too hard and is much bothered that Pragya should be fine... Arjun holds Purab's hands and gave him an assuring hold that Pragya will be fine soon... Arjun gestured something to Purab, while Purab nods his head and resumes the meeting...

Tanu, who is watching the incidents with much shock, couldn't clearly picturize the relationship of the three most important men in the business world with their new CEO... As she is so interested in men, she wrongly thought that Pragya is having a secret affair with the married men Purab and Arjun...

Tanu came to a stupid conclusion that Pragya is hooking up with Abhi too shamelessly... She made a happy chuckle thinking that her work will be going to easier, if she introduces her brother Nikhil to Pragya... But Tanu is not aware about that Nikhil is searching Pragya for a long time, to fulfill his l**t on her...


Pragya shook her head in disbelief on seeing her husband Abhi, who is torturing the poor doctor and instructing him to do the check up properly... Abhi is keep on nagging and questioning him whether they can take her to the hospital or not..

Abhi: Are you for real, Doctor??? I'm getting panic attack... But you are asking me to stay calm...  Just spit out the matter, doctor...

What's going on??? No problems right... God... Damn it... Answer me, Doctor... Enough is enough... Let me take her to the hospital... You just keep on staring at the wall itself...

Doctor Mishra: Mr. Mehra... Please calm down... You are exaggerating everything... She is absolutely fine... Nothing is wrong with her health... It's just an unexpected thing... It happens with all of us... No need to worry at all...

Pragya: Haan, Abhi... I'm absolutely fine... You relax, please...

Abhi: What fine, fine??? I know you are not at all fine, darling... My mistake only... I shouldn't have done that.... Atleast I shouldn't have tickled you, when you are drinking the water...

How much you have suffered at that time... My poor baby... Sorry dear... I just thought to tease you... Please... I can't  stay calm... Let's go to the hospital and have a thorough check up...

Pragya: Ufff... Doctor... Can you recommend some medicine to shut up this annoying and irritating man???

The doctor chuckles hardly , while Abhi throw daggers towards the doctor to shut his mouth...

Abhi: What the h**k.... Fuggy .. This is unfair yaar... Am I annoying and irritating you???

Pragya: Yeah... What else you are doing haan... Hold on for a minute... I will get back to you after some time... I need to talk with Dr. MISHRA...

Thanks a lot doctor for bearing with his tantrums... By the way, I thought of calling you after the meeting... As you are here, I wanna inform this matter to you earlier...

We are planning to schedule a heath check up program in our company and a thorough monitoring of our employees health should be done, so that we can arrange for their health insurances and other needed medical aids...

Purab bhai will come up with the schedule and other requirements... So, make the plans  according to that and you can arrange for the needed faculties and other resources... Arjun bhai will be helping you with the needed finance and other things...

Dr. MISHRA: Sure Madam... I will do my level best... Will catch up with Arjun sir and Purab sir very soon... Let me give you the complete details within this week...

Madam...   These are some emergency medicines for you... If needed, you can use it... Moreover, I advice you to take  proper care on your health...

I hope Mr. MEHRA is strictly advising you to follow your diet properly... By the way, I have the medicine which you have asked earlier, Madam??? I think it will help you a lot...

The doctor gave a prescription  to Pragya and runs quickly from there, before Abhi strangles his neck...

Pragya: Aww... Such a lovely doctor, hey na... Taking care of me like my bhais... Abhi... Believe it or not... He gave me the best medicine to shut your mouth...

(Pragya's face glows with  a pink  blush while Abhi is fuming with a reddish eyes)

What happened to my sweet heart... Why this much angry haan... You are boiling like a pressure cooker... You won't make whistle na, Abhi...

Abhi turns his face angrily, while Pragya giggles and thrusts the prescription paper in Abhi's hand... Abhi face glowed in happiness on seeing the prescription, which the doctor had suggested for Abhi and Pragya....

Pragya: Arrey waaahhh!!! Too much glow in your face, suddenly... You are happy, isn't it???

Abhi: Haan haan... Even the doctor knows what I want... But you are not at all listening to me... Always coming up with some lame excuses...

Pragya: Just give me three months, Abhi... As we are in a biggest plan to target our enemies,  I need to focus on that.. After that we can work up on the prescription, the doctor has suggested...

Abhi smiles brightly and lifts Pragya in his arms... He twirls her happily and they were giggling, not minding that they need to pass through a hard phase to work on that prescription....


Tanu curses her brother Nikhil, who didn't turn up to the office till  now... As she has left only an hour to move from there and she is also in a need to dress up too, she thought of going on her own to get the permission...

Till that date, Tanu works under Arjun only and sometimes,  she is being instructed to report to Purab too... As Arjun and Purab has went out to check on some goods, Tanu makes a sad face as she can't ask leave to them... She approaches Abhi's PA Uma and informed her that she needs leave for half a day...

But Uma informs her that she needs to get proper permission from the CEO Madame P and she also advised that it's better for her to resume her work... Uma also added that the CEO won't be pleased to give off to anyone, unless it's an emergency situation for them...

Tanu bites her nails and walks on the stairs of the floor to reach the cabin of their Chief and CEO... She let out a deep sigh and wiped her face with her hanky to clear the sweat beads, which is ruining her make up..  She is so relieved that Uma is no where to be found there...

Tanu is much happy that the door of their Chief's room is slightly open, which is a very rare scenario... Instead of knocking on the door and ask permission to get inside, she takes light steps like a thief and peeps in through the gap to check what's going on inside...

Tanu's heart froze in shock and her heart stopped to beat completely... She rubbed her eyes again and again, as she never expected that she will watch such a kind of cliche scenario.... With anger flaring her nose, Tanu fists her hands in fury and walks away from there and dials Nikhil's number...


Nikhil enters the Mehra Group of companies with much irritation and anger in his face... He is in a mood to strangle the neck of his sister Tanu, who had get on to his nerves and spoiled his wonderful  make out session with a new bie model....

His eyes brightens all of a sudden and he let out his flirtatious smile on seeing  the receptionist Sheetal, who is under his  spell for a long time... Nikhil uses his usual cards to talk with her but he finds it so wierd that Sheetal is not paying heed to him and is tensed up for something...

Before Nikhil could interrogate her more, Tanu holds his hands furiously and drags him to the secluded corner.... Nikhil's anger reaches it's peak and he slapped Tanu harshly for doing like that... He also bashes her that she is crossing  all her limits...

Tanu too angrily yelled at him and said that her life is completely spoiled  because of his greediness only...  Nikhil gave a nasty look and replies her that her life is spoiled, as she is fond of entertaining the men... Their arguments are getting  endless and their talks came to a halt, as both got a message from that important number...

Tanu's eyes blurred up in worry, while Nikhil is much bothered that their lives are in a heavy danger... Taking a deep breath, Nikhil holds Tanu's hands and walks towards the cabin of Abhi and Pragya... Tanu says some cheeky information about Pragya and added that he can easily melt her....


On the other hand, Abhi adjusts his suit and takes his laptop to go and meet an important person to gather the much needed information about his rivals... He gave a gentle peck on Pragya's forehead, who is being forced to take a nap for an hour, as she is completely exhausted and tired... Abhi closes the room door and walks towards his private lift...

Abhi didn't notice that Nikhil and Tanu are on the stairs... Abhi didn't had any vague idea that his wife Pragya is Nikhil's biggest target... Not aware of the dangers awaiting her life, Pragya is sleeping peacefully in the cabin...


I'm  really so sorry peeps... Due to my ill helath, I  couldn't post any of my stories for few days... I'm recovering now and started to script my other stories  too... Expecting all your support as always ...


Will Nikhil came to know that the new CEO is  none other than the girl, he is searching for a long time???

Will it possible for Abhi to stop Nikhil???

How will Tanu and Nikhil gonna react, if they know that  Pragya is Abhi's wife???

Will Pragya's bonding with Abhi, Arjun and Purab be misjudged as Extra marital affair???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

⚠️ Don't  forget to cast your votes and pen down your valuable comments...

Signing off,

Yours crazy buddy,


Will be


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