49. No one can near the Queen, ahead of the King's protection...

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⚠️ Really very sorry for coming up very late... My poor memory... I have completely forgotten to update this story.... Do forgive me with a golden heart...

I hope you all will like this shot..  Do cast your votes and pen down your comments, if you wish to give me the needed boosting energy and reward for my hard work.... ⚠️


Her innocent looks and her heart warming smile lights up my day always...

You won't be having any vague idea that how good it feels, to wake up next to you, knowing very gladly that you belong only to me and I'm all yours, now and forever...

I want us to become an iconic couples of love... Not like Romeo and Juliet... But like, Grandma and Grandpa, whose love never fades away, even after they get wrinkles and aged too..


Abhi caress the face of his wife Pragya, who is blushing uncontrollably... Abhi chuckles and re-read the prescriptions suggested by Dr. Mishra, quite aloud, to tease and pull the legs of his stubborn wife, who is not paying heed to his demands...

Pragya: Too bad, Abhi... Enough of your teasings... You keep on reading it repeatedly... I have lots of works to do... Leave me, at least....

Abhi: Don't dare to move away from me, CEO Madam ji... If you disobey your Chief - Abhishek Prem Mehra's orders, you will get the worst punishment for sure... I won't keep up the promise, which you have got from me...

Pragya: Showing attitude to me and trying to scare me right... So sad of you, Mr. MEHRA... I thought of considering about the doctor's prescription, as soon as we finish off our important project work...

But... You have tried to mess up with The Abhishek Prem Mehra's real Boss itself... So, what I have decided is that unless and until, Arjun Bhai and Purab bhai became fathers for their kids, you have to wait...

Abhi: What the hell... (Shouts angrily) This is toooooo muchhhh, Fuggy... Your brothers are lazy gooses... My all time villains... Grrr... They have no idea to become fathers soon...

But in my case, it's different... I badly want to become a father soon and wanna make you as a mummy for our kids... I am so eager to see my Fuggy blowing like a Baloon and your tummy to turn like a big football...

I'm so desperate to hear your complaints, whinings and wanna bear all your mood swings and fullfill all your crazy demands... I'm planning to deck up the refrigerators with icecreams too (No icecreams for you... It's for me...)

Even I'm planning to appoint many specialized chefs, who can prepare multi cuisines, to fulfill your weird food cravings too... A lot I've planned...

I can't delay much, Fuggy... Don't say no to me, darling... We are going to  work out very hardly on the prescriptions for sure... Is that clear, sweetie...

Ho god!!! Fuggy... Please baby.... Huh... Don't keep your face like that.... Alright... You won't say yes to me, until I ask forgiveness from you na... You are hell adamant to hear sorry from me right...

Pragya: Nah.... Nah... Will I say like that ever... Just informing that if you stop showing attitude to me, I can reconsider my decision.. If not, you have to wait till...

Abhi closes her mouth with his and didn't allow her to speak further, as he didn't want to hear a no from his Fuggy ever... After sometime, Abhi reluctantly moves away, not bothering about the angry glare of Pragya, who didn't expected the sudden attack at all...

Abhi: Fuggy... You are Unbelievable... For a second, you made me to taste the bitter medicine and scared me to hell... But I like your attitude and commanding power, babe..

The CEO Madame is in full form and doing way too better than me.... Great going, darling.... Now I will be a bit relieved that My Fuggy can face anyone and can handle any situations, if I'm not near you too...

Pragya: Thanks a lot, husband... I gladly accept your compliment... If our romantic session is over means, shall we proceed to our seats and do our works... Have to do some office stuffs too, chairman sir... (Says in a sarcastic and teasing tone)

Both laughs hardly and moves to their seats to do their works... In between, Abhi's PA Uma notified Abhi that he has to start to XYZ hotel to meet an important business client...

Though Abhi didn't wished to leave his Fuggy alone, he understands that his presence is needed and he has to go over there, as Purab and Arjun has went to check on about some important stocks, which needs to be delivered to the clients, the next day...

Abhi's instincts tells him not to leave his Fuggy alone... Thinking deeply, Abhi dials someone's number and talked something to the person and ordered him to implement something into action, immediately... His lips curved to a bright smile and Abhi felt relieved that his problems are sorted out at last...


After forcing his Fuggy to take the needed rest, as she is so exhausted and tired, Abhi gave a gentle kiss on her forehead... He caress her head gently and covers her properly with a duvet...

Abhi walks out of his cabin, not bothering even to lock it too... Abhi takes fast steps towards his private lift... He didn't noticed that Tanu along with her brother Nikhil is taking up the steps to meet the CEO Madame P, to get half day permission to go out....

When the lift makes a ding sound, Abhi steps inside the lift taking fast steps... Tanu, who noticed Abhi's presence near the lift, drags Nikhil quickly in the secluded corner, so that Abhi shouldn't know that they are over there...

Tanu is pretty sure that if Abhi notices them, her plans will be flopped for sure... But Tanu, who is bothered to get permission to go out and also to hook up her brother with the new CEO, failed to notice that the whole floor is completely CCTV surveillanced and even a single thing can't happen there, without Abhi's knowledge...

Tanu looks up only to check on whether Uma is present there or not... She lets out a deep sigh as Uma's voice is heard from the downstairs, who is instructing someone to take care, as she is moving along with their  Chairman Abhishek attend the meeting...

Understanding that there won't be any trouble to interrupt her, Tanu makes a victorious smirk and steps forward along with Nikhil... But they were not aware that they are going to enter a dangerous den and it's impossible to meet the Queen, when the King is not around...


After making sure that Abhi had left the building, Tanu shows thumbs up to Nikhil and takes slow steps towards Abhi and Pragya's cabin... Smiling widely on seeing that the cabin is not locked, Tanu feels that her plan is going to get succeeded for sure...

But Tanu's breath hitched and her make up filled face started to sweat a lot, as she felt a gentle tap of a man's hand on her shoulder... Tanu is hell scared, as she doesn't know what to do, if the person is Abhi or Purab or Arjun....

Tanu is worried a lot, as she even can't imagine any fake reasons to escape from their interrogations... She knew very well that Nikhil's presence will complicate everything and will make a big mess for sure...

But confusing Tanu even more, she saw a handsome man in a tight fit shirt, neatly dressed up in a professional way and with pretty smile in his face... Tanu is awestruck and she goes weak in her knees completely on seeing him...

Tanu badly wants to know who is this hottie and her mind calculates how to get cozy and intimate with him... On the contrary, Tanu's brother Nikhil is irritatingly looking at his sister, who is so shameless and is drooling on every men species, other than him, with a lustful look...

Understanding that they need to move soon, Nikhil gave a hard kick in Tanu's legs, making her to cry in pain.... Not interested in seeing the dramatic and awful duo, who have came over there unnecessarily, the man pulls out his gun and keeps it inside the throat of Nikhil, scaring both Nikhil and Tanu to hell...

Tanu gulps very hard, but she gathers up all her courage to call for the security and inform him that an unknown person is standing near the cabin of their chairman and trying to threaten them... But before Tanu opens up her mouth, the man closes her mouth harshly and dragged both Nikhil and Tanu, far away from the cabin....

Tanu coughs hard and she gasps for breathe, when he left her... With anger flaring her nose, she tries to beat the man, but his only deadly glare and the way he holds the gun towards Nikhil halts her steps...

Tanu: Who are you??? Why are you scaring us unnecessarily??? ( In a meek whisper )

Man: Tell me, who you are before questioning me???

Tanu: I am... Ta.... Tanu... (Shivering voice) Tanu Gupta... Marketing Manger of this company...

( Man Points the gun towards Nikhil, which is nothing but an indirect instruction to Tanu to tell who he is...) This is... This is my elder brother, Nikhil Gupta, a professional model...

(Before he questions her further)

Mister... I came here to ask permission from the CEO Madame to take off from work... My brother has come here to take me out... As my mother is sick... We need to take her to the hospital...

Nikhil gave a questioning  look, while Tanu sighs as if conveying him that she will handle the disturbing stranger, who messes up their plans....

Man: Ohhhh... Okayyy... Madam is busy now ... You can't meet her, without having prior notifications or instructions from her...  You need to get proper appointments from me and you can meet madam, only if she allows you...

I can't let you inside just like that... But.. I can help you, as your mother is sick...Wait, let me make a call to our chief... If he permits, you can take leave or else, you have to get back to your work...

Tanu: Okay... Excuse me... Please don't mistake me... I've never seen you before in this office... May I know, who you are??

Man: So curious to know about me haan...  Tanu Mad.. Am...  ( Pov. Yewww... I have to call this make up box as Madam... But I made a pass, so that it's sound like Mad...) You are interested more in handsome men haan... I can get your mind voice... Not bad... I like it...

Tanu blushes and bites her lips, while he makes a puking reaction, which is noticed by Nikhil... Tanu, who is in dreamland didn't note down his reactions at all...

Man: Well... I'm Mishal... Mishal Singh... The personal bodyguard and secretary to the CEO Madame P...

Mishal makes a devilish smirk and calls Abhi immediately, as he feels irritated with the presence of Nikhil and Tanu... Mishal informs Abhi about Tanu and Nikhil and also their reasons for seeking permission to take off... But Abhi puts the call on hold and reconfirms whether they are saying the truth or not...

As Tanu and Nikhil's mother was really sick that day, Abhi agrees for the leave and asked Mishal to allow them to go... But Nikhil is highly annoyed, as he is being treated like a trash and he can't take this insult so easily...

Nikhil vowed to teach a good lesson not only to Mishal, but also to Abhi and The new CEO... Nikhil ordered Tanu to take a snap of the CEO and give it to him as soon as possible... When Tanu questioned him what he is upto, Nikhil gave a deadly grin which explains her that something big is going to happen for sure...


Later that evening,

The Mighty Mehra Mansion is looking like a war field and a big commotion is going on in the living room... Only the roaring voices of the women are heard, echoing like a thunder in the whole place and a deep, dead silence from the men's side...

Pragya is fuming in anger and boiling like a volcano... She is spitting venoms and is ready to attack anyone, who comes before her... The three poor men Abhi, Purab and Arjun are tongue tied and they are not even uttering a single word too...

Bulbul is looking at the trio with disbelief while Aaliya is giving a hopeless look towards the trio, who are always doing unwanted things and triggering the anger of Pragya a lot...

Daljeet Dadi is accusing the trio for irritating  Pragya... Indu Dasi is helping Pragya by giving her apt points and guiding her to scold the poor men... The trio were looking at the women folks in the family pleadingly, who are not showing any kind of sympathy on them...

Like the three wise monkeys, Mizaru, Kikazaru and Iwazaru, they are not ready to hear, see or speak anything against them... Abhi gone deaf ears to their curses while Arjun has closed his eyes completely....

But poor Purab is in a pathetic state, as he being a talkative, couldn't open his mouth to defend them... Arjun has gripped Purab's hand while Abhi is pulling Purab's shirt from back, which is a warning sign for him to keep quiet....

Pragya: This much I'm shouting... But you three are sitting quietly and reacting as if I'm talking to someone else...

Arjun: Chotti... You seems to be tired... Come, let's go and have food... (Tries to distract her attention)

Purab: Haan haan chotti... You need some energy to shout on us na... Have some food and scold us, as much as you can... We will be good boys and won't react to it too... Abhi.. Get some cotton, man... We can keep it in our ears...

Abhi kicked harshly in Purab's legs, as he has poured acid in Pragya's anger... She huffs and pants like a firing dragon and nears them dangerously... Purab and Arjun shots no in unison and begged hardly to Pragya by saying that they were not aware of anything...

Abhi throw daggers towards them while Pragya spitted fire towards her husband Abhi, who is hell adamant to irritate her, in the name of giving protection to her... Knowing very well that Abhi won't open up what's in his mind, till she had food, Pragya moves to the dining table to have food...

All settles in their respective seats and have their food quietly... Arjun and Purab are much worried on seeing the reactions of Pragya... Abhi assured them that he will make her to understand the complexities and the reason for doing so....


After the (unusual) calm dinner, Abhi signals something to Arjun and Purab... Before Aaliya and Bulbul can protest, their husbands dragged them to their rooms... As Abhi has explained everything to Dadi and Dasi, they too leave him, after warning him to console Pragya and to do anything only after informing her...

Abhi let's out a deep breath and gets inside his room... He is startled to see the room is empty and he rushes to the washroom to check whether his Fuggy is there or not... But to his utter shock, she is not there...

Abhi got back his breath, when he spots his Fuggy is sitting in the swing in the balcony... She is staring at the moon, without any expression and Abhi understands clearly that Pragya would have guessed his motives for sure and also have studied the expressions in his face too...

Knowing very well that it's impossible to hide anything from Pragya, Abhi decides to open up the matter to her..  Abhi takes slow steps and hugs Pragya from the back...

Abhi gently moves the hair and nuzzles sensually in her bare back... He traces her body seductively and bites lightly in her ear lobes... He is so bothered as Pragya instead of melting in his touch, is stiffening and is not at all reacting too....

A burning tear kisses Abhi's hand, startling Abhi to the core... He turns Pragya quickly and his world froze on seeing the tears in Pragya's eyes... He hurriedly wipes her tears,  gave a soulful kiss in her eyes and holds her in his embrace...

Abhi: Fuggy... Please... Don't cry... I... I will explain you.... Don't draw into any conclusions.... It's not big as you think...

Pragya: Not a big thing haan... Then why the hell you called my friend Mishal, out of nowhere and what's he doing in our company... Didn't I asked him to assist Bulbul and Aaliya Bhabhi in the orphanage...

Abhi: Haan.. But.. Mishal... That... Erm... It's that....

Pragya: You are not ready to leave me alone, thinking that something bad will near me right... You have said lie to me that I can handle anything...

Abhi: Fuggy..  Please... Listen to me once... (Convo muted)... Now tell me... Did I do anything wrong... That's why I asked Mishal to come there and be with you... Try to understand the problem, Fuggy....

Pragya: Abhi... Why are you fearing this much..  Nothing wrong will happen... My husband is so brave and he can handle anything easily...

Abhi: But... I can't take any risk when the matter concerns you and our family... I don't know how the matter got leaked... Can't suspect anyone... But a black sheep is hidden in our company for sure...

We need to find out the culprit very soon..  Thank God... None knows your name and your true identity and the relationship we share too... But... I'm scared that no one should know that you are my wife...

Pragya: But.. How long can we hide this, Abhi??? Today or tomorrow, we have to disclose about our marriage na...

Abhi: Till we trap our enemies, we are going to hide it for sure... May be after 2 months... Approximately, when we near the end of our project...

Pragya reluctantly nods her head but she understands why Abhi is doing like this.. The bitter past of Abhi, which he badly want to forget is again poking nose in his happy life and it's scaring him a lot...

Both Abhi and Pragya holds each other hands and started to recollect the bitter past, which brings a big havocs in the life of the Mehras... No... The Singhanias, who are transformed into the Mehras....



What's going to happen next???

Will Abhi be able to protect his family from the enemies???

What will Nikhil do, if he knows that the girl he is searching for a long time is none other than the new CEO???

Will Nikhil and Tanu joins hands with Abhi's villains???

Who is the black sheep hidden inside the Mehra Groups???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

The dark past of Abhi, which is kept as a suspense till now, will be revealed in the next chapter... You will get to know about Abhi's parents, what happened in the childhood of Abhi and Aaliya and also the reasons why they hate their father and potray him as a villain....

You will also get to know how the Singhanias became the Mehras.... You will also know the importance of Arjun and Purab in Abhi and Aaliya's life....


What you guys need is that is to vote without fail and call me soon...

Don't scold me if there's any delay... The votes will decide whether your updates will be quicker or not...

Meet you all soon....

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