Season 1: Chapter 1

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3rd P.O.V.

Narrator: That day, humanity remembered... the terror of being ruled by them. The humiliation of being kept in a cage.

It was just a normal day like any other, everyone going about their day as usual... but that soon change forever for everyone inside the wall. When a giant hand is seen gripping on the edge of Wall Maria as everyone inside watches in horror.

And among the crowd stood four children....Eren, Mikasa, Armin, and... Y/n. The four of them stood there unable to comprehend what they're seeing in front of them. While Y/n could only think of one thing...

Y/n: *thought* No...


Before anything happened, everything went on as usual with the Survey Corp going outside the walls. Forest of Giant Trees with the Survey Corps on galloping horses.

Shadis: Prepare for combat! We have one target! Defeat it and make this humanity's first base outside the walls!

Erwin: Target approaching!

Shows Titan walking. Commander makes hand signal.

Shadis: Split into five groups, just as we practiced! We'll be the decoys! Attack teams, switch to Three-Dimensional Maneuver Gear!

Soldiers are lifted off their horses by the omni-directional gear and traverse landscape using the giant trees and surrounding the Titan.

Erwin: We'll strike from all directions at once!

One of the soldier flies toward the nape of the Titan neck, spinning with swords in hand like a propeller.

Moses: We'll show you the power of humanity!

A slice is heard, and everything goes black.

Dream Sequence...

Beautiful purple flowers under the sun are presented and then blood splatters and taints. Open mouth is shown; a man's body lays on the ground with blood on his face and is then lifted; a small house is shown in a sunlit plain; Titans appear around it; a in-house fireplace is shown; bloody face; a room filled with child's toys; an eye with a bee around the sclera; more blood gushes; giant teeth are show; giant hands picking up a body. Ending with a raging roar of a titan covered in black armor and flames flowing through it veins.

???: Y/n... Y/n.... Y/n, you have to wake up.

Y/n: Who... Who said that...?

???: You need to get up!

Y/n: What? What do you mean? Who said that?!

???: They're coming! THE TITANS ARE COMING!!!

End of Dream Sequence...

Y/n: *Gasp!*

Eren/Mikasa: Huh?

Y/n immediately woke up from his dream as he was gasping for air. Eren and Mikasa got concern and rushed to his side.

Eren: Woah! Y/n are you, ok?

Mikasa: Take a deep breath! Try calm down.

Mikasa rubs Y/n back as he start calming down and getting control of his breathing.

Y/n: Thanks, Mikasa! I really needed that.

Mikasa: You're welcome, Y/n.

Eren: What happened?

Y/n: I-I don't know... I had a bad dream... but I heard someone yelling at me. They sounded desperate to warn me something.

Mikasa: Like what?

Y/n: They said something about... the titans are coming.

Eren: The titans are coming? What does that mean?

Y/n: I don't know...?

They all looked at each other worried before Mikasa said something to change the subject.

Mikasa: Come on, it getting late. I'm sure my mom and Mrs. Jaeger are waiting for us.

Y/n: Yeah, you're right, Mikasa. Let's go, Eren!

Eren: Right!

They finished up gathering all the firewood as they start heading back home together. Y/n look back at the tree one more time to figure out, what was that dream about.

Y/n: Hmm...

???: Y/n...

Y/n: Huh?

At first he saw no one around for a moment until stopping to look in front of him to see a girl his age but could barely see her face.

???: Y/n...

Y/n: W-Who... are you...?

Mikasa: Y/n!

Y/n was knock out of his trance by Mikasa calling out to him.

Mikasa: Is something the matter?

Y/n: Huh? Oh no... I...

He turn back to see the mysterious girl is already gone making him confused.

Y/n: *thought* Where did she go?

Eren: Come on, Y/n! Let's go!

Y/n: Right... I'm coming.

Y/n follow after his brother and Mikasa as they head back toward outer walls of Wall Maria.

Y/n P.O.V.

The Year: 845 — Shiganshina District

Wallist: Listen! These walls were constructed with God's wisdom! They were given to us by God himself! None may defile them!

As me, Eren, and Mikasa are walking home after gathering wood. Mikasa is bothering me with questions about what happened earlier.

Y/n: I'm telling you, Mikasa that I'm fine.

Mikasa: I'm just concerned about what happened earlier. Maybe you should talk to Mr. Jaeger about it. You were having a panic attack!

Y/n: It was just simple dream nothing to worry about. Besides....

I placed my hand on Mikasa's head making her blush.

Y/n: You should be concern about your mother but I'm grateful you worry about me. Thanks, Mikasa!

This made her happy to hear as turn away from me to hide her already blushing face.

Eren: Y/n is tough, Mikasa! If my own brother manages to go outside the wall by himself than it nothing he can handle.

???: What this I'm hearing about outside the wall?

We turn our attention to our infamous drunk, Mr. Hannes from the Garrison.

Hannes: Hello, kids! How are doing this fine evening?

Y/n: Hello, Mr. Hannes!

Mikasa: Hi, Mr. Hannes.

Eren plug up his nose since he smell the alcohol from Mr. Hannes mouth.

Eren: You're all drinking again?

Hannes: Why don't you join us?

Eren: No, thank you! You reek! Shouldn't you all be working.

Hannes: Yeah! We're guarding the gate today. We spend all day here, so eventually, we get hungry and thirsty. And the fact that some of what we drink may be alcohol...Well, that isn't too big a problem.

Eren: Can you fight like that if you have to?

Hannes: If we have to? When would we...

Eren: When else?! If they breached the walls and entered the city!

After Eren said that I had flashback of the dream I had earlier as I wince in pain a bit.

Y/n: *groan*

Mikasa: Y/n?!

Mikasa went to check on me while Eren continues arguing with Hannes.

Hannes: Ow... Hey, Eren, don't yell like that...

One of the military men get up from their seat and walks over to us.

Garrison 1: The doctor's son is pretty lively today. If they ever do breach the walls, we'll do our jobs. But that hasn't happened for a hundred years.

Eren: But my dad says that you're in the most danger when you lower your guard!

Hannes: Doctor Jaeger, huh? Well, he's right...

Hannes: He once saved the whole city from an epidemic. We owe him more than we could ever repay. But that has nothing to do with them. As a soldier, when you go up to repair the walls, you can sometimes see them, wandering around outside. But this wall is fifty meters high. They can't do anything about it.

Eren: Th-Then, you're actually not prepared to fight them?

Hannes: Nope.

Eren: What?! Then stop calling yourselves the Garrison and become the Wall Repair Corps!

Hannes: I wouldn't mind that... But listen, Eren... If we're fighting, it means things are bad. As long as everyone's laughing at us and calling us useless freeloaders, that means we're all safe.

Eren: Even if we can never leave these walls for our entire lives, as long as we eat and sleep, we'll survive... But that makes us just like... Just like cattle! And I bet Y/n would agree with me!

The military men in front of us just laughed at Eren antics.

Garrison 2: That's a brave kid you have there.

Garrison 3: Not like he could do anything about it, huh, Hannes?

Hannes: Huh? Y-Yeah.

Mikasa: Come on, Eren. This is getting uncomfortable for Y/n.

Eren looked at me holding my head in pain.

Eren: R-Right... whatever.

All three of us then start walking away from the military group.

Hannes: Hey, Eren!

Garrison 1: Strange kid especially his brother. Didn't you mention about him being found outside the wall with no memory of his past similar to Mr. Jaeger.

Hannes: Yeah.... *thought* Does he want to join the Survey Corps?


While Mikasa is holding me close to her after the sudden headache I just had, she decided to tell Eren something surprising that shock us both.

Mikasa: Eren, you should stop considering the Survey Corps.

Eren: What? You're going to tell me they're stupid, too?

Mikasa: That isn't it... I'm just worried about Y/n safety.

Y/n: Mikasa...

Eren: Look Mikasa, mine and Y/n reason for joining the Survey Corps is none of your concern. Is our choice, not yours!

Mikasa: But I-

Suddenly the town bell start ringing meaning one thing.

Eren: The Survey Corps are back! Come on, Y/n!

Mikasa: Eren, wait!

But Eren ran ahead of us leaving me and Mikasa behind.

Y/n: And off he goes again... *sigh*

Mikasa: Y/n...

Y/n: What is it, Mikasa?

Mikasa: Are you really thinking about joining the Survey Corps?

Y/n: Yes.

Mikasa: But why? You already know the risk of joining that group. It means instant death!

Y/n: Mikasa... I prefer dying outside the walls then dying trap inside a cage.

Mikasa: .....

I can tell Mikasa is upset to hear that so I grabbed her head and place our foreheads together. I noticed her blushing in response.

Y/n: Mikasa, please understand that I want to see the outside world and see what's out there than staying inside the walls. The Survey Corps is my only way to reach the outside world.

Mikasa was hesitant at first but agree at the end.

Mikasa: Fine... just be careful.

Y/n: I will but...

Separating our heads from each other, I grab Mikasa's hand.

Y/n: I'm counting on you to watch my back in the future. I know with you by my side, I'll stay alive longer.

This made Mikasa happy to hear that from me as she nods her head enthusiastically.

Mikasa: Right! I'll be by your side every step of the way.

Y/n: Good to hear! Come on, we need to follow after Eren before he gets into any trouble.

Afterwards me and Mikasa follow after Eren towards the front gates while holding hands. However, the lingering feeling from earlier still rang through my head especially that voice.

Y/n: *thought* What was she warning me about? And why does she look familiar to me?

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