Season 1: Chapter 2

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3rd P.O.V.

After running together for a few minutes, Y/n and Mikasa managed to catch up with Eren after he ran off to reach the front gates of Wall Maria. They find him standing on top of some crates to get a better view over the entire crowd in front of them.

Y/n: Jeez, Eren! Don't run off like that again, we almost lost you back there.

Eren: Sorry, Y/n... Hey, I think I see one of the captains coming this way!

Y/n help Mikasa up on one of the crates before getting on top of one for himself. As the trio sees the Survey Corps entering from the gates. One of the soldiers looks at Eren, as Eren smiles in amazement, but the soldier forces his head down in shame while riding his horse.

Eren: What was that about?

Eren was confused at first until Y/n nudge his shoulder and pointed out the obvious. Eren, being shocked at when he sees how badly wounded some most of the soldiers are with many of them missing a limb or two.

Y/n: Another failed mission...

Mikasa: ......

Mikasa holds Y/n's hand as she squeezes it gently, feeling worried about Y/n safety.

Man 1: These are all that made it back?

Man 2: Everyone else must've been eaten. That's what happens when you go outside the walls.

Suddenly an old lady amongst the crowd start screaming out someone name as it turns to be one of the soldier's mother asking where her son is.

Moses's Mother: Moses! Moses! Um, my son, Moses... I don't see him. Where is he?

Shadis: This is Moses's mother....

Turns to one of the soldiers.

Shadis: Bring it.

She is handed something wrapped up and bloody. She takes off some of the wrap to discover an arm. Closes it quickly and then begins to shiver and cry.

Shadis: That is all we managed to retrieve.

The commander kneels down to the grieving mother.

Moses's Mother: But my son... He helped, right? Even if he didn't do anything directly... My son's death helped humanity fight back, didn't it?!

With a bit of hesitation in his voice, the commander of the scout couldn't hold back saying the truth.

Shadis: Of course! No. Our recon this time didn't... No, we never... Never learn a thing! It's my fault... My own incompetence killed our men! And we still don't even know what they are!

This left everyone in area stunned of what they just heard but for Y/n, he could only recall what that mysterious girl said earlier.

Y/n: They're coming...


After everything settled down, the soldiers walked away as the citizens of town watch from a distance.

Citizen 1: What a mess...

Citizen 2: You've got that right. It's like our taxes all go to fatten them up.

This made Eren upset to hear them disrespecting the scout that he hits one of them with a piece of firewood.

Citizen 2: What are you doing, stupid brat?

As Eren raises up to strike again, Mikasa grabs him and drags him away.

Eren: Hey! What are you doing, Mikasa?!

Citizen 2: Get back here!

Y/n grabs a piece of rock and throws it between the guy 's eyes, blinding him.

Citizen 2: Ah! My eyes!

Before following after Eren and Mikasa in the back alley. Mikasa continues dragging Eren by back collar of his shirt.

Eren: Mikasa, you can let go now!

Mikasa then throws Eren into a wall and breaks his firewood carrier.

Eren: What was that for? The firewood spilled everywhere!

Mikasa: Eren, do you still want to join the Survey Corps?

There was a moment of silence between the three.

Eren: Help me pick these up...

Mikasa: There isn't enough to bother.

Y/n: Come on, Mikasa. It's already getting late just help him so we can go home faster.

Mikasa: Fine... *thought* Only because you just ask.


The three soon return home as Eren announces their arrival parents.

Eren: We're back!

Carla: Welcome home, you three!

Mrs. Ackerman: Welcome back.

Eren and Y/n begins to put firewood in a wooden chest. Mikasa sets up the stove while Mr. Jeager sits at the table writing. Carla walk over to Y/n and Eren just as they get done putting the woods away.

Carla: Oh, Eren! You actually worked hard for a change.

Eren: Yeah...

Carla pinches him on the cheek.

Eren: What?

Carla: Your ears turned red. That means you're lying. Mikasa and Y/n helped you, didn't they?

Eren: Yes.

Carla: And Y/n, thank you for your hard work and keeping an eye on your brother.

Y/n: Your welcome, mom.

It makes Carla happy to hear Y/n call her "mom". Mrs Ackerman walk over to Mikasa as she gets done setting up the stove.

Mrs. Ackerman: I hope everything went well out there, Mikasa.

Mikasa: It did... sort of.

Eren, Y/n, and Mikasa sit at the table and eat while Grisha continues to read, and Carla, Mrs. Ackerman washes the dishes.

Eren: Huh? Are you going somewhere, Dad? Work?

Grisha: Yes, I'm going to see a patient in the inner walls. Probably for two or three days.

Mikasa: Eren and Y/n said they want to join the Survey Corps.

The whole room went silent immediately.

Y/n: Crap....

Eren: M-Mikasa, I told you not to tell them! What the hell!

Carla: Eren! What are you thinking? Do you know how many people have died outside the walls? And you're even thinking of getting your own brother involve with this crazy idea.

Y/n: Mom-

Eren: I do! And it's not crazy! Y/n even agrees with me!

Carla: You clearly don't understand what you're getting into! Are you trying to get yourself and brother killed!?

Grisha: In that case... Eren... Why do you want to go outside?

Eren: I want to know what it's like out there. I don't want to spend my life inside the walls, not knowing anything! If no one carries on their work, all the casualties till now will have been in vain!

Grisha: I see. What about you, Y/n?

Y/n: Like Eren said... I don't want to spend my whole life behind these walls. But more importantly I feel like there's more to life than hiding from the titans. And the Scout is our only answer to see the outside world.

Grisha: Alright. The ship is waiting. I'll be going now.

Grisha gets up and heads toward the door.

Carla: Hold on, dear! You need to talk to them!

Grisha: Carla, human curiosity is not something you can restrain with a lecture. Eren, Y/n... I'll show you two what I've kept secret in the basement all this time.

Eren: R-Really?

Y/n: Finally!

The rest of the family watches as Grisha takes his leave.

Eren: Have a safe trip!

Carla: I meant what I said. The whole idea is stupid.

Eren: Huh? Stupid?! I think people who're fine being cattle are way more stupid!

Carla: Eren!

Eren runs off leaving Carla worried about him.

Y/n: *sigh* I'll go after him.

Carla: Thank you, Y/n.

Y/n chases after Eren, Mikasa is about to follow after them but Carla stops her for a moment.

Carla: Mikasa, sometimes Eren doesn't think things through and Y/n can be reckless sometimes. When you three are in trouble, you must help one another.

Mikasa: Okay.

Mikasa follows after the two as Carla could only look on worried. Mrs. Ackerman comforted her, reassuring everything is going to be ok.

Somewhere else...

A couple of boys are bullying Armin in an alleyway.

Bully 1: What's wrong, heretic? If you don't like it, hit back!

Armin: No way. That would put me on your level!

Bully 1: What?!

Armin: You know what I said is true. That's why you're hitting me instead of arguing. Doesn't that mean you admit I win?

Bully 1: Shut your damned mouth!

Raises his fist about to hit Armin until they stop and heard someone yelling at them.

Eren: Stop it!

It was Eren who is seen running towards the boys with an angry expression.

Bully 1: That's Eren!

Bully 2: The fool's back. He wants to get his ass kicked?!

Bully 1: Let's give him what he wants!

One of the boys gets surprised as they notice Mikasa right behind Eren.

Bully 3: M-Mikasa's here, too!

Bully 1: N-No... Let's get out of here!

Running away out of fear as Eren stop right next to Armin.

Eren: They ran away when they saw me!

Armin: No, they ran when they saw Mikasa.

Then suddenly multiple screams are heard.

Bully 1/2/3: Aaaaaahhhhhh!!!

Armin, Eren, and Mikasa looks toward the direction of the screams as they see all three bullies on the ground unconscious and beaten up with Y/n standing over them.

Y/n: These guys again? When are they ever going to learn do not mess with one of my friends.

Armin: Y/n!

Y/n: Hey, Armin.

Y/n walks over to them as Armin tries to stand up.

Armin: Ouch...

Eren: Hey, are you okay, Armin?

Reaches hand out to help.

Armin: I can stand on my own.

Eren: All right.

Armin tries to stand up again but failed until Y/n help him up.

Y/n: Is ok to ask for help Armin. There's no point acting tough in front of us.

Armin nods.

Armin: Ok, thanks Y/n.


Y/n, Eren, Armin, and Mikasa all sit near a river as they discuss what happened earlier in the alleyway.

Armin: So, I said that humanity should go out into the world someday. And they hit me and called me a heretic.

Eren: Damn it. Why does everyone act like you're crazy if you want to go outside?

Y/n: Keep in mind, Eren. Everyone was trap inside these walls for hundreds of years now and they become so accustomed for them to stay inside then go out where the titan could get them out in the open.

Armin: And because staying within the walls has brought peace for a hundred years. They're afraid that if many of us venture out, we'll risk letting them in. So, the royal government declared any interest in the outside world taboo.

Eren: That's our lives we're risking, so it's our business!

Y/n: Not in their eyes. Even though I want to see the outside world so badly.

Mikasa: You can't. So, forget about it.

Eren: Come to think of it, why did you tell our parents?

Y/n: I thought we had an understanding.

Mikasa Huh? I don't remember ever saying I'd help.

Y/n: Mikasa.

Mikasa looks away not wanting to look at Y/n serious expression.

Armin: H-How did it go?

Eren: Mom got pissed that we even think about joining the Survey Corps.

Y/n: I get the feeling will never hear the end of it.

Eren: Blame Mikasa for it.

Mikasa: It for your own safety.

Y/n: Not helping.

Armin: I bet. But you're right. I wonder about those who think staying inside the walls will protect us forever. Just because the walls haven't been breached in a hundred years doesn't mean they won't be breached today...

Hearing this quote, Y/n has a brief flashback what the girl said in his dreams.


???: They're coming! THE TITANS ARE COMING!!!

End of Flashback...

Y/n: Hmmm.... *thought* What does she mean by that?

Suddenly a loud booming sound was felt through the ground as Mikasa, Eren, Armin, and Y/n felt explosion making fly up in the air a bit.

Y/n: What was that?!

Armin: Huh?

Eren: An explosion?

Citizen: Over there! I think something fell from the sky!

Armin runs off toward the direction of the explosion as Eren call out to him.

Eren: Hey, Armin!

Y/n, Eren, Armin, and Mikasa all run to the same place as the citizens stopping midway as Armin sees something terrifying.

Eren: What's wrong? What can you see?

All the citizens stare in horror at the top of the wall, above the gate at a giant hand grasping the wall tightly.

Armin: No way... That wall is fifty meters tall!

Eren: It's one of them... A Titan!

Y/n: How can it be that big?!

A huge shadow hovers over the city. The giant Titan's face appears with steam projecting mainly from the left side.

The rest of his un-fleshed body is shown from behind. He lifts up his right foot while gripping the wall. He kicks in the gate so fiercely that a current of wind blows anyone and anything close away within a hundred yards.

The top of a tower flies off. Debris from the stone gate falls viciously on various houses throughout the town. One boulder crushes a man as the town people run. Behind the giant titan, a flood of smaller Titans are shown heading towards the new opening in the gate. As the huge titan soon disappears having finished what it supposed to do.

Armin: It broke... a hole in the wall...

Y/n: No. *thought* So, this is what she meant...

A Titan walks through as citizens of the wall start panicking.

Citizen: They're coming inside! The Titans are getting inside!

Armin: We have to get out of here! Eren!

Eren is seen walking in the opposite direction of the people running away.

Eren: Our house is over there... mom!

Mikasa follow Eren from behind just as Armin called out to her.

Armin: Mikasa!

Armin stretches his hand out toward her but realizes how badly his hand is shaking. He has to hold it with his other arm.

Armin: It's all over... The Titans are going to take the city!

Y/n grab Armin by the shoulders to make him directly in his eyes.

Y/n: Armin, I need you to listen to me! And listen closely! I need you to find Hannes and let him know that Eren and Mikasa went back home to get Mrs. Jeager! Can you do that for me!

Armin: Y-Yes, I can do that!

Y/n: Good!

Y/n run towards the same direction where Eren and Mikasa went. While he's running through the streets, the voice from before came back.

???: *thought* You're not going to make it.

Y/n: It's you again... the voice...

???: *thought* They're not going to make it out alive.

Y/n stop running after hearing that.

Y/n: What do you mean by that?

???: *thought* Your whole family is about to perish. Unless you do something about it.

Y/n: You can't be serious...

???: *thought* I'm telling the truth.

Y/n: What do I do? How can I save them, please tell me.

???: *thought* You must harm yourself.

Y/n: What?

??? *thought* In order to access the power within you... you must inflict self harm on yourself to activate it.

Y/n: How would that help my family...?

???: *thought* Trust me. I'm trying to help you.

Showing a bit of hesitation, Y/n grabs a nearby broken glass. He places the tip of the broken glass on his hand ready to strike.

Y/n: I hope you're telling the truth... or else this is going hurt like hell.

Raising the broken shard, he then slams it down on his hand. The whole area where Y/n is standing gets covered by smoke and lightning.


Mikasa and Eren run through the town towards their house while witnessing all the tragedy.

Eren: Nothing hit my house! Once I turn that corner, my house will still be there!

Camera shifts into POV as he travels around the corner. However, when he made the turn, he sees his house is dismantled. His mom & Mikasa's mother are trapped under the roof.

Eren: Mom! Mom!

Mikasa: Mother!

Carla: Eren...

Mrs. Ackerman: Mikasa...

Eren: Mikasa, grab that side! We have to get this off them!

Eren and Mikasa try to lift the roof off them, the best they can. They hear the loud footsteps; turn to their left and see Titans walking. One is coming towards them.

Carla: Where's Y/n?

Eren: Hurry, Mikasa!

Mikasa: I know!

Carla: The Titans are inside, aren't they? Eren, take Mikasa and run! Now!

Eren: I want to run! So, hurry and get out of there!

Carla: Mine and Mikasa's mother legs got crushed by the rubble. Even if we get out, we can't run. You understand, don't you?

Eren: Then we'll carry you!

Eren and Carla begin to cry and yell at each other.

Carla: Why do you never listen to me?! At least listen this one last time!

Mikasa begins to cry.

Mrs. Ackerman: Mikasa, please listen dear.

Carla: Mikasa!

Mikasa: No... No!

Carla: If you don't go, all four of us will...

Hannes journeys in using his mobility gear.

Carla: Hannes! Take the children and run!

Hannes: Don't underestimate me, Carla. I'll defeat the Titan and save you all!

Hannes runs towards the incoming Titan while pulling his swords out.

Carla: Wait! Don't try to fight it!

Hannes: She's right. If it were just the kids, I could save them. But I'm going to repay that family for what they've done for me!

Hannes stops in his tracks. He's scared out of his mind as he stands only yards away from the Titan. He tremors as it looks down upon him with its wicked smile. Rethinks the situation, sheaths his swords, and grabs the children.

Eren: Wait, Hannes! What are you doing?!

Carla: Thank you.

Mrs. Ackerman: Goodbye, Mikasa.

Mikasa: Mother, no!

Eren: My mom is still back there!

Carla: Eren! Mikasa! You must survive!

Carla and Mrs Ackerman cries more and Carla cover her mouth, saying something under her breath.

Carla: Don't go...

The Titan removes the house debris with one swipe of the hand and picks up Eren's and Mikasa's mothers.

Eren: Stop!

Mikasa: No!

Before the titan could devour the mothers a loud and booming roar is heard basically shaking the whole area to its core.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

This was followed afterwards with the titan being punch across the face and letting go of the women in its grasp. They were soon quickly caught mid air before they could hit the ground.

Carla: What was that?

Mrs. Ackerman: ....

Carla realizes Mrs. Ackerman silence as she look up to see another titan in front of them but this time it's was different from others. Covered in black armor, razor sharp teeth, and eyes glowing red. Everyone who in that area couldn't believe what they were seeing. However, what it does next will shock everyone to their core.


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