Chapter 1

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Aphmau POV

I quickly run into the ruined house, a ripped bed cover over my head as a replacement of an umbrella as the heavy rain comes down. As soon as I get into the house, I sigh in relief before going to my shiny eevee, Silver. Who ran ahead of me with the basket of berries we collected for our dinner. This has been a routine for us to get berries everyday since I was four. Now I am sixteen. I found this house, or mansion, when I woke up in this forest and it had a huge library so I taught myself everything I need to know.

"Welcome back! The basket is in the living room. Be careful though, the thunder is coming closer." Silver informs me, coming closer. Now I know what people would think but I don't understand Pokemon. Silver was experimented on before I saved her because she was a shiny. We formed a bond and whatever they injected in her, made it so that she could talk telepathically to me.

"Okay. Let's go prepare dinner then!" I exclaim before going to the living room and grabbing the basket full of berries. This so sure to keep us going for the next few days! I hear thunder and lightning coming closer.

"Watch out!" Silver shouts. Suddenly, she uses tackle to knock me out of the way. A tree falls through the roof, crushing her. I quickly run up to her and push the tree off of her before picking up the unconscious eevee.

"Silver! Wake up, please!" I try to touch her but she flinches in pain. There is no other choice... I have to go into the city and go to a Pokémon centre. I quickly grab one of the cleanest blackest and cover her in it before running out of the house, immediately getting soaked from the rain as I am only wearing a ripped shirt with short sleeves and a pair of shorts. With my fast speed, I arrive in the city and jump over a car with a woman inside, still holding Silver tight in my hold.

"Hey! Wait!" She tries to get me to stop but I just run faster, jumping over a wall in an alleyway before running faster, making it into the Pokémon centre. Nurse Joy looks at me before looking in my arms.

"You poor thing! Right this way!" She takes Silver before her and Audino take her into a room. I sit outside as I watch them help her through the glass window. After a while, they are finished and invite me back in. "She is bruised in many places and has a sprained ankle but she should be fine for now. She isn't awake and cannot move so we will have to keep her here for the night but you are free to stay here." She tells me before leaving. I go into the room and sit in the chair next to her as Audino comes in with a towel, wrapping it around me.

"Thanks Audino" I tell the Pokémon.

"Aud Audino." She replies before leaving. I start to pet Silver, keeping away from the bandages so I don't hurt her.

"I am so sorry I let this happen to you. I should have been more careful." I sigh before sneezing. Good thing my body is mostly immune to the cold from living out in the woods. My parents abandoned me in the woods at the age of four after abusing me for the years before. Since then, nobody has shown me any love but Silver. I thought I had a friend but it turns out it was a joke so I stayed away from the city at all costs... well until today.

"Excuse me." I hear a knocking on the door. I turn to see the owner of the car that I jumped over. Oh no! Did I do something to her car? Why else would she be here. But I can't pay for any of the damage caused! I have no money! What if she takes me to an orphanage?

"C-come in." I stutter. I might as well gave the thunder. There is no escape for this now.

"Hello there. I noticed how you jumped over my car without touching it and then jumping over a wall with only one hand to support you. May I ask why that is?" She asks, sitting down next to me and looking at Silver.

"My friend got hurt protecting me. I'm sorry if I did anything bad and I will do my best to repay you for any damages but Silver was my top priority. She has been with me since the age of four." I tell her, never removing my eyes from my partner.

"Where did you learn how to run and jump like that?" The woman asks. She seems trustworthy.

"Please don't send me away but I live in the forest in an abandoned house. I always help the forest Pokémon there while scavenging for food and any resources I need. I guess I just learned it on the way." I tell her. She smiles at me.

"Would you help any Pokemon that is in danger?" She asks me.

"Yes. Definitely yes. They have all shown me more love in my life then I have ever been given. I wish to repay them as much as I can." I reply to her instantly.

"How would you like to join the Pokemon Ranger Academy located in Almia on a Scholarship? We will provide the rooms, the food and anything you need and all you have to do is attend classes as a student to become a Pokémon Ranger." She asks me. I look at her with wide eyes.

"But it is so hard to get into that school! Only the richest people can join!" I exclaim, shocked. There are other ranger schools but this is where the richest and smartest go to.

"Think of it as an honour. We need students like you who will risk jumping over moving cars in a storm just to help a Pokémon. Please accept this request and I promise you will never have to live in an abandoned house again." She tells me.

"I accept under one condition. Silver has to come everywhere with me, including classes." I tell her.

"Deal. You can call me Ms. April."

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