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Aphmau's POV
I walked to the plaza. With my hood over my face. " I HEARD INTRUDER!!!!!" I felt a sharp pain in my side and collapsed. I heard Garroth. Yelling. I looked up at the guards and said " Why..." And then I whisked away into another world. Everything faded. The last thing I saw was Garroth Devestated face. " Hello dear." I found myself in a white demonesion. I saw A familiar face. Wait could that be no it can't! It was grandma. " GRANDMA!!!" " Im not your grandma, I'm you."

" What?"
" Look down" I was wearing a white dress and white shoes, My hair was up in a BEAUTIFUL bun, And I had my Blue velvet cloak. But my hands, They felt lighter, and there was a swirling ball of magic on it.
" AHHHHHH" I looked up at Grand-Lady I-Me...
" what's going on?!"
" You are me but 900 years later."
" HOW?!"
" When I died I made a prophecy, A girl who was Brave, Smart, Friendly, Beutiful, And who needed me the most. Would help me, And somehow my phocephy never happend. Because O'Kasic broke it and they took it, But my soul got away and found your family.
" Wait so you mean I'm not real?!"
" That's for me to know and you to find out."
" I Belive you have a funeral to go to."
Then I was whisked away. I quickly put my hood on. That's when my body appeared in the wind in the air. I floated down and my dress was sparkling in the sunlight. My feet touched the gravel. Everyone stared at me. " INTRUDER!!!" And then I heard a whoosh and a arrow aimed right at me but it bounced off. My eyes widened. " Is that all your gonna say...?" What happened?! What's going on with me?! MEEEE HELP ME wait that sounded wrong... I turned around and saw I was in front of my grave. I gasped. I kicked it and it fell apart.
" WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!!!!" I heard wait was that... GARROTH?!
I turned around and saw him fuming at me.
" Garroth... It's me..." I slowly took of my hood. He gasped.
" A-A-Aphmau? APHMAU ITS YOU!!!!! " He ran to me and hugged me tight. He started shedding a little tears.
" Wha-how did you-when-whaaaaaaa?"
I turned and faced everyone. I heard a gasp.
" APHMAU!!!!!" I turned around and saw Zoey...

Idk why I went wedding theme with music DONT Ask XD
I don't own this music it's from YouTube
Aphmau if your reading this I want you to know that I am not a very good with details in writing but I wrote this book for you.
Sorry guys this music is makeing me Emoninal.

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