The village

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Aphffffffffffmau's POV
" Garroth we need supplies" " Ok Aphmau I'll go look for a village." " WAIIIIIIIIIIIIT I wanna gooooooooo" " fiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnneeeeeeee" she smirks. "Lemme get changed" I said. I awkwardly got changed behind a rock. My theme today was Galaxy. I quickly put my hair in a fishtail headband. I didn't want boys staring at me so I put on my cloak.i put the hood on with only showing my curls. Then I carefully put my sword on my back under my cloak. I came out from changing and walked to Garroth. " Are you ready?" " "Yup!" " Then Let's Go!"

Garroth's POV
We started walking to the edge. It was a long jump. We grabbed hands and jumped. Her cloak was flowing in the wind. We landed NINJAAAAAA style. We got up and walked. I took out a map. " which Area are we in?" " ummmm I think that one." She pointed to a small little island. That had a Lonnnnng bridge to a village. We started to walk calmly now like the day Would never end and we had all the time we wanted to get there. I kept glancing at Aphmau she looked so beutiful. Even with the cloak covering her face. She took out her little music stereo and plugged in earbuds. She started singing along. Not noticing I was listening she started singing " I have died everyday waiting for you..." She had a beutiful voice. I started humming along quietly. We reached the bridge.

It was sooooooooooooooo long. But Aphmau wasn't tired so I kept going. She walked like a royal Princess. Her cloak was dragging behind her and her hood covering her face. We walked for about 4 hours total. The sun was starting to set. It was getting dark. But the moon gave us light. We kept walking until we saw light coming from a village. We walked up to the gate. There were no guards. So we walked in. Everything was deserted. Then we saw a plaza. Everyone in the village was there. Someone said " Citezens of Pheonix Drop, The shadow Knights are coming this way. Aphmau and I must of surprised them because they were all scared. Well we did look kind of Scary. Aphmau's Cloak and my helm. All the guards were alarmed. " INTRUDER!!!" Uh oh. Just then Aphmau winced in pain and fell to the ground.

" APHMAU!" An arrow had sliced her side. " WHAT DID YOU DO!!" There were 2 gurads. One had brown hair and the other had blue hair. " WHY DID YOU DO THIS!!" They both tried to pick me up but I refused. Then Aphmau muttered
" why..."

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