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Garroth's POV
I woke up with the moon still up. Hmm I guess I did fell asleep. But why is the moon still up? Wait i think I slept through the day. The wind was blowing slowly and it felt amazing. I saw Aphmau sleeping on the edge of the cave. Her hair was blowing and her face was so peaceful. Part of me wanted to watch her but the other part said " That's creepy you shouldn't  be doing that unless your a stalker and the Garroth I know is DEFINTLY NOT A STALKER!!!" So I Snapped out of my trance. But something caught my eye. It was a piece of paper in Aphmau's hand. I carefully took the piece of paper. It was us when we first met. It was so cute.

Aphfffffffffffmau's POV ( Still get it? )
My eyes slowly opened. Did I still sleep through the daytime?! I guess I'm a vampire now. I chuckled. I sat up and stretched my arms. That felt good. I sniffed the air and I smelled a wonderful smell. It was CHICKEN!!! I turned around swiftly and saw Garroth cooking a chicken on a stick. I ran over to him and hugged him. " THANKYLUTHANKYOU!!!" He chuckled " your welcome" He gave me the feathers and said that I could use them! I was so excited that I ACCENDENTLY kissed him on the cheek. We started blushing. " Oops sorry I got too excited" " I-I-I it's ok"

I ran over to the edge and sat down. I took my backpack and dug threw it. I found some silk. Blue and lilac. I decided to make Garroth a pillow first. I got out my sewing kit that Zoey gave me. I took my golden needle and some blue thread. I stitched a shape onto the fabric. Then I sewed them together and filled it with feathers. Then I did the same for mine. It was sooooooooooo comfortable! " Aphmau Chicken's Ready!" " CHICKENNNNNNNN!!!!" I ran over to the chicken.  IT WAS AMAZANG!!!!

Garroth's POV
Er.mer.gersh. She really likes chicken. She kept biting into it not waiting to chew. I was afraid she might choke. She finally finished after she was done eating EVERY.SINGLE.CRUMB.OF.CHICKEN!! She grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the edge and we sat down and watched the stars. Her eyes twinkled in the moonlight. She looked excited. " guess what?!" " wha" she surprises me with a blue SILK pillow.

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