The flashlight that lead me to you.

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Garroth's POV
Aphmau came running out of the room with a grin on her face.
" Why are you grinning?"
" Cause I can" I rolled my eyes playfully. Aphmau started to droop her eyes. She was so tired that she fell asleep standing up. I made a bed out of blankets from my backpack. I scooped up Aphmau and layed her down on the blankets. Then I layed down next to her and took out my sketch pad. I drew her. I drew her Beutiful Jet black hair. I added Ruffles and some flowers. I drew her shirt, and her shorts, I drew her High Boots. Her Amber Eyes that always sparkled. ( The drawing is after Flashlight) I couldn't forget her hat. Once I was done I folded up the piece of paper and put it in my pocket.
Aphmau started stirring. I acted like I was sleeping.
Aphfffffffffffffffffmau's POV ( get it? )
I woke up to find myself on blankets. I saw Garroth next to me sleeping. I couldn't sleep. I found his sketch book on the floor. I quietly ripped a sheet off and sat at the edge of the cave. I decided to draw when me and Garroth met. I drew the trees and grass. I drew the camp I set up. Then I drew Myself lying down with Garroth looking down at me. I drew the snakes head staring at me. I chuckled at the memory. I remembered the want for chicken. I love chicken. I never finished the drawing, because I drifted off to sleep.

Sorry I haven't wrote today, I had a lot of things to do. BUT THAT WILL NEVER STOP ME FROM DOING THIS*does super man pose*

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