Chapter 10

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"Concentration!...48!...My turn...Your turn...The category is...?...Mom..?...Mom!" "H-Huh? What is it?" "Are you playing or not..." You huffed.

"Y-Yeah. Yeah I am. Sorry, I'm just--" "Distracted. Yeah, I know." You pulled away and leaned against the wall, clear irritation on your face.

Aphmau sighed, "Y/n, c'mon. I have to watch over Aaron." "No you don't. She's watching over Aaron."

"I know that but...we can't trust her just yet. We just met her. Weren't you the same way when you and I first met?"

"That was different. I was still new and fresh to the mysterious world you brought me in. You could have showed me a cat and i'd have to work my way up to trusting it. This woman is safe. She built a fire, saved Aarons life since you couldn't."

"Hey now..."

"And also saved my life! She's fine, she's good. I can feel it in here." "Your heart?"

"No, my stomach. Buuut..maybe that's cause i'm hungry. Or I have to poop. I don't know. Anyways, the only one who's being weird right now is you. Your jealousy is getting outta hand." "I am not jealous!"

"Yeah. You're not jealous even though this episode is titled 'Aphmaus Jealousy'." "Wait, what--" "Anyways. Can you just calm down for a few seconds? Aaron's fine."

"I know. But.." "...Ugh, nevermind." "Y/n--" "He's warming up..!" The mysterious woman called out as Aaron groaned and stirred in his sleep.

"Are you awake?" Aaron didn't answer besides his muffled grumble.

"Still needing more rest. I understand. You lost a lot of strength doing what you did. I still don't understand why you'd do such a thing."  The woman sighed. But she trailed off at Aphmau poutish sort of glare.

"You're still staring at me." "Hmph! No i'm not.." "Yeah you are." "Y/n! Who's side are you on here." "Hers. I thought I've made that very clear." "Wha--But--I'm your mother, you're supposed to be on my side!"

"Not when you're being irrational and petty."

"Oh, someones been expanding their vocabulary."

"Your gaze is as bright as fire..!" The woman breathed out, almost in shock.

"Is it really?" You beamed. "That's not...I just--" "A gaze like an Alpha." That caught your attention.

An Alpha?

You haven't heard that term in quite a long time...

If you remember right, an Alpha was the leader of a pack consisting of a male and a female wolf or werewolf.

But Aphmau was neither.

So how was her gaze similar to one?

"Something about your eyes...It's like an Alpha." "What do you mean?" You muttered.

"Is your Mother by chance a werewolf?" "I thought this was past me long ago..." Aphmau whispeared, making you look up instantly.

"MOM ARE YOU A WEREWOLF!? HOW COULD YOU KEEP THIS FROM ME!" "I'm not a werewolf. And even if I didn't tell you, you have no room to complain." "...Fair."

"I am not a werewolf. But, I've had experiences with werewolves before. And I'm actually raising one, obviously. So if my gaze reminds you of a wolf then that's why." Aphmau smiled, ruffling the top of your head.

"I see..."

You paused, staring at the woman.

Then you asked the question that continued to plauge Aphmaus mind and your own since this woman appeared, "You're friends with the wolves here, aren't you?"

"I am. You two seem rather calm about it. I understand why you aren't. You are a werewolf. But...why you?"

"We've heard rumors about the wolves around here. But like I've said, I've been with a bunch of werewolves. So the word 'wolf' doesn't scare me like a normal human."


Suddenly, a wolfs call could be heard in the distance making the woman gasp and head toward the entrance of the cave. And, of course, Aphmau took her shot to get next to Aaron who was still out 'cold'. ( ;DDDD...I'm sorry--)

"Aaron..Please. Wake up..!" She called.

You gave a small glance to Aaron before staring at the woman in entrance of the cave as she muttered stuff to herself in response to the wolves calls.

You and Aphmau approached her, questioning her sudden leave.

"What's going on?" "He has to wake up." "What? Why?" "Our Alpha is coming. If he sees him, he'll hurt him!" She frantically explained, running off toard Aaron again.

"Wait what?" "Who's your Alpha?" You and Aphmau questioned. But she didn't answer.

She put all her attention on Aaron in an attempt to wake him up.

"Wake up! Please!" "Hey! What're you doing to him!?" "He needs more of my body heat!" "Oh no he doesn't! Hey, get go of him!" "Oo! I have an idea! Let's slap him! EeeeeYA!"


"Y/N! NO!"


The woman was off to the side now as Aphmau and yourself took Aarons right and left side, trying to warm him up so he'd awaken again.

You didn't know who this Alpha was, but you could feel the womans stress.

So, in turn, you too became stressed. You wanted to slap Aaron again. But you had a feeling Aphmau wouldn't be happy if you did that.

You snapped from your thought when Aaron started to groan, causing your tail to wag.

"He's waking up!" You beamed. "Ugh...Aph? Y/n?" "Little one, move." "Wait what?"

In a flash, you were away from Aaron and the woman was heating him up again coaxing Aaron into consciousness.

You would've been irritated had it not been for Aaron slowly opening his eyes.

" feel so warm....Huh!?"

Slowly turning his head, Aaron flinched in surprise at the woman who was not his girlfriend or daughter clinging to his arm with a nervous smile.

"Ehehehe..." "Whoa--What the-!?" Aaron jumped, leaping off of the woman and infront of the furious Aphmau.

Oh, this'll be good.

Scrouchy had to see this.

"Who are you!"

" 'You're so warm'...what was that supposed to mean?" "Aph! Y/n! You two are here!"

"Hi!" You waved. "Of course we are. Remember?" "What's going on!?"

"I wanted to thank you for before. For what you did in the forest!"

The forest?

The forest...

Oh! With that wolf pup!

"What'd you do in the forest Aaron!?" "I-I have no idea what's going on!" "I do!" "Oh do you now, Y/n?"

"O-Okay, good. Y/n, can you enlighten me in what she's talking about!?"

"Mm...No. This is funny." "Ugh, You adorable brat-!"

"I didn't know men could be so kind and gentle. The child too!" "WHAT!? Infront of Y/n!? With Y/n!? Aaron if what I think happened is what happen..!"

"I-I don't know what she's talking about!...Whoa!"

Oh! Aphmau threw a rock! Fun!

"You better know what she's talking about it I--" "Y/n, I'm begging you. Elaborate, please." "Fine, Fine. But you owe me. Mom, she's talking about--"

Before you could finish, however, a wolf call drew everyone into silence.

"Wait..What..?" "We need to leave now!" "What!? Hey don't change the subject--" "Mom! Listen to the lady! She knows more than you do about the woods!" You waved about.


You didn't wait for an answer as you made a break for the entrance of rhe cave, but Aphmau grabbed your arm and held you back much to your dismay.

"Wha--Out in the snow?" "Mom, let go..!" "Y/n, you were literally about to freeze to death. I'm not letting that happen again!"

"We have no choice! We've waited too long! We'll get to another cave, but if the Alpha finds us here who knows what he will do! Please, I'll help you three back home But we have to go!"

The woman didn't wait for an answer
before she ran out and back into the woods.

You prepared to run after her but Aphmau still had a tight grip on your arm. It was rather annoying...

"Should we follow her?" "Ugh...I don't know what's going on. But if an alpha is coming, things could get violent. We should go." "Which is exactly what I've been saying! Aphmau, let go of me!" You whined.

Aphmau and Aaron jumped just a little at the use of her name instead of Mom making Aphmau let go just as you asked.

"Finally." You grumbled.

"Sorry Y/n. I didn't think I was bothering you that bad." "Its fine. Can we go now?" "Yeah, okay. But Aaron?" "Yeah?"

"You're gonna tell me what happened between you two when this is over..." Aphmau glared.

That made Aaron jump while you only rolled your eyes.

This again? Aphmaus Jealousy was growing to be a pain.

"Aph, I don't know what she's talking about!" "Are you three coming!? Hurry!" "I'm coming!" You called, running after the woman just as she requested.

"Y/n--! Ugh..We'll talk later."

Giving up, Aaron and Aphmau followed the woman into the snow catching up to you who avoided their gaze. You felt a bit guilty for snapping at Aphmau, but it's not that you were mad.

You were just..stressed and annoyed with how irrational she has been recently.

Especially with the jealousy towards a woman who had just saved her life. It was childish and petty.

Also, you just..liked the woman.

She smelt like wolf.

Which comforted you.

You weren't sure why, maybe it was because you've never met another werewolf before.

And when you did, the expeirence wasn't great.

But in anycase, she could be trusted.

You knew it.

So the fact Aphmau wasn't helping at all with her constant jealousy wasn't endearing in the slightest.

"Quick! In here, hurry!" The woman shouted.

You would've went inside instantly had it not been for that fimilar smell. Have you been here before? Ignoring the thought, you inside with the woman who stopped to look around for a moment.

"Where are we?" "Dunno...but this place smells fimilar." "It's a cave system. If we follow the right paths, we should make it back to your homes."

" do you know?"

"We use these caves a lot. Come, this way."

You went to follow, but Aaron was the one who stopped you this time.


You didn't know.

But you didn't like it.

"Wait a sec, sweetpea. I don't know if we should trust her..." Aaron sighed.

"Well appearently your trusted her enough in the woods." "Aph--" "I trust her." You suddenly spoke.

The woman stopped to listen while you only stared up at Aphmau and Aaron with a smile. Though, your hands were trembling.

"She makes me feel warm and safe. And she saved you and Mom in the snow. She wouldn't do all of that for nothing right?" You grabbed Aarons hand, "Don't worry Dad. If you're scared I won't let her do anything to you! It's okay!"

Aaron and Aphmau exchanged a smile at the sentiment while the woman looked off into the distance, almost in a guilty way.

"You're sweet." Aaron chuckled, rubbing the side of your ear.

You leaned into the touch as Aphmau bent down to kiss your nose.

"Just don't let it cloud your judgment." "Hehe, says the one who's being mean cause of jealousy." You giggled, running off before Aphmau could get to you.

"Uh--Get back here, you!" Aphmau laughed, chasing you threw the cave to get to the woman.

Aaron smiled softly at the two of you. He was happy you weren't as scared and anxious now. And you're smiling again despite everything that just happened.

He'd do anything to protect that smile.

And so, he kept going.

"This way!" Aphmau eventually caught up to you, lifting you into the air panting.

She'd try to mask her tiredness with laughs but even you saw threw that.

"You..sure are...Fast, mija!" "..? Mom? Are you okay?"

That made Aaron stop and turn around.

"Hah..Hah...How are you three able to run so fast? I'm tired. Exhausted. And hungry." Your ears fell as you wriggled out of Aphmaus arms and to the ground.

"Oh no! Sorry, I didn't realize I was going so fast. Forgot you didn't eat."

Well, you didn't either and were still keeping up but that was besides the point.

"Nah..It's alright, Y/n. Not your fault." "We're almost there. Come on, me and Y/n will walk with you." "Yeah!"

Unfortunately, in the midst of walking the three of you ended up losing sight of the woman you were ment to be following.

"Where did she go!?" "Uhh..Y/n?" "Hm?...Oh yeah!" You sniffed the air, sneezing when a speckle of dust entered your nose.

"Uhm...I don't know. Her smell is different. Its funky, I can't tell." "Yeah...I see what you mean." Aaron sniffed.

"Lets try this way." Aphmau pointed. "Right."

The three of you took a different route down the cave, and the walls started to change..color? Aaron explained that it was because the three of you must have entered a different terrian so the rocks must be different too.

You didn't... completely understood what he meant..? But pretended to anyways.

You looked around in amazment at the new area, but made sure not to wonder off and explore. Aphmau and Aaron wouldn't be happy if you did that.

" underground cavern." "This is crazy, how is this even here?" "Dad...what's going on?" Aaron opened his mouth to speak when your ears raise up attentivly as a fimilar smell entered your nose.

"Help! Please, someone help!" Lucinda..? "Lucinda!?" "Luci!" The three of you called in surpruse. She in a cage.

But why?

How did she even get up there!

There was someone elses smell..but they weren't here yet.

You were a little nervous to go down, but Aaron lifted you up into his arms and forced you anyway. So it wasn't like you had a choice.

"Aphmau! Aaron! Y/n! Is that really you!?" "Yes! It's us!" "Is" You muttered, thinking back to how Michi tricked you and Aaron earlier.

"Wha--Yes. How did you three get here?" "I should be asking you that." "Yeah, why're in a cage? Is"

"Does it look like I'm having fun, Y/n!?"


You felt your ears fall at Lucindas harsh tone making the witch let out an exasperated sigh. She didn't mean to snap at you.

"How did you end up in here?" "It's a long story..Just know that we're in danger!" Danger? All a didn't feel safe anymore. "What do you mean..." You tested.

"Look, I don't know what exactly is going on...but someone is down here and they're doing something terrible."

"Like what?"

"I..Don't know what they're up to. But they're making potions that last...forever."

"Forever.." You winced.

Asher told you about these once. He told you nobody should ever make potions that last forever.

No matter what it's for.

They're dangerous and leads to horrible things. The thought alone made you tremble in fear.

"What? That's impossible!" " is." "No, i-it's not! I learned in high school that permanent potions aren't a possibility."

"Mom, Lucinda is a legit witch! Why would she lie about something like that. Maybe...You don't know what you're talking about!" You snapped, ears falling back in a predatory way.

"Y/n! You better raise your ears this instant young lady." Aphmau glared.

However, you only continued, a growl beginning to rise in the back of your throat.

"You. Better. Not." "Y/n, calm down-" "Make. Me. Jer--Ow!" You hissed, holding onto the side of your mouth.

"What happened? Is Y/n okay?" "She's okay, Lucinda. Just been having mouth pain recently. Me and Aph just haven't been able to take her to the doctor yet."

"I've told you already, growling makes
it worse." Aphmau scolded, looking at the inside of your mouth.

"Well ooo ere' ugging me. So it's you're hault coo!" You huffed, speaking around your open mouth.

"Girls, now is not the time for this, continue Lucinda." "Y/n is right. Aphmau, I am a witch! I've been studying this for years. Trust me, these kinds of potions do exist and...they're dangerous."


"I know! Asher told me stuff about it! They're forbidden and not allowed at all. Nobody knows the real name for em'. But he told me you called them, 'Forever Potions'."

Lucinda couldn't help but smiled at the thought of her pupil, "At least that kid is remembering some of the things I've taught him...Look, they were supposed to come out of circulation more than 100 years ago. I have no idea how this person is managing to make them but they have. And they used a potion on Zane!"

Your eyes widened in shock.

Zane was alive?

And had a potion effected on him?

This was bad...really bad.

You suddenly heard the rumble of rocks and turned your head at the sound as did Aphmau and Aaron. You didn't like it. You didn't like it at all.

"What was that..." "He's coming back. Quick! You three need to go!" "Hey! No! We-We can't leave you! Right? Aaron?" "Uhh--" "We aren't leaving you!" "You need to!"

"Aaron! Quick! Help me find a way to get her down! Y/n, go stand over there. Can't have you getting hurt." "Erm..."


You yelped and ran as far as you could away from the cage. You took Scrouchy in your arms and sat down, holding him close.

It's okay, Y/n. You've dealt with bad men before.

If you have Scrouchy, nothing can get you.

Gonna hide somewhere later.

Yeah, hiding is good.

Everything's fine...Everything's fine...Everything's fine...Everythings-

Footsteps could be heard in the distance?

You felt your breath pick up.

"Da-Dad? Mom?" You whispeared. But they couldn't hear you. They were too set on getting Lucinda out.

Breath Y/n...Breath--

"Guys'! Think of your kid! If he gets his hand on her...It's too dangerous! Think about Y/n right now! Get her out of here! If you three get caught...we're doomed..." "...She's right," Aaron finally agreed, "We have to get Y/n out of here." "We'll...We'll be back for you!"

"Just..remember this. Whoevers doing this isn't a person or witch. These persons spells aren't powerful. This person is new to this. There's no way they know a lot about these potions. You guys have the upper hand."

"Auntie..Luci.." You whispeared.

"Now, go!" Aphmau and Aaron ran away as fast as they could, scooping you up in the process leaving Lucinda in her cage with irene knows who. You didn't care though, as selfish as that may sound.

You were scared.

The only thing you wanted to do right now was find somewhere to hide. You need to hide.

"Lucinda..." "She'll be fine. She's a strong woman." "I know. But...If anything happens to her--"

"She was right. We need to get out of here if we're going to help." "We were here before." You whispeared.

"Huh? What do you mean, Y/n?" You didn't answer, opting to just bury your face into Aarons shoulder.

"Wait...This place. Is fimiliar. This way!" Aaron called. 'Lucinda...' You think as Aaron continued to run as fast as he could to the exit of the cave system.

' okay.'


The three of you had emerged from the cave when you opened your eyes. You were back in that room again. Aphmau and Aaron were panting as Aaron set your scarred self back on the ground.

"Lu...Lucinda." Aphmau whimpeared.

"Aph...we'll get her back. I promise."

"She said...Zane was effected by the potion. If that's true...then...what does he know?" "We should try to talk to him." "Yeah...Let's go--Y/n? Y/n!? Aaron, where'd Y/n go!" Aarons expression turned into one of panic as he looked down where you were meant to be standing, only to be met with nothing.

"Y/n! Y/N! Do you think she went back down there for Lucinda!?" "She knows better than that. But...Oh..."

"Y/N! Y/N COME BA--"

"Shhh..." Aaron shushed, holding a hand to Aphmaus lips.

He slowly turned her head with his hand and pointed downward to the bed in the room. Aphmau felt relief fill her body, but an ache at her heart at the same time.

There you were, under the bed, holding Scrouchy while curling in on yourself.

Your eyes were wide and frantic as you darted them around the room before flinching when Aphmau and Aarons faces popped up in your view.

"Hey, sweetpea.." "What are you doing under here mija?"

You paused and turned away. But it didn't take long for you to turn back to the pair and answer their question.



"It's safer this way. Always has been."

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