Interview with AziaElga

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Hello, fellow disciples! We've been searching far and wide for individuals who have cultivated for a long time. This month, we bring you an interview with AziaElga, the author of The Lightning Mage.


Tell us a bit about yourself!

Hello! I go by Azia Elga on this platform, and I'm a scientist by day, and hobby writer by night. I love writing romances, especially sapphic romances. Because I was born and raised in the tropical country Singapore, I will always include tons of Asian characters and perspectives in my stories as well. 

What is your writing process? Do you outline everything or write as things come to mind? Why?

I used to write as things come to mind, but I usually write five chapters or so before losing steam. When I outlined the entire story before writing, I found that that was way more effective for me. I am way more motivated when I can see the entire journey of every characters in my mind as I write.

What are some things that influenced your story?

MapleStory, a game I played for years in my childhood, influenced the magic system in my Fantasy book, The Lightning Mage. One of my favorite jobs in the game is the Ice Lightning Mage, and so I made my main character a lightning mage as well. The entire quest system in the world is also me trying to integrate the game into the real world. 

Tell us about the main character of one of your stories. What inspired their creation?

As mentioned above, the main character in The Lightning Mage, Lyn Bronte, is a character inspired by one of the jobs in MapleStory. The other main character in the book is Cydney Yen, and she is inspired by many isekai anime that I've watched. The idea of a "normal" person going to a magical world is intriguing to me, and Cydney is an imagination of me being sent to a magical world and how I would potentially deal with that.

What were some challenges you experienced while writing the story?

The story of The Lightning Mage is extremely long, at least in my standards. It took me a little more than one year to finish writing it, and I have to admit there were many times along the year that I just want to stop writing this book to write another story. I also got too lost in the plot and that affected the pacing in the book. I am so proud of myself for achieving this feat, but I also learned a lot during this process. I am hoping to tackle my next giant project with more writing experience under my belt.

What message do you hope your story will tell your readers?

When life gives you lemons (or sends you into another dimension where you have to fend for yourself for years), stay resilient because you never know what (or who) the journey will give you. 

If you woke up in a time or place that was very different from reality, what would you do?

Oh wow, I have it all detailed out in The Lightning Mage. Can I plug that book one more time here? xD

If there was something you could learn (i.e., some spell, some martial arts, etc.) like the main character in your book, what would it be?

Lyn's lightning abilities. I would love to summon lightning from the sky to zap at things. Or create small amounts of electricity enough to charge a phone on the go. ;)

Would you rather go through a lifetime of never finding love or be willing to go through several lifetimes of hardships just to save your love? Why?

I am old and jaded and tired of hardships, so I will be choosing the first option. Reading and writing about romance gives me all the flutters that I need, and I'd be able to live my lifetime doing all the things I love. 

What is your favorite creature from Asian mythology or folklore? Why?

I wouldn't say he is a creature but I love the Monkey King. He is an overpowered character who is also flawed in a very realistic way. I've always loved reading all about his adventures.

What is your favorite Asian myth? Why?

Haha, I sort of answered this in the previous question! Journey to the West is my favorite Asian story ever, and I must have watched a million different rendition of it. The flawed Monkey King, the monk who's trying his best, Sandy and Piggy who are the best side kicks, and the entire realm of heaven packed with lore. It's great, everyone should learn about it!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, AziaElga! We wish you the best of luck in your writing endeavors.

Until the next chapter, fellow disciples!

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