Interview with starisredy

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Hello, fellow disciples! We've been searching far and wide for individuals who have cultivated for a long time. This month, we bring you an interview with starisredy, the author of Lightless Twin Soul.


Tell us a bit about yourself!

I'm a Filipino writer who writes whatever it is I wish to read and reread over and over again, with a bent toward speculative fiction and slice of life. I discovered my love for fiction through a Filipino-published novel that started on Wattpad, "Diary ng Panget." Eventually, there came a time when I wondered if I could write something, too. From then on until now, my writing journey continues to be one where my number one target audience is myself!

What is your writing process? Do you outline everything or write as things come to mind? Why?

It depends on each story draft. But for all of them, I do not pants. The most pantser I can get is with LTS (Lightless Twin Souls), where I have a vague one-sentence summary for each chapter that I later scrapped as the story moves towards a slightly curved but more desirable tangent. Generally, there's taking down notes and research, writing summaries of events, drafting and rough scenarios. It all comes down to having a firm idea of where I want the story to go.

What are some things that influenced your story?

The lack of intimate adult brothers in fiction pushed me to create the close sibling relationship between the twin leads in Lightless Twin Souls. I've also always been into writing revenge stories. Still, for this one, one of the major influences is Vinland Saga, a Japanese manga (now also an anime) that incorporates the journey of a young man lost in hatred and vengeance to emptiness, despair, regret, rebirth, and later having to face the vengeance of his victims, etc. Lightless Twin Souls incorporates similar things from more than one character and both sides with glaring perspectives.

Tell us about the main character of one of your stories. What inspired their creation?

"Juan San Miguel" is a name of a place I've been around in the Philippines, and have then thought I wanted to write a character with the English variation of that name. John St. Michael, better known as JD, is the aftermath of a man who used to live his whole life in a life that was forced onto him because he didn't know how he wanted to live, what to live for, and had no real place to belong to. I wanted to write a character with this background, who also happens to be an incredibly doting older brother who his younger brother always overshadowed. And instead of jealousy ruling over to pave the way for hatred and rivalry, he harbors great pride and affection for his 'other half,' creating a close and cute sibling relationship between them.

What were some challenges you experienced while writing the story?

Deadline and perspective. I started this story for a contest we know as the Open Novella Contest, and it had a three-month deadline to finish the entire novella. Another is my chosen perspective: third omniscient. It wasn't my first time tackling the POV, but the biggest challenge in that area was avoiding the infamous head-hopping issue. Though I daresay, I overcame that hurdle decently or quite well in LTS.

What message do you hope your story will tell your readers?

Vengeance breeds vengeance. It's a never-ending cycle of despair. It will not give your soul the peace it needs. (Of course, there are special cases, but that's not the point of this story so XD.)

If you woke up in a time or place that was very different from reality, what would you do?

Navigate first what period or what kind of world it is through observing or attempting to interact with people who seem friendly. Find safety, and then figure out a way to return or find someone who may know of a way. I could also figure out how I got transported here in the process. And maybe try to enjoy it—if it's not too dangerous a place, that is.

If there was something you could learn (i.e., some spell, some martial arts, etc.) like the main character in your book, what would it be?

Martial arts, definitely. I have very basic knowledge of one martial art—only the most basic defensive moves.

Would you rather go through a lifetime of never finding love or be willing to go through several lifetimes of hardships just to save your love? Why?

The younger (and future) me might consider the latter, but the present me would go for the former. I'm happily experiencing romance, but I have personal qualms about committing to someone, being married, and having a family. I think a big influence at play in my decision is my asexuality.

What is your favorite creature from Asian mythology or folklore? Why?

Byakko. It directly translates to White Tiger in Japanese. It represents a lot of different things, but the main reason I've grown a soft spot for it is due to a character I like in an anime series with the power to transform under the moonlight. A beast beneath the moonlight, as some would call it.

What is your favorite Asian myth? Why?

The Red Ogre That Cried. I like the elements in here—the pretense, sacrifice, and somewhat late realizations of one's true feelings in this. Those things can breed many possibilities for both parties, and I love how it all has such great potential to be depressing and tragic yet beautiful and meaningful.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, starisredy! We wish you the best of luck in your writing endeavors.

Until the next chapter, fellow disciples!

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