Underwater Fantasy - Contest Winner

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Hello, fellow disciples! Today, we bring to you the story of Unfortunate Soul by KagomeBiyori, our contest winner for our Underwater Fantasy writing challenge!

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When the gills no longer expel air for the fish, that's when they die. When all their scales are peeled off, then a painful misery dominates the screams of sorrow drowning in water. When no one was looking, the strange creature crawled on the seabed, looking for a way out of the darkness. Don't know how long the strange fish moved like a devouring beast, and forever she didn't see a white speck of light.

"Aren't we His creations!? Does He also love to make me suffer, for His own hands!? Since I'm not perfect, I should be the one who should stay silent and not live that life!? You better feel what I feel now! "

She did not accept. The legs that had always been the pride of her creatures were now bleeding, unable to develop the beautiful layer of colorful tails. Nothing, she couldn't feel her hands anymore, she leaned too much to just wipe away her red tears.

The sand was starting to hate her, making itself sharper to the body with more than half of the bones ripped out of place. The afterlife rejected her so much that she couldn't rest yet.

She who is a diva is now fighting on a giant stage called life, without an audience, without the glare of her favorite light.

Little by little, the water rippled, the sharp grains shifted, and the air bubbles rose low so that they were only inches but there was movement. Until a large rock hole appeared in front of her, and without thinking the poor creature continued to move towards her.

The cold had not dissipated, even the frost was piercing, but there was nothing to stop her steps. Quick, fast, that was her second thought. She was looking for something, that would help her. Have to be more careful, and look around. Don't let anyone notice, luckily she was alone there.

The increasingly slippery and pointed stones blocked her way. It didn't matter that the laceration was getting worse, until the moment she thought her intestines had been scattered on the rocks.

The cold atmosphere when she entered the middle of the stone cave made her body shiver. The large stone that became the source of light in the middle helped her to move quickly because finally the emerald was not blinded by darkness anymore.

The stone had pebbles scattered under it, so she had to use it as a support for her body. Luckily the top of the stone was slightly flat, so she could sit looking straight at the wounds especially those on the front of her body.

'Terrible,' the contents of her mind were not much different. With her stomach ripped open and lots of pebbles stuck there, it was no wonder the scent of blood plates wafted right under her nose.

Her finger slowly stroked the stone, feeling the roughness of the surface, and a series of engravings that could only be read when touched.

Braille, that's what's used there.

'If only I wasn't used to this it would take a long time to finish. And again, my time could be extended.'


"Hah! Everyone will never be my friend. You don't have to be afraid if I fall into a useless feeling called friends. Those who started this, but they are also the ones who ended it, are responsible aren't they?"

And the stone gave off even more light, blinding anyone who saw it, not forgetting to take what she had to take now.


Hot air invaded the skin of the humans beneath. The sun as the peak of summer this year is getting more intense with every breath taken by the youths who are getting ready to board their rented minibus. Vehicles that take to a tropical island which is a school holiday tourist destination are traveling at a moderate speed, considering the incline that is now being passed sometimes causes accidental casualties.

It was almost three hours from the city to the harbor on the cruise ship that had been waiting for the students to arrive.

Five of them, this is just a small vacation plan before they go back to school next month. A small fishing island in the interior became the chosen destination, calculated as a lesson for the future, said two of them.

Thoughts that are too far-fetched but great thinking.

"Hey, Micky! Have you unloaded all the things? We have to get on the boat quickly if we don't want to miss it," a boy who looked like his older brother approached. The movement of the hand lowering the stacked suitcases from the trunk seemed annoyed at the sudden scream.

"Can't you see what I'm doing? You'd better help me too, Sherly."

"You useless brother. No wonder you are wrinkled, your eyebrows are always curled up against your sullen face."

"What did you say—"

"Brother Micky, Sherly, come on, the more you two fight the longer we will get on the boat. Liam and Lou are already 'smiling sweetly' there," suddenly three heads of different manes looked back, and sure enough the other two brothers mentioned looked like that. Annoyed even though their faces did not stop smiling.

"John, come back here or you'll get hit in the head by my cutter," the younger sister prepared to pick up her favorite sharp object, which she always carries around, as extra information for you.

"I think sea birds will be happy to get fresh human flesh thrown into them," now the gentle voice of the older sister perfected the dark aura behind the two.


The distinctive sea air with the sunshine that became his friend took the five teenagers to the island they had rented. Starting from Sherly's invitation, who felt bored if they had to spend a month lying down, it was decided that they would visit a rural tourist attraction. There will also be a festival here, which is a good coincidence to close this summer.

The shipwreck became their stop after arranging their respective luggage in the room. The trip would take all day, and they would stay over for a quick night's sleep. And the remaining time now will not be wasted just being silent.

"Sherly wait for me! Ouch, you just like a worm that can't even see the clear sky a bit."

"Be careful John, don't go too far or you'll fall ..!"

Exhales sounded tired along with a small laugh that witnessed the running action of the two thick friends.

Lou is too resigned to have her lover tired of Sherly's strange behavior. The woman with short blonde hair who was wearing purple overalls chose to sit with Liam, her second older sister who was also lying relaxed on a long chair reading her book.

"Those guys, there's not a day without chaos!"

"Haha, let them, Lou, we're on vacation after all."

"Sister, you pamper them too much let alone that annoying geek ..!"

"He's also a big conglomerate kid, so he's not that 'crazy' Lou," not wanting to continue teasing her little sister who will soon turn into a boiled crab because her face was so red, Liam turned her gaze towards the man leaning against the wall near them, with one hand holding a cold drink.

Slowly leaving Lou who decided to read a cooking magazine, Liam approached Micky. There were one or two things that made him curious about their journey from the start. And the person he knows can answer is Sherly's older brother.

"You look stiff for a vacation with the family. Is there anything that's bothering you?" A common question, but for the two of them it was nothing more than an interrogation that drew the consciousness of the other person to reveal every available information.

"Sorry if I made you uncomfortable Liam. The hot air does bother me a bit," a nice evasion, but not Liam if she stops.

"At least this year not many people fainted from the heat, in contrast to last year where the cases were very high. I'm thankful it rains a lot, you know, Lou is a little weak when it's too hot or too cold."

A highly educated woman, a genius that cannot be underestimated, as Micky's impression the first time they met. His smile floated, he couldn't keep his mouth shut any longer. "I just thought of a fairy tale book I read a week ago. The story of a mermaid who was tortured because her friends were jealous of her beautiful voice. She was ostracized and used like a farm animal to make money. The lover she thought was defending her turned out to be just toying with her feelings and cutting off her proud tail. their people. A tragic story, oddly enough it was placed in the children's story area."

Deep brow furrows were seen not only on Micky but on Liam as well. Stories that are so scary and unethical when placed on the children's side.

"Liam! Come on over here fishing with me!"

"How can we fish here Sherly!?"

"John don't go near that bum!"

The noise not far from them realized that now was not the time to fantasize about other things. "Sorry I scared you. We'd better join them and enjoy the holiday as you said."


That afternoon they decided to dive into going to the festival in the evening as promised. After filling their stomachs, the five of them began to prepare the equipment that would be used later.

Silently when Micky packed his backpack, there was a buzz from the beach that caught his attention.

Their inn is in the form of a residential house with large windows overlooking the open sea. Micky, who was so intrigued by what he was hearing, had unwittingly opened the side glass door, which led straight to the sea. His bare feet walked without noticing the sharp grass prickling them.

He hadn't gone far before his hand was pulled hard from behind, causing him to almost fall if he didn't quickly balance his body.

"Don't walk while daydreaming, how are you doing?" Sherly's annoyed voice returned his focus. Shaking his head slowly Micky just patted his brother's shoulder before turning back and finishing his preparations.

Sherly who looked at her sister's back narrowed her eyes. He turned around and found the sea water calm, perfect for those who were about to dive at that time. "But this calm is a little scary," he didn't care too much. Sherly also came in and finished his luggage.

In short, as they walked now the wind was getting louder because everyone was already on the boat again heading for the place where they were going to dive. The guide who explained the procedure was listened to by all even though they already knew about it.

Unlike the one who lost his focus again. The faint whisper now sounded clear, so clear that his hands were clenched into fists with curiosity to reach for the voice.

The tone that is sung is so melodious, defeating a soprano who is trying to reach the highest note. Geishas would be jealous of the beat, and people from the opera house would be blown away by it.

"Okay, when everything is ready we can go straight into the water," those words seemed to encourage him to grab a breathing apparatus and immediately throw himself, uniting all his senses on the blue seawater.

Silence because the void of thick water greeted him. Bubbles guided his path, leading him to a cave that at some point arrived before him. The big-mouthed stone wasn't scary when he saw a small light emanating from it, leading him into a room with tables and chairs arranged like a dining room. The plate that was arranged on it had no contents, unlike the glass which had a purplish red liquid inside.

"Who is this? Can a guest be so impudent by entering uninvited?" The figure said quietly, coming out from behind the booth that Micky had not noticed before.

Understanding that he couldn't make a sound, the mysterious figure smiled a little. She swam to the dining table, took a glass, and drank its contents all at once. It was only then that Micky realized that if he could let go of his breather, the cave had steps that he could cross.

After removing his heavy equipment Micky could see the beautiful curves of the mermaid. Why mermaids? Because with one glance he could deduce how beautiful the carving on the green tail was shining in the sun.

"I thought you'd be accompanied by two eels or something like that?"

"I'm not so low as to enslave other sea creatures. It's quite fun here anyway. Ah, you want some wine?"

One glass is given right in front of him. Somewhat hesitant before Micky dared to hold the thing himself. As if understanding, the mermaid again poured the wine into the glass and drank it completely, demonstrating that there was no poison. Suddenly with a bad feeling, because he had been rudely accused carelessly, Micky also drank the wine out of his glass.

A smile was evident on the thin lips of a mermaid with long brown hair and emerald eyes that matched her tail. A line of slow hums was chanted, it fascinated anyone who listened to it.


The big body fell motionless, unfortunately, the mermaid who stared only continued to mutter the smooth tone of his work. With a soft hand, she caressed the cold cheek of the man.

"Some say that even if you are invited in, your tongue will not necessarily accept what you are given. Poor humans who only know how to ensnare and eat our flesh will not be able to know about this courtesy," and the once beautiful tail turned into eight feet with a dark color just like her face now.

"It's about time I started my revenge on 'my herd' and 'humans'. Thanks for hearing my song, Micky."


*For the one who comes to this place, I shall give you the power that you desire. You, as the son of Goddess of the sea, then I will permit you to use me as your spear. Your enemies may become your enemy too. Do not trust anyone, then I will become your power. I grant your wish, then tell me what is yours.

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Thank you for participating in the contest and congratulations on your placement, KagomeBiyori!

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