Turkic Mythology - Legend #1: Oghuz Legends

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Oghuz Khan was a precocious youth. He was born to Qara Khan, the leader of the Turkic people. He spoke right after he was born. After drinking his mother's milk for the first time, he switched to meat and kymyz (an alcoholic drink made from fermented horse's milk). Then after forty days he became a young adult.

His first accomplishment was to kill a dragon named Kiyant. This made him a hero in the eyes of his people. He was then able to bring the clans together by creating a warrior band of the forty sons of forty Turkic lords. This threatened his stepmother's and half-brother's position, since his half-brother was set to inherit the throne. They went to his father who then in turn planned to assassinate Oghuz. Oghuz learned of his father's plot, and killed his father. Now Oghuz was Khan. His stepmother, who was Chinese, and his half-brother then fled for Chinese lands.

The new Khan travelled alone to the steppes. He then prayed to Tengri, the god of creation or the great sky. During his time of worship, he saw a circle of light coming from the sky. Within the light appeared a beautiful girl. Orhuz fell in love and married her. They had three children, all sons. They were named Gün (Sun), Ay (Moon), and Yıldız (Star). Orhuz found another beautiful girl inside a tree. She became his second wife. They also had three children, all sons. They were named Gök (Sky), Dağ (Mountain), and Deniz (Sea).

Oghuz Khan gave a feast with his lords to celebrate his wives and sons. Then he gave his order to the lords:

"I have become your Khan;

Let's all take swords and shields;

Kut (divine power) will be our sign;

will be our uran (battle cry);

Our iron lances will be a forest;

will walk on the hunting ground;

More seas and more rivers;

Sun is our flag and sky is our tent."

After this declaration, the Khans of the Four Directions received letters from Orhuz, stating: "I am the Khan of the Turks. And I will be Khan of the Four Corners of the Earth. I want your obedience."

The right corner Khan, Altun (Golden) Khan, submitted. The left corner Khan, Urum (Roman) Khan, was not so willing. Oghuz declared war on him and he and his army marched west to meet Urum in battle. But Tengri was on Orghuz's side. Tengri appeared to him in the form of a large grey male wolf, surrounded by an aura of light. He told him: "Oghuz, you want to march against Urum, I want to march before your army." And so Tengri did. With his guidance and many campaigns, Oghuz was now the Khan of the Four Corners of the Earth.

Like any mortal, Oghuz eventually grew old. After a dream he had, he sent his sons both east and west. The three older sons went east and found a golden bow there. The three younger sons went west and found three silver arrows. Upon their return, he broke the bow and gave each of the three pieces to one of the older sons. "My older sons, take this bow and shoot your arrows to the sky like this bow." Similarly, he said, "my younger sons, take these silver arrows. A bow shoots arrows and you are to be like the arrow." At his last feast, his lands were passed on to the six sons. Then he said:

"My sons, I walked a lot;

I saw many battles;

I threw so many arrows and lances;

I rode many horses;

I made my enemies cry;

I made my friends smile;

I paid my debt to Tengri;

Now I am giving my land to you."


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