Turkic Mythology - Legend #2: Book of Korkut Ata

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These are a collection of a prologue and twelve stories of the Oghuz Turks. "Infidel" here refers to non-Muslims.

Boghach Khan Son of Dirse Khan: the story of Boghach Khan. He became a mighty warrior and earned a princedom. His father was almost tricked into murdering him but was saved by his mother. Korkut arrived at the celebration and created the story.

How Salur Kazan's House was Pillaged: King Shökli raided camp while Kazan and his nobles hunted. Kazan and the shepherd Karajuk tracked down King Shökli. Kazan's wife Lady Burla and son Uruz were captured but were heroic in captivity. Kazan's men helped him defeat King Shökli.

Bamsi Beyrek of the Grey Horse: Prince Bay Büre's son earned his name . He won the hand of Lady Chichek against her brother Crazy Karchar. He was kidnapped by King Shökli's men and held for 16 years. He then escaped and won Lady Chichek back after she was going to be given to another man. Korkut was an actor in the story.

How Prince Uruz Son of Prince Kazan was Taken Prisoner: Salur Kazan's sixteen year old son had never been in battle. Kazan and Uruz were attacked by infidels during a hunt. Uruz was taken captive. Kazan tracked down the infidels who captured him. Lady Burla and Kazan's men helped Kazan rescue Uruz. Three infidel kings were included in the story: Shökli, Kara Tüken, and Bughachuk. The last king was beheaded.

Wild Dumrul Son of Dukha Koja: Wild Dumrul offended by challenging (the angel of death). To appease Allah, Dumrul needed someone to die in his place. His parents would not agree but his wife did. Allah granted them 140 years when Dumrul asked him to spare her life.

Kan Turali Son of Kanli Koja: Kan Turali won the love and hand of infidel of . With his bare hands he defeated a camel, bull, and lion. Her father sent 600 warriors to kill him after he changed his mind. The princess helped him win against her father's men. Korkut is a storyteller in the wedding.

Yigenek Son of Kazilik Koja: Kazilik Koja was captured by infidel King Direk of Arshuvan. He was held captive for 16 years after attempting to raid Düzmürd Castle on the Black Sea. Kazilik Koja's son Yigenek did not know his father was alive or a captive. He obtained permission from Bayindir Khan to rescue his father. Yigenek defeated King Direk where others had failed.Korkut was at the celebration.

How Basat Killed Goggle-eye: Basat was raised by a lioness. was born of a human father and a mother. The two boys were raised as brothers and Goggle-Eye tormented the Oghuz with his demands of young men and sheep to eat. Basat fought and defeated Goggle-Eye after one of the Oghuz mothers convinced him to do so. The fight between the two brothers is closely related to the story in the . Korkut is the mediator between Goggle-Eye and the Oghuz.

Emren Son of Begil: Begil became warden of Georgia for Bayindir Khan. He felt slighted by the Khan and so was tempted to rebel. He was thrown by a horse while hunting and broke his leg. Shökli tried to attack him upon learning of his injury. Begil's son Emren took his armor and led Begil's men to defend him. Emren prayed for strength and then converted Shökli to Islam. Begil and Bayindir Khan reconciled.

Segrek Son of Ushun Koja: The Black King captured Ushun Koja's elder son, Egrek near Julfa. He was thrown into the dungeon of . Ushon Koja's younger son, Segrek, did not discover news of his brother's captivity until some boys teased him about it. To keep Segrek from finding Egrek, Ushon Koja and his wife had him get married. Segrek did not lay with his wife until he knew what happened to his brother. Segrek found Black King's castle, fended off the Black King's men, but sleep eventually caught up with him. The Black King tried to trick Egrek by promising to release him after he took care of Segrek. Egrek and Segrek recognized each other and defeated the Black King's forces. They then went home.

How Salur Kazan was Taken Prisoner and How His Son Uruz Freed Him: Salur Kazan was captured at in Trebizond. He taunted the infidels and refused to praise them. Uruz, his son, did not know about his father. Once he did he led an army to rescue his father. They attacked the . Salur was sent to protect the castle but stood down when he learned it was his son and his men. They then attacked the infidels who had captured Salur and returned home.

How the Outer Oghuz Rebelled against the Inner Oghuz and How Beyrek Died: The Outer Oghuz rebelled against Kazan Khan. They felt he favored the Inner Oghuz. Kazan's Uncle Uruz led the rebels and tried to get his son-in-law Beyrek to join him. He then killed Beyrek for refusing; Beyrek was taken home and called on Kazan to get revenge. Kazan and his forces defeated Uruz, which led to the rebels' surrender and reconciliation.

The Wisdom of Dede Korkut


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