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The battlefield was barren, and neither side could claim victory. Instead, an implied agreement had formed between both sides. No more fighting, at least for now.

Serena crept her way forwards, slowly realizing just how far she would have to go. Every step echoed in her head. One step closer to him. One step closer to normality.

Her sense of time stretched thin, as she wasn't sure exactly how much time passed before she collapsed onto the ground. Just a little bit farther... just one more step... just...

"Accept it" the voice echoed in her head "this is where it all ends. Give up," it persisted.

If only it was that easy...

When her eyes finally snapped back open, something seemed different. She could feel it.

Slowly Serena sat up, feeling the aches and protests from her tired body.

"Stay right there" a voice commanded from behind her "place you're hands above your head"

Serena followed the commands, realizing this may lead her away from the battle field.


The hallway was lit harshly by bright white lights, yet it seemed to hold so many secrets. Behind any one of the doors she passed could be Ash.

"Containment?" asked one of soldiers to his partner, as they led her down the hallway.

"No, we'll make an example. War-criminals get audience" the other responded.

"Audience with who?" Serena asked, her confidence building as her headache began to wane slightly. She could feel her pokemon still in her pocket, grinning slightly. Everything might just work out in her favor.

"Shut up" the guard's voice seemed to have zero emotion, as he snapped Serena back to reality. This was no fantasy, but she had a plan.

They moved slowly, a contrast to the rapid pace her mind moved. Would she even recognize him? Would she be recognizable? Her own clothes were a shadow of her former look, tattered scraps over a muddied white t-shirt she had borrowed from the resistance.

Resistance was a strong word for the times she found herself in. That rag-tag band of so-called trainers wanted to take on the strongest trainer in the world. They should just give up. She should just give up. She wanted to give up. But something inside continued to force her forward. It was that voice. His voice. Saying not to give up until it's over. And it wasn't over.

"Get yourself cleaned up. You have five minutes" the guard said, pushing her towards a metal door and motioning for her to go inside. As she opened it she found a tile room with a shower head on one end, and a cabinet on the other. Opening the cabinet she found a blue pair of pants, and an oversized white shirt.

Serena stripped off her clothes, finding it a liberating and yet vulnerable process. The water was lukewarm, and she let it run down her back as she thought.

Eventually she reasoned her five minutes were up, so she shut the water off and went to get dressed. The clothes were plain, but clean. She decided to discard everything except her red jacket, draping it over her new clothes.

The metal door handle felt cold as ice, but her hands were worn enough not to care. She thought back to her previous life, how those easy amenities felt like paradise compared to now, but she wouldn't cry. She was past that. Simply thankful for the sliver of hope that may very well show itself soon.

Following the two guards as they passed what seemed to be security checkpoints, Serena surveyed her surroundings. The hallway came to an end far ahead, letting out into a large bright room. As Serena neared it, she spotted a large podium standing in the center of the room.

"Sir" one of the guards began "we brought another"

"A trainer?" A raspy voice responded, from up on the podium.

"Unknown" the guard responded.

The figure stood up, raising something in its right hand. "Another example!" His voice shouted out, before everything around them started to glow.

Then the man collapsed to the ground, revealing behind him something small and yellow. That little creature began to run forward towards Serena. "Chu!" It called out its own name.

Serena felt as if she was prepared for anything, but this familiar sight brought tears to her eyes.

Pikachu... his Pikachu...

It jumped onto her shoulder, her tired body slightly buckling from the weight.

"Haven't seen you in a while" the man said in a familiar yet terrifying voice "to be honest I didn't recognize you at first... of course you'd come out now" he shifted his seemingly frail body, standing back up into the light "take her to suite B... and lock the door" he commanded to the guard.

Now that she could see his face, it was clear... she knew this person, or perhaps she had known them.


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