part 15

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So how are u all.............

Well in upcoming chapters I may pull out the description of pregnancy pain with zero experience. So they may differ from originalities but I am writing that with all the reviews I have listened from my kin's. So it's the words of their experiences with my imaginations adding up. Hope I don't blunder with beautiful reality. But even if I do that kindly forgive me.

Happy reading............

I was holding the beautiful pictures that were been captured right after our baby shower in the beach. Neil made this arrangement for us I said to my babies holding my belly introducing the brand new photo album that has just now landed our bedroom after a whole day of rotation over everyone's hand awing the allurement the photo was carrying. Can u believe it? We are travelling our 35th week of pregnancy. I was overwhelming with joy pressing my palm over my belly to get better experiences of my babies. My babies' position is cephalic (both their heads down) and hence doctor gave a clear green signal to normal delivery. This was all due to the exercises I took every morning. Thanks to Neil for that too. If he was not particular then I would have been a lazy bee and suffered at time of delivery.

Back to the photos that carried our smiling face and capturing the best moment of our life in the most elegant way I made my way to admire them.

Each and every photo where Neil held me protectively under his arms and where I was smiling with all teeth's out and were we resembled our happy family. One of the best gifts my children are goanna get is world's best family and most caring and daring papa. Yup...u guys are really lucky. I patted my belly when one of them inside gave me a great kick over my abdomen as response. They are upside down now.

"Ur papa is the first soul I admired as a man. The way he deals with women, the respect he gives to elders and the dedication he had for his duty was always been exemplary in the cruel world where prize tags were fixed for everything."

He came forward to help me even after I cheated him with fake marriage for my own benefit. Each and every time I used him for my plans while he stayed calm helping me at every possible way.

I was an adamant one sticking to my own plan without getting anyone supports. U know what Ur father has many times ended up being angry with me for that. But never had I listened to him and end up creating biggest flaws of already vulnerable problems.

After neelamaa only he has utmost patience to deal with me. That was the specialty of Ur papa. He gave me a happy family without any expectations in return. And all I have to do is to bring u both to this world so that I can give him the happiness he deserves. Do u guys even have a slightest idea of what u have done to the DCP of the whole Mumbai city? U guys had made him a lunatic juvenile. All over here are the witnesses of that.

I took out another album from the drawer after making myself moving slightly as I was sitting little inward before resting my back on the headrest.

That file carried my babies scan pictures. Right from the first click we made them when they were mere embryos to the last scan we had capturing their beautiful poetry indicating their keen to meet the world.

I closed the album smiling meanwhile Neil entered the room with water and a tray in hand. I guess that carries my night medicines. We both have shifted on room over the ground floor to help us just in case of emergency.

I have been totally restricted to move around unnecessarily due to the risk that may lead too as now I am walking strangely with huge effort fighting discomfort and my clumsy frame due to the elongated belly doesn't add well to the credit.

"Nervous" Neil asked smiling a little as he sat down placing the tray aside.

Yes I am indeed. 3 days later I will be admitted to hospital to induce the delivery pain if I don't get any within the next two day of admission. Well it is my quavering mind not doing good while imagining how it may feel during the pain engulfs my body. But the rightful thought of holding these too obliterate the consequences I may face.

I let out my usual nervous smile while Neil grasped my hand squeezing it a little assuring that I will be fine. When we both know that what in ahead is in store for us.

He gave me my vitamin tablets which I made faces before eating. I hate eating tablets and feel sick but I have to do that constantly. The constant shrinking and abrupt pain that is arising on my lower abdomen clearly indicates that my body is getting prepared for this anytime delivery scene.

After having my tablets I again leaned back turning towards my left while Neil joined my at that side placing me safely over there.

"Wanna massage."

Nothing now can soothe the pain I guess. It's good that Neil is staying with me or else this last trimester is really a toughest job to handle.

The pain was tremendously increasing on my abdomen and then suddenly dead drops. At the same time one of my champ gave me a forcing loud kick earning a soft exclamation form my side.

"ouch" I said grabbing my stomach as I was not prepared for the sudden stunt my champ pulled out while this was all enough for Neil to freak out.

"What happened Avni? Is ur water broke should I call ambulance or can u manage in car till we reach the hospital" Neil blabbered as a manic telling out all possible thing until I shouted "neeiillll" to halt his speech.

"I am ok" I mumbled as I didn't have much energy to let out my voice. Neil left out a soft sigh in relief.

Breathing problem is the major issue now stopping me from speaking much so that I can save my energy.

Neil again went towards the couch where the travel bag is kept ready with all the needed things that we might me in demand of during emergency. This is another plan of tillu for his tilli. He rechecked the things inside it which he might have done at least two times an hour for past two days since when doctor has announced about my admit in the hospital.

I looked at him impossible while tiredness were overtaking my body.

"Neil can u dropout those and come near me as I have to sleep" I called my pillow who instantly came towards me. Since I could not sleep completely on bed I sleep half sitting on bed while Neil would be on my left side carrying my whole part over him for the whole night.

Usually they say that pregnant women's don't sleep at final trimester but its Neil who is having sleepless night as he is always wide awake to give me a good position to sleep. I immediately dozed off as soon as I was caged in his magical embrace. That's my astounding Neil khanna. The man I love the most and will do till the last breathe of my life.


I skipped the photo shoot part as it was not up to mark while I wrote it. Hope u guys don't mind for that. *apologies*

To all over there, since we don't have much chappies around I want a small favor from u guys.

Do vote and comment how u felt about the update. Its a request to dear silent readers.

Will be eagerly waiting for Ur reviews.

Much love,


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