part 16

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This is matured scene and mixed with imaginations. And hence reality may vary from it.

Happy reading.............


It was the mid of the night and I was not been able to sleep properly and suddenly I felt a sharp pain over my abdomen for which my body demanded an immediate attention seeking a wide freak from my side.

I shot my eyes wide open to find Neil to be nowhere on my side. My eyes immediately searched for him as I sat up slowly in the bed where I had been led down with the support of a pillow.

Noting the light over the washroom I checked the clock. It was 4 in the morning. But the sharp pain that just now aroused over my hip has now increased tremendously making me to shriek a little grabbing the attention of Neil in the bathroom. He immediately opened the door while he was half dressed with towel covering his half way torso. He picked up the t-shirt as rushed towards me.

Bathing at 4 in the morning would be strange but that is when he does his regular office work over the file which needs his attention while the whole day he spends with me. That makes him unique but now all needed was me to rush to the hospital as soon as possible.

"Neil we are out of time I guess" understanding exactly what I was saying he rushed towards me grabbing my hands in support while she asked me to get up. But that was not possible as I felt a sharp jag over my spine making me land back to the bed again with a thud.

"Neil I guess I can't walk. The pain is really increasing unlike which I was regularly experiencing recent days." Even I wasn't been able to raise voice and the pain is proliferating at each passing minutes and My eyes immediately welled up while I could no more take what my body is doing to me. I grabbed Neil's hand in anticipation of what this is leading to.

I could feel the kick of my baby forcedly over my abdomen as if it wants to immediately come out. Neil was making a quick call to papa I guess to take the car out. Without a second thought Neil lifted me up after hanging the call while Ali immediately rushed into the room to check us followed by papa.

"Ali u take the car we three are rushing to the hospital. Papa u take that hospital bag and bring rest of the family members behind. I guess we should reach as soon as possible. Ali run" Neil immediately instructed what to be done while he carried me to the car where Ali was ready with ignited engine.

We both sat on the back side while Neil was carefully placing me so that any jerk or tweak may never affect my moment that much. I was almost over Neil now and I could feel my gown getting little wet.

Yes........I am near and I am heading to delivery.

I grabbed Neil's shirt as soon as I felt a sharp moment of bone over my hips while a little loud "Ahhhhhhh "escaped my mouth.

Neil grabbed by cheeks now hell worried in the way I was reacting. I shut my eyes close while lips suppressed with the pain the body was undergoing.

The pain was unbearable but more than that I could clearly experience what trauma Neil must be through with his protective grab over my hips making me stabilize over the revising actions.

"We are here Avni. Just let me know if u really feel to lie off. I hope baby has not crossed over yet. We can reach soon and we will be ok. Just take a deep breath. U are doing amazing. Just a little effort and we will be ok soon." He continuously murmured something or other patting my cheeks to keep me up from fainting. Yet I was feeling the pain engulfing me into darkness which Neil is advising me not to enter into.

Finally what felt like ages we reached the hospital while Ali and Neil helped to make me sit on the wheelchair while Neil dragged me into the hospital.

Soon lesser than that I was placed in the hospital bed while nurses were ready to strip out my dresses. I holded Neil's hand in fear that he may leave. I can't do anything without him now. Not even the dress change. The nurses understood my gesture and gave the hospital dress Neil while they demanded my panties to examine the discharge to which Neil nodded at them assuring a small ok.

As the curtain closed Neil all alone helped me to take away my dresses and innerwear's where my pinkish swab was clearly lying. Neil looked at my belly now as I was completely naked in front of him under the flash light of the hospital labor room. He pressed my belly speaking to babies.

"You both are safe over here and I and Ur mommy are ready to receive u guys. So be brave like mommy and face it like a knight in the shining armor and don't cause too much trouble to mommy in the process of bringing u. Got it." Neil said in his own swag of welcoming our babies for which my heart cried an mini awe as he finally kissed my belly over my forehead and made me wear the hospital gown.

After that Neil immediately rushed out to check with nurse what actually my panties holding is amniotic fluid which they took to lab to examine. Pain was continuous but now lessens and that made them think it may be a false pain. But still Neil stood behind me waiting for the result which arrived shortly announcing it to be the real one.

The monitors were placed checking the swift of contractions as well as the heart beat of babies as it was now tied around my belly with monitors on the side which the nurse was constantly observing.

"When is the doctor goanna come?" I almost shouted at Neil when they were doing simply nothing for past 1 hour in the room meanwhile I was shouting like an insane in pain which is just being colossal at each increasing hours.

"Avni relax. They are saying that u are not yet dilated and that means u have to be waited."


I slapped Neil who lowered his face up to the reach to speak to me and the reason is that he said I have to wait.

How do he know when the babies are about to come. Only I am carrying them and only I know when they would actually come and for now the urge to push them so that they can easily come out is increasing in me.

Meanwhile Neil was looking at me pale with expressions for my *no reason* slapping. But that doesn't mean that I am guilt.

"It's u who has pushed me into this Neil and try to lay hands on me again then I will chop it off" Neil's eyes became wider as I shouted to him while I gave a *no care* look. Well he was the reason for pain I am going through now and my mind is not thinking well than this.

I couldn't be able to concentrate on anything happening around me but IV has been put on me to give glucose I guess. It has been 4 hours since I have shouted over Neil as a mad. Still neither doctor arrived to advice me a push either the machines or more to say wires are removed from my belly. What is that they are waiting for?

Neil was holding my hand to each and every shout and cry I was making and constantly wiping my tears acting as if no dramas were been pulled by me while I was constantly cursed him for something or other which is not even his fault.

Say for example I was shouting at him for the fan not running slowly which is clearly indicating that I am out of mind over the labor room. Even then Neil never dared to mention about it keeping in mind the slap he earned.

Long way to go yet my brain warned me finally.


So guys how was the update.

I want a clear comment to get to know how it actually was.

I hope u will never disappoint me.

Much love,

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