Chapter 4》First Snow

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      Applekit yawned awake, and looked over at his brother, Spikekit, as he stirred in his sleep. Spikekit's flank rising and falling as he snored softly, turning over in the nest.
      Applekit sat up and blinked, it had been almost a moon and half since Applekit had saved that ThunderClan kit, Maplekit from those fox cubs.
Her sister, Daisykit? ....not so much.
      Creeknose has told him that death is natural, and just a fact of life. And if anything, is wasn't their fault that Maplekit's sister had died, it was their parents fault because nobody had kept an eye on them.

Applekit felt a pang of sadness everytime he thought of the fox attack, he had never met a cat so... sad.

Getting to his paws, he walked over towards the entrance of the nursery, as he saw as tiny white spots and speckles falling from the sky. It felt like late morning, but it certaintly didn't look it. He blinked, something urged him to wake Spikekit up and show him what was happening!

'The stars are falling from the sky!'

Scrambling over to the nest, Applekit pawed Spikekit in the side, "Spikekit!" He whispered, "Spikekit, wake up! Something's happening to the sky!"

Spikekit rolled over, dark green eyes clouded with sleep as he yawned.
"What happened?" He mewed sleepily, sitting up in their shared nest.
Applekit pointed with his nose towards the entrance to the nursery, "the sky's falling!" He whispered loudly.
Spikekit blinked, his eyes going wide. "what?"

Applekit turned away and bounded over towards the nursery entrance, "look!"

Spikekit followed, gasping. His thin tail twitching. "Is it dangerous?"
Applekit shrugged, "I don't know, I haven't gone out in it... Maybe you should try it, Spikekit!"
Spikekit puffed out his chest and smirked, "I'm not a scaredy-mouse! Not like you, Applekit!" Spikekit purred, wiggling his hind quarters and leaped out into the white stuff that covered the clearing.

Spikekit rolled around in the silverly-white stuff, his dark pelt getting covered in white. "Ah! It's cold!" His brother squeaked.
Applekit laughed and ran towards his brother, tumbling into him as the cold white stuff flicked up and fell on his tan pelt.
It was cold!
Spikekit squealed, kicking Applekit off. "My paws are freezing!" Applekit laughed, shaking his pelt off, white specks flaking off.

"What even is this stuff??" Applekit asked, flicking his nubby tail. Spikekit shrugged, his ear twitching.
"I don't know, let's ask Russetstorm."
The dark grey tom pelted back towards the nursery, Applekit ran after his brother, to where he saw Spikekit shaking Russetstorm awake. Applekit was still walking towards them as Russetstorm raised her head, and stretched open her maw in a huge yawn.

"Spikekit, Applekit? My little minnows, what's wrong?" His mother asked, her pale green eyes flashed with concern.
"Me and Spikekit where wondering what the white stuff outside was!"
Russetstorm above their little heads, outside into the RiverClan clearing and have a soft smile.
"It's the first snowfall of the season." She meowed quietly. Soon, her smile fell as she looked down at Applekit, mumbling something underneath her breath.

Spikekit didn't seem to notice Russetstorm mumbling but Applekit certainly did.

Applekit turned away to look out into the clearing just in time to see Sloefur limp out of the warriors den, heading across towards the Medicine Cats den.
Birchstar exited the Leaders' Den, padding towards the fresh-kill pile and picking out a fat perch. The RiverClan didn't even seems fazed by the... snow, that fluttered down from the cloudy sky.

      Applekit watched Creeknose leave the Warriors' Den. His dad looked up at the sky, he took a breath and a cloud of frost billowed from his lips.
      The warrior tom turned towards the snow-covered fresh-kill pile and grabbed something before her and walked over towards the nursery. His paws crunching on the white snow.

Applekit smiled, turning his head towards Spikekit who looked at him in turn, excited smiles both plastered wide on their faces.

Creeknose popped his head in the nursery entrance and immediately Spikekit raced towards him. "Hiya Creeknose!"
Applekit ran over next to his brother, his little tail up in the air. "Dad!"

Creeknose purred and dropped what he was holding, a mouse, at his big, pale paws.
"Aren't you two going to be strong warriors! I brought some breakfast for you two to share, If your mother says it's alright?"

Applekit was the first to turn towards his mother, "Pleaseee Russetstorm!" Spikekit nodded quickly.
Russetstorm thought for a moment, her fluffy tail flicking, "I don't know..." She began, Applekit looked at his brother, as if Spikekit understood, the two brother both said in unison; "PLEASEEEE MOM!"
Russetstorm smiled, "oh, alright."

Spikekit smiled wide and and turned towards the mouse taking a bite and chewing it, letting out an audible 'mmm!'

Applekit took a bite of the mouse, the flavors danced on his tongue as he closed his eyes in satisfaction. Swallowing the food he licked his lips and began to eats some more.
"Don't eat to fast!" His mother warned, "we don't need you to get bellyache! Especially you, Applekit.." Applekit flicked his ear and continued to eat.

After finishing as much of the mouse as the could, with the help of Spikekit, the brown tom heard the squeals of his two favorite apprentices.

Walking out into the snow covered clearing, he noticed the dark gray pelt of Darkpaw, and the blending white pelt of Milkpaw both jumping up and down like excited kits.
"What happened!" He called out excitedly to his friends.
Darkpaw looked over at Applekit, her dark blue eyes seemed startled, but soon relaxed when she saw who it was.

"Foxclaw and Rippleheart said Darkpaw and I passed out warrior assessments!" Milkpaw answered for her friend, bouncing over.

Applekit blinked and then gave a wide smile, "What do you think your warrior names are gonna be?" He squeaked.
Milkpaw thought, "I hope it's something cool! Like, Milkfrost or something! After my mentors sister! Y'know Frostfoot?"
Applekit blinked and then looked at Darkpaw who was still in thought. Thinking hard about her warrior name.
Milkpaw sighed and bent down, whispering in his ear. "She's been over thinking what her warrior name's gonna be. She's been like this since dawn."
Applekit nodded.

"But whatever it is, I know she'll still be the same furball we all love." Milkpaw purred, casting a look at Darkpaw who was now pacing in a circle.

"Let all cats old enough to swim, gather beneath the reed bed for a clan meeting!"

The dawn patrol, lead by Sloefur, had just arrived and placed their prey down. Cats gathered around the reed bed, Darkpaw snapped out of her thoughts and bounded over next to her mentor Rippleheart, and Milkpaw sat by Foxclaw. Saying their goodbyes to him.

Just then Applekit was picked up by the scruff, Applekit squeaked and squirmed in the cats grip.
"Calm down, Applekit!" The muffled voice of his father sounded, being placed next to his mother and brother. Russetstorm wrapped her fluffy tail around her sons and began to groom them both.

Spikekit squirmed while he was being cleaned, and Applekit blinked and wondered what his own warrior name would be.

'I hope it's not Appletail..' the kit thought, 'Maybe it'll be Appleheart? Oh! What about, Appleclaw?! That sounded cool!'
As he thought a name passed through his mind, one he enjoyed the most. 'Appledusk.'

      Trying hard to focus on the ceremony, he watched as Birchstar beckoned Darkpaw and Milkpaw forward.

"Milkpaw, you have been training hard for moons and it's time for you to get your warrior name, by the power invested in me and by the powers of StarClan and our warrior ancestors, you shall now be known as, Milkfur. We honor you humor and skill. We welcome you as a full warrior of RiverClan."
Milkfur smiled bright, touching noses with her leader before nodding at her mentor and clanmates.
She purred loudly as she sat down, looking over at her best friend, Darkpaw.

Darkpaw fidgeted in her spot, her claws digging into the snow covered earth. Her tail twitched nervously.
"Darkpaw," the light brown tabby she-cat's pale blue eyes softened as she stared down at the black apprentice. "Please, come forth." she mewed softly.
Darkpaw took a deep breath before she got to her paws and stepped forward, standing in front of the crowd and looking up at the leader.

"Darkpaw, you have been training hard for moons, and it's time you become a warrior and receive your warrior name, by the power invested in me and by the power of StarClan and our warrior ancestors, you shall be known as, Darkshadow. We honor your intelligence and bravery. We welcome you as a full warrior of RiverClan." Darkshadow blinked up at leader.

The clearing fell quiet, cats looking at each other with unclear expressions. Applekit looked around.

'Why is noone calling her name? Or Milkpaw's?' Oh wait, it's Milkfur now!'

After a few seconds, the small tom-kit spoke up in chant. Being as loud as he could as her cheered for his friends.

"Milkfur, Darkshadow!"

The two newly made warriors looked at the small tom and smiled. Spikekit spoke up, then Russetstorm, then Creeknose, Rippleheart and Foxclaw, and soon the entire clan was chanting the names of RiverClan's new warriors.

"Milkfur, Darkshadow! Milkfur, Darkshadow! Milkfur, Darkshadow!"

Sloefur smiled, and dipped his head towards the Applekit.

      Applekit felt a rush of pride and looked up at his mother. His mother looked back down at him, and licked the top of his head. Right between his ears.
      "You'll make me proud, won't you?" She whispered. Applekit blinked at up at her, his pale green eyes round, and full of confusion.
      But a small voice told him not to question Russetstorm. She was just worrying over him. Like always.
"Of course, Russetstorm." He whispered back.
      Russetstorm relaxed with a quiet sigh, her tail uncurling from around him.
      "Good. Make me proud, Applekit. Be honest and follow your heart. Make me and your father proud, sweetheart."

Russetstorm smiled, and looked back up. She turned to look at her beloved mate, Creeknose, who was bent over and whispering something to Spikekit.
Spikekit had his head bent sideways before finally Creeknose nosed his son's cheek with his nose.
Creeknose looked over at Russetstorm and gave her a smile, before he gave a small nod. Applekit was confused as his parents then looked over at Birchstar, RiverClan's leader.

Applekit cast his brother a glance, but Spikekit was looking ahead with a determined expression, so Applekit sat up more straight. Trying to copy his brother.

Frostfoot had finally come out of the nursery with Reedkit and Beekit in tow. They both looked cleaned and excited.
The black-brown RiverClan queen scanned the clan for someone and after sometime gave up. Instead sitting down behind her kits, and looking down at them with tired, love-filled eyes.

Birchstar, the pale tabby she-cat flicked her tail and yowled into the clearing.

"May we stay gathered as we are welcoming four new warrior apprentices." the molly looked over at Applekit and his friends, blinking kindly.
Russetstorm nudged him towards the middle of the clearing, his brother, Spikekit following behind.

Applekit felt a rush of intense, positive emotions swirl through him. He felt the feeling go to the tips of his whiskers, to the little tip of his tail as he realized what was happening.

'I'm becoming an apprentice!!'


EDIT: 2015 Words.

A/N: guess who decided to update this story?? I did!

Yeah, mega cliffhanger but, hey, gotta do what you gotta do mate, wanna keep things interesting! Now I have an idea for what's gonna happen next but, you have to wait and see because, I already have 1300 words on this bitch and I'm not abt to type anymore that this N/A.

Anywho, my hands low-key kinda hurt and I'm not abt to type anymore, lol. So I'll see you my peeps 🐣, my creeps 🐜, and sickly sweets 🍬, in the next chapter!

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