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{I Don't own BNHA or Reader Chan}

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"How long can you hold your breath for land dweller?" the {H/C} mermaid asked the blonde land dweller, she was quite curious of how he could swim without a tail, he claimed he was able to which the mermaid still found quite strange.

"Two minutes" Monoma replied, entering the water and shivering slightly at how cold the water was, he wondered how this 'mermaid' wasn't annoying him than again she wasn't apart of class A and she probably had no clue what a quirk even was, he also wondered if there were more like her, "There's not any more of you fish people right?"

"Nope, there's only me, I am uncertain why your asking" the mermaid giggled , "I am kinda surprised you can't breath underwater but than again your not like me, well I don't want my new friend to die, I can't stand having only Roy and Greg and Coral" she swam close to the boy creating a bubble in her hands, "Time to shove your head in a bubble".

The blonde decided not to question it, he did find it strange than again he lived in a quirk filled society, so he did as told and had a bubble on his head, a air bubble of sorts and it seemed the mermaid was smart to give it to him, the exit was quite the swim down, honestly the pool didn't seem that deep to him, he wondered where exactly it was located.

Though as he swam after the mermaid he realized something else, you tend to appreciate things more closely when your not rushing by, and he did just that with the ocean staring through his air bubble, he never realized how beautiful it was till now.

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The blonde male swam towards the shore, he was a bit tired due to swimming and once back on land the bubble around his head popped as he laid on the sand, the mermaid giggled again, "So you did tell the truth land dwellers can swim without fins" the {H/C} girl smiled brightly, and tilted her head hearing a growling noise coming from the boy, "Do land dwellers need to eat as well?" she asked him.

"Yeah we need food to survive" he told her bluntly sitting up and staring at her, appreciating that he had company that he could stand for once, "Class A probably already gathered some food by now, those jerks always thinking there so great" he rolled his eyes annoyed.

"This Class A you speak of are they rude?" the mermaid asked the male splashing some water with her tail, she wondered whom these class A were, and if they were bad land dwellers if this male seemed annoyed by them.

"People whom think there oh so great all because they got into Class A, but there not Class B is better and I'll show them that" he mumbled annoyed "they annoy me so much fish girl, if only I could show them up while were stuck here".

"I got an idea how about I get you some food for your friends, I could catch you some tasty fish and grab you some tasty seaweed" the female nodded wanting to help her new friend with his rivals, she had a rival herself, her rival was a seagull named Paul.

  Monoma thought it over for a second and a smirk spread across his face as he began to laugh making the mermaid a bit confused, land dwellers were strange creatures, "GO AHEAD IT WILL SHOW CLASS B IS BETTER THAN CLASS A ANYWAYS!" he shouted having the mermaid smile brightly.

"I'll be back land dweller!" she told him diving under the water to collect some food for the male.

~ ~ ~

"Monoma has been gone for quite a while do you think he got lost?" Mina asked the blonde next to her "Do you think he got accepted by monkeys?"

"I hope he did he's annoying as hell" Bakugou rolled his eyes "And why the hell didn't icy-hot just use his damn quirk to make us a fire?".

"I do not know neither do I care" Aizawa sighed, he just wanted his sleeping bag back, but alas he couldn't have that luxury their bought had been destroyed and he wondered just how it happened, something worse than a storm should have happened.

"LOOK WHAT I GOT CLASS A IT JUST JUMPED OUT OF THE WATER FALLING ON ME!" Monoma Neito smirked struggling to hold a large fish in his arms that was covered in seaweed, he wondered how his mermaid friend even was able to toss such a large fish out of the water, "IT ALSO SEEMS THE OTHERS HAVEN'T FOUND FOOD YET WHAT A PITY CLASS B IS BETTER THAN YOUR PATHETIC CLASS A!"

"THAT SOUNDS LIKE BULL-SH*T!" the angry explosive blonde male yelled annoyed, he was stuck on a damn island with a bunch of extras and  now the most annoying extra the copy cat has returned, honestly Bakugou was hoping Monoma would have just gotten lost on the island and starved, but no the male goes to show up his class again with a fish.

"Well it's true" it was a lie and Monoma knew it, he wondered if it was considered cannibalism if the mermaid ate fish, he also than realized something that made his face heat up, he had swam with a half naked girl, and he had been so mesmerized by her tail earlier that he completely forgot she had nothing covering her chest except for her hair, and it took him till now to figure that out, now he wasn't sure if he could look her in the eyes when he saw her again.

And he was indeed gonna visit her again, she'd be the best escape from everyone and maybe when he saw her next time he'd bring her a bikini top or something to cover her breasts.

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{I should set an update scheduled but knowing me I'll probably forget it so oh well}


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