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{I Don't own BNHA or Reader Chan}

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Loud banging sounds had awoken Monoma Neito from his somewhat peaceful sleep, well it would have been peaceful if he hadn't been plagued with strange dreams, ones of the ocean and a voice calling for him, a voice that was familiar to him yet he couldn't place it, because of those dreams he had woken up a few times before falling asleep again.

The shelter had yet to be built yet seeing as the ones sent to gather materials for it returned after the giant fish Neito got from his mermaid friend was cooked, well they didn't exactly know that he actually got it from a mermaid and he wouldn't tell them either, because the fish girl was his and no one else's.

Okay maybe he was a bit possessive of the girl he had just met, but that was because when swimming with her yesterday he felt free, he felt like he belonged for one with no one there telling him he was annoying, the fish girl made him feel wanted, and not like an outcast, and the ocean was a beautiful thing.

"Oi annoying extra wake the f*ck up!" the blonde was snapped out of his thoughts of the fish like girl by the annoying sound of yelling from one of the class A students, they were to arrogant for his liking, the smile on Neito's face was replaced by a scowl as he sat up from the sandy place he lay, his blue eyes narrowing at the red eyed blonde boy with an explosion quirk.

"Bro we told you to wake him not be rude about it" A red haired male frowned holding the crimson eyed blonde back "Uh sorry Monoma he's still pissed at you from the Sports festival" ah yes the sports festival the last few ones had been interesting to say the least, he always did try and one up them at them, at anything in truth.

"I Don't need your apologies Class A scum, now if you excuse me I'll be keeping away from you not wishing to catch your bad luck" Sure they were stranded on an island with nothing but each other but his mind was on the fish girl, he wanted to see her at this moment, hopefully he remembered where that cave was, he got off the sandy ground dusting himself off before walking away.

"WHERE THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR GOING COPYCAT!?" Bakugou was pissed at the copycat, sure he was normally always pissed off but the damn copycat pissed him off even more,  always acting like he was better than him, that damn copycat needed to be put in his damn place, why the hell did they ask him to wake the boy he hated with a burning passion, maybe it was a good thing Kirishima came to hold the explosive blonde back.

"To The bathroom, or at least to find a bush or something seeing as there are no toilets" Neito hissed before he kept walking, he of course had to use the bathroom because who didn't after waking up, strange people that's who, first he'll find a bush than search for the cave to find the fish girl and spend the day with her.

Though he felt as he was forgetting something, it probably wasn't that important if he forgot about it.

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{Y/N} brushed through her long {H/C} hair with a seashell comb, as she did so she hummed a little tune, her {T/C} tail moving slightly, she was just so happy cause she'd get to see the land dweller again today, she only met him yesterday but he was just so interesting.

He had things called legs, he could swim without fins and most of all he had a rival like she did, she couldn't wait to hear his story about how his rivals reacted to the giant fish she had got for him, though she hoped he didn't get flattened by it, she had no clue if land dwellers were as strong as her.

"Are you going to go see that land dweller again {N/N}?"    The voice of her best friend and sister figure stated from a bit behind the mermaid, as a tentacle reached out snatching the comb from the mermaids hands to brush the rest of the tangles from the girls hair.

"Of course Coral, though no need to worry I won't tell him what happened till I'm certain he won't get mad" {Y/N} stated not even turning around to look at the one who had been b y her side always, if the land dweller even knew the truth she wasn't certain what he'd say, she frowned slightly.

"I hope he doesn't hurt you in anyway shape or form, for if he does I would not regret my actions than" Coral stated, she wouldn't let anything or anyone hurt the dear one she had always been beside, she grew up with the mermaid, and they were like sisters even though they were two different species.

"I hope he doesn't Coral, I'm hoping this land dwellers the one from those old stories Grandpa used to tell us" {Y/N} giggled "Thank you again for pulling them out of the water, apparently land dwellers can't breath underwater Coral, it kinda makes since I didn't see any gills"

Coral chuckled at the {H/C} mermaids comment, before placing the brush down on the small table, and for a split second a reflection showed in the very shiny shell the mermaid used as a mirror, a reflection of a large sea creature with a beak, one only told in legends and myths by the land dwellers.

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{Question: What are your thoughts on Coral?}     

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