Chapter 2: Curing the Villains

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Here we see you in your lab working on the cures to the villains. We then see your moms come into the living room and they see the villains, the villain girls, and the hero girls.

Mom: "Suzie, we have guests."

Suzie: "I can see that Linda."

Linda: "We should get them something to eat."

Kara: "You're not freaked out about this?"

Suzie: "Oh no Kara, we are glad that (Y/N) has friends over. I just wish he would tell us sooner, but we love surprises. Oh you all must be hungry, I'll make us some sandwiches and some sweets for us to share."

We see Suzie head to the kitchen as we see Linda bring in some books.

Linda: "While she's doing that, why don't we look into our son's pictures when he was a baby. Since you are his friends from school."

Kara: "Uh...I don't know what you're talking about ma'am."

Linda: "Oh don't worry Kara, your secrets are safe with us. I have an IQ of 300 for nothing."

Doc Ock: "Some of us are not from his school."

Linda: "I know, he's making ways to cure you, 5 villains."*to Vulture*"And you sir need to get a better job. I knew my son would get back on his feet again."

The Lizard: "How did you know that your child will be curing us?"

Linda: "Mother's intuition."

Meanwhile with you, we see you get out of the lab and you turn to see your mother Linda showing everyone your baby pictures.

Linda: "And this is when he made friends with an Arachne named Rachnera when he was 2 and she was just a teenager. He wasn't creeped out by her spider appearance, he's comfortable around spiders."

Gwen: "Is this before he got bitten by the spider that gave him his powers?"

Suzie: "He was four when that happened."

Linda: *changes to the next slide*"This is when he wore the cutest halloween outfit when he was 9, he was a fuzzy wuzzy spider."

(Y/N): *sees the picture*"Gah!"

Zee: "Awww that's so adorable!"

Karen: "It's cute."

Spider-Noir: "This is very wholesome."

Electro: "Man that's so awesome."

Suzie: *sees you*"Oh hi sweetie, want some sandwiches?"

(Y/N): *blushes out of embarrassment*"No thanks, I'm not hungry."

Linda: "Oh sorry sweetie, your friends really like your baby pictures."

Diana: "Your humble beginnings were aspiring."

(Y/N): "Thanks. Anyways I got everyone's cures ready in the lab. I'll bring them up."

You then head down to the lab and then bring up the cures for the 5 villains. You then head to Green Goblin with a syringe as we see Doc Ock grab him by the arms and legs and restrain him.

Doc Ock: "This is for your own good Norman."

Green Goblin: "Unhand me you-"

Before he can finish his thought, you injected the antiserum into his body and he started to feel like he's Norman Osborn again.

Norman: "What?"*sees Doc Ock*"Otto Octavious, old friend."

Doc Ock: " Good to see you too."

(Y/N): "Alright Otto your turn."*looks at the neurolink on the back of his neck*"You have so many voices in your head cause this thing is busted, with this much sturdier neurolink you can have full control of your arms and you can hear yourself again."

You then put the replacement neurolink onto where the damaged neurolink is and then Otto no longer hears the voices in his head.

Otto: " The voices they're gone."

(Y/N): "Now for the rest."

You and the others hear the doorbell ringing.

Spider-Ham: "If that's the pizza guy, make sure that one of the pizzas has only cheese."

We then see Linda open the door and she sees the police and the military as well as the Seven and Omni-Man in the area.

Police: "This is the police and the United States military, come out Spider-Man or we will use lethal force!"

Peni: " How did they find us?!"

Spider-Ham then looks out the window and he sees the pizza guy in Stormfront's custody.

Spider-Ham: "I.......ordered the pizza."

We then see the Seven and Omni-Man burst into the house and turn to you and the others.

Omni-Man: "Not only did you disobey me and nearly put me into a coma, but you also destroyed the national treasure that is Homelander."

Peni: "National treasure?! He killed 3 bank robbers!"

Peter(MCU): "Back where I'm from, Steve Rogers was a national hero of the United States known as Captain America and you don't see him killing bank robbers. He fought nazis, space aliens, robots, and a big purpple alien. What did Homelander ever do?"

Omni-Man: "Well then, I guess I have to pull all of your legs off to keep you all out of commission."*Hears the frequency*"Ahhhhhhh!"

You then turn to see that Linda turned on a noisemaker on that frequency.

Linda: "You better take this fight outside."

Spider-Noir: "We don't pick the ballroom, we just dance."

(Y/N): *to the police* " Are you honestly gonna listen to this mad man?!"

You and the other spider people sense bullets coming in and you all dodged them all.

Peter B: "Take that as a yes!"

You and the Spider people then fight off the Seven while trashing the house in the process as we see Suzie and Linda grab sonic blasters and blast both Black Noir and The Deep and launch them out of the building.

Linda: "I said take it outside!"

The Deep: " That hurts lady!"

We then see Sandman, The Lizard, Otto, and Electro then attack the police and US military and the villain girls do the same. The hero girls join the fight as Norman heads outside and then he sees Homelander and he has his powers.

Homelander: "Guess that little chemistry project is temporary. Tell your lizard friend he failed, when you're all 6 feet under!"

Homelander was about to use his heatvision until a pumpkin bomb was in front of his face and it blew up. Norman then sees someone flying on a glider and he looks familiar to him as Peter(Raimi) went outside and saw him too.

Norman: "Is that?"

Peter(Raimi): "Harry?"

Harry then lands his glider and jumps off of it and turns to see Norman.

Harry: "Father?"

Norman: "Son."

The two then hug each other.

Harry: "I thought I would never get to see you again."

Norman: "Me neither my boy."

Harry: *sees Peter(Raimi)* "Peter."

Peter(Raimi): *takes off his mask*"Good to see you again Harry. How did you get here?"

Harry: "Linda Scranton told me about my father being in her world, so I came here. And I brought a friend."

Homelander then lands in front of the group and he is about to fire his heat vision until we see Venom grab him from behind and make him look up and fire his heat vision at the sky. Venom throws Homelander at the other members of the Seven and Venom turns to the others.

Venom: "Venom is here."

Peter B: " Who invited that guy to the party?"

Eddie: *from inside Venom*"We better make a run for it."

Peter(Raimi): "He's not our Venom, he's much bigger and bulkier."

Venom then attacks the police and US soldiers as we see Vulture fly out of the house with the villains' cures. We then see you grab your moms and you make a retreat with the hero girls and Spider People. By the time you all leave the area, Omni-man destroyed the device emitting the frequency that was harming his ears.

Omni-man: "I'll get that kid."

Later, we see you the others retreated to an abandoned Hydra base where they had the Winter Soldier project.

Kara: "Now what?"

You then look at the news report and see that you are not just an international criminal worldwide, not just as Spider-Man but also as (Y/N) Scranton and your family are wanted people too.

(Y/N): "This is all my fault, they all know my identity and now you all are basically criminals now."

Spider-Ham: "Don't blame yourself, I ordered the pizza."

(Y/N): " Thanks."

Diana: " What is our next course of action?"

(Y/N): "We come clean and turn ourselves in."

Everyone: " What?!"

Kara: " Are you nuts? Those guys started this fight."

(Y/N): "I worked with supervillains to bust out supervillains. I harbored criminals."

Lizard: " But you did what you had to do, it doesn't make you a criminal."

Otto: " It makes you a hero."

(Y/N): "What do you know? I guess they already won and they're on their way here. If want to see real heroes, you already met them: Homelander, Omni-man, Stormfront, The Deep, Black Noir-"

Gwen: "Not if you have evidence to say otherwise."

(Y/N): "My optical cameras, I've recorded everything including stuff with Omni-man in them. My suits have the same data so that I don't lose data and I managed to hack into Queen Maeve's phone for the airplane footage that they were on before it crashed."*sends the video footage on the internet*"And now we wait."

Gwen: "You have an internet connection in that suit?"

(Y/N): "Anywhere I go, even in the middle of space I can still watch cat videos. My mom made this suit as a birthday present."

Spider-Noir: " What's an internet?"

Eddie: "Has he really caught up with the times?"

We then see Linda give The Lizard's cure and green gas surrounding him and turning him back into Dr. Conners.

Dr. Connors: " I'm cured."

Linda: *gives Dr. Connors some clothes*"You might need some clothes."

Dr. Connors: *sees that he's in the buff* " Ah!"*Cover up* " Nobody look at me!"

(Y/N): *looks away*"Okay, I didn't want to see that."

Peni: *looks away* " Same here."

We then see Suzie give Sandman and Electro their cures as they then turn back into Flint and Max.

Flint: "I'm me again."

Max: "I'm back too."

Linda: "And it's a good thing I carry this with me."

Linda then places her purse on the ground and she presses a button on it and it transforms into a portal to other universes.

Max: " What's that for?"

Linda: "Your way back home. The machine will scan your molecules and take you back to your worlds."

Max: *to the Sinister 6*"Hey, catch you all on the flipside."

Otto: "I hope to see you again."

We then see the cured villains head into the portal as Linda gives Otto an arc reactor.

Linda: "A little something to help you achieve your dreams."

Otto: *looks at the arc reactor*"The power of the sun, at the palm of my hand."*to Linda*"Thank you."

Linda: "You're welcome."

We then see Otto head into the portal as Linda turns to Harry and Eddie.

Linda: "You're not going with them?"

Eddie: "We're here to help your son out of this mess."

Harry: "So am I."

Spider-People: "So are we."

Linda: "Alright."

Linda then deactivates the machine and it turns back into a purse and she picks it up.

Linda: " Now then, let's clear our names."

Gwen: "Well (Y/N) did send videos of Omni-man and The Seven doing their "heroic" deeds."

Linda: " Oh, well I wonder what's going on with them?"

Meanwhile we see everyone in Vought getting arrested and we see Lena getting full ownership of Vought. We see all the heroes that Vought have created being turned back into normal humans thanks to a more permanent version of the antiserum made by the Lizard. We see Omni-man locked up by Shield via vibranium cuffs and a vibranium box around him. Later back in Metropolis, we see you and the others return home and you see that your names are cleared and you see the Guardians of the Globe and the Avengers at your house.

Iron Man: "It's a good thing I built a cell for someone like Omni-man."

Hulk: " Yeah, the last thing anyone wants is someone accusing you for being a criminal."

Black Widow: "Luckily for you, everyone no longer thinks you're Spider-Man, kid. Cause we say all of that spider equipment is just planted evidence to make the false accusation believable."

War Woman: "And since Omni-Man is in jail, how about you join the Guardians of the Globe?"

Peni: " Sounds good to me."

Linda: "Oh no young lady, this isn't your world."

Miles: "She's right, we need to go home."

Peni: "You can't make me!"*sits down on the ground and hold her breath*

(Y/N): *to Iron Man* "Should we let her join?"

Hulk: "There is no way we're letting a toddler into the job."

Peni: "I'm 14!"

Linda: "1."

Peni: "You're not the boss of me!"

Linda: "2."

Peni: "Alright, I'm going home!"

We see Linda open the portal and we see the spider-people, Harry, and Eddie head into the portal. We see Suzie and Linda hugging Peni one last time.

Suzie: "By Peni."

Linda: "Come by and visit."

Suzie: *hands Peni a lunch box*"We packed you lunch on the way back."*pinches Peni's cheek* "Good luck cutie spidey."

Peni: "Stoooop!"

Linda: *pinches Peni's cheeks*"Be sure you do your homework and make sure you give your Sp//der suit a maintenance check every once in a while and eat your veggies."

Peni: "Please stooooop."

Red Rush: "Yeah your moms see her as their daughter."

(Y/N): " They sure do."

Peni: "I'm not a baby anymore!"*gets hugged by Suzie and Linda one last time*"Ugh, this is so embarrassing."

(Y/N): "Now you know how I feel."

We then see Peni head into the portal with her suit as we see Linda close the portal.

Linda: "Oh I'm gonna miss her. She reminds me of you sweetie."

(Y/N): "Yeah I grew out of that."

Suzie: " You sure did, if only she could stay here, though that wouldn't be good for her universe."

War Woman: "So what do you say kid?"*one arm hug you*"Wanna join the Guardians of the Globe?"

(Y/N): "No thanks. I'll stick to being a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man."

War Woman: " Alright we understand, but if you ever want to join our offer still stands."

(Y/N): "Thanks."

War Woman: " You're welcome."

Later at home, we see you and the girls out of your hero outfits and we see Kara look through your baby pictures and she sees a picture of you and Doris as babies.

Kara: "Ha! Nice teddy bear diaper Doris!"

Doris: "Huh?"*sees the picture* " Ah! Hey!"

Linda: "Oh Doris, your mother wanted to take care of you and (Y/N) while Suzie and I were away for a conference. She sent us the pictures."

Doris: "Ugh, I can't believe that nerd did that!"

(Y/N): " You mean your mom right?"

Doris: "Yes! You nerd!"

Kara: "Get a room, you two."

(Y/N): "What?"

Doris: *blushes*"Shut up Kara!"

(Y/N): "Mom, how did you know Mrs. Zeul?"

Linda: "We went to the same college with her husband and my wife, we were such good friends."

(Y/N): " Oh yeah I remember that when you talked about your college days."

Suzie: "Your mother had a mohawk and I had an afro."

Linda: "Crazy things happened between us in the 90s. Who said that scientists can't look stylish? Am I right?"

Zee: " Yeah, put some rhinestones on those lab coats!"

Kara: " Uh huh, let's not go overboard okay, the last thing we need is fashion models making lab coats look like the latest trend."

(Y/N): " And then pretty soon everyone is gonna be an egghead."

Doris: "Yeah."

(Y/N): " Now we can all finally relax without something crazy happening."

Just then we see a lightning bolt hit you and you suddenly teleported to a different world and you were falling down the sky.

(Y/N): " Not like this! Not like this!"

You quickly use your spinnerets to grab onto a nearby building and swing yourself to safety only to get hit by a flying car.

(Y/N): "That hurt!"

Then webbing grabs you by the foot and you pull off of the car and you fall onto a rooftop and you see Miguel O'Hara.

Miguel: "Welcome to the future, just not my future anyways."

(Y/N): " Miguel? Wait, what do you mean, not your future? Isn't this 2099?"

Miguel: "Much more later than that, more like 2772."

(Y/N): " Okay so what are you doing here?"

Miguel: "I got here the same way you did. A lightning bolt hit you and you ended up here."

(Y/N): " You too?"

Miguel: " Yep."

You then put on your Spidersuit.

(Y/N): " Okay did anyone else, specifically a spider get sent here?"

Miguel: "You're the first Spider-Man I've seen since I got here."

(Y/N): " Hm okay at least it's just us here."

Just then we see a man in a yellow and red outfit fly by on a jetpack and you both see police chasing after him.

(Y/N): " What the heck?!"

Miguel: "If I'm not wrong, I say he's a bad guy."

(Y/N): " I don't care what year it is, still a good job for the friendly neighborhood spider-man both past and future."

Next: Chapter 3: Blast to the Future

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