Chapter 1: A Hero No More

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Here we see you working on your homework and it's been a long time since you put the mask back on. We see a doctor talking to your parents.

Doctor: "He's refusing physical therapy, it's like he doesn't want his hands to work again."

Mom: "Is there anything you can do?"

Doctor: "It's not up to me, it's up to him if he wants his hands back. If that's the case, I guess you have to get used to your child being unable to use his hands."

Mama: *starts to tear up*" Oh well, I guess we can just...get him breakfast."

We see your mama head downstairs crying on the way down while your mother turns to you.

Mom: "You can get through this sweetie, I hope."

(Y/N): *depressed* "I think it's best that I don't get my hands back at all. Trust me."

When your mother closes the door to your room, we see you pull out a syringe full of an antiserum that will get rid of your powers. You then inject the chemical into your body and feel that your powers are gone. Later at school, we see you walking down the halls by yourself as you walk past 3 people, Peni Parker, Gwen Stacy, and Miles Morales.

Gwen: "He even got rid of his powers."

Miles: "How do we know he's the right guy?"

Peni: "I sensed his spider-sense."

Gwen: "But now we don't, he got rid of his powers and what's worse he doesn't want his hands working again."

Miles: "So you're saying that in this universe, Spider-Man is dead?"

Gwen: "He has fallen before he got the chance to rise."

Later, we see you at math class and we see Lois looking at you and she feels bad about what happened to you.

Lois: *in her head*"This is all my fault, I was so obsessed at finding a story that not only did I lose my story, I also killed a hero."

We then see someone come into the room.

???: "Hello everyone, I'll be your substitute teacher Peter B. Parker."

You looked to see Peter B. Parker and he's your substitute teacher for math class.

Peter B: "Okay this is math class and you need to learn math in order to figure out some things in the future."

Later, after class, we see you were staying after class and talk to Peter B.

Peter B: "Look kid, even though I can't sense your tingle anymore, doesn't mean I know you're Spider-Man or were Spider-Man."

(Y/N): "Why are you here Parker?"

Peter B: "I didn't come here by choice."

(Y/N): "Were the villains from months ago from your universe?"

Peter B: "Oh those guys, you must be talking about different Spider-Men. I know that every Spider-Man fought at least one or two or 6 of those guys, but to be honest they don't look like my guys. But they recognize them."

You then see 3 other Spider-Men come into the room alongside Miles, Peni, and Gwen.

Peter(Raimi): "Otto Octavious, Norman Osborn, and Flint Marko."

Peter(Webb): "Conners and Max."

Peter(MCU): "Tomes."

(Y/N): "What do you all want?"

Miles: "Get you to put the mask back on. This world needs a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man."

Gwen: "No matter what universe you're in, Spider-Man is one of the greatest heroes out there."

Peni: "You're a true hero."

(Y/N): "No, no, The Seven and Omni-Man are the real heroes."

Miles: "You mean the psychos that beat up normal bank robbers and send them to the hospital and the guy who destroyed your hands? You're just lying to yourself."

(Y/N): "The truth hurts even more, and what's worse, my boss wanted to interview Spider-Man. If you want your villains back, well they're pretty much dead by now."

Miles: "So that's it, you just want to give up?"

(Y/N): "If it keeps the world spinning, then yes."

Peter(Raimi): "Well, at least take this."*hands you your spider-suit*"At least think about coming back."

You then storm out of the room and the Spider People turn to each other.

Miles: "You think he's gonna come back?"

Peter B: "If you ask me, I doubt it."

Later, we see Lois in front of a live camera and she is ready to interview Spider-Man.

Lois: "Lois Lane here and I'm here to interview Spider-Man."

Lois and the camera sees you carrying the Spider-Suit and when you place the suit on the table you turn to the camera.

(Y/N): "Spider-Man quit the hero gig. Wanna know why? I'll tell you, if you celebrate heroes like Homelander and Omni-Man then that's something he doesn't want to be a part of. Homelander tried to kill someone and Omni-Man broke Spider-Man's arms and his spirit and guess who's fault was it, yours Lois."

Lois: " I-I am sorry I-"

(Y/N): " No you're not, all you care about is getting a big scoop in your news report, exposing the hero girls and Vought well here's one, I quit the planetoid."

Lois: "What?"

You then grab the suit and storm out of the room as Lois was shocked to hear what you said.

Lois: "I'm sorry."

Meanwhile, the hero girls heard the news and they were shocked about what happened to Spider-Man.

Jessica: " Poor Spider-Man."

Kara: "I guess Spider-Man is no more."

Babs: " Well we have to help him get out of his slump."

Diana: "No Barbara, we cannot cause he doesn't want to."

Karen: " But he's a hero-"

Diana: "It was his choice to end his time as a hero and he made that choice. It is up to him to put on the mask once more."

Kara: "If that's the case, then Spider-Man is as good as dead."

Karen: " Then what about us? If it wasn't for Babs then-"*whispers*"We wouldn't be heroes."

Kara: "Look, we can take on General Zod and Starro, but Omni-Man is a bigger fish to fry. Even my cousin is afraid of him. I don't want to get on that guy's bad side."

Diana: "It is true, I agree with Kara. Omni-Man punished Spider-Man for doing things that are above his own abilities, if we do that, then we will suffer that same fate."

Jessica: "Diana's right, this is something that we can't do."

Meanwhile, in the Raft, Doc Ock heard the news that Spider-Man has quit the job of a superhero.

Doc Ock: "Oh no. Our chance of redemption is gone."

Doc Ock hears the screams of Electro and turns to see lots of electricity is being pulled out of him inside of a generator.

Electro: "No more, no more!"*feels electricity pulled out of him*"AAAAHHHH!!!!"

Doc Ock sees The Lizard being used as a punching bag for the Seven due to his regenerative abilities. He then sees Sandman in an inescapable hourglass, Vulture forced to make weapons, Green Goblin being strapped to a machine extracting the Goblin Formula to make more of him. We then see Homelander enter Doc Ock's cell and turn to him.

Doc Ock: "What kind of heroes use people like us for their benefits?"

Homelander: "Vought wants more than just Compound V, they want you 6. Well more like your powers."

Homelander then pulls out a remote and starts controlling Doc Ock's mechanical arms.

Doc Ock: *to his mechanical arms*"Listen to me! Not him!"

Homelander: "What was your dream Otto?"

Doc Ock: "The power of the sun, at the palm of my hand."

Homelander: "Sorry Otto. Let me tell you something, dreams are meant to be shattered."

We then see Homelander make Doc Ock's mechanical arms take Doc Ock to a laboratory. Back at home, we see you watch a commercial from Vought.

Commercial: *on tv*"Hello citizens of America, we are proud to announce a new team of 6 heroes: The Komodo, Mighty Arm, Highflyer, Dustman, Nightflyer, and Jolt Bolt! Together they form the Mighty 6!"

(Y/N): " Great, now they have more knock offs of those people."

???(Peter B): " Wanna know where they got those powers?"

We see the Spider-People come into the room.

Peter(MCU): "They got them from those guys."

(Y/N): "Well they're your problem."

Peni: " You're not gonna do anything?"

(Y/N): "Your villains, your problems."

Miles: " But your spider man."

You then grab your suit and throw it into a trash can and light it on fire in the trash can. You then turn to the Spider-People as they were shocked to see it happened.

(Y/N): "Get that through your thick skulls, Spider-Freaks!"

You then stormed off upstairs as the Spider-People turned to each other.

Gwen: "That hurt, that really hurt."

Miles: "He called us freaks."

Peni: "He fell even harder than any of us."

Peter B: " Yeah, he did."

Peni: " Now what?"

We see Peni head up to your room and she sees you opening a portal to another world.

Peni: "Where are you going?"

(Y/N): "I'm leaving this world, forever."*picks up your stuff*"Maybe a world full of zombies will be a lot better than this dump!"

We then see you enter the portal and close it behind you. Later, in Earth-2149, we see you come out of a portal in the ruins of Tokyo, Japan and you begin to set up camp. When you're done building your camp and defenses in case of zombies.

(Y/N): "I can take care of myself out here. No school, no friends, no Omni-Man. Just me and the zombies covering the whole planet."

We then see a Zombie Ms. Marvel bursts through the defenses and she sees you and you see her.

(Y/N): "Welp, alright you got me. Make it fast."

Z. Ms. Marvel: "You're not gonna defend yourself?"

(Y/N): "Where I'm from I used to be Spider-Man and ever since Omni-Man broke my arms and spirit, I'm nothing. I just quit and ran away."

Z. Ms. Marvel: "You were a hero and now you're not, that is so sad that I lost my appetite."

(Y/N): " So what, you're just gonna eat me anyways."

Z. Ms. Marvel: "I'll just spare your life for now, you already gone through enough as it is."

Zombie Ms. Marvel flies out of the camp as you repair the defenses. Sometime later, we see you settling in your camp and you get a knock at the gate and when you look who it is, it was Zombie Ms. Marvel and some other zombified heroines like Mystique and Scarlet Witch.

Z. Ms. Marvel: "We come in peace."

(Y/N): " What do you want?"

Z. Mystique: "We are not hungry."

Z. Scarlet Witch: "I could go for a pinky finger."*gets elbowed by Zombie Ms. Marvel*"What I said was only a pinky finger."*gets elbowed by Zombie Ms. Marvel*"Okay okay I won't eat anything, but no promises."*gets elbowed by Zombie Ms. Marvel*"Okay I promise I won't eat you, cross my heart. Sort of speak."

(Y/N): " And why are you here?"

Z. Ms. Marvel: "The downside of being zombies like us is that we don't see new people very often, so we decided to give you company, like friendly neighbors that won't eat you."*to Zombie Mystique*"Right Raven?"

Z. Mystique: "Why are you looking at me?"

Z. Ms. Marvel: "You're the reason why Quicksilver went all over the globe spreading the virus."

Z. Mystique: "You would have done the same thing too you know!"

Z. Ms. Marvel: "We never get to talk to humans because we always shove their flesh down our throats, so show some restraint, please!"

Z. Mystique: " Ugh, fine."

Later, we see the zombie girls in your camp and you give them some turkey and they start eating the turkey.

(Y/N): "Thanks for the company girls."

Z. Mystique: " You're welcome, sorry about your hero career."

(Y/N): "It's okay, it's something we have in common right."

Z. Mystique: " What do you mean?"

(Y/N): "Your careers ended because of a zombie virus. We're just washed up people who are just out of the job."

Z. Ms. Marvel: "Well actually we tried our best in stopping the virus, most of us got bitten because we're in the line of duty or just got bitten willingly.'*to Zombie Scarlet Witch*"Don't eat that."

You turn to see that Zombie Scarlet Witch was about to bite you and she frowned and made a pouting expression.

Z. Scarlet Witch: *pouts*"I bet he tastes delicious."

Z. Ms. Marvel: "We are not gonna eat him, no matter how tasty he looks."

Z. Scarlet Witch: " Fine."

(Y/N): " Why don't you want to eat me? I have nothing in my life now."

Z. Ms. Marvel: "My stomach tells me to eat you, but my heart says that you can get back on your feet."*sees Zombie Mystique about to bite your arm*"Raven, we just had a conversation about this."

Zombie Mystique: *lets go of your arm*"Ugh fine."

(Y/N): " Why? Omni-man was right, I can't handle bigger threats."

Z. Ms.Marvel: "Hey we handled bigger threats before we became zombies and that didn't stop us, or our Spider-Man."

Z. Mystique: " She's right, we even face off the whole galaxy in 40 years. And by face off I mean eaten."

Z. Scarlet Witch: " Even our Spider Man never gave up, no matter how hard the situation was or big it was, he stood up for what he believed in even if people thought he was a menace."

(Y/N): "But I was Spider-man for a week and I already screwed up big time."

Z. Ms. Marvel: " Everyone messes up from time to time, none of us are perfect without our flaws, heck we screwed up even more than you ever since we got infected."

Z. Scarlet Witch: " Yeah, and we're still zombies and we don't have any villains."

Z. Ms.Marvel: " Yeah ever since Omni Man was taken down."

(Y/N): "What? But Omni Man is well Omnipotent, he broke my arms."

Z. Scarlet Witch: "Ash killed him with a chainsaw, when he was turned into a zombie of course."*gets an idea*"I have an idea, (Y/N) I need to bite your arm."

(Y/N): "What?"

Z. Scarlet Witch: "You're smart, think, what would happen if I bit your arm?"

(Y/N): " Turn into a zombie, duh."

Z. Scarlet Witch: "Aside from that."

(Y/N): *gets what she means* " Oh, pain?"

Z. Ms. Marvel: "Wanda, where are you going with this?"

Z. Scarlet Witch: "Helping him to face a threat much bigger than him, and what's bigger than a zombie virus."

Z. Ms. Marvel: " Wait wait, are you saying you want to pass the Hunger to (Y/N)'s universe?"

Z. Scarlet Witch: "What no no, my plan is this, you remember when our top scientists are trying to find a cure to the Hunger, one of them infect his team and spread it to everyone else. (Y/N) is the only person here that's not a zombie and has a nice set of brains with him as well. Besides, I really want to nibble him on the arm and one person making a cure to the virus will take forever."

(Y/N): " And how does biting me on the arm solve anything?"

Z. Scarlet Witch: "Well we zombies haven't aged for 4 decades. Since finding a cure to the zombie virus will take a long time, I figured turning you into a zombie will help you out in making a cure cause you can understand it yourself."

(Y/N): " I guess that kinda makes sense."

Z. Ms. Marvel: "I'll get the other zombies in our girl group to talk about this."

(Y/N): " Okay, I'm still a bit iffy on this."

Z. Mystique: "That is why she is gathering the girl group so we can go over this plan."

Z. Scarlet Witch: "In the meantime, we can chat."

Some time later, we see you washing some dishes as we see Zombie Scarlet Witch enter the room.

Z. Scarlet Witch: "Hey um (Y/N), do you think I'm pretty, even as a zombie?"

(Y/N): "You do, if you get past the smell of a dead corpse and the rotting body. You are beautiful."

Z. Scarlet Witch: *giggles*"Thanks. Anyways, Ms. Marvel is back with the girl group."

Meanwhile, with the zombie girl group, we see Zombie Ms. Marvel talking to the other zombies.

Z. Ms. Marvel: "Okay girls, none of the guys came with you right?"

Zombies: "Nope."

Z. Ms. Marvel: " Okay, now we can get down to business."

Z. Black Widow: " So what's the plan?"

Z. Ms. Marvel: "Okay swear you don't jump the moment you see a non-infected human."

Zombies: "We swear."

Z. She-Hulk: "And why?"

Z. Ms. Marvel: "You'll see."

When you came into the room all the zombies saw you and they were hungry.

Z. She-Hulk: "That looks tasty."

Z. Ms. Marvel: "She-Hulk, no. You swear on it. We're not gonna eat him, one of us is just gonna bite him and turn him into one of us. Okay?"

Z. Storm: "If that's the case, dibs."

Z. Scarlet Witch: "No way, I get dibs."

Z. Elektra: "I want to nibble his flesh."

Z. Storm: "Wait, why are we gonna turn him into a zombie?"

Z. Ms. Marvel: "Because he's the only person sane enough to figure out a cure to the Hunger so that we can rebuild the whole planet. Making a cure for a zombie virus will take a long time."

Z. She-Hulk: " How long?"

Z. Ms. Marvel: " Well given the planet is in bad shape right now, 80 to 100 years-ish?"

Z. Storm: " You're kidding right?"

Z. Ms. Marvel: "Do you want to be a zombie forever?"

Zombies: "No..."

Z. Ms. Marvel: "Well it will take time alright. So everyone be patient."

Z. She-Hulk: "Look on the brightside, we might get to know him better and plus he's cute."

Z. Invisible Woman: "Let's draw straws, winner gets to bite the kid."

All the zombies then draw straws and Zombie She-Hulk is the winner.

Z. She-Hulk: "Well I guess I'll get to bite him first."

Z. Storm: " Lucky."

Z. She-Hulk: *picks you up in a bridal position*"I want this to be special, let's do it somewhere private."

(Y/N): "Um, why not here?"

Z. She-Hulk: *while holding you*"You are the first non-infected human I've seen in years, I want this to be special."

(Y/N): " Um okay?"

Later, in your bedroom, we see you and Zombie She-Hulk in bed and Zombie She-Hulk is on top of you.

Z. She-Hulk: "Hope you're ready, this might hurt a bit. But first~."

Zombie She-Hulk then kisses you on the lips and then pulls back.

Z. She-Hulk: "A little kiss between us~. And now the final touch~."

Zombie She-Hulk then bites you on the neck and then pulls away.

Zombie She-Hulk: "Think of that bite as a zombie hickey."

(Y/N): " Thanks."

Sometime later, we see you as a zombie and you were working on a cure to the zombie virus.

(Y/N): "Alright, now to get to work."

We then see a montage of you working on the cure while at the same time hanging out with the zombie girls. We see you flying around with Zombie Storm, sharing brains with Zombie She-Hulk, having fun with the other zombies, and having a few dates with them. After 30 years of working on the cure, you test it out on Zombie She-Hulk.

(Y/N): " Alright Shulky, hope this works."

You see all of the decomposition on Zombie She-Hulk's body going away and She-Hulk no longer a zombie.

(Y/N): "It worked! And it took me 30 years!"

She-Hulk(Earth-2149): "Nice one babe."

(Y/N): " Thanks, now how do we get this cure to the rest of the people?"

She-Hulk(Earth-2149): "Make it rain?"

(Y/N): "That's a great idea! Storm just needs to make a worldwide rainstorm that has the cure in the water."

She-Hulk(Earth-2149): "That sounds crazy enough to work."

We later see you working on a device that can mix the cure into the clouds as we see Zombie Storm gnawing on She Hulk's arm.

She-Hulk(Earth-2149): "Can you hurry up babe, she's gnawing on my arm."

(Y/N): "Storm stop gnawing She-Hulk's arm please."

Z. Storm: *while gnawing*"I can't help it, it's been so long since I had food."

She-Hulk(Earth-2149): "I'll let you marry him if you stop."*sees Zombie Storm stop gnawing*"Figured that would work."

(Y/N): *blushes*"Uh marriage?"

She-Hulk(Earth-2149): "Since we're rebuilding the planet, we should start by repopulating. And you know that that means~?"

(Y/N): *blushes harder*"Oh uh, I'm still in high-"

She-Hulk(Earth-2149): "You're like 48 years old by now, and when you're cured it will be like you haven't aged at all. Besides, we'll take full responsibility as mothers of our children and you can visit us whenever you get the chance. And besides there won't be real marriages, since we're rebuilding a much better society."

(Y/N): " I guess that makes sense."

She-Hulk(Earth-2149): "Think of it this way, you're donating your sperm for a good cause by impregnating women directly."

(Y/N): " Yeah, try not to break me please?"

She-Hulk(Earth-2149): "We can give you 10 minute breaks."

You then finish the device and put the cure into it and send the device into the air. Zombie Storm then makes a worldwide rainstorm and the machine mixes the cure into the water of the clouds and it starts raining everywhere on Earth. Within 24 hours, all the zombies on Earth are cured and we see the former zombies turn to you and hug you.

Dagger(Earth-2149): "You did it!"

Storm(Earth-2149): "You cured all the zombies."

(Y/N): "You're welcome girls."

She-Hulk(Earth-2149): " Thanks, so you think you can handle the big threats in your world?"

(Y/N): "Yeah and I hope that time flies differently in my world cause I might miss a lot of things in 30 years."

Ms. Marvel(Earth-2149): "Well we wish you good luck."

She-Hulk(Earth-2149): "And before you go, mind helping us with repopulation~?"

(Y/N): *blushes* " Uh well, it's only fair since you all helped me. Okay who wants to go first?"

She-Hulk(Earth-2149): "I gave you the hickey, so I go first."

We then see a montage of you having sex with the girls that you got along with for the past 30 years. After many days of sex, the girls did pregnancy tests and they are confirmed pregnant.

She-Hulk (Earth-2149): " Yes! We're pregnant!"

(Y/N): *pants**pants*"It's possible for one man to impregnate up to 8 women per day."

Storm(Earth-2149): " It is now. Thank you for saving our world."

(Y/N): "You're welcome."

Later, in your universe, we see you come back home through the portal as you see Peni standing there.

(Y/N): "How long have I been gone?"

Peni: "3 minutes. What have you been doing?"

(Y/N): "Make a cure to a zombie plague in 30 years and repopulate Earth-2149."

Peni: " How-"

(Y/N): " You'll find out when you're older. What's going on?"

Peni: "You've only been gone for 3 minutes. You haven't missed anything. Also I've done enough reading to know how sex works, that's how I got straight As in health class in my universe. Girls mature faster in my universe."

(Y/N): " Right, so I really haven't missed anything."

Peni: " Nope, so uh are you ready to be-"

(Y/N): " Yes and um, sorry I called you all spider freaks."

Peni: "It's okay."

We then see a spider jump onto your neck and then bite you on the back of your neck.

(Y/N): "Ow!"*knocks the spider off of your neck*"What was-"*Spider-senses tingling and feels Peni's tingle as well*"How?"

Peni: " I've been saving that Spider in case you ever.... Got back. It's basically the same spider that bit you last time."

(Y/N): *pats Peni's head*"Nice work Peni."

Peni: " Thanks, so does that mean your back being-"

(Y/N): " Yeah I am, no matter what someone tells me, someone has to be Spider-Man."

Peni: "But you can't swing around the city in your normal clothes."

(Y/N): "Good thing I keep a spare."

We then see you pull out a briefcase and when you open it, both you and Peni see your secondary suit.

(Y/N): "I made this one in case my current suit is in the laundry."

We then see Spider-Noir enter the room and turn to you.

Spider-Noir: "Hey while you're gone, that new team of heroes that Vought made just went ballistic on the public and the Seven is at court. Which is a perfect time to get those 6 guys out of prison."

(Y/N): " Thanks Noir. Now let's bust them out of prison, Spider Gang."

Later, in Glenn Morgan Square, we see the hero girls are really beat up by the villain girls.

Diana: *in pain*"We must stand and fight sisters!"

Harleen: "Not a chance Wondie!"

A webshot was fired at Harleen's face and the villain girls see you on a building.

(Y/N): "Hey! Spider-Man is back and better than ever! Plus I met some new friends."

We see you jump down and webswing with the rest of the Spider-Gang and then land in front of the villain girls.

Harleen: *pulls the webbing off of her face*"What are you doing here?"

Peni: " A little crime fighting of course."

Spider-Noir: "We don't talk in the ballroom, we just dance."

Leslie: " Huh?"

(Y/N): " He means we fight you and send you all to jail."

Spider-Ham: "Or you get another option."

MIles: "Saving all of those villains from being used as molds for Vought's heroes, all of those guys that came out of nowhere in New York are being held against their will."

Doris: "Giganta not want to get in trouble with Omni-Man and The Seven."

(Y/N): "We have to do something, we have to help them. Who's the real villains, you girls or the Seven?"

Leslie: "Alright even if we agree, how are we supposed to beat up Omni-Man? He's well Omnipotent!"

???: "Leave that to me."

Everyone then turns to see Lena Luthor licking a lollipop.

Spider-Noir: "A little kid?"

Kara: "That's no kid, that's Lena Luthor. Lex's baby sister."

Peni: " Oh yeah, I've heard about you."

Harleen: " So does Luthor junior have a plan to beat Omnidork?"

Lena: "I've been preparing something for Omni-man for awhile."

Pam: " What is it? Some kind of chemical that neutralizes his powers?"

Lena: "You'll see, I like to keep it a surprise."

Babs: " Okay and what's the plan?"

(Y/N): "We bust in where those guys are and we bust them out."

Selina: "Lucky for you, I have the floor plans of their tower."

Sometime later, we see you and the others on the rooftops looking over the tower now and you all see Omni-Man flying by.

(Y/N): *speaks into a radio*"Lena, he's here."

You and the others hear the sound speakers turn on and emit a sound frequency that is hurting Omni-Man's ears.

Omni-man: *in pain* " AHHHHHH!!! THAT NOISE!!"

Spider-Noir: " What's going on with him?"

(Y/N): "Of course, viltrumites have vulnerable ears. If you make a sound at a certain frequency you stun him."*Speaks into the radio*"Nice one Lena."

Lena: *over the coms*" You're welcome."

We see you and the Spider-Gang swing to the tower as we see the hero and villain girls follow you as well as we see you all arrive into the building. Meanwhile, with the Sinister 6, we see Doc Ock sitting in his cell in despair and pain until he hears something as everyone in their cells saw you and the others burst into the room. Peter(Raimi), Peter(Webb), and Peter(MCU) take off their masks and the villains see them.

Peter(Raimi): "We're here to break you all out."

Doc Ock: "Peter, brilliant but lazy."

Green Goblin: "You want to know how we got here Parker? We have not come here by choice, we were summoned by these people."

Electro: "Yeah they're the reason why we're here in the first place."

(Y/N): "Vought brought you here, so they can use your stuff to market off of new heroes?"

The Lizard: "That's correct, I suppose."

We then see you all breaking them all out of their prisons as The Lizard places a hand on your shoulder.

The Lizard: "Let me be the one to give them some payback. By turning all of their greatest heroes that Vought has ever created back into their more human form and all of their work will be down the drain."

(Y/N): "Well anything to stop their operation."

We then see you and The Lizard head to a science lab while carrying a canister of Compound V. You went through trials of coming up with an antiserum for Compound V as Electro and Sandman stand guard.

Electro: "Make with the science and get it over with."

(Y/N): " We're doing it as fast as we can here."

The Lizard: *while holding a beaker*"Can't rush genius."

Sandman: "He's not, he's rushing you."

We then see Homelander burst into the room and sees you and the others.

Electro: "Uh Conners, their big man is here."

The Lizard: "Good, I want to do a test run."

The Lizard puts the antiserum into a canister and when Homelander blitzes The Lizard and grabs him by the throat. The Lizard bites onto the canister as green gas was all over Homelander. Homelander was starting to feel weak and fell onto the ground as we see The Lizard scratching his forehead to make sure it worked and he sees Homelander bleeding.

Electro: " He's bleeding? How?"

The Lizard: "He was exposed to an antiserum to Compound V, since there are a lot of heroes made by Vought all over the US. I made it into a gas form to turn them all into normal humans."

Sandman: "Grab your notes and let's get out of here!"

Later, we see you and the others head back to your house as we see you open up a secret lab by inputting a series of numbers on a rotary phone.

(Y/N): "76325."

We then see the door open up and it was the door on the fridge that leads to the lab.

(Y/N): "My mom and mama know that I'm Spider-Man. So they gave me a secret laboratory for my 16th birthday."

Electro: *to Doc Ock* "Man I like this guy, he has two moms who know that he's Spider-Man and his door to his lab is a fridge door."

Sandman: "Where did your moms get the lab?"

(Y/N): "My mom is a scientist and mama is an engineer, do the math and you get a lab."

The Lizard: *to Doc Ock*"Where was he in my universe? He seems better than my Spider-Man."

Peter(Webb): "Hey!"

(Y/N): "What you're about to see in there, will make your universes look like science fair projects that won participation stickers."

Electro: "We'll give you 500 bucks if you're right."

Later, in the lab, everyone was shocked to see how advanced your lab is as we see them giving you the money.

Electro: "Man, there goes my money, I have to pay double time for Dr. Conners cause he doesn't have pockets."

The Lizard: "Sorry."

Next: Chapter 2: Curing the Villains

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