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Here we see Lois Lane in the Daily Planetoid and she is looking through pictures of Spider-Man in Metropolis.

Lois: "Nicely done on the angles (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Thanks."

Lois: "So this new hero Spider-Man is really popular around these parts. You think you can get incriminating evidence in case he's a villain in disguise?"

(Y/N): "He's new and I don't think he does bad things."

Lois: "Well if you say so, he's fresh in the superhero gig. Well, just take more pictures of him I guess."

(Y/N): " Alright Lane I'm on it."

Later, we see you fighting off some criminals in your hero outfit and stringing them up while your camera was in a web taking pictures of you with the criminals.

(Y/N): " Now smile and say, ''I just got caught''."

The camera takes the picture. Later, we see you handing the pictures of Spider-Man to Lois.

(Y/N): " Got the pictures."

Lois: "Nice one, but can you get some pictures of Spider-Man fighting something big, not street level big, but big big. I don't even care where it's taking place, just take the pictures. Something that would get us internships at the Daily Planet."

(Y/N): " Uh, us?"

Lois: "You know, you, me, Olsen, we're good reporters."

(Y/N): "What if I work for Spider-Man on cracking something big, like where are all of Vought's heroes coming from?"

Lois: "A reporter and superhero team up on cracking something big, I like what you're going at (Y/N). You know what, I should help out Spidey."

(Y/N): "Why you?"

Lois: "Because you already did enough by taking pictures of Spider-Man, I think you deserve a break."

(Y/N): " Okay but it would be dangerous and that Vought is far away and it's guarded by the Seven."

Lois: "When it comes to being a reporter, you gotta take chances and get your hands dirty in the process."

(Y/N): " And getting hurt or worse, getting killed."

Lois: "Hey I'm not as fragile as I look, besides I have Spider-Man with me."

(Y/N): " Well what about the other heros, like that super dude who wears his red undies on the outside?"

Lois: "Superman? He may be super, but he's not subtle. He'll just bash his way through the walls, Spider-Man is much more stealthy right?"

(Y/N): "Yeah I guess you're right."

Later, in Manhattan, we see a bus dropping Lois off and we see you in your hero outfit swinging by and landing on a street light above Lois. You then drop down and tap on Lois' shoulder and surprise her.

Lois: " Ah!"*Sees you* " Don't do that, you almost gave me a heart attack!"

(Y/N): "Sorry. Anyways, we have to keep quiet, Homelander has super hearing like Superman."

Lois: "Right."

(Y/N): "Okay."*shoots a webcable and grab Lois*"Alright hang on."

Lois: " Why would I-"

We then see you swing around Manhattan while hanging onto Lois. We then see you land on the ground on top of the Seven Tower as Lois was a bit shaken from the web swinging.

Lois: "Whoa, that was a rush."

(Y/N): " You get used to it."

Lois: "Now let's get those-"

Then a large lightning bolt came from the building and you see both A-Train, Black Noir, and The Deep being thrown from the building and onto the roof.

(Y/N): "Uh what's happening?"

Then we see a being made out of electricity known as Electro and he sees you.

Electro: "Hey Parker."

(Y/N): "Um, are you referring to me?"

Electro then shoots you in the chest with a lightning bolt sending you flying off the building.

Lois: "Spidey!"

We then see numerous amounts of sand catch you and place you onto the ground and you get back up. You then turn to the sand and you see it was Sandman.

(Y/N): " What the?"

Sandman: "Peter, it's me Flint Marko."

(Y/N): "Um I am Spider Man, but I'm the wrong guy."

Sandman: "Wrong guy? What are you talking about?"*take a hit from Electro*"Ow!"

(Y/N): "No time for explanations! Keep him down while I pull the plug!"

Sandman: "Alright!"

Sandman then surrounds Electro in a sandstorm and you swing all over New york to find the power source of Manhattan.

(Y/N): " That power source has to be somewhere-"*gets grab by the foot*"Whoa!"

You then turn to see you were grabbed by Doc Ock himself.

Doc Ock: "Hello Peter."

Then a beam of energy launches Doc Ock off the roof and you turn to see it was Starlight.

(Y/N): "No time to explain, gotta go!"

You then head to the city's power grid and you turn it off. We then see Electro lose his powers as Sandman caught him as we see you quickly swing back to The Seven Tower and you turn to both Electro and Sandman.

(Y/N): "Okay who are-"*feels your Spidey-Senses are tingling*"Spider-Sense is tingling, now what."

You then see Queen Maeve heading to you and you see a pumpkin bomb land next to her.

(Y/N): "Look out!"

The bomb explodes and launches Queen Maeve into a wall and you see missiles hit the building and debris fall on her.

(Y/N): *takes the debris off of her* " You're welcome."

You then turn to see Green Goblin land on the ground from his glider as Queen Maeve gets up and pushes you out of the way and charges at Green Goblin.

Q. Maeve: *throws a punch at Green Goblin*"You're going to jail pal!"

Green Goblin: *catches her punch*"Not today!"

Green Goblin then punches Queen Maeve and launches her into the building. The Green Goblin then sees you.

Green Goblin: "Peter Parker, so good to see you again."

(Y/N): "Why are you guys calling me-"

Sandman: "Look out!"

Homelander then shoots his heat vision at Electro as Sandman blocks the blow with his granulated body. Most of Sandman's body is turned to glass and he cracks the glass and then Homelander then crash lands on Sandman.

Electro: "Oh shoot you just smashed the sand guy."

Sandman: *rebuilds himself*"I'm fine by the way."

(Y/N): " Listen I got this."

We then see The Lizard burst out of the building and knock you into a wall. We see Lois down the building and she's taking pictures of all the action. By the time Doc Ock got to the Seven Tower, he was surprised that the Green Goblin was alive.

Doc Ock: "Osborn?"

Sandman: *sees Doc Ock and Green Goblin* "How are you two alive?"

Doc Ock: " Alive? What are you on about?"

Electro: "Can we talk about this later before we die."

The 5 villains then see the Seven regroup.

Homelander: "Surrender now or-"

Then a beam of energy shoots Homelander and launches him across the block as the five villains turn to see The Vulture.

Electro: "Who's the guy in the chicken suit?"

Doc Ock: "It's more like a Vulture you idiot."

Electro then sees Stormfront and she is a bit angry and she shoots lightning at Electro as he was reenergized.

Electro: "She just shot me, cool for me but that's just racist."

(Y/N): " How is that racist?"

Electro: "Her first target was a black guy, and I'm black!"

(Y/N): " Oh ok yeah that racist. My bad!"

We see Black Noir attack Green Goblin as we see The Lizard fight off The Deep while Doc Ock fights off Queen Maeve and Starlight and Electro fights off Stormfront and Sandman fights off A-Train. We see Vulture land in front of you and points his weapon at you.

Vulture: "Got you now Peter!"

(Y/N): "Alright that's it."

You then use a magic enhanced web shooter to shoot mystic webs to teleport the 6 villains under Camp LeHigh. We then see Homelander return and he turns to you.

Homelander: "Where are they, kid?"

(Y/N): "I sent them somewhere else and I'll figure it out. But uh can someone get me a ride to New Jersey?"

???: "I can help."

You then look up and see Lapis Lazuli landing on the ground.

(Y/N): "Oh you must be Lapis Lazuli, from Beach City. I read your Shield file, you're the reason why the ocean was formed into a tower to space right?"

Lapis: "Yeah, not my best moments."

(Y/N): "Yeah sorry to mention it. But can you help me get to Camp LeHigh?"

Lapis: "Oh sure."

???(Lois): "Hold on second!"

You and Lapis see Lois running to you and Lapis.

Lois: "I'm coming with you, I want to interview those villains."

Lapis: "I can carry two people."

You then attach webcables to yourself, Lois, and Lapis.

(Y/N): " Hang on you two, cause it will be a long fall from the sky."

Lois: " Okay."

We see Laps fly off into the sky and head to Camp LeHigh. Sometime later, we see you and the other at Camp LeHigh and Lois sees the 6 villains in prison cells.

Lois: "Wow, Camp LeHigh, the birthplace of Captain America. Where did you get the tech to get them here?"

(Y/N): "You mean the magic web shooter? Dr. Strange gave it to me, he taught me how to use it. All I have to do is make a mental image of the place in my head, thwip and the person who got hit is there."

Lois: " Wow, nice one Parker."

(Y/N): "I'm not Peter Parker."

Electro: "Okay I would say that you're joking, but you sound like you're serious. If you're not Peter Parker then who are you?"

(Y/N): *looks at Lois* "Can you promise me not to tell anyone?"

Lois: "Well I will report anything but a hero's identity that will ruin their career, that is a reporter don't."

(Y/N): "Okay, here goes."*takes off the mask*"It's me, (Y/N)."

Lois: "Scranton!? You're Spider-Man?!"

The Lizard: "Does anyone know who (Y/N) Scranton is?"

Sinister 6(except Lizard): "Nope."

(Y/N): " That's what I've been trying to tell you, I'm not this Peter guy."

Lois: "Well I'm Lois Lane and I want to interview you villains."*to Doc Ock*"You sir, what's your name?"

Doc Ock: "Doctor Otto Octavious."

Sandman: "How are you and Norman Osborn alive?"

Green Goblin: "What are you talking about?"

Sandman: "Norman killed himself with the blade of his own glider and Dr. Octavious drowned with his machine."

Doc Ock: "What?"

(Y/N): *realizes what's going on* " Ohh, okay I think I know what's going on. All 6 of you came from different universes."

Sandman: " Different universes?"

(Y/N): "Well do you three know the other 3?"

The Lizard: "I know the electric one, Max Dillion, he was my student."

Electro: "And you were human and had one arm, and now you have two arms and you're a lizard. And you tried turning other people into lizards."

The Lizard: "I was merely helping humanity to take the next step in evolution. How did you get your powers?"

Electro: "I fell into a vat of electric eels."*to Vulture*"What's your story?"

Vulture: "I'm an arms dealer and I sell weapons made from alien technology just to support my family."

Sandman: "That's something we have in common, I have a kid too. I tried to steal money to save my kid from an illness and now I just ended up like this."

Electro: "Okay is anyone else a dad?"

Green Goblin: "I am, but I tried to make a living by making weapons for the military. Including the Goblin Formula."

Doc Ock: "The price of greed is using that formula on yourself and turning yourself into a monster."

(Y/N): "I think I noticed a pattern here, you guys are fated to die or be defeated by Spider-Man."

Electro: "Yeah well I absorb so much power that I-"*realizes*"-was gonna die."

Sandman: " You're realizing that too much will overload you?"

Electro: "Yeah I was gonna die man."

The Lizard: "Do I die?"

Vulture: "I don't know squat about you guys."

Lois: "What's your name Vulture?"

Vulture: "Adrian Tomes actually."

Lois: "Mr. Tomes, have you considered getting a job at Shield to be their expert at weapons?"

Vulture: "I didn't think about that."

Sandman: "Sounds like a good deal for you since you're good at weapons."

Electro: "What's this Shield anyways?"

(Y/N): "Neither of you have Shield?"

Vulture: "I have my own Shield."

(Y/N): " No Shield, as in Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division?"

Vulture: "That's what I said, I have a Shield back where I'm from."

(Y/N): " Oh, then you guys have your own Avengers?"

Doc Ock: "Is that a band?"

Electro: "No way, that's a football team."

(Y/N): "It's a team of Earth's mightiest heroes."

Electro: "Yeah we don't have those guys."

Vulture: "I have Avengers where I'm from, but they split up."

Electro: "Like the Beatles?"

Vulture: "Something like that."

Sandman: "Well your heroes are much more violent than our Spider-Men."

Electro: "Yeah what's up with that?"

Lapis: "The Seven aren't really heroes, they're just jerks in tights."

(Y/N): " Yeah people who think they're heroes but they're doing more harm than good."

Electro: "I see, celebrity fame has gone to their heads, bad."

(Y/N): "Well if you want I can change you guys back, our tech is advanced."*to Vulture*"Except for you, your gear looks like it's detachable."

Electro: "Have superpowers and die horribly or ditch the powers and live. I wanna live, who's with me, raise your hand."*sees everyone raise their hands*"Cool, we're all in."

(Y/N): "Well we have to go to Metropolis cause the gear to make your cures are at my house."

Doc Ock: "This raises the question, how do we get there?"

(Y/N): " Well we can either take the bus, or just portal there."

We then see Omni-Man burst through the ceiling and turn to you as you quickly put your mask on and turn to Omni-Man.

Electro: " Who's the big guy?"

(Y/N): "That's Omni-Man."

Omni-Man then blitzes you and back handed you to the wall as he then turns to the Sinister 6.

Electro: "Is he here to help us?"

Omni-Man: "You all are not from around here are you?"

Sandman: "Nope."

Omni-Man: "I'm sure no one will miss you."

Electro: " What's that supposed to mean?"

(Y/N): " It means we should run!"

Lois then presses a button that releases the villains as we see Doc Ock attack Omni-Man first as Omni-man overpowers his mechanical arms and punches him in the face and knocks him out. Electro then shoots lightning at Omni-Man as Omni-Man blocks it with Lizard's body and throws it at him. Green Goblin then throws a bomb at Omni-Man and it blew up in his face he came out unscathed. Omni-Man grabs Vulture and throws him at the Green Goblin as we see Sandman punching him in the face numerous times and to no effect as he grabs a gas mane and lights the gas on fire and turns Sandman entirely into glass from the heat. Omni-man then grabs Lapis by the throat and squeezes her until she poofs and reverts her back into her gem.

(Y/N): "Omni-Man, please. Let me help them."

Omni-man: " Are you nuts? They're villains."

(Y/N): " Trust me okay?! I can help them, if anything shouldn't you be stopping the Seven?"

Omni-Man: "I tried to tell you to stick to things on your level, I gave you a warning kid. But you didn't listen to me and now you will pay the price."

Omni-Man then grabs your arms and then squeezes them until the bones crack and break.

(Y/N): *in pain*"AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"

Lois: "Spider-Man!"

Omni-Man: *drops you onto the ground*"Now you won't spin anymore webs."

Green Goblin: *laughs out loud*"What kind of a hero disciplines a child by breaking their bones to teach him a lesson, you think you're a hero. You're just a wolf in sheep's clothing."

Omni-Man then sees Lois and then takes her camera and destroys it with one hand.

Omni-Man: "No flash photography."

Lois: "My scoop!"

Omni-Man grabs the Sinister 6 and then flies off as Lois runs to you.

Lois: "(Y/N), are you alright?"

(Y/N): *in pain* " My arms....without my arms...I can't shoot webs."

Lois: *picks up Lapis' gem*"I'll get you two out of here."

4 hours later, we see Lois carrying you with your arm wrapped around her and making a slow journey home.

Lois: *while carrying you*"It's my fault that this happened, if it weren't for me you would still have your hands."

(Y/N): *in pain*"It's not your fault. But Omni-Man was right, I should've just stuck to what I can handle."

Lois: *while carrying you*"What did he say to you?"

(Y/N): *in pain*"He told me that in order for some heroes like me to help, it's best that they step aside and let the others do their part. I should've listened to him when I had the chance."

Lois: "How long have you been Spider-Man?"

(Y/N): "Only a week."

Lois: "A week!? You've been a superhero for only a week!?"

(Y/N): "I fell before I got the chance to rise."

Several months later, after your arms fully recovered, we see you throw away your hero outfit in the trash and then walk off and leave a note that says: Spider-Man is no more. We see you in class with your spirit broken as the hero girls see you.

Diana: "What happened to him?"

Kara: "I don't know."

Meanwhile, in the alleys, we see a woman in a spider costume named Gwen Stacy aka Ghost Spider pick up your suit.

Gwen: "Wow, throwing the suit away already. He's down in the dumps, better help him out."

Next: Chapter 1: A Hero No More

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