Chapter 4: Spider Training

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Here we see you in the underground lair and you are working on your web shooters and the girls are worried about you.

Diana: "He is not taking matters to his own hands."

Kara: "He's following rules that don't matter in other universes. He can't even touch Thor's hammer even though he could be worthy of it."

We see Diana walk over to you and hold up her Bracelets of Submission.

Diana: "Do you want to use my bracelets sometime?"

(Y/N): "No thanks. What's yours is yours. My mom always says that you have to stick to what you already have."

Diana: "Oh I see."

Diana then turned to the girls.

Diana: "He's not willing to break those rules."

Jessica: "Leave him alone everyone, I'm sure they gave him those rules for a good reason."

Kara: "You know what, let's get him to shred those rules!"

Jessica: "Kara no! That's a bad idea, you remember what happened last time he broke the rules."

Kara: "That was like before Omni-Man was top dog."

Jessica: "What if someone even worse than Omni-Man shows up and punishes him for things that you made him do?"

Kara: "Alright, I won't."

Later, in space, we see Kara flying all over the galaxy and she found Galacta and she tapped on her helmet.

Kara: "Hey I know a guy who would make a great herald for ya."

Galacta: *to Kara*"Huh?"

Kara: "Follow me."

Later back on Earth, we see you at the bank and you just took down the bank robbers.

(Y/N): "Get a bank account next time guys."

We then see Galacta teleport into the room and she sees you.

(Y/N): "Huh?"

Galacta: "Spider-Man of Earth, I am here to bestow you a portion of my Power Cosmic to make you my herald."

Galacta then transforms you into a herald of Galacta and you have the Power Cosmic.

(Y/N): "Whoah."

Meanwhile in Shield, Nick Fury sees that there's a Herald of Galactus in the area and he calls Captain Marvel to deal with it. Meanwhile, in Tokyo, we see Captain Marvel get a phone call from Nick Fury.

Capt. Marvel: "Yeah? Take down the new Herald with lethal force? Alright, where is he?"

We see you and Galacta flying over the Sahara Desert.

(Y/N): "Man this is so coo-"

Before you finish your thought you get rammed by Captain Marvel all the way to the ground which causes a very large explosion that can be seen from space. In the aftermath of the blast, the power cosmic within you is gone, your arms and legs are bending the wrong way, all of your ribs are broken in 10 different places, your spine is a mess, most of your skull around your face is exposed cause the skin on it is gone, you lost an eye, and half of your blood has been spilled on the sand.

Capt. Marvel: "That was easy."

10 days later, we see you wake up from your coma and you see that your moms, Dr. Strange, and the hero girls are with you.

Linda: *hugs you*"Oh sweetie thank goodness you finally woke up!"

(Y/N): "Ugh what happened?"

Dr. Strange: "You're lucky to be alive, the doctor said you would be in a coma for 10 months. I sped up the process by making it 10 days. That hit would have killed ya if it weren't for the Power Cosmic."

Kara: "I thought that it was a good idea to get him the Power Cosmic would make him an Avenger."

Dr. Strange: "Trust me we wanted him to be an Avenger, we really do. But it's not up to us, it's up to the United Nations. And the vote was unanimous, that he shouldn't be an Avenger. They said he can't keep up with any of the Avengers, not even Hawkeye and he's only armed with a bow and arrow. When the Avengers became a thing, they focused only on the people that are capable of facing off foes like the Chintari or even Ultron. A kid with Spider Powers, in their eyes, can't compete with that."

Kara: " So he is avengers material?"

Dr. Strange: "To us yes, but to them, no."

Kara: " Oh come on, who cares what other people think? (Y/N) is and can be an avenger."

Dr. Strange: "If we go against the will of the United Nations then we'll all be court martialed and get thrown in jail. It's in the Sokovian Accords, any decision the Avengers make will be up to the UN at a private meeting at their HQ."

Zee: "Why are you all enforcing rules they made?"

Dr. Strange: "Because of Wanda Maximoff. During one of the Avengers' missions, Wanda tried to prevent massive casualties by throwing a suicide bomber into the air, she killed a hospital filled with people by accident including people from Wakanda. I know it's unfair but that's how the world works."

Zee: " So because of her, (Y/N) can't be an avenger?"

Dr. Strange: "Pretty much yeah."

Kara: " Well this is just great, what now?"

Zee: "Pretty much nothing but making sure (Y/N) doesn't hurt himself."

Kara: " And how do we do that? Put some invulnerability spell on him?"

Zee: " Hmm well we can at least try to keep him within the borders of Metropolis and let the professionals do their thing."

Kara: " So we just do nothing then?"

Zee: "Pretty much."

(Y/N): "It's okay guys, I'm okay as being the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. No matter what I do I'll never be an Avenger."

Kara: " Seriously, you're okay with this?!"

(Y/N): "I am."

Sometime later, we see you web swinging in Metropolis and you see the villain girls causing some trouble. You then land on the ground in front of them and they see you.

(Y/N): " Hold it right there."

Harleen: "Oh hey Spidey! Came here on your own?"

(Y/N): "Sure did."

You see Doris charge at you and you web up her hands together and you jump on her back and wrap her up in webbing to the point that she falls down. You shoot insulated webbing at Leslie and you fight off both Harleen and Selina on your own.

(Y/N): *while fighting Harleen and Selina*"You have the right to remain silent!"

You then put a trip mine on Harleen's back as it then goes off trapping both Selina and Harleen in webbing. You then turn to Pam and Carol as you see them charging at you as you then shoot electric webs at Pam and knock her out and you turn invisible as Carol looks for you. You then quickly grab Carol's ring and knock her out with bio electricity.

(Y/N): " And that's the end of that."

We see you tie up the villain girls to a street light and you leave a note for the cops. You then swing back home into your room and you see Babs in your room.

(Y/N): "Babs, what are you doing in my room?"

Babs: "Well your moms put your suit on a set of training wheels, so I decided to take the training wheels off of your suit."

(Y/N): " What do you mean?"

Babs: "You don't know what your suit is capable of at all. So let me work on it."*pulls out some tweezers*"Now hold still."

(Y/N): " Babs come on, if my moms put training wheels on my suit they should stay on. They know what's best for me."

Babs: "Well you don't know if you can shoot fire out of your hands or have laser vision, they're just holding you back from your true potential."

(Y/N): "I'm unlocking it through small increments. My electric webbing used to have 500 volts and now it's 3000 volts from last month."

Babs: " And guess who did that."

(Y/N): "I did, by hard work and following the rules."

Babs: "Alright if you're not gonna remove your training wheels. Then we have to do it"

(Y/N): " We?"

We see the hero girls hold you down onto the ground and we see Karen and Babs work on deactivating the training wheels protocol.

(Y/N): "Hey! Get off of me!"

Karen: "This is for your own good!"

You then get out your mechanical arms as we see Kara and Diana grab all four of them.

(Y/N): "I get that you want to help me, but you're rushing me!"

You then use your mystic web shooters to send Kara to another part of the world and then you electrocute Diana and knock her out. You then web Zee to the wall and snatch Jessica's ring and throw it out the window. You then knockout Babs and your Spider-Sense picks up Karen's presence in her smaller form and you shoot webs at her and stick her to the wall. You then get out of the house and you swing away. In the morning, we see you hiding out in the sewers and you teleport to another universe. We see you in the zombified universe that is infected with the Quantum Virus on the Empire State Building.

(Y/N): "Ugh, why can't they mind their own business? Can't they take a hint!?"

You then turn to see a zombie Black Widow all webbed up to the wall.

(Y/N): "What's your say on this?"

Z. Black Widow: "....."

(Y/N): "I don't want to rush things okay. It's a journey on a set of stairs, not an escalator. You know what I mean?"

Z. Black Widow: *grunts in a confused manner*

(Y/N): "Forget it. I see that your friends didn't make it with the cure, whatever that is."

Z. Black Widow: *grunts in a yeah manner* *grunts in a your friends are trying to help you manner*

(Y/N): "Why do you care? The first thing you can think of is shoving flesh down your throat. I'm out of here."

You then swing off the building and head to the makeshift bunker and head into it and you see a zombie Falcon in there and you web his wings to the wall and cover him up with webbing to restrict his movement.

(Y/N): "Sam, I know you're not in the right head right now, but I need your advice. If you have a friend that doesn't know how to ride a bike and rides it by using the training wheels on his bike but he's afraid to take them off, what would you do?"

Z. Falcon: *grunts in a manor saying just keep the wheels on the bike*

(Y/N): "Thanks Sam, I know you understand. Even if you are a flesh hungry cannibal."

Later on, we see you land on the ground and you use the necklace to teleport back to your universe.

(Y/N): " Home sweet home well universe."

We then see Diana tackle you to the ground and we see Jessica use her ring to put you in chains.

(Y/N): " Whatever it is, I didn't do it! Wait, why didn't my spider sense go off?"

Jessica: "We're getting rid of that training wheels protocol!"

Diana: "Now Bumblebee!"

We see Karen connect to your suit and then deactivate the training wheels protocol.

Karen: " There, it's done."

Diana: " Hazah!"

(Y/N): " What did you do?"

Your suit begins to glow and you hear a female voice.

Edith: "Hello (Y/N), I am the Artificial Intelligence program of your current suit and other suits as well. You may call me Edith."

(Y/N): "Well instead doing escape rooms or trust falls or red rover. You forcefully hacked my suit without my permission."

Eidith: " Actually, I asked your mothers and they approved."

(Y/N): "I wasn't talking to you Edith."

You then put Edith on mute.

(Y/N): "If you take the training wheels off the bike early, the person riding on it will fall down."

Jessica: " But once he or she gets the hang of it, they'll be ready. It's like wearing imaginary training wheels."

Diana: "You are ready to take on greater power."

(Y/N): " But-"

Diana: "We do not regret helping you out of your shell."

(Y/N): "Bad things will happen if you force someone to be something that they're not."

Jessica: " So you don't want to be a hero?"

(Y/N): " No, well yes I-"

Jessica: "Then stop holding yourself back, that's the doubt of Omni-man talking, you need to do what's best for you."

(Y/N): "I am not gonna use the new features and I'm putting the suit AI mute."

You then swing off into the city and land on the Daily Planet. Edith is trying to talk to you but she can't because you muted her.

Diana: *sighs* "Why can't he understand we're helping him."

Jessica: "I'm sure he would thank us sooner or later."

The next day, we see you fight off some bank robbers and your suit activates Quad Damage by accident and you punch through a robber's body.

(Y/N): "What the heck!?"

Robber: "Why....Hurk bleh."

Later at school, the girls are reading the newspaper about you commiting and they're pressing charges on you.

Jessica: " He's going to court. And it's our fault."

Diana: " He was right, we should have never forced him to be something that he is not."

Kara: " It's our fault and now he's going to jail."

Later, at the prison called the Vault, we see you in a prison uniform and you are sharing a cell with Titania.

(Y/N): "This is the worst day ever."

Titania: "What are you in for?"

(Y/N): "Accidental murder."

Titania: "Ouch. I'm sorry to hear that kid."

(Y/N): "It's their fault that I'm even here. They hacked my suit and now I'm here for life!"

Titania: "They had good intentions, they just wanted to help you."

(Y/N): "Bang up job there. There's a reason why I'm the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man and not the International Spider-Man."

Titania: "I guess you're right about that."

(Y/N): *sighs* " But I guess you are kind of right, they were only trying to help, they just don't know how to really help."

One of the guards opened the cell door.

Guard: "Your bail has been paid sir."

(Y/N): " Paid? By who?"

Later at home, we see you and the hero girls in the living room and you're looking at them with an angered look on your face.

(Y/N): " I told you I wasn't ready but did you listen no."

Diana: "We are sorry, we did not know that this would happen."

Jessica: " We're sorry for pushing you so hard."

(Y/N): "I know you were trying to help me and get me out of my shell but my moms-"

Babs: "Moms this, moms that, if they were here right now they would say-"

???(Linda): " We're sorry."

You and the girls turned to see your moms with apologetic looks.

Linda: "We're sorry sweetie."

Babs: " Huh?"

Suzie: "We're sorry that we've been holding you back, the girls were kind of right, you need to spread your own wings."

(Y/N): "I forgive you two. And still no on the cape, Spider-Man doesn't wear a cape."

We see your mothers holding a homemade cape with a Spider-Man logo on it and they toss it to the side.

Linda: "We understand."

Zee: "Did you two adopt (Y/N) or did you have a sperm donor?"

Linda: "Neither, one of the perks of being an expert in genetics is that you don't have to go through the hassle of finding a sperm donor or adoption."

Jessica: "What do you mean?"

Suzie: "She modified her genetics to have male and female genitalia."*hold hands with Linda*"It was her idea before we got married."

Diana: "Oh.... I do not understand."

Zee: " She turned herself trans."

Suzie: "And if you ask me, she is much bigger than any guy who tried to get with me. 5 inches in a flaccid state, 12 inches in an erect state, uncut foreskin, and she has a pair of gonads the size of oranges down there."

Zee: " Ugh, Ms. Scranton, TMI."

Diana: "What is a trans?"

Jessica: "It's when a woman has sexual organs of a man and a woman."

Diana: "That would explain why Aphrodite changed her mortal form to include a bulge between her legs. I thought she was carrying around protection in an odd place."

Jessica: "When was that?"

Diana: "She was visiting my mother, she keeps coming over to Themescriya to give my mother relationship advice."

Zee: " Oh Diana, I think the reason Aphrodite came to your mom was to um, uh-"

Kara: " Bang her."

Jessica: " Kara!"

Kara: " What, she's the Goddess of Love, what do you expect!?"

Diana: "That's not true, Aphrodite knows that my mother has a hard time raising me and my aunt Antiope and being Queen of the Amazons at the same time. Besides, Aphrodite may have expanded her horizons with women, but she has standards."

Kara: "She doesn't do prudes?"

Jessica: "Kara!"

Kara: "What? Poly is a busy mom and clearly she has to do something for her sister and for Diana. Remember when we first met Diana's aunt?"

Babs: "Good point."

Karen: "She really is like the immature sister between her and Hippolyta."

Kara: "Exactly."

Zee: "Huh, so Aphrodite is just giving her relationship advice."

Diana: "When I overhear their conversations, she told my mother to get out more and meet new people beyond the borders of the island and meet someone. And be herself."

Suzie: "Oh, does your mother happen to have golden locks?"

Diana: "Yes, how did you know?"

Suzie: "Linda and I met her at the mall and she told us that she has a crush on Spider-Man."

(Y/N): *sees Diana glaring at you*"I swear I did not bump into her."

Diana: " I believe you."

(Y/N): "Then why do you have your sword at my neck?"

Diana sees that she's pointing her sword at your neck.

Diana: " Uh, um, my apologies."*puts her sword away*"It is just that no man has ever laid hands on her and lived to tell the tale."

Linda: "Oh that wasn't the first time we met her. We invited her to our son's 4th birthday party."

(Y/N): "Really? I don't remember that."

We see Diana go through your birthday pictures and she sees you and Hippolyta at your 4th birthday party. You two were hugging each other as the other girls saw the picture.

Girls(except Diana): "Aww."

Diana: "My mother treated you like you're her child!? You touched her and lived!?!"

(Y/N): "Whoa, killing a 4 year old would be bad for the street cred. And it would make sense for her to hug me like that since she's already a mom."

Diana: " Hmm, I suppose so."

Suzie: "Oh when she was in town, I asked her to babysit (Y/N) when he was 5. And look at what he drew."

Suzie then pulls out a drawing of you and Hippolyta getting married as Diana turns to you in full fury.

Diana: " Why in Hera would you draw that?!"

(Y/N): " I was 5 okay?!"*to the ceiling*"Is there no end to this!?"

You and the others hear the doorbell and when you answer it you see Hippolyta on the doorstep.

(Y/N): "Diana, your mom is here."

Diana: " What!?"*sees Hippolyta*"What are you doing here mother!?!"

Hippolyta: "I have come here to seek sanctuary in the world of man with my groom to be."

(Y/N): "I don't think my moms would be into an open relationship."*to Linda and Suzie*"Right?"

Linda: " Well, it would be nice but 3 would be a crowd. We're not ready for that kind of relationship yet."

Hippolyta: "Your mothers did not propose to me. You did."

You and Diana: " What?!"

(Y/N): "Since when?"

Hippolyta: "When you made a picture which indicated that once you are old enough you are to be betrothed to me."

Diana: " What?!"

Kara: " So wait, if (Y/N) married Poly that would mean-"

Babs: " (Y/N) would be Diana's dad!"

Jessica: "Um Ms. Prince, I think you got a mix up with this. That's not how anyone proposes in the World of Man."

Zee: " Yeah, everyone knows the guy gets on one knee, shows the girl the ring and agrees to marry him."

Hippolyta: " Oh not to worry (Y/N) has already given me a ring during my last visit."

Diana: "What!?!"

Kara: "Let's see it then."

Hippolyta: *show's the ring on her finger* "See? It is the achilles ring."

(Y/N): "But-"

Hippolyta: *hugs you* " It has made me so happy that I can have someone to be with, I was worried I would not find the one for centuries until this very day."

Diana: "When did this happen mother!?!"

Hippolyta: " Oh my last visit when (Y/N) took me to a large kiosk."

(Y/N): " She means the mall."

Hippolyta: " Yes that."


Here we see Hippolyta looking around the mall.

Hippolyta: "What to do here."*Sees the clothing department*"Hmm I already have a suitable attire."

(Y/N): " Hey Hippolyta I got you a present."

Just as you were about to go to her you tripped and got on one knee in front of her and showed her the ring.

Girl 1: "Oh my gosh! He's proposing to her!"

Girl 2: "So lucky to have a man like him."

Hippolyta: "I do."

End of flashback.

(Y/N): "That was supposed to be a gift between friends!"

Hippolyta: *tears up* " So the marriage is off?"

(Y/N): " No, no of course not, I- "*sighs*"Are you sure you want this, your highness?"

Hippolyta: "Yes, I believe it is fate that it is time that Amazons will be in the World of Man."

Diana: " Are you sure about this mother?"

Hippolyta: "Indeed, it is destiny Diana. I have cared for him like a son that I never had, and now he is gonna be my king."

Diana: "Alright mother."

Linda: "Um Poly, sorry for the cultural ignorance, but what would happen if our son marries someone like you?"

Hippolyta: "When a man is brave enough to ask an Amazon of royal blood, then that man will be the communal husband of Themyscira."

(Y/N): "Oh in that case, I'm sure that my moms can't accept-"

Suzie and Linda: *jumping while hugging each other in joy*"We're gonna be grandparents!"

(Y/N): " What?"

Linda: "Sweetie, you're a nice boy and you might end up with lots of nice girls. You're sweet enough to get the attention of other girls, to make things fair I think an open relationship would be good for you sweetie."

(Y/N): " Are you sure about this?"

Suzie: "Of course sweetie, we just want what's best for you."

(Y/N): " Well if this is what you want-"

Linda: " It's not what we want, it's what you want."

Suzie: " We realized that the girls are right and you should spread your wings err webs. If you want to marry an Amazon Queen and be a communal husband then we shouldn't stop you."

(Y/N): "I don't want to make Hippolyta upset or Diana on account she'll hunt me down, okay I'll marry Hippolyta."

Hippolyta: "Thank you my beloved."

Diana: *strained* " Yes, this is... most wonderful."

Later at Themiskyra, we see you and Hippolyta at the altar and we see Diana with a somewhat angry look.

Zee: " Diana are you okay?"

Diana: ""

Babs: " Are you sure? You look mad."

Diana: ", this is a.... joyous event."

Karen: " Are you mad your mom is marrying (Y/N)?"

Diana: " OF COURSE I AM!!"

Kara: "Dude, come on she said he's gonna be a communal husband. So that means you can get with him too."

Diana: " That is not the reason why I am mad."

Babs: " Then what is it?"

Diana: "That should be me up there!"

Kara: " Wait, are you jealous of your mom?"

Diana: "Yes."

Zee: " But you never get jealous."

Kara: " Well actually the last time Diana's mom was in Metropolis she got super jealous and some old lady showed up and turned into a monster, what was her name? Lisa? Laura?"

???(Lyssa): " It's Lyssa!"

The girls turn to see Lyssa herself a row behind them.

Diana: " Lyssa?!"*Pulls out a sword* " What in Hera's name are you doing here?!"

Karen: " Who is she?"

Diana: " Her name is Lyssa, she's the goddess of rage and wrath."

Lyssa: "Yes, and jealousy too, I'm here because I was invited."

Diana: " By who?"

Lyssa: " The queen."

Kara: "You tried to kill her and us!"

Lyssa: "Apologies about that, it's just that it's been awhile that I actually had my full strength. I am not here to fight, Hera's honor."

Babs: " I don't buy it, should we lasso her?"

Diana: "This is the most honest Lyssa has been, I do not think the lasso is necessary. Yet."

Priest: "You may kiss the bride."

We then see Hippolyta grab you and dipped you down as she then kisses you and you kiss back.

Diana: " I suppose if my mother is happy, then I should be happy."

Antiope: " Wise words little Diana and again, apologies for the kraken."

Diana: " It is okay."

Next: Chapter 5: New Life With Amazons

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