Chapter 5: New Life With Amazons

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Here we see you at the dining hall having breakfast fit for a god as we see some of the servants giving you massages while you eat.

(Y/N): "While the perks are nice, I feel more like a breeding horse than a husband."

Hippolyta: "Nonsense my beloved, that is not true."

(Y/N): "Then what's with the line?"

Hippolyta turns to see amazons in a line waiting for some action.

Amazon 1: "Is this a bad time?"

Hippolyta: " Is something the matter?"

Amazon 1: "It's just that the king is uncomfortable with this."

Hippolyta: "What makes you say that?"

Antiope: "I think I see the answer."

Antiope then points up to the ceiling and Hippolyta sees amazons webbed up.

Antiope: "They snuck in and tried to bear children with him."

Hippolyta: " I see."

(Y/N): "Look I don't this would work out between us Poly, your people have not seen a guy since they were in diapers."

Hippolyta: " I am sure they will behave themselves."*to the Amazons*"Right?"

Amazon 1: "Indeed."

(Y/N): "Really? I can sense that you're making a plan on a notebook to get to me."

Amazon 1: *holds out the plan without realizing it*"That is not true!"*sees the plan*"Uh..." *hides the book behind her back* *sheepishly*

Antiope: " At least give them a chance (Y/N)."

(Y/N): " Hm okay. I'll give them a chance."

1 minute later this happened. We see you invisible as we see the Amazons looking for you and they are really pent up. We see you head back to your bedroom and you close the door behind you and you web it all up and make yourself visible again.

(Y/N): "That's it, I'm moving back to Metropolis!"

Amazons: *from outside*"What?!"

(Y/N): " Oh crud."

We then see the amazons trying to break into your bedroom as you then jump onto the ceiling and turn invisible. You see that the Amazons burst into the room and you climb out of the room through the doorway. You then head to Hippolyta and Diana and you land on the ground in front of them and become visible.

(Y/N): "Barely one minute and I have been chased by the others, it's like they're acting like Diana drooling over Steve!"*To Diana*"No offense."

Diana: "Actually I am with you on that but apparently Steve Trevor is into Wonder Woman and not Diana Prince."

(Y/N): " Oh I'm sorry, I'm sure you'll find someone that's special to you."*to Hippolyta*"But anyways, please let me go back to Metropolis. For the sake of the sanity of the Amazons and for my life, let's have a divorce!"

Hippolyta: "Hmm, if that is what you desire you may go back to the World of Man."

(Y/N): " Thanks. But there has to be some way to train the Amazons to not go nuts like Diana, no offense."

Diana: *gasps and gets an idea* " Perhaps there is."

(Y/N): " What do you mean?"

Diana: "The World of Man has an object of desire called a Body Pillow."

Hippolyta: " A body pillow? I do not think (Y/N)'s body will suffice as a pillow."

(Y/N): "My bones are fragile."

Diana: " No no, I mean a pillow with your full body image on it."

Hippolyta: "Ah, I see."*to you*"And I do understand why you want a divorce."

Diana: "Mother, I thought you wanted to be happy with a husband to call your own."

Hippolyta: "Even I knew that this relationship is moving too fast. We should have taken it slow, perhaps we can be boyfriend and girlfriend?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, but you can still keep the ring. It was supposed to be a gift between friends after all or boyfriend and girlfriend."

Hippolyta: "And I thank you for that. Antiope!"

Antiope: *comes in*"Yes my queen."

Hippolyta: "Gather the Amazons, I have urgent news for them."

Later, we see all the amazons in one place and we see you, the hero girls, and Hippolyta on a stage.

Hippolyta: "Amazons of Themyscira, (Y/N) Scranton of the World of Man is no longer my king and he is returning back to his people."

The Amazons were screaming and crying in sadness and heartbreak.

Hippolyta: " But in the spirit of (Y/N) not being here, Diana's friend Zatana will provide us with a gift. Body Pillows!"

The Amazons were confused until a portal opened and body pillows of you fell onto them and we see Hippolyta catch one herself.

Babs: "I told you celebrity marriages don't last."

Kara: " I guess I owe you 5 bucks."

(Y/N): "Kinda creepy if they're snuggling with a body pillow of me, but it works. It feels like I've been running for my life for weeks here."

Jessica: "You've been here for a day."

(Y/N): "Really? It felt longer. Welp anyways, let's go ho-"*sees Diana hugging a body pillow of you*"And now I will have nightmares for weeks."

Diana: " What? You would not let me hug you so this is the closest to hugging you."*gets hugged by you*"Oh well this is nice."

Later, at Metropolis junkyard, we see you in your hero outfit and unmute Edith.

Edith: "About time you unmute me you jerk!"

Your suit then feels tight around your body, specifically your crotch area.

(Y/N): " Ow! Ow! I'm sorry!"*feels the suit loosen up*"Look I wasn't ready to get all the stuff when the training wheels were removed and my moms were just overprotective and held me back but now they're okay with it."

Edith: "Okay, I forgive you. But if you mute me again I will send your sex tape all over the internet!"

(Y/N): "What do you mean, I don't even own a sex tape."

You then see footage of you repopulating Earth-2149.

(Y/N): " How?! How did you-?"

Edith: "Your moms put a baby monitor program in your suit."

(Y/N): " Of course they did. But anyways, what else does my suit have?"

Edith: "Your Suit Powers are Blitz, King of the Ring, Quips, Spirit Fire, Quad Damage, Web Blossom, Blur Projector and more. Would you like to do a tutorial program?"

(Y/N): " Um yeah sure."

You then see solid hologram training bots appear out of nowhere.

Edith: "Each tutorial is made to help you to understand how to use your suit powers. This first one is for Web Blossom."

(Y/N): "Okay activate the Web Blossom."

You then suddenly jump into the air and shoot numerous webs into the air in all directions and web up all of the training bots.

(Y/N): "Huh, neat."

We then see a montage of your training on using the new features to your suit from the suit powers, gadgets, web combinations, and more. After some time, you mastered all of the suit's features and you head on home, when you get into the house you then see the necklace and you use it to teleport to the zombie infested universe.

(Y/N): "Well, this is gonna be the dumbest thing I have ever done."

Later, you tracked the survivors to Wakanda and saw that they're in a safe house away from the zombies. By the time you get there, you see that Vision, Bucky, and Bruce aren't with them.

(Y/N): "Where's Vision?"

Hope: "Vision pulled the Mind Stone out of his forehead, Bucky sacrificed himself, and Bruce fought off the zombie horde so that we can escape."

Okoye: "I thought the force fields would protect us."

???: "The last human sanctuary has been overrun by Thanos."

You then turn to see T'Challa and you see that he's missing a leg.

T'Challa: " This happened because of Thanos. If he gets his decaying hands on the Mind Stone, then the universe will suffer the same fate as Earth."

(Y/N): "The stone makes perfect sense to be the cure, since the virus itself is an encephalopathy."

Okoye: " So what is the plan now?"

You then grab the Cloak of Levitation and put it on and you catch Scott Lang due to him being a head in the jar.

Scott: "Oh come on, how am I supposed to move around without legs?"

(Y/N): " That's what you're worried about? You're only a head."

Scott: "I know, I miss having legs okay."

Okoye: " Anyways, what is the plan?"

(Y/N): "A diversion, have Thor and his new friends arrived on Wakanda yet?"

Peter: "No, why?"

(Y/N): "They're our distraction."*set up a makeshift map of the area*" Okoye and T'Challa, you and any surviving Wakandans get out of the city and stay in a safe place where no zombies will find you, Happy you be the eye in the skies, Peter you're with me in executing the plan, and Sharron you carry some weapons to keep zombies away from you, Kurt carry Scott with you when you go with T'Challa with the other survivors."

Scott: "Hey I can help."

(Y/N): "You don't have hands, or feet, or a body in general."

Scott: " Oh come on I can help. Kurt, back me up here."

Kurt: "I am with Spider Boy on this one Scott."

Scott: "Oh come on!"

(Y/N): "I hope that Shuri is alive, my knowledge on Wakandan tech is terrible."

Okoye: "Being the chief scientist she is, she has to be in her lab, locked up from all the zombies."

We then see Happy give you the Iron Man Gauntlet, we see Kurt give you Cap's Shield, and we see Peter give you the Mind Stone, Black Widow's gauntlets, and Hawkeye's bow and arrow.

Peter: "I picked up a few things along the way."

(Y/N): " Thanks."*to the cloak*"No hard feelings right?"

Cloak: *shakes no*

(Y/N): "Now let's do this."

Hope: "What about me?"

(Y/N): "Keep a close eye on Thanos."

Later, we see all of you in position and you see the Hulk destroy the forcefield and you see the bifrost bring in Thor and the Guardians of the Galaxy and you see them fighting off the zombies.

(Y/N): "That's the signal, now execute the plan team."

Hope: *over the coms*"Thanos is locked onto Thor and Hulk and Thor's friends."

You and Peter then head into the city as we see Okoye locate the surviving wakandans such as civilians, soldiers, dora milaje, and the queen of Wakanda and T'Challa's mother Ramonda.

Okoye: "We must escape now, while they're distracted."

We see Happy in the Mark 50 suit looking over the battle between the zombies and the Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy.

Happy: " This is so cool being in this suit."

Meanwhile, we see you and Peter head to a lab and when you open it you see Shuri in there doing some tinkering.

Shuri: "Huh?"*turns to you and Peter*"Oh great, a bunch of white boys. What are you doing here?"

(Y/N): "There's a zombie apocalypse outside and we have the cure!"

Peter: " What he said."

Shuri: "Follow me."

You and Peter follow Shuri to a satellite system and you help put the Mind Stone into the network. Meanwhile with Zombie Thanos, he senses the Mind Stone nearby and he uses the Space Stone to teleport himself to it. We see a portal appear behind you and the others and your Spider-Sense goes off and you turn to see Zombie Thanos.

(Y/N): "Not good!"

Peter: "What now?"

Shuri: "I got it!"

Zombie Thanos destroys the network with a beam from the Power Stone.

Shuri: "Or not."

Peter: "What now?"

(Y/N): *goes into a fighting stance*"Run!"*picks up Shuri*

You and the others then run off as we see you and the others regroup with the rest of the team.

(Y/N): *speaks into the coms*"Plan backfired! Thanos has the Mind Stone!"

We see you and the others regrouped along with Thor, Hulk, and the Guardians of the Galaxy and you all teleport out of that universe and into another one. The universe you're in is home of the Loonatics.

Rev: "Where did you all come from?"

(Y/N): "We were minutes away from being zombie chow."

Peter: " And now our world is toasted."

Thor: "My people...."

(Y/N): "I came up with a plan to save their world and it backfired by Thanos getting the Mind Stone."

Shuri: *pulls out the Mind Stone*"But he won't complete his plan without this."

Ramonda: " The mind stone? How?"

(Y/N): " We thought Thanos-"

Shuri: "I took it at the last minute."

(Y/N): " But, if you have the mind stone, what does Thanos have?"

Shuri: "An old prototype of a wakandan explosive, 60x stronger than tank shells from American tanks."

Meanwhile in the zombie verse, we see Zombie Thanos pick up the explosive and it blows up in his face killing him instantly. Later on, we see you and the others back in the zombie universe and reactivate the satellite system and send the signal from the Mind Stone to all over the world and cure everyone. Later, we see you teleport back to your universe with all of your new gear.

(Y/N): " Finally, home sweet home. Plus I haven't missed a thing here."

Later on, we see you, the villain girls, and the hero girls (in their costumes) gathered at the junkyard.

(Y/N): "Okay Zee, why did you bring us here?"

Zee: " I'm practicing my portals for a while now and what better way to practice then with my friends-"*to the villian girls*"-and them too."

Karen: " Zee are you sure this is a good idea?"

Zee: " Of course I'm sure, what's the worst that could happen?"*To you* "Don't answer that. Now then."

(Y/N): "You might make a black hole that sucks up the whole universe."

Zee: " We'll see about that."

We then see Zee concentrate as she then makes a large portal.

Babs: " Alright Zee! Way to go, you can stop now." *sees the portal is still there and the portal starting to inhale* "Uh Zee? You can turn the portal off."

Zee: *tries to but can't* " I can't, it's too big!"

Diana: *trying to hold on but can't* " Great Hera!

(Y/N): "You doomed us all!"

We then see you and the girls all get sucked through the portal as it disappears as we see you all fall onto the ground with you and the hero and villain girls landing on the ground.

Zee: " Owww.... Is everyone alright?"

Babs: " I'm good."

(Y/N): *muffled* " I'm okay."

Doris: "Where are you?"

(Y/N): *muffled* "It's dark, squishy, and it feels like a gigantic butt on me."

Zee: "Doris, get off of him!"

Doris then stands up and pulls you off of her butt.

Doris: " My bad."

(Y/N): " It's cool."*Sees a G1 Wonder Woman* " My eyes must be going out. Is that Wonder Woman?"

Harleen: "Huh?" *sees both G1 Wonder Woman and her friends* " Woah!"

You and the girls then see the girls G1 counterparts all in shock as you broke the silence.

(Y/N): "Bizzare."

Next: Chapter 6: Universal Mirror

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