Chapter 1: New World, New Life

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  Jaune Arc was unconscious for a few hours now, while the Medic checks on him constantly. The medic wonders when will this Mech wake up, but he knows he's still alright and stable, so the medic left the room and went back to attend with the other wounded cybertronians.

The said cybertronians who were at the med bay noticed the unconscious former Huntsman-in-training. The reactions from the cybertronians were a mix of caution, and wonder, but they shrug it off and they continue with their business.

~Jaune POV~


Darkness is all I can see, but I can feel myself regaining consciousness. When I opened my eyes my vision is blurry and with a painful head ache.

"Ugh where am I?" I asked myself as my vision becomes clear as I scratch my head.

Wait a minute...

Why does my head and hand feel like metal?

And why is there a HUD on my face!?

And why am I having warnings!?

I thought to myself as I gaze upon my hand, but to my shock my hand is a machine-like, I then look around my body to see all metal! I then see a mirror and looked at my reflection and to my my shock and horror...I looked like a robot.

"What...the...FUCK!?" I exclaimed in shock seeing me like this, I thought this is some bad dream, but's not....

"This is not happening! This is not happening!" I panicked for a few minutes and I calmed down. "Okay...there's no need to panic..." I said to myself trying to calm down.

After I calmed down, I start to inspect at myself and reflection of my new...self.

"How did this happen? Did it have something do with that...portal?" I asked to myself. "It has something to do with that portal..."

I cut off from my thoughts when I hear something open, which caught my attention. What I saw is another robot, with orange and white colorings.

" seems-" He stopped mid sentence when he glances away from what looks like a tablet, and sees me.

"Oh...looks like you're online...would you please lie down on your berth, I have to check for any damages or injuries." He gestures to where I was laying down earlier. I reluctantly complied and lied downed as he starts scanning me.

After he finishes examining me I can't help, but gawk the fact that I turned to a robot and the fact this robot sounds alive and humanoid.

"'s seems everything is alright...and please next time don't forget to drink Energon, you would have been in a scrapyard if that happened..." the robot sternly said.

"Um...alright sir..." I said nervously. "Um what happened?"

"You were found unconscious infront of the Halls of Record and low in Energon, lucking I was there to bring you to a nearby Medical Station." Ratchet informs me.

"Oh um...thank you uhhh..." I trailed off

"Alright, by the way, allow to introduce myself, my designation is Ratchet, what's yours?"

If I was still human I would be sweating nervously, but right now I don't know if I should tell him my real name or not. What kind of name is Ratchet? And plus I don't hear any last name. I think the way they are named are different from Remnant. Maybe I should keep my identity hidden so I can avoid suspicion.

" Designation is um..." I said a I try to give him my fake identity and I start to panic in thought 'DAMMIT, what kind of robot name should I have!? Why did I blackout when I...Wait...that's it...Blackout!' I thought excitedly when I know the name to tell him.

"Blackout! My designation is Blackout, yeah that's right!" I replied nervously.

Ratchet looked at me suspiciously before he spoke up

"Well...Blackout it seems that you have no injures or any malfunction in your systems, and it seems your alright to go." Ratchet informed me

"Uh...Thank you Ratchet." I nodded as I stood up from the berth and I followed Ratchet out of the room. While I was following him I notice a lot of different robots being healed or just walking and talking, it's just amazing for me to see robots having a few of those human traits.

"Alright we're here." Ratchet informs me, when we reached the exit I cannot help but, gawk at what he seeing.

What I'm seeing is city with lots of tall building that makes Beacon Academy look like an ant. I see ships flying around and more robots walking or talking, and being honest it's a sight to behold.

"Woah..." I muttered, but it didn't go unnoticed by Ratchet

"It would seem this is the first time you've been to Iacon." Ratchet said, as I snap out of my thoughts.

"Um...Yeah...yeah it is..." I said as I continue to gaze on amazement.

"Well then, goodbye and stay safe." Ratchet said and walks away. As he was about to walk back to the medical station, I called out.

"Ratchet wait!" I said catching his attention.

"Yes Blackout?" Ratchet asked.

" you know a library is located?" I asked.

"The Halls of Iacon? Huh...Okay..." Ratchet said.


After Ratchet gave me the location where the 'The Halls of Iacon' is located. I entered the building and I see more robots reading that seems to be tablets or scrolls, but I guess they don't have scrolls here.

I walked around the place confuse since I don't know the place. After a few minutes past, I accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oh sorry..." I apologize to the one I bumped to.

"It's alright, it was an accident." The red and blue robot said.

"Yeah, that's good to hear." I said.

The red and blue robot looks at me questioningly asked.

"You seem lost...something wrong?"

" yeah...I was looking for something..." I replied.

"What do you seem to be looking for?" He asked.

"I was looking for um..." I said pondering to think of right word that won't raise any suspicion that I was from a different planet and the fact I was once human, that's too much of a risk and it might get me some unnecessary attention.

"Umm I was looking for information about our planet's history and everything, yeah! that's it!" I said, if I were still Human I would me sweating now.

"Oh sure, follow I will give you the data pads about our history you're looking for." He gestures me to  follow him.

"Thank you, um...what's your name?" I asked as I followed him and he stopped and turned to look at me.

"My designation, is Orion Pax" He said as stretch out his hand for a handshake.

"My Name is Jau- I mean Blackout, it's Blackout." I corrected myself as I nearly spilled out my former name. I should be more careful now.


  After Orion Pax gave me the datapads about this Planet's history, I begun to read them and surprisingly Datapads acts as Tablets or scrolls here, so I can use them easily and the surprisely I can understand their language and dialect even though I don't learn them, but I guess the transformation cause me to understand their language and dialects. After reading the Datapads I gave them back to Orion and I left and I'm a bit left speechless of what read, but I only read the important ones.

  I learn a bit of their biology, as well. It's similar to humans standard but their named differently, head is helm, heart is spark, hand is servo, eyes is optic and brain is processor. Including the fact Mother and Father are named different, Father is Sire, Mother is carrier and the carrier are the ones that reproduce sparkling alongside with the Well of the Allspark.

  Cybertron is the home planet of the Cybertronians, based how they are called, and the body of their creator, Primus. Cybertron is a shining metal, technological world; a planet of towering future cities without end and vast metallic plains, spiraling metal mountains and bottomless neon-lit chasms. This makes Atlas tech more primitive compared to this in Cybertron.

  Next is the Golden Age, this was the era of peace, that lasted for 800,000 stellar cycles or 800,000 years in Remnant standard and the Cybertronians lived in a Golden Age.

  This shocks me because 800,000 years!? This peace lasted more than the peace in Remnant itself during the Great War. During this time, Cybertron established itself as a galactic superpower colonizing many distant worlds across the galaxy and experiencing an era of technological progression.

The colonization program came to an end however when one ship encountered the mysterious Rust Plague which destroyed everything made of metal. To save their planets, Sentinel Prime ordered the Space Bridges destroyed to prevent the plagues' spread but cutting off their colonies from the galaxy.

  When that came to a close the Caste system was introduced by Sentinel Zeta Prime locking each Cybertronian to one job and alternate form. Those in the lower castes did not even receive a name. It was common for those to take names for themselves.

  After learning on what's happening with the current the corruption and inequality of the Lower Caste in Cybertron, I grew to hate the council because of their corruption and discrimination of the lower caste to Cybertron because it reminded me of the Faunus discrimination in Remnant.

  I soon see the sun set, it's beautiful sight as soon the sun is gone I can see the buildings illuminating light and it's beautiful in night aswell. But I realized I have no where to go and in a matter of fact I don't a place to stay or sleep.

  I let out heavy sigh, wondering why would I was brought here in the first place. Did some god or goddess have pity on me and sent me to another planet and change me into another species? More questions pop in my head as I walked down an ally.

  While walking down I heard someone catching my attention.

"Hey you!" The voice as I turn around only be knocked unconscious...again...I guess the name Blackout has some irony in it.

~3rd POV~

The Mech stared at the unconscious body of Jaune and let's out a smirk.

"This will do the job" he said still with a smirk on his face as he gestured to his two bodyguards to carry the unconscious Arc to one place that would make mechs and femmes fight for survival and their lives...
The Pits of Kaon


To be continued

Well this chapter is done, I hope you all enjoy this and stay tuned for the next chapter. And I apologize for the Delay too

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