Chapter 2: First battle, First Kill

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(This is the intro)

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(Cue Transformers EVO by Jam Project)

(Instrumental) The scene starts with a showing the planet Remnant.

(Yami no kanata seijaku wo hikisaki) The scene changes to Blackout near the Cliff of Emerald Forest, staring out into the open until he brought out his hand to revealing the remains of his shield.

(Hoshi no nemuri yobiokosu no wa Doitsu da?) Blackout look at it until he clenches his servos destroying it and face forward transformed into his helicopter form flying towards the Nemesis.

(Hora me no mae jaaku na tamashiitachi) On the Nemesis, Megatron and the Decepticons face the screen with their evil smirks.

(Nigeba wa nai massugu ni uketomero!) The camera pans out of the Nemesis showing Strike-Med with his fellow Vehicons on the ground along with Arcee, with their weapons ready.

(Some tells me "Yowaki" ya "Osore" wo shoukyo shite) In the Beacon Academy, Team RWBY, Team (J)NPR, and Team CFVY then faces the screen with hopes to find Jaune again.

(Bokura wa ishiki kumikaeru) In the headmaster's rooms office is shows Ozpin staring out the his window to see the night scenery showing faces of concern, hoping that Jaune is alright.

(Sono te wo tsuyoku nigiri) in Atlas, General Ironwood is then shown with his army along with Paladins behind, ready for battle.

(Tagai no kizuna shinjite) Balckout stood in front of the Atlas Army with Strkie-Med and Arcee right next to him as their eyes were glaring with resolve.

(Tatakae!) They then engage into their battle mode and charge forward along with the others with their weapons ready.

(Saa All I can do! And all you can do!) On the battlefield, both Atlas and Team RWBY, (J)NPR and Beacon Hunters fight against White Fang fight and the Decepticons,  Blackout engage into a fight with the Paladins.

(Habatake Transform) While Ruby Rose, Pyrrha, and Ren were dodging Strike-Meds shots as while keeping his distance.

(Sono mune tsuranuku ikari wo chikara ni kae) Arcee, throw slashes with her blade killing many Grimms and kicks at the Deathstakers, while bug retaliates with its claws sting. Scorponok is the shown coming out of the ground attacking the unsuspecting White Fang Terrorist.

(Ima All I can do And all you can do) We then see Cinder facing off against Ozpin as they Engage each other.

(Kagayake Transform! Shinka no Stage e!) The Scene is now shown with Blackout, Arcee and Strike-Med along with a few Vehicons and Team RWBY and Team (J)NPR charging at the Grimms and the Grimm Dragon, with Blackout leading the charge.

(Touch and Go!) He then Jumps and grabs his Main Rotor Balde slashes at the Grimm Dragon as the opening ends with the Blackout, Arcee, Strike-med, Scorponok along with the Vehicons and Team RWBY, (J)NPR lining up together at Beacon Academy.



  Darkness is all I could see...again, seriously! Is my made up name Blackout going to be the irony of me being unconscious for many days! Or in cybertronian terms, metacycles!? Fortunately for me I feel my vision or my optics online, it was blurry and I can hear some...cheers and chanting? What's going on?


3rd POV

   Jaune stood up still dazed on what happened, he see that he's in arena, he can see the crowd on the sidelines cheering and chanting, he then looks around him and sees something that almost go him to vomit, he sees dead mangled bodies of mechs and femmes alike in the arena all dead or in Cybertronian terms, offline! Their helms are ripped from their bodies and Jaune can see Energon blood everywhere! Jaune felt like throwing up, even though they're not human, it's still a horrifying sight to see.

   He then hears foot steps and turns around to see a femme with purple optics, she's colored with orange and brown being the dominant color with yellow accents, she somehow it reminds him of someone from Beacon, before his departure.

(This is what she looks like and NO! I do not own this)

(Just imagine she has a mouth)

    She stopped pacing around with her back turned on me then face her opponent me with a confident smirk on her face as Jaune stood there nervous knowing what's going to happen when sees many dead cybertronians.

   She then transformed her hands into what looked like Gauntlets as the crowd cheered and Jaune can hear them chant as she flexes abit and faces him.





   As they continue chanting and cheering, the gladiator named Celica starts walking menacingly towards the Arc as h reach for his weapon only to realize...he doesn't have one.

   As he frantically looked for a weapon, Celica charge at him and took the punch to face then to his chassis as he stagger a back before he starts blocking, dodging and parried all her attacks before Jaune let's out his own offensive as he got a few goods hits on her and punch her hard on the chassis which brought a good distance from the Arc.

   Celica recovers as she lets out growl and her optics turned red! As her servos transforms into blasters and shoots at the Jaune.

"SCRAP!!!" Jaune exclaims.

As Jaune start running avoiding all the shots with Celica on his tail. Then reach the wall of the arena and he did a wall jump, and he tried to hit her back, only for her to dodge them as she dodges the last one she winked at Jaune and soon she starts her offense.

   She then punches him on the faceplate a few times before she transforms her weapon into blasters and aims it on Jaune's torso and shoots before he could react taking the hit, knocking him be back a few meters from her as the crowd cheered.

  As Jaune recovered he sees Celica as she winked him, he let out a growl and he charges her again and attempt to hit her only for her to parry his attacks and both her hands transforms into servos aimed at his torso and she fired knocking the Arc back a few meters from her as Jaune fall in one knee in pain with Energon leaking out his torso with spark chamber expose.

  As Jaune looks at Celica, an image of Yang with a smug face appears and fades out as Celica fires her blasters directly at me. Jaune shook in rage as he stood up, not caring for the pain he's feeling and expose the spark, and he charged forward with arms blocking the each Energon blast absorbing each hit.

"Persistent, but not enough" she mutters and throws a grenade at Jaune as explosion consumes Jaune, and the crowd goes wild.

Celica smirk in victory, but it was shattered and looks in shock when Jaune walks out of the smoke unarmed with his injuries being healed by his Aura as his once blue optics turned blood red, glaring at the Yang-like Cybertronian.

Celica sneers at the Arc and fires her blaster at him but the Jaune deflected the energon blast and punches Celica on the helm hard, knocking Celica back.

He then lays two more hits on her helm, before knocking her down with a third punch and out of instinct Jaune's servos then transforms into a Tail Rotor and slashes both her servos cutting them off, then slashing off one of her legs and then slashing his Rotor across her chassis revealing her spark chamber as Celica screamed in agonizing pain and falls on the ground severely injured with her spark expose as Jaune towered over her, glaring at her at the Gladiator.

(End song)

  Everyone was silent and shock to see Celica to be defeated by a newbie, because Celica was known for 16 victories in gladiatorial combats during her time in the Pits of Kaon, but soon the crowd then goes wild. As for Celica, in the first time of her life, she looks at the Arc in fear for her life.

   As Jaune kneels down to his opponent's level and he was about to bring down his rotor to deliver the final blow, but he pauses and stands back up, as his red optics widen on shock and horror for what he has done, he looks down again to see Celica, severely injured with pure fear in her purple optics.

"It's not finish..." The ring Announcer said catching the Jaune's attention he sees the Ring Announcer walking towards the Jaune with a Energon Mace and he tosses it at him. "So Finish it."

   As Jaune grabs the Energon Mace and he looks at his down opponent before looking at the weapon, the Ring Announcer then points at the downed Celica. "Finish her!"

  As Jaune was deciding whether or not he should kill his opponent or not, but he knows he's a Huntsman-in-training! A hero! Defender of Peace! not some Gladiator! Sure they did sparring, but it doesn't evolve any death, only training! But he reminded himself, that he is no longer a Huntsman, Hero nor a Defender of Peace, he's just Jaune Arc, a weak...loser...cheat... a failed Huntsman-in-training, betrayed and abandoned by his friends and teammates. Seeing the Yang-Like Cybertronian on the ground helpless, defenceless, he cannot decide. He already made he's decision.

"No...not like this..." Jaune declares as he throws the Energon Mace on the ground, much to the Ring Announcer and Crowd's disappointment, the crowd starts to booing at the Arc for not executing his opponent, but he ignores it.

   As the crowd continues booing or insulting Jaune, he stares down at his opponent again to see relief on her faceplate, but stiffens in fear when he sees an evil smirk on Jaune as he kneels down to her level.

"Hey, do me a favor..." Jaune says as the Ring Announcer looks in curiosity on what the Jaune is about to do. "

"W-what?" Celica stutters nervously.

"Can you please go out..."
"With a Yang?"

  Celica was confuse by why he said that, then he did something that Ring Announcer nor the Audience didn't expected him to do, for the satisfaction of the Ring Master and the Audience, Jaune executes his opponent by plunging his servo into Celica's spark chamber and pulls out her spark and with one swift squeeze, crushes it.

   The Yang-like Cybertronian jolted forward, optics widened, and mouth opened as she gasped. Her body spasmed, eventually, everything was once again still. Her optics offline for the last time, never to online again.

The crowd was silent, but soon cheers at the death, chanting.

"Till all are one!"

"Now you all know that best gladiators can be beaten!" Says the Ring Announcer, he then walks to Jaune and grabs his servo and raises it up as crowd cheers louder.

"Our new winner!!!" The Ring Announcer declares as the crowd continues to cheer even louder.

The Ring Announcer then looks at Jaune and ask. "What's your Designation young Gladiator?"

Jaune was quiet for a moment as he looks around to see Cybertronians praising and cheering him for his victory, and it's a good feeling for the Arc. He can feel all the praise directed to him, he didn't have these feelings since Beacon, whenever Jaune would spar his team would cheer for him, remembering those feelings hurt Jaune a bit, because it reminded him of how he use to be in Beacon, how he used to be loved and cared for by his friends and team, but that's all in the past Jaune is no longer Jaune Arc, but as Blackout the Gladiator that RISE UP!

He looks at the Ring Announcer with a smile and says.

"My Blackout."

The Ring Announcer nods and raises Jaune's servo in the air and announces to to crowd.

"The winner is BLACKOUT!!!" The crowd cheers more. Jau-no...Blackout, felt satisfied, despite the fact he will now fight for his life in the Arena and take away a person's life, but it doesn't matter now, he will prove that he is not weak! But there's one thing that he was wondering.
'Who the Frag brought me here?'

~in the sidelines~

In the sidelines, a mysterious mech along with his bodyguards watches the whole fight and smirked in satisfaction seeing his chosen champion had won.

"Sir, it's seems you chose the right gladiator..." his body said with a smirk.

"Ofcourse I did..." the mysterious mech said as continues to look at the Blackout with wonder. "...that mech was just mystery, he just appeared out of nowhere from a Groundbridge ever since Zeta Prime destroyed them cutting them off from our colonies and it's not everyday you see a Cybertronian falling down from the sky." The mech replied taking a sip from his Energon cube before continuing.

"...though I have my doubts with this mech, when he was about to get scrapped by Celica I already believed he would be offlined by now, but when he came out of the smoke unharmed, with his injuries healing themselves, it got me thinking that this Mech is special, it's not known for Cybertronians to have that kind of ability to heal themselves without the need of a medic, but I believe it seems its now possible, based on what we saw."

"'s seems you made the right choice for choosing him." The second bodyguard said, as the other agreed.

The mysterious mech continues looking at Blackout before replying, "Indeed I did..." the mech said.

This is a new beginning for a new life for Blackout


To be continued

Well this chapter is done, I hope you all enjoy this and stay tuned for the next chapter. And I apologize for the Delay too and I apologize for the Chapter being short

And for those confuse, why I added an intro, cause why not? I want to give it a try...

Fun Fact: I was originally going to have Celica as Love interest for Jaune/Blackout, but I had other plans.

Also I will accept any ideas that would be beneficial for the story, so leave any ideas of suggestions

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