(One-Shot) Hunstmen; Inferior, Jaune Arc; Superior

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(This is the intro)

(Cue Transformers EVO by Jam Project)

(Instrumental) The scene starts with a showing the planet Remnant.

(Yami no kanata seijaku wo hikisaki) The scene changes to Blackout near the Cliff of Emerald Forest, staring out into the open until he brought out his hand to revealing the remains of his shield.

(Hoshi no nemuri yobiokosu no wa Doitsu da?) Blackout look at it until he clenches his servos destroying it and face forward transformed into his helicopter form flying towards the Nemesis.

(Hora me no mae jaaku na tamashiitachi) On the Nemesis, Megatron and the Decepticons face the screen with their evil smirks.

(Nigeba wa nai massugu ni uketomero!) The camera pans out of the Nemesis showing Strike-Med with his fellow Vehicons on the ground along with Arcee, with their weapons ready.

(Some tells me "Yowaki" ya "Osore" wo shoukyo shite) In the Beacon Academy, Team RWBY, Team (J)NPR, and Team CFVY then faces the screen with hopes to find Jaune again.

(Bokura wa ishiki kumikaeru) In the headmaster's rooms office is shows Ozpin staring out the his window to see the night scenery showing faces of concern, hoping that Jaune is alright.

(Sono te wo tsuyoku nigiri) in Atlas Ironwood is then shown with his army along with Paladins behind, ready for battle.

(Tagai no kizuna shinjite) Balckout stood in front of the Atlas Army with Strkie-Med and Arcee right next to him as their eyes were glaring with resolve.

(Tatakae!) They then engage into their battle mode and charge forward along with the others with their weapons ready.

(Saa All I can do! And all you can do!) On the battlefield, both Atlas and Team RWBY, (J)NPR and Beacon Hunters fight against White Fang fight and the Decepticons, Blackout engage into a fight with the Paladins.

(Habatake Transform) While Ruby Rose, Pyrrha, and Ren were dodging Strike-Meds shots as while keeping his distance.

(Sono mune tsuranuku ikari wo chikara ni kae) Arcee, throw slashes with her blade killing many Grimms and kicks at the Deathstakers, while bug retaliates with its claws sting. Scorponok is the shown coming out of the ground attacking the unsuspecting White Fang Terrorist.

(Ima All I can do And all you can do) We then see Cinder facing off against Ozpin as they Engadget each other.

(Kagayake Transform! Shinka no Stage e!) The Scene is now shown with Blackout, Arcee and Strike-Med along with a few Vehicons and Team RWBY and Team (J)NPR charging at the Grimms and the Grimm Dragon, with Blackout leading the charge.

(Touch and Go!) He then Jumps and grabs his Main Rotor Balde slashes at the Grimm Dragon as the opening ends with the Blackout, Arcee, Strike-med, Scorponok along with the Vehicons and Team RWBY, (J)NPR lining up together at Beacon Academy.

On a side note, in this story the Decepticons defeated the Autobots during the battle between the Omega lock. And also this One-Shot is very dark!

Plus there's are not canon to my story.


Jaune Arc, the former huntsman-in-training has gone missing for 5 months now, and brought great concern to his sisters, former friends and former teammates, seeing it was their fault that's made Jaune decide that he should leave Beacon without them knowing.

Right now, Headmaster Ozpin sat in his office thinking over everything that had happened about Jaune's disappearance. Team JNPR had been reorganized into a support team PNR (Prosecution), and Pyrrha Nikos had been made the leader.

Eventually teams RWBY and PNR didn't really have a connection or bond anymore, they had a bit of one, but nothing significant happened and PNR didn't function as well as it did before, the disappearance of Jaune must have did a number of them.

Ozpin knew about Jaune's transcripts but allowed him to attend for the potential he saw in Jaune, the professors could see his potential too, he was also a reminder that a huntsman does what he can do to protect those weaker than himself no matter what, not to mention the leadership skills he has proven during the imitation.

His plan was to have Pyrrha Nikos train Jaune, since Ozpin and the other professors concluded that the bonds and trust between him and his friends seemed unbreakable and it would help Jaune in his training to be a great Huntsman. But they were all proven wrong...

After he heard reports of Jaune saving Cardin Winchester from being devoured by the Ursa, Ozpin thought things would get better, but he thought wrong... Cardin claimed he killed the Ursa and revealed the truth of Jaunes transcripts to everyone in Beacon.

This act disgusted the headmaster and all the professors. How could he? How could he destroy a person's reputation who saved him from a Grimm and Jaune did nothing but saved him from death. It wasn't surprising that the school had began to join in the torment and hate him, but the fact his friends also tormented Jaune shocked them to the core.

It really didn't help that Jaune's father had disowned him since he heard of this. In his rage he didn't think, he just disowned him without a second thought. What was worse and very shocking that Jaune didn't even show any emotion to it, he didn't break down, cry or anything, he just showed no emotion like an empty husk.

And what's more terrifying, the way he spoke brought cold chills to Ozpin and Glynda, he spoke with no emotion, as if he no longer has no soul.


Ozpin waited for Jaune to tell him, he was really worried as to how Jaune would take it, he was brought out of his thoughts when the door opened.

Jaune entered, looking worried and sad, he had bags under his eyes showing he clearly hadn't been getting much sleep ''You wanted to see me sir?'' Jaune asked...

''Yes Jaune, please sit down I think this will take a while'' Ozpin said, a bit nervous to tell him about his father's disownment.

"I understand..." Jaune said emotionless as he walks towards he's seat and sat down, "What is you want to talk about?"

The headmaster was a bit shock to hear something emotionless from Jaune, but he decided to just let it slide and tell him why was he called here.

''Alright...you see..." Ozpin hesitated a bit and as he and Glynda took glance at each other before looking back at the Arc student, he lets out a sigh and said, "... y-your... father has disowned you..." said Ozpin reluctantly, fearing Jaune might not take the news lightly.

But to Ozpin and Glynda surprise and shock Jaune didn't he showed no emotion, he didn't look shocked or break down and cry or anything, he just sat there and looking at them with his eyes, showing only an emotionless expression.

"I see..." he said emotionless, "Thank you, sir for the information, I'll leave now..." Jaune said as he stands up and walks towards the elevator, but Ozpin stands up from his desk calls out to him

"Mr. Arc, I want you to know that even though everyone else, including your own friends and teammates, has left and tormented you, me and the Beacon staff are still by you to support you no matter what." Ozpin said reminding Jaune that they are there for him, with Glynda agreeing with him.

Jaune stopped and looked over his shoulder and replied, "Jaune Arc; Inferior" he then left silently, leaving the two professors in shock hearing what Jaune said.

~Flashback ends~

When Jaune Arc disappears, Ozpin set up a search team to look for Jaune, the search team consist of the teachers and Velvet. Velvet is the only student that cares for Jaune, and she had come to the Headmaster first to join the search, she then explained that she told Jaune that she had to act harshly to him or risk losing her team, and Jaune understood so she lets her do what's she has to do, but now she feels terrible and she wanted to do anything to help find Jaune and get him back.

But the search was soon unsuccessful as if the Arc disappeared from the face in Remnant. And Ozpin had no choice but to mark Jaune Arc as a rogue huntsman.

He wondered what happened to the Arc


In the past 3 months Remnant is now in utter chaos, many tragic events happened, the Atlas, Vale, Vacuo and Mistral council has been murdered by an unknown entity, leaving the kingdoms leaderless and their people in panic.

With the Atlas Council dead, many of the Atlas human citizen put all the blame on the Faunus populace in Atlas, leaving Ironwood left to lead Atlas as he tries to stop the riot between the Faunus and Human populace, before things could get out of hand.

The Vale council is the same with Atlas' problems, as Human and Faunus are happening panicking everywhere, despite Ozpin's efforts for them to remain calm.

Same could be said with Mistral Council, with the council dead the citizens are fearing that bandits will soon start their raid on Mistral itself, but fortunately enough the bandits seem to be fearful of the situation as well, and they seem to be in the same situation.

The Branwen Tribe encampments were in ruins, littered with many dead bodies and among the dead bodies is Raven Branwen and her SIC Vernal, leaving the Branwen Tribe disbanded, the scenery looked as if they fought something dangerous, more dangerous than a Grimm, this causes more questions being raised.

Many believed it was the White Fang's doing, unfortunately it's not, they are in the same situation as the Kingdoms in Remnant.

With the death of Sienna Khan and Adam Taurus spreading through Remnant it brought dread and fear amongst the White Fang members as they are left without a leader, it didn't just spread fear amongst the White Fang Members, it spread more fear of all Remnant.

This unknown entity was able to take down not just the Council and the White Fang leaders, it was able to spread fear and chaos everywhere in Remnant meaning with more negativity, the Grimms will become more powerful.

And in return also brought concern to Opzin when fear and negativity begins to to spread across Remnant, it would attract many Grimms, however the Grimms have been acting strangely as if someone controlling them died. And it also got everyone surprise to seeing Grimms from different species fighting each other to the death for no reason.

It got Ozpin and his followers wondering what's going on with the Grimms or perhaps Salem in that matter. Right now he needs to focus on what this entity is and why is it doing this.

At dusk, Ozpin is in a conference meeting with Qrow, Ironwood and Glynda.

"What do you think it is Oz? Does any of your fairytale stories have anything to mention about a creature capable of doing this?" Qrow asked hoping for an answer along with Glynda and Ironwood.

Ozpin closed his eyes for a moment, before answering. "For the first time, in my life... I don't know..."

The room was left with eire silence, and the only ones making sounds is the gears around the room.

"What do we do then? We don't know what it is and yet it's causing more damage than Salem herself!" Ironwood said

"...And not to mention it was able to eliminate Vale Council..." Glynda added.

"...Including Mistral and Atlas... and let's not forget the White Fang, both of their leaders died by that same entity and yet we don't know what it is..." Ironwood added.

"...and the one responsible for the chaos and destruction..." Qrow added.

"I understand your concerns as much as I want to know why it did this, but we have no trace to find it..."

"Well, we better hurry Oz... because with council dead the kingdoms' citizens are now in complete anarchy." Qrow pointed out.

Ozpin nods and looks at Ironwood, "I forgot to mention, hows the situation in Atlas doing so far?"

Ironwood lets out a frustrated sigh before speaking "...I'm doing the best I can to keep order in Atlas, but it's getting worse each day with Faunus Citizens being blamed or brutalized, I don't know how much I can keep this from happening..."

"We need to put all our efforts in finding this entity, it seems to cause more chaos and destruction across Remnant, it makes it a bigger threat than Salem herself based on the situation we are in now..." Ozpin said grimly.

Ironwood nods "Alright, I'll send a scouting party to search for this entity with the aid by a Team of Huntsmen and Huntresses..."

"Are you sure that's a good idea? We have no information on how it fights or any detail on what it looks like..." Glynda pointed.

"You do realize that your sending Huntsman and Huntresses will not do any good, remember that bastard destroyed an entire Bandit Tribe, and that tribe is Raven..." Qrow sneers at the memory of seeing the Branwen Tribe in ruins, with Raven dead.

"Sometimes... we must take risks..." Ironwood said.

"Very well... but I don't think I would do the same with my students..." Ozpin said.

"Alright it settled, we find this thing and kill it off?" Qrow asked, tempted to take away the life the monster that causing Remnant trouble.

"No... we don't, first we must capture it and interrogate on why they are doing this..." Ozpin said getting shock expression from the three.

"WHAT!? OZ YOU CAN BE SERIOUS!" Qrow shouted in anger.

"I am serious about this Qrow..."

"I can't believe it! That thing killed my sister! Killed many innocents! Cause havoc across Remnant and yet you want to capture it!?"

"Qrow! As much I don't like the situation we don't have any idea if there's more of them, am I understood!" Ozpin said sternly as Qrow Glares at him.

"Fine! If I find that bastard, he will pay..." Qrow said as he left his office.

Ozpin lets out a sigh of frustration before looking at Ironwood.

"Oz, your taking a huge risk here..." Ironwood said.

"I know...I believe this conference is done..." Ozpin said as Glynda and Ironwood walks out of his office, while Ozpin sat on his chair, confuse on what to do.

The situation of Remnant is getting worse each day.

Unbeknownst to him, from the distance the unknown entity's minion has been silently watching him, observing them, as if they are prey.

After a few minutes, the metal creature flies off and and soon a Groundbridge opens up and enters it, and disappears without a trace.

~Location: The Grimm Realm, Salem's Castle~

In the Grimm Realm, it's filled with Grimms wandering around aimlessly and in the distance, Salem's Castle can be seen and it seems almost empty... no life... no Grimms to be seen, in the throne room it's littered with the dead bodies of Cinder, Emerald, Mercury, Tyrian, Hazel and Watts, and with Salem dead.

Each suffered a terrible fate, Cinder was first get killed, soon followed by Emerald and Mercury. Tyrian was crushed to death, Hazel was left with a gaping hole in his stomach, Watts was electrocuted to death. And lastly Salem... She was able to hold her on against the Dangerous entity, but soon joined the same fate with her followers.

With Salem dead, the Grimms have no source to be produced, they will soon perish.

In the balcony of Salem's castle is the unknown entity himself.


Soundwave or the unknown entity has been the one responsible for the the many deaths of innocents and the cause of chaos and destruction in each Kingdom with every citizen in fear for their lives, and he proves more of a threat then the Grimm and Salem herself.

But ever since Jack, Miko and Raf tricked him in a Groundbridge, he was sent back in Remnant and, not only they he survived, he's ready to get his revenge on everyone, he didn't care for the damage he causes.

Soundwave is none other than Jaune Arc himself, when he was teleported to the Cybertron and forced to be a gladiator and joined Megatron's cause as his Third-In-Command, he deleted his emotions, but the hate and anger still remains and he swore to get revenge on anyone who wronged him.

Ever since he took over Salem's Castle, he made it his secret base of operations. He replaced everything with Cybertron Tech, with use of stealing materials from Atlas without him being spotted and was able to find a cave rich in energon, he has everything he has planed.

'They will pay... they will all pay....' Soundwave or Jaune thought to himself. Soon a chirp catches attention and sees has Laserbeak returned.

"Lassebeak: Report..."

Laserbeak then shows him the conversation between Ozpin, and his followers. After viewing it, he would laugh evilly if he still had emotions.

"Headmaster Ozpin, you're a fool...you have no idea, what I've become... you can put the blame on your students..." Soundwave/Jaune said in an emotionless tone as he turns his attention back to Laserbeak.

"Query: situation of our spy?"

Laserbeak replies with chirps and beeps which satisfied Soundwave of the answer.

"...impressive, she has been a important asset..." Soundwave said.

"...Laserbeak...Operation: Devastation...." he said as he activates the Groundbridge for Laserbeak to fly through, then he transforms into a Spy Drone as he follows suit.

They're ready to cause more havoc...

~Timeskip One Month~

In the next Month, things gotten even more worse for the kingdoms, despite their efforts on trying to remain calm, this month is what people would call...

"End of all Remnant"

Last week, Vale has suffered many civilian causalities when the Soundwave caused a breach in Vale without anyone knowing, the Grimms swarmed in and killed nearly half of the population and thankfully the attack was thwartedby The Huntsmen and Huntresses, and the breach is sealed, and unfortunately many Teams of Huntsmen and Huntresses lost their lives during the breach, leaving only a few teams left.

In the next week Mistral and Vacuo has the same problem as Vale, but they were completely overwhelmed by the Grimms, all of those who survived took refuge in Vale. Both Kingdoms has fallen.

Next week, it was worst for situation for Atlas than what happened to each kingdom. Though they are prepared for the disaster that Soundwave/Jaune (they don't know Soundwave is Jaune yet) is ready to inflict, however they are caught off-guard when their own machines turn against them.

The Atleasian Knights from all old or new models and the Atlas Paladins has been hacked and been reprogrammed to kill all organic in sight meaning that humans and Faunus are ether target with Atlas receiving many civilian casualties, Ironwood and rest of the Atlas forces attempted to stop the incoming war machine advances as they try to evacuate many of their citizens as possible from Atlas as possible.

Unfortunately the Atlas counter-attack against the War-Machine was a complete failure and disaster, the Atlas forces were overwhelmed and they were fortunate to escaped with what the military forces and the citizens they have left, they lost 3/4 of their forces and citizens and the unfortunate death of Winter Schnee, as they take refuge on Vale, Atlas Fallen by their own War machines.

To make matter worst, the dust mines on each kingdom has been attacked and destroyed by same entity that killed the council, despite the kingdoms efforts trying defend their dust mines with use of Huntsmen and Huntresses and military presence from the dangerous Decepticon, it all failed, with dust mine being destroyed they can only find the area littered with dead bodies of many Huntsman and Huntresses with Grimms feasting on their corpses.

And to make matters worst the Schnee Dust Company were also destroyed by the hacked Atlesian knights caused by Soundwave. With the SDC and Dust mines being destroyed, it's leaving all of Remnant with limited Dust resources they have left, meaning that the Citizens of each kingdom, except Atlas, will have to fight for resources.

When Menaregie was attacked, Ozpin sent out a ten group of Huntsman and Huntresses, which includes Team RWBY and CFVY, hoping to protect the Menagerie from the Attack of the entity, and Blake was worried and hope that her family and her people will be saved in time... but they were too late,

Instead, they are shown with a horrifying sight, which makes all of them puke their guts out from the sight and out of all of them Blake can't help, but watch in pure horror, while Velvet...was mildly surprise by this which goes unnoticed by everyone.

All of Menargie is burnt to the ground, all buildings are destroyed, bodies of Faunus littered everywhere both Citizens and White Fang Members, either died from being crush, cut in half, or electrocuted to death, while some are having gapping holes on them, the once beautiful continent is now nothing in ruins with blood spilled everywhere, with no life left.

Immediately Blake started shaking in fear as she made a fast dash to her home with her teammates following behind her, while the rest of the team searched for any possible survivors.

As Blake arrived to her home, it's nothing but destroyed left in ruins, and she saw something that broke her, her mother and father are dead all life left them, she cried hard as she couldn't help and cry as her team try their best to comfort her, but in her eyes she swore revenge on the ones responsible for the deaths and destruction.

But, when they found a White Fang Member that is close to death, he was able to tell them what happened and also describe the one responsible to their leader's death and the destruction of Menargie, and the description of the Unknown Entity left them confuse and speechless.

They described the entity to be an 25 ft Robot, sports stifle-jointed legs, wings double as it's arms, making them, along with it"s fingers, very thin, and it's face is a visor that functions like a computer screen, and what shock them that when he it has the ability to transform. Unfortunately he died after explaining everything to best of his abilities leaving the Team of Huntsmen and Huntresses shook, but they are fortunate to find a lead of the unknown entity.

Unknown to them, from the distance Soundwave or Jaune is watching the whole ordeal, hidden from being spotted. Soundwave left the suffering White Fang member to tell the group of Huntsman about what happened, this satisfied Soundwave, it not just brought them a lead, but also fear.

"Soon... we will meet.." Jaune said with emotionless, but satisfied tone. To frighten them more, Soundwave will toy with them a bit, showing on what he's capable of.

Back with The Group of Huntsmen and Huntresses, they are discussing what they should do as they start walking back to Bullheads with the six already ascending from the ground.

"What do we do now?" Ruby asked concerned as she, her team, CFVY and NPR heads to their respective Bullheads.

"We head back to Beacon and report to the Headmaster about what happened and what we've uncovered..." Weiss said with a serious tone.

"...a giant robot, I find it hard to believe, it sounds a bit far fetch..." Ren said skeptically.

"Could it be a Failed Atlas Project?" Yatsuhashi said

"...Maybe..." Coco said, she noticed that Velvet has been silent through the entire mission and stayed calm. She expected her to be horrified by this.

"Hey...Velv..." She said catching her attention "...is there something wrong?"

"What? I'm fine..." Velvet said, before Coco could push further a loud boom of engine catches everyone's attention.

"What was that!?" Fox exclaims, before anyone would speak there answer was given when a jet foreign to Remnant can be seen flying towards them.

"What is that!?" Nora said, then soon the jet fires unknown red plasma projectile at the six Bullheads that's already in the air, and each plasma round hit each Bullhead killing the six team of Huntsmen and Huntress inside the transport, leaving the surviving team watch in horror seeing the six teams being killed infront of them.

"Oh Oum..." Pyrrha said in horror as she places her hand on her mouth.

This is the first time they witness the unknown entity killing without mercy.

Soon the jet left, as the team sees bodies of the huntsmen and huntresses, all burned in a crisp.

"Now, we know what it looks like..." Velvet said mildly surprise.

"...indeed..." Coco agreed.


Ozpin was looking through his reports, but he was interrupted when Glynda entered the office with a horrified expression.

"Ms Goodwitch, is there something wrong?" Ozpin asked as he put the paperwork down.

Glynda didn't reply, but looked at him with a horrified expression, she showed him the recent events happened which got Ozpin blood run.

"W-we've...lost..." Ozpin wasn't able to finish his sentence.

"...six teams..." Glynda said, clearly horrified.

"This is getting worse, each day..."

"We at least had a lead..." Glynda said

"Indeed... but it cost the lives of our students...." Ozpin said, as Glynda looks at him with a sad expression.

When the information of what the unknown entity looked like to be a giant robot, the people immediately start to accuse Ironwood and the last remaining Atlas Military for the destruction of the each Kingdom believing it was their doing of making an Atlas prototype that destroyed everything, however Ironwood declined this clams, but the angry citizens remained skeptical.

About a few days, James Ironwood was able to develop a weapon that would be strong enough to detain or possibly destroy Soundwave, and people felt a sense of hope seeing that they have a chance to defeat this nightmare for good, unfortunately some Spy informed Soundwave about this.

~Location: Grimm Realm, Salem's Castle~

Soundwave is seen working on the monitor, possibly planning on calling his Decepticon allies for Remnant 's destruction. Even though he was born in Remnant, he believes he belongs to Cybertron. When he was transported to Cybertron, he felt a strong attachment to the Planet Cybertron, he believes that's where he belongs, he sees it as his true home, The Decepticon Cause is what he can call Family, he hoped that Megatron was able to win over the Autobots.

He doesn't view himself as an Arc anymore when his father disowned him, during his rampage he killed the entire Arc Family, he remembers the memory of them begging for mercy.


Location: Arc's Mansion

The Mansion itself is burning in the rubble, and it's littered with dead Arc Family, and what's left is a Father of Jaune Arc and the two of the surviving Arc sisters begging for mercy for Soundwave/Jaune.

"Please...don't...don't kill us!" Athena, Jaune's older sister begged

"Why...why!?" Lucy cried.

While the Father, Alexander Arc, is in pain and injured.

Soundwave continues to stare at them with his visor, showing no sympathy what's so ever.

"Who ordered you to do this?" Alexander asked again. He didn't answer.

"Why did you destroy the Vacuo and bring destruction across Remnant!?" He demanded, his tone of voice rising. Soundwave didn't speak or move, only continues to stare them with visor showing now emotion .

"What do you hope to accomplish by committing these atrocities?!" He asked, becoming desperate since he wasn't getting anything from him. Again, he said nothing.

"START TALKING!"Alexander roared at the Decepticon.

The Decepticon remained silent until he spoke with own voice, HIS son's voice.


Soundwave or Jaune replied shocking the last remaining Arc Family.

"Son!?" The Father said shocked by this revelation.

"Jaune!?" The Sister exclaims in shock.

"Long time... no see... Traitors..." anger being heard in his voice.

"There's, there's no way you're Jaune! Jaune isn't a machine!" Athena denied.

"Alright, let me tell our time together... when you made me wear a dress at the age of 5..." Soundwave said shocking them more.

"J-jaune wouldn't kill! He wouldn't do this! T-this, This has to be a lie!!

Soundwave then continues to tell them everything, they did when he as Jaune Arc, when he kept on revealing more of this, the two Arc sisters cried more while the father is left in shock.

"I-if y-your Jaune..." she sobs a bit. "...then you would stop this nonsense!"

"Stop all these nonsense destruction son! Do it for your family!" His Father said trying to convince his now-cybertronian son.

Unfortunately Jaune isn't having any none of that...

Soundwave grabbed his father with his tentacles and brought him up close to his level and he could feel his death glare from Jaune and he said something that made them go pale.

"Arc Family; Inferior!" Soundwave roared out in anger as he threw his father on the ground him and crush the living life out of him as the two last Arc sisters watch in horror.

"NOOOOOO!" His two sister cried, then his tentacles that came out of his abdomen and electrocuted the two Arc sisters to death as they scream in agony.

Soon their life left them, as he watches his sisters' bodies went limp. He turned his back on the dead bodies walked away a bit before glancing back at the corpses, and said on last thing.

"Jaune Arc; Superior" he simply said, no hint of sadness or emotion, he soon transform in alt mode and flies off.

~Flashback Ends~

Right now he is thinking on how to reveal himself to his former team and friends, then a beep caught his attention seeing that he got a notification from his spy in Beacon.

"...Spy; Report..." Soundwave said in his emotionless tone.

"Soundwave, I have information that you might want to hear..." a feminine voice informs him, but the identity is hidden and Soundwave is the only one who she looks like.

"...continue..." Soundwave replies.

"Apparently Ironwood and the Remaining Atlas forces made a weapon that would be enough to take you down...here..." she shows him the holographic image of the weapon.

The weapon is shown to be a large Anit-Air Gun, and its ammunition's strong enough to destroy a paladin or large Nevermores, but not strong enough to take him down suddenly an idea came in and he would smile devilishly if he still had emotions.

"Impressive, but the weapon won't be enough take me down..." Soundwave said before continuing, "...but I have an idea for my entrance..." said satisfied.

"What is it?"

"Prepare, for my entrance, my little spy..." Soundwave said as the spy giggles.

"I will...Jaune..."


Ozpin, Glynda, Ironwood and the rest of the huntress to wait for the attack knowing Vale is the next Target. Soon the spy drone can be seen.

"That's the one!" Blake pointed at it.

"I see it!" Ironwood said.

Soon the Spy drones flies towards

"Here it comes! Get ready!" The soldier said to the ones operating it.

Soundwave flies closer


The Huntsmen and Huntresses gripped their weapons tight as sweat pours down their faces.


The cannon charged up and fired two strong sound projectiles that hit Sound hard, sending him to crash landed above Vale's two electric towers.

"We got it!" Ruby exclaimed happily

"YES!" Yang joins in aswell.

Unknown to them, Laserbeak was in the air, so he retreated while the Atlas Military, Huntsmen and Huntresses gathered around the Decepticon.

"Aright, get a Bullhead ready. But ensure that the citizens are kept at a safe distance, for we will be returning with our prisoner." Ironwood instructed.

As the Bullhead appears picking up the down Cybertronian.

"I can't believe it! It worked!" Ruby said

"Remnant will be at peace again!" Nora said happily as she hugs Ren, Blake in the other hand is tempted to kill Soundwave for what the crimes and destruction he has done, but she need to wait for now.

Unknown to them Soundwave smirked behind his visor, his plan is working as intended.

'...Fools... you have fallen for my trap...'

When the news of the capture of Soundwave spread, the citizens celebrated believing that the nightmare is over... But that's what Soundwave wants them to believe...

~Location: Beacon Academy~

Inside the base, Soundwave is chained on an operating table; he tried to set free, but with no exit. The people present are Team RWBY, PNR, CFVY, Ironwood, Ozpin, Glynda and Mr. Polendina

"Don't even try. Not even you can sneak through those chains, they're made of the strongest Material in Remnant." Ironwood warned.

"Guess we have all the time in the world to make this robot talk and tell us everything why he's doing this." Qrow said.

"I say we dismantle it when we're done interrogating" Blake said coldly while the rest of the team joined them standing on the Platform, having a better view.

"Now, now... allow me to talk to it..." Ozpin said as he walks towards Soundwave and stands on a platform as it rises to Soundwave's level.

"But we don't know if it can speak. Does it?" Ruby asked.

"I'm not sure if it even has a face." Pyrrha added.

Ozpin then walks up to Soundwave and asked.

"Why are did you attack us? Why did you cause so much destruction, harm and chaos on Remnant?" Ozpin asked sternly

Soundwave simply repeated some parts of Opzin's questions, a little modified with electronic sounds.

"Whoa, Ozpin: the remix!" Nora complimented.

"Nora..." Ren said

Next Soundwave showed a smiling face on his screen, as if he's taunting them.

Yang pulled out her Ember Celicas. "Oh yeah? Why don't I wipe that smile right off his face?" Yang said as her eyes turns red.

"Listen here, we have treated you fairly. For the sake of the people of Remnant, tell us what are you attempting to do, before we are forced to rely upon less civil methods of interrogation." Ozpin warned as Blake prepared her weapon along Weiss and Ruby.

As response, Soundwave increased his own sound waves, causing everyone to cover their ears including the two Faunus in the room.

"Fuck this! This machine is no ordinary robot, inside or out. In that case I would strongly suggest opening it up so we can have a first-hand look at the information recorded on it's drives." Ironwood suggested, with Blake and Qrow agreeing to this.

Next Soundwave's screen showed a lot of words and text as if he's downloading something.

"Uh oh, that doesn't sound good..." Ren said.

"All right, he's downloading data." Yang said satisfied.

"No! It's is erasing data." Mr Polendina exclaims in shock.

It only took him a couple of seconds to erase all his data, what he said next left them in pure shock and horror on what he's word said next.
"Jaune Arc; Superior, Huntsmen and Huntresses; Inferior!"

Soundwave mocked, with his own voice, leaving everyone shock on what they heard.

"J-Jaune!?" Ruby and Pyrrha said in disbelief as they are in the verge of crying.

"That's I-Impossible!" Weiss said shock

Jaune or Soundwave his attention Ruby and said something that nearly broke her.

"Long Time...no see... Crater Face!" He said shocking Ruby even more.

"Jaune... No..." Ruby said she said as small tears start forming.

Before any of them can speak, Soundwave's screen visor off and he looked like dead.

"Jaune!" Ruby, Pyrrha and Velvet exclaims in worry.

"Is he..." Ironwood said.

Mr. Polendina checked the monitor and said. "No. Jaune's vital signs remain functional. It seems he has simply severed all communications by crashing his own drives." Mr. Polendina realized.

Ozpin looks shock by the whole revelation aswell as Glynda, Qrow and Ironwood including the rest of the team of huntsmen and huntresses.

"...everyone, return to your dorms I will discuss this with my colleagues in my office..." Ozpin said as he looks at Team "Team CFVY, stay here and make sure if Mr, Arc tries to escape don't hesitate to inform or alert us..."

"Yes headmaster..." Team CFVY said as the rest of the team went back to their dorm, to discuss what just occurred.

~In Team RWBY's Dorm~

"I still refuse to believe it!"

Ruby groaned. "Weiss, for the hundredth time, I'm telling you! It is Jaune!

"And I still refuse to believe that-that thing, no MONSTER who would cause so much chaos and destruction in Remnant, cause the fall of Atlas, Mistral, Vacuo and nearly Vale and also the one to bring Remnant to near extinction to be our idiotic friend who was missing for a year!!!" Weiss shook her head.

"I'm kind of with Weiss here," Yang agreed "...you sure that's Jaune?"

"I'm sure it was him!" Ruby argued. "He sounds like him!"

"But I can't see it. Ruby, I know you want to think that's Jaune, but that monster, caused the destruction of the White Fang, even Menaregie to my home and... my family" she choked at the mention of her family. "Would Jaune really cause this much damage?"

"It is Jaune! I know it because he said my nickname! Crater face!" Ruby argued, no wants to believe this monster is Jaune, they'll have a long argument now.

~Location: Beacon Academy, Ozpin's office~

"I can't believe Mr. Arc would do such atrocious actions..." Glynda said in disbelief.

"All those, lives lost... Ozpin, What is that kid trying to achieve?!" Qrow demands, clearly angry.

"To tell you, the truth Qrow... I believe Mr. Arc did this for revenge, he has been tormented, betrayed, abandoned and abused, but I would never believe he would... go far as this..." Ozpin said.

"But, how can that thing be Mr. Arc?" Glynda asked.

"...they talked the same, except this monster sounded more emotionless, but I remember Ruby telling me that the kid nicknamed her 'Crater Face' when they first met." Qrow informs them.

"So... it's possible that the robot is Mr. Arc and that also explains his disappearance..." Glynda wondered

"But that doesn't explain how Jaune Arc, became that robot!" Ironwood interjected.

"I'm sure, Mr. Arc will have some explanations behind all of these mess... he must face trail for his actions..."

"Oz, if you've forgotten he's the one responsible for the destruction of Atlas, Menagerie, Vacuo, and Mistral! And nearly destroyed Vale!" Qrow Argued.

"Qrow as much, I don't like the situation we are in, we cannot just simply kill Jaune Arc, there must be a reason, behind his actions! That is Jaune Arc! Not some Machine!" Ozpin countered.


"QROW! This my student we are talking about! The boy you call a monster is Jaune Arc, my student... which means he's my responsibility! He needs a proper trail! Not to be put down as an animal, Qrow!"

Before Qrow would snap at him, an alarm soon alerted the entire school.

Ironwood pulls out his scroll and asked urgently. "What's going on!?"

"Sir! The Prisoner has broken free of its restraints it's going to escape!" The Atlas soldier yelled in panic.

"WHAT!?" Ironwood shouted in shock as Ozpin, Glynda, Ironwood and Qrow immediately started running to where they have Jaune restrained.

Ironwood immediately alerted all Atlas personnel to keep an eye on the Cybertronian, hoping to restrain Soundwave, but when Ozpin, Ironwood, Glynda, Qrow and the rest of the team of huntsmen and huntresses arrived to the scene, it was too late. The three members of Team CFVY, Coco, Fox and Yatsuhashi are dead and are the only bodies to be seen while Velvet corpse is no where to be found.

"He...escaped..." Glynda said in disbelief.

"Impossible! We have Atlas Personnel everywhere in the entire Perimeter! How did he escape!?l" Ironwood exclaims, as looks around for any answer only for none to be found.

Ozpin was trying to process what just happened until realization hits him.

"We were tricked..." Ozpin said catching everyone's attention.

"What?" Qrow said confused.

"Mr. Arc tricked us, he planned this all along, he knew about the secret weapon, his plan was to make us believe we actually captured him, but it seems he was able to plan a head and we've fallen for his trap!"

"...and we lost another team of huntsmen and huntresses..." Glynda said sadly.

Qrow grew enraged and punched Ozpin in face causing him to stagger as the people around watch in shock by Qrow's actions.

"QROW! THAT WAS UNCALLED FOR!" Ironwood scolded as he helps Ozpin on his feet

"Shut up Ironwood! If Ozpin just lets us kill the bastard we wouldn't have a problem and now that problem is back to spread havoc! All the hope the people saw in their eyes when we captured Jaune, they believed it would be over, BUT NO! We're back where we started!" Qrow shouted, as he glares Ozpin.

Before anyone could answer the power soon went out.

"What happened!?" Ruby exclaims.

"He... He caught off the power!" Ironwood said in realization.

Then a large boom caught their attention as they run out the building only to see that the CCT Tower has been destroyed.

"No... without the CCT tower, we have no way of communication to rest of the Remnant..."

"Is this... truly the end for...mankind and Faunus kind?" Blake asked in fearfully, the hope of taking down the nightmare is shattered. Blake can no longer avenge her people for the destruction Soundwave caused, seeing what Soundwave is capable of.

"It-it would appear so..." Ozpin said fearing for the worst.

An Atlas Soldier approaches them gave them the bad news.

"Sir..." The Atlas said, "...we got bad news... the... dust power plant has been destroyed...along with our secret weapon..."

Everyone has horror in there faces, how could Jaune pull this off so fast!? He was in Beacon for a few hours and yet he was able to cause havoc in matter of minutes (*cough* Groundbridge *cough*).

"This is a disaster! Without power we wouldn't be able to power our vehicles and with our secret weapon destroyed we nothing to fight against him!" Ironwood said.

"What re we going to do now?!" Ruby asked fearfully, this is not what she wanted to experience as a Huntress, she wants to save people and be a hero, but she would never achieve that soon. Remnant will soon face anarchy. Things are looking grim for Remnant.

Before any of them would speak, a huge Shadow looms over them and they look up and they see a massive ship! It even bigger than Beacon itself. Soon the ship then fires it laser cannons at the team of huntsmen and huntresses, before any of them could react the blast hits them knocking them out unconscious.


Location: ???

Darkness, is all they could see they soon start to slowly only be greeted by another giant Robot.

"Wakey...Wakey~" The Red Robot said seductively, causing everyone to reel back in shock as the red robot begins to laugh sadistically at the Humans and Faunus.

"....Hahaha...it's always fun to watch you organics quiver in fear, too bad your stuck in those tube though, I would enjoy having you in my dissection table~!"

They realize that they are in glass tubes (just like the ones the Decepticons trapped Jack, Miko and Raf), they was determined to escape since it's made of glass but the red robot said to them.

"If you plan on escaping, I would say it's futile... I took your weapons away so escaping... is impossible..." The Red mech smirks evilly.

"Who are you and let us out!" Yang demands as her eyes turned red, the red robot only smirk..

"Oh~ what do we have here? Fiesty one, though I questioned why your dressed like that, but I guess Soundwave was right about you..." He said observing the blonde.

Ozpin then ask. "Who are you, and why are we here?" Catching the Con's attention.

"Well, atleast your more nicer than this bimbo there, allow me to introduce myself... my designation is Knock Out, and I do believe Soundwave was the one that...hm..." he grinned at Yang and said. "Knock you Out! Hehe..." He punned.

Yang groans in disgust and said. "That's terrible..."

Knock Out narrows his optics at Yang then his right servo transforms into a drill making the huntress jump in surprise.

"You've been a bad girl, haven't you? I guess it's surgery time!" Knock Out said sadistically as the Drill begins to spin, Yang begins to tremble in fear while her sister calls out for her.

Before things could get worst, the door opens up revealing another robot, much bigger.

"Knock Out! Cease this action immediately!" The robot ordered.

The Medic stops his actions sighs and replies "Yes, Lord Megatron..."

"Good..." Lord Megatron said as he walks infront of the Captive humans and Faunus and let's out a chuckle, "...it seems Soundwave did an excellent job bringing us to your planet, and I must say... it quiet pathetic that you are all easily defeated by one Cybertronian! It proves how weak you organics are!" Megatron taunts.

The Humans and Faunus glared at the warlord and as Ironwood asked, "...who are you?"

"My name is Megatron! Leader of the Decepticons! And I do believe that my third-in-command would like to have a word with you..." The Gladiator smilies evilly as the door opens and it reveals to be Jaune.

"...Jaune..." Ruby and Pyrrha said sadly, while the rest looks in fear or anger.

"Soundwave, you requested that you want to have a talk to these orgaincs?" Megatron asked.

"...Affirmative..." Soundwave said, as Megatron leaves except Knock Out, and a shadowy figure can be seen in the background.

Soundwave or Jaune gazes upon the people he considers friends, and now enemies.

"...long time, no see...Traitors ..." Soundwave said in with venom found in his voice.

"Mr. Arc, what happened, why are you like this? You weren't like this before... what happened?" Glynda asked, clearly sad by this.

"And why are they calling you Soundwave?" Ren asked.

"...things have change...ever since you betrayed me, you all think it was right for all of you to torment me, abuse me, neglect me and abandon me! Just because my transcript!?" Soundwave said angrily.

"Jaune... we're sorry-"

"YOU DON'T GET TO SAY FRAGGING SORRY!" Soundwave shouts at them, making them flinch, including Knock Out.

"Oh...this is new, I've never seen Soundwave this angry...he's usually emotionless "

"When I first arrived to Beacon, I though we hade this bond! An unbreakable bond! I thought we are a team! I thought we are friends! But, no you just threw away our friendships if it was nothing!"

"We, worked hard and trained hard to get to Beacon, all you did was-" Weiss' tube container was then grabbed roughly by Soundwave and brought in front of on his face.

"ALL I DID IS WHAT!? HUH!? SAY IT!" Jaune roared in an hostile emotionless tone to the Heiress scaring her and the people witnessing it.

"Okay...very scary..." Knock Out admitted, clearly shook by Jaune's action.

Soundwave then throws the tube containing Weiss making her scream as Knock Out caught it.

Knock Out and the Remnant natives looked confuse by this action as the Medic looked at Soundwave for some explanation.

"Knock Out, our little guess seems to be injured... why not give our guest a little...surgery..." Soundwave said as the huntsmen and huntress were horrified by this suggestion while Knock Out looked surprise then smirked.

"Very well, Soundwave..." Knock Out then opens the tube container and grabs Weiss as she struggles to break free.

"Let me go!" Weiss ordered as she tries to grip out of the medic's servos.

"Oh...don't worry, Ice Queen, it will only hurt..." his servo transform into a buzzsaw making Weiss go pale, "...A lot!" As the buzzsaw goes closer

"WEISS!" RBY calls out for their teammate, but soon Weiss got cut and is chomped limb by limb and cut in halves as she was nothing more than a bloody pulp, leaving the Remnant occupants to watch in horror.

"Weiss; Inferior..." Jaune said satisfied by this.

"Weiss...no..." Ruby said sadly as tears begin to form.

Yang punch the her fist to the glass tube only to no damage is done.


"Hehehe, I guess quiet ones can get violent..." Knock Out uncaringly at what he did while admiring his work before looking disgust at the messed.

"Now, you may be wondering... how did I even know about your plan of taking me down?" Soundwave asked as he paced back and fourth.

"How...?" Ironwood asked, still shook on what he saw.

Soundwave looks at the Shadowy figure and and said.

"Reveal, yourself..."

And what comes out of the shadows leaves the Huntsmen and Huntresses horrified on what they are seeing, the Shadowy figure or Jaune's Spy is non-other than.


Velvet simply waved at them with no care at all.

"Velvet, Your also behind this!?" Ruby asked in shocked.

"Yup...I was also the one to provide intel what your plans are, and also to provide intel about what's your next move is...." Velvet smirked in satisfaction.

"But, why? Why join and him and cause chaos?!" Yang said in anger.

Velvet gave Yang a glare before answering, "Because I cared for him! Unlike any of you who tormented him! I cared for him because he stood up for me, I was forced to be rude to him, you want to know how devastated I was when he was presumed dead!?" She shouts angrily at them making them flinch.

She calmed down and continues, "When he returned, I was happy to see him... at first didn't believe it was Jaune...but when he revealed who he was, I was happy to see him..." Velvet said as she and Soundwave gaze at each other, before looking back at the Remnant residents.

'Huh, Soundwave found love... this is weirdly cute...' Knock Out thought.

"...So I decided to go and help him cause havoc amongst Remnant." Velvet said.

"B-But Ms. Scarletina, Remnant is your home!" Glynda reasoned with her.

"Hmm... true...but when he returned, he gave me an opportunity to be with him as one of the Cybertronians..."

"Then how are you going to do that?" Blake challenged, as Velvet just crossed her arms and smirked.

Soundwave nods towards Knock Out as he grabs a cybertornian relic behind his back, and aims it at Velvet shocking the Huntsmen and Huntresses, while the weapon primes up.

"Velvet! Look out!" Ruby tries to warn only for Velvet to cross her arms

"Stay still, Velv... this will hurt a bit..." Knock Out said as he fires the Cybertronian relic at the Rabbit Faunus.

A bright light consumes the room causing huntsmen and huntresses to cover their eyes, when the light died down what they saw left in shock on what they are seeing.

(On a side note: I DO NOT OWN THIS CHARACTER OR ART THEY BELONG TO TEHIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS, this is just a representation on what she's suppose to look like.)

On where Velvet stood infront of them is Female Cybertronian, this one only shocked the Huntsmen and huntresses, but it shocked Knockout aswell.

(Yup that's his reaction)

"Wow... I did not expect that..."

Velvet examined herself as Soundwave walked a bit closer.

"...Velvet?" Soundwave said catching her attention.

Velvet looked at Jaune with her optics and replied, "Jaune...uh how do I look?"

Soundwave was silent before answering, "...you look...beautiful..."

"I'm with Jauney boy on this this one..." Knock Out commented.

The two Cybertronian cannot help gaze on each before a Vehicon enters the room, catching everyone's attention.

"Soundwave, Lord Megatron is now ready to cyberform the planet..." he looks at the huntsmen and huntresses, and replies, "...enjoy the view... insects!" The Vehicon laughs and left.

This got the natives of Remnant concerned when he said "cyberform the planet".

Ozpin looks at Jaune asked, "Mr. Arc, what are they planning to do to Remnant?!" He asked urgently, before Velvet and Jaune could reply soon a Spacebridge portal appears above the Remnant.

Velvet turns her attention back to Huntsmen and Huntresses and answers.

"We are planning to cyberform your planet in favor of its new matrix. Destroying all indigenous life in the process." Velvet explained.

When she explains this to them, they cannot help but be horrified by the situation they are in.

"Just like what we did to earth, the pesky Autobots all failed to save earth, now it's happening to Remnant...hmmm.... What shall we call our new domain? New Iacon? Or Perished Remnant?" Knock Out gloated.

Soundwave looked at the scene before he looked at the humans and Faunus who have faces of pure horror.

"No!" Blake protested.

"Leave our planet alone!" Ruby followed, with tears forming in her eyes.

Despite the protest, the Omega lock soon locked into Remnant and a huge beam went through the Spacebridge, cyberform game Remnant.

The huntsmen and huntresses can't help but watch in horror as their entire planet is becoming nothing but a huge ball of metal.

"No..." Ruby said as she fell on her knees crying.

"...our home..." Pyrrha said sadly.

"...we've failed..." Ren said as Nora starts crying.

"It's beautiful..." Velvet said as she and Soundwave held their servos together.

While the Two Cybertronians watches the Cyberforming of Remnant in satisfaction, the remaining team of Huntsmen and Huntresses can't help but feel helpless, they failed to save Remnant.

Knock Out clears his tailpipe catching their attention.

"I hate to break the moment between you two lovebirds but, since we cyberform all of Remnant, what should we do with them?" Knock Out pointed at the Huntsmen and Huntresses, who in turn glared at the cybertronians.

"Dispose of them, they are useless to us..." Soundwave said making the Team RWBY and NPR gasp in horror, Qrow glared at him and stood up and shouts at the Cybertronian.

"You'll pay for this you bastard!" Qrow shouted, but Soundwave didn't care.

"Oh, but I already did!" Soundwave said as his arm changes into a blaster and aims it at Qrow.

"NO!" Ruby and Yang cried out as Soundwave fires his blaster, killing the Huntsman.

Soundwave looks at the mess he did and he nodded towards Knock Out, the Medic then grabs the containers of huntsmen and huntresses as they start pleading.

"Jaune! Please! Don't do this!" Pyyrha begged.

"We're sorry! Please don't kill us!" Ruby pleaded.

Unfortunately Soundwave ignore their pleas as the Decepticons takes them away for termination. Those were the last words he heard from his former teammates and friends, they were all terminated by the moment they left the room.

Soundwave can't help let out a sigh of satisfaction,

"...Vengeance has been achieved..."

~Timeskip 12 Metacycles later~

Soon Remnant was Cyberformed into a new Cybertronian world colony, it was renamed to 'Decepticon's Arc' and Soundwave was made leader of the planet as many Cybertronian now live there, soon in the next metacycles both Velvet and Jaune became sparkmates in the end they have two Sparklings.

On the balcony of Soundwave's fortress illuminated by the shattered moonlight, both the Former Huntsmen and Huntresses sat with each sparking asleep in their arms with Laserbeak, being protective of his new young masters. They were named Rumble and Frenzy, they were name after his former companions who unfortunately perished during the War of Cybertron.

"Do you think we should train them? Should we keep them out of all that?" Velvet turned to her sparkmate, whilst still sat down in the cybertronian chair.

Jaune thought for a minute. "Maybe we should, and perhaps in the ways that you learnt. Only if you think they're ready of course, I don't want them to get hurt."

The Former Faunus giggled, "...You sound like Knock Out when he freaked out about me being a carrier... he seems happy to be an uncle..."

"Heh, I know..." Soundwave shared one more kiss with his Sparkmate, before continuing to gaze out at the night sky, wondering what will happen next.


The End

Well this One-shot is done, I hope you all enjoy this and stay tuned for chapter 3.

A/N: While I was making Chapter 3, I thought of One-Shot on where Jaune took Soundwave so I made this, I hope you enjoy and the next chapter will go out soon.

These one shots are where Jaune takes the place of one of the Decepticon or the Decepticon taking Jaune's place, so feel free give a request. (only Decepticon characters TFP)

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