Chapter 3: A Century Later (100,000 Years Later)

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(This is the intro)

(Cue Transformers EVO by Jam Project)

(Instrumental) The scene starts with a showing the planet Remnant.

(Yami no kanata seijaku wo hikisaki) The scene changes to Blackout near the Cliff of Emerald Forest, staring out into the open until he brought out his hand to revealing the remains of his shield.

(Hoshi no nemuri yobiokosu no wa Doitsu da?) Blackout look at it until he clenches his servos destroying it and face forward transformed into his helicopter form flying towards the Nemesis.

(Hora me no mae jaaku na tamashiitachi) On the Nemesis, Megatron and the Decepticons face the screen with their evil smirks.

(Nigeba wa nai massugu ni uketomero!) The camera pans out of the Nemesis showing Strike-Med with his fellow Vehicons on the ground along with Arcee, with their weapons ready.

(Some tells me "Yowaki" ya "Osore" wo shoukyo shite) In the Beacon Academy, Team RWBY, Team (J)NPR, and Team CFVY then faces the screen with hopes to find Jaune again.

(Bokura wa ishiki kumikaeru) In the headmaster's rooms office is shows Ozpin staring out the his window to see the night scenery showing faces of concern, hoping that Jaune is alright.

(Sono te wo tsuyoku nigiri) in Atlas Ironwood is then shown with his army along with Paladins behind, ready for battle.

(Tagai no kizuna shinjite) Balckout stood in front of the Atlas Army with Strkie-Med and Arcee right next to him as their eyes were glaring with resolve.

(Tatakae!) They then engage into their battle mode and charge forward along with the others with their weapons ready.

(Saa All I can do! And all you can do!) On the battlefield, both Atlas and Team RWBY, (J)NPR and Beacon Hunters fight against White Fang fight and the Decepticons,  Blackout engage into a fight with the Paladins.

(Habatake Transform) While Ruby Rose, Pyrrha, and Ren were dodging Strike-Meds shots as while keeping his distance.

(Sono mune tsuranuku ikari wo chikara ni kae) Arcee, throw slashes with her blade killing many Grimms and kicks at the Deathstakers, while bug retaliates with its claws sting. Scorponok is the shown coming out of the ground attacking the unsuspecting White Fang Terrorist.

(Ima All I can do And all you can do) We then see Cinder facing off against Ozpin as they Engadget each other.

(Kagayake Transform! Shinka no Stage e!) The Scene is now shown with Blackout, Arcee and Strike-Med along with a few Vehicons and Team RWBY and Team (J)NPR charging at the Grimms and the Grimm Dragon, with Blackout leading the charge.

(Touch and Go!) He then Jumps and grabs his Main Rotor Balde slashes at the Grimm Dragon as the opening ends with the Blackout, Arcee, Strike-med, Scorponok along with the Vehicons and Team RWBY, (J)NPR lining up together at Beacon Academy.


Joor = Hour
Nano-Klik = less than a seconds
Nanoclick = 1 second
Klik = seconds
Cycle = Minute
Joor = 1 hour
Orbital Cycle = 1 day
Orn = 13 days
Steller Cycle = 7.5 months
Meta-Cycle = 13 months
Solar Cycle = 1 year
Vorn = 83 years
Century = 100,000 year
Quintun = Week
Diun = month


~Cybertron Time: 100,000 Solar Cycles later~
~Remnant time: been missing for 2 weeks~

For 100,000 Solar Cycles, the Arc has been in battle after battle with no end, and survived all of them. During his time in the Pits of Kaon, Jaune/Blackout has made name of himself as he is entitled to be the third best Gladiator in the Pits of Kaon with Megatron being the first and Soundwave being the second.

Right now, the little Arc is currently in fighting in one of his new recent matches.

~Jaune/Blackout's POV~

It has been how long? 15 Solar Cycles? 100 Solar Cycles? I have been in the pits of Kaon for 100,000 Solar Cycles! No seriously! I have been in this pithole for 100,000 Solar Cycles, or a Century to be exact! I have been in the Pits of Kaon for this long! And still survived! Surprisingly, the many lives I took doesn't surprise me nor affect me anymore. I'm already used to that... anyways I'm currently stabbing by opponent to death with my blade.

"AAAAARRRRGGGHHHH" The Mech screams agonizingly before dropping on the floor dead.

Sigh, another win and dead opponent for me... seriously, are these guys getting soft or something?

I have been fighting for hundreds thousands of Solar Cycle right now, and these guys are just like Grimms... except they're not soulless or mindless, but taking away a life of another would be wrong, but if you were you were a Gladiator and you've been doing this more often than you can count, and you have  survive from getting offline you get used to it as if it's a common thing. Just like the other gladiators and me, we get used to see more death more often... a lot of death.

I know, I should be concerned with my injuries and well-being, but somehow my aura is healing them nonstop, making it look like child's play.

"BLACKOUT WINS!" The Ring Announcer said as he walks towards me and raises my servo in the air as the crowd yells out.

"Hahaha! Another win again for Blackout!"

"BLACKOUT! BLACKOUT! BLACKOUT!" The crowd chanted while I was on deep thought, 'Sweet Primus, there no longer that much challenges anymore... well... except the time I fought Megatron and Soundwave, they nearly killed me but luckily I was at their mercy and earned their respect' I thought

~Flashback: a few Solar-Cycles ago~

3rd POV

"OH SCRAP!" Jaune/Blackout exclaims as he ducks from a sword strike from Megatronous as he retaliated by giving him an upper cut sending the Gladiator back a few feet away.

Megatronous sneers and charges at the Arc and threw a left hook on his face, then a small slice on his torso which would be a fatal blow as energon is being spilled out, making him to come down on his knees, then he kicks him across the arena and the crowd cheered as Jaune lays down in his own pool of Energon.

Believing his opponent is dead, Megatronous thought he has won and waited for the announcer to end the fight and declare him victor, but to his surprise and shock his opponent Blackout, stood up and he sees his wound is healing itself, which is Jaune's aura healing him.

'Impossible...' Megatronous thought in shock seeing his adversity recovering from the fatal blow.

"I'm not done yet..." Blackout declares as he transforms his right arm into Tail Rotor blade.

Both stood there and stared down at each other as the air becomes tense, soon Blackout charges at Megatronous and lets out a War cry.

Blackout jumped and attempted to slice Megatronous, but he was quick to block it. Blackout attempted to cut his arm off with his Tail Rotor Blade, Megatronous took a step back to avoid the attack as he elbowed him. While Blackout was recovering, Megatronous tried to finish him, but he recovered quickly and blocked with his rotor blade. Blackout retaliates, but Megatronous blocked the Tail Rotor Blade with his arm and charged for him. Once he was close, Blackout used his available arm to punch him.

The crowd continues to cheer as they watch the two battle to the death, while one Cybertronian that is concealed in the Shadows is watching the fight intensely is Jaune's owner, the unknown mech that brought him here in the first place.

'That kid better win this fight...' The unknown mech, but his thoughts were interrupted when he heard the crowd gasp and sees what's happening.

Back in the fight Blackout got up as Megatronous deactivated his blade began to constantly punch him in the face, leaking energon with each hit and skidding back. Blackout tried to regain his composure, but Megatron let out a battle cry and punched him back to the ground. He groaned as Megatronous walked towards him, activating him blade.

Blackout gasped in pain as Megatron stepped on his chest, forcing him to the ground, Megatronous can see his adversary is heavily injured from the fight, he expects him to heal his wounds but it never happened which confuses the gladiator about this, but Jaune knows why his wounds are not healing, because his aura has been depleted during the fight leaving him vulnerable to any heavy blows, Aura can't last forever.

Megatronous, looked down at his down opponent seeing him defeated, unknown to Jaune, he earned the respect of the famous gladiator because of how hard he fought and is the only few Gladiators giving Megatronous a challenge and was able to go against his level, with Soundwave being the second to give him a worthy fight.

As Jaune continues to look at Megatronous with shock and fear, not believing that this was his end, he knew the dangers of fighting someone out of his league, but his owner said otherwise.

"'s not finished..." a voice catching both their attention, the announcer walks up to them and said " finish it... finish him!" He points at Blackout, who is in fear for his life as the crowd chanted for Megatronous to finish him off.




As the crowd continues to chant for Megatronous to kill Blackout, he looks down at Jaune and he sees something in his optics, as if they have something in common. In his optics is not just any mech to fight for glory and fame, but a mech that had been neglected, tormented and abandoned by those he thought are his comrades and was force to fight for his life. He see that his adversary never wanted to a gladiator in the first place, but was just an unfortunate slave forced to fight, just like him.

Megatronous stepped off Blackout's chest and aimed his blaster at him, directly at the spark chamber, Blackout was breathing heavily in fear as he closes his optics waiting for his end accepting his fate, he flinched when heard the blaster priming and fired, causing the crowd to go silent.

However to Jaune's surprise he didn't feel anything hitting his spark or any parts of his chassis being off to bits, he slowly opens his optics and to his shock and surprise, Megatronous didn't fire the blaster at him, but he redirected his blaster at different direction. He looks to the left and he's shock when he redirected his blaster at the announcer, leaving a huge gaping hole on his chassis killing him and soon the body feel limp.

While Jaune was still in shell-shocked by the Gladiator's action, Megatronous offers a servo to Blackout.

"...Get up..." He said offering a servo, catching the Arc's attention. Jaune was reluctant before he grabbed his servo as Megatronous helps him up.

When Jaune got to his pedes, he looks at Megatronous and asked, "W-why...why do you spare me?"

Megatronous smirked and simply said, " would be a waste to dispose a potential honorable warrior... you gave me quite a challenge, Blackout... I congratulate you for that." He said with a small smile.

"Oh...uh... thanks?" Blackout said unsure what to say.

He nods and walks away, leaving a stunned Arc.

~Flashback Ends~

Jaune POV

I sweet dropped nervously from that near-death experience memory, as I let out a sigh and left the arena, heading to my private sleeping quarters as I was walking back to my sleeping quarters I was in deep thought, unaware of my surroundings.

Ever since I have been in the Pits of Koan with each battle I won, I became popular amongst the People in Kaon along with many of the medium caste and lower caste, sure they while they do praise me for my strength while most of them fear me for me being remorseless in the arena, but I only fight to survive not for glory or fame. I don't find satisfaction out of taking away one's life, but unfortunately many of them don't see that, they only see me as a monster for being remorseless as Megatronous, but that mech is a monster in the arena!

Well technically not what people would actually think, he did spare and I did gained his respect and he sure has a great beliefs about changing Cybertron for a better society where all Cybertronians will be equal. Recently Megatronous along with Orion Pax, the librarian I met Solar Cycles ago, started a peaceful revolution or protest to make all Cybertronians equal... huh... this reminds me of the White Fang in Remnant, where they all fight for equality.

'Remnant...' I said sadly in my thought, as I remember the Planet where I was born. I just realized something... what's really happening in Remnant right now? It's been like a century since I've been here and I haven't thought what's really happening right now in Remnant.

'Meh..they've be probably dead... I'm already hundred years older than them, sooo yeah, they're dead...' I thought bitterly, I still haven't forgotten the torment I went through. Sure I can delete those memories, but it's the only thing that reminds me of my old home, and who I was before...Jaune Arc.

While I was in deep thought and I wasn't aware where I was walking and I accidentally bumped into a someone with the sound of Datapads being dropped with me and the unknown person falling down in our aft.

"Hey! Watch it!" A feminine voice exclaims, as I scratch my helm in guilt.

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention-" I stopped at mid-sentence, infront of me is a femme.

Her paint job is navy blue being dominant with black being second along with pink being tertiary color. Her height only reach his chassis (her height is 15ft and Jaune/Blackout is over 17ft), and Sweet Oum or Primus, for a Cybertronian she looks...beautiful.

"Uh...uuhm...." I stuttered confuse to what to say.

"Hey, you okay there?" The Femme asked as she tiled her head.

"Oh! Uh..." I said as I stood up and helped her up, "I'm sorry about that, I wasn't  aware where I was going hehehe..." I laughed nervously, as I looks away in embarrassment.

The femme sighs and looks at me and said "it's alright..." as she was about to begin to pick up the datapads she dropped.

"Oh wait, let me help with that..." I said I pick up the other datapads she dropped and gave it to her.

"Oh...that's nice of you... for gladiator..." she said, surprise you my action with a small smile.

"Oh um yeah... your welcome..." I said as we stood there awkwardly.

To make things less awkward, the femme broke the awkward silence.

"...Well, my designation is Arcee... what's yours?" Arcee said as she has her hand raised.

"Oh well my designation is Blackout! Short, sweet, rolls off the tongue. Femmes love it!" I introduced a bit nervously, heck even though I'm a seasoned gladiator, I'm still socially awkward when it comes to talking with new people.

"Blackout? Aren't you the gladiator in the Pits of Kaon? Known for self-healing wounds even taking a fatal damage?" She asked in surprise meeting the one of best gladiator in Cybertron.

There was silence until.

"Yes! Yes...uh I am, nice to meet you Arcee!" I said as I reach my servo to her.

Arcee shook my servo as he looks at me with a smirk. "This quite a surprise, I never expect the Mighty Blackout to be this... socially awkward..."

"Well..." I clear my tailpipe before speaking, "...even though I'm a seasoned gladiator I'm not that great with speaking with people..."

Arcee giggles at this, "Really?"

"Um yeah..." I slouch a bit as she giggles.

"...Well... I got to go, it's nice meeting you Blackout..." she said with a smile.

"Yeah, you too..." I said as she left.

As I continue to watch her leave I felt a servo on my shoulder pad.

"Hey Buddy, you okay?" A voice said.

"Huh?" I said as I look at the source and to my surprise it's one of the  gladiators I befriended, his designation is Strike-Med.

I met Strike-Med during my time in the Pits of Kaon, let's say we are like brothers he did save my aft from getting killed. I feel sympathy for the guy when he told me his backstory, just like everyone born in the Lower-Caste, he was born as just like me, he was forced to fight for his life and never fights for glory nor fame, only survival. I remember we first met each other when the match request for a Team deathmatch.


3rd POV

"CIRCLE FORMATION!" Jaune yells out to his teammates as he struggles to devise a plan to get him and his team from getting picked off one by one while he killed another enemy gladiator with his main rotor.

Jaune, he looks around and noticed 1 out of his 5 teammates are missing, "Where's Beta!?"

"She's dead! What do we do now?!" One of his teammates, named Zephyrix asked desperately, Zephyr is a triple changer like Jaune he's alt mode has Jet mode and a grounder mode.

"I don't know...we're outnumbered..." Jaune said grimly, despite having experience leading a team there will always be a situation, where the odds are against him.

When Blackout let his guard down from his opponent, the enemy took the opportunity to charges at him with an energon spear, fortunately Strike-Med notices this and took action.

"BLACKOUT! LOOK OUT!" Strike-Med warned, and in the nick of time he uses one his teammates as personal shield to protect Blackout, which resulted the teammate to be fatally stabbed from the enemy's energon spear.

"AAAAARGH!" The teammate yells out in pain as the energon piece his spark.

"WOAH!" Blackout said in shocked to see Strike-Med using one of his allies as a personal shield.

"Nice try, you nearly killed Blackout, mind if I try the same with you?" Strike-Med smirks evilly as he snatch the spear from his teammate's chest, and took his arm while doing so.

He twirls the energon spear around and glares at the enemy Gladiators and spreads his arms yelling, "COME AT ME!"

The Team was shocked at his action, "Woah! Did you see that!?" Zephyrix awed, by how he just use of his teammates as personal shield to protect Blackout.

"Now, let's finish this fight!" Strike-Med said with his Motor Blades spinning and an energon spear to the left hand as he charges at the enemy Gladiators, letting out a battle cry.

~Flashback ends~

"...Buddy?" Strike-Med asked, breaking me out of my thoughts as I shook my head.

"Sorry, um what were you saying?" I asked.

"You've been staring off or something, Is there something wrong?" He asked, a bit concerned for his brother-in-arms.

I looked where Arcee left before answering.

"...nothing... nothing wrong at all..." I said before walking back to my home, Strike-Med stood there confused and looked where Blackout was looking at before shrugging it off went back to his business.


When I arrived at my home I let out a frustrated sigh and when I entered my home, my home is tall building with a perfect view of sunset, it's luxurious and only greatest of gladiators can afford these. When I  head to my sleeping quarters and when entered I saw my hated most Cybertronian in cybertron...
My Master, Rollblast...that little fragging bastard.

When Rollblast saw me and he smirk and spread his arms replying, "Great Job Kid, another victory for the ALMIGHTY Blackout! Ha!" He said with pride as he laughs.

Me on the other servo I just gave glared at him with hate, because he's the reason why I'm in the Pits of Kaon in the first place, the one that captured me, the one that forces me to fight for my life in an arena where battle has no end!  I always wonder why in Almighty Primus' name does he have to exist!? Scrap, he's more worst than Jacque Schnee or Cardin, now that's saying something.

He saw my expression and said, "What's wrong? You seem a bit... angry, for what making you my champion? For making you famous amongst the other caste? Ha, just be lucky your still alive otherwise you would be dead! Plus the people love you!"

"They fear me..." I countered.

"Love and fear? So what? Everyone's opinion..." he said with a smirk.

'Everyone's opinion my aft! How about my opinion on killing you then Jacque-Cardin wannabe!' I thought and just sneer in response, as he continues.

"Though you would have been more famous if you just have defeated that Megatronous, but anyways now for your next match..."

I grit my dentas in anger while he continues to ramble more about the next match I'm going to attend and giving me in full detail, I can't help but I'm tempted to kill him. But the problem is, I can just simply kill him. If I try to kill him then I would be in trouble, I know I'm skilled in fight thanks to my fights in the Pits of Kaon, but I will be in trouble by Autobot enforcers for my crimes, and there might be a possible chance I might get executed.

And it doesn't help the fact that even though I would successfully assassinate him with no witnesses then without a master, I would be place in mines as slave. And plus I would be homeless aswell.

Plus escape is impossible, sure I do have the ability to transform and fly away, but they place a tracker inside of me. And If I try any attempt escape I would face severe punishment.

Same could be said with Zephyrix and Strike-Med, they both have the same problem as me, except they're not captured, but are born as a slave an forced to fight for their lives.

"...and that's all the details give, do you understand that?" Rollblast asked, interrupting my thoughts.

I nodded as he pats my shoulder pads.

"That's what I like to hear! Now make sure you train well! I need you alive in more matches to come!" He walking towards the door.

As he left, I just stood there in silence. Soon I clench my fists and dentas hard as I tried to remain calm and I'm really tempted to break something.

After a few minutes of calming down, I went to my berth as I laid down thinking on what's going to happen tomorrow.

I let out a sigh as I place my servos on my faceplate before looking at my ceiling asking, "Primus, almighty or perhaps Oum... I don't know which is the worst life to me... being weak in Beacon as everyone torments and abandons you? Or be able to achieve being stronger while fighting for your life? I don't know anymore..."

I finished as I closed my optics for recharge... next diun is the exact thing again...

~Timeskip~ One Diun(Month) later
~Location: Pits of Kaon~

As I predicted, it's same thing again.... so stabbed my opponent with my sword, ending his life.


While the crowd continues cheers at my victory, I left the arena.

'Another victory, yay...' I thought unimpressed and bored, while walking out of the Arena, I spotted Strike-Med walking up towards me.

"Hey Blackout! How are you doing?" He walks alongside me.

I let out a sigh and answered, "Not much...just the same old thing you know? Like stabbing, fighting, etcetera, etcetera, nothing new... just the same thing."

Strike-med looks at his friend with concern as he wraps his arm around his shoulder, "How about this, let's go and grabs some high-grade energon... what do ya say?"

I thought about it, before nodding in agreement.

"Alright let's go!" I said as we make our way to our destination.

After we got our high-grade energon and sat down, my friend Strike-med starts talking about his victories and his battles, which I barely listen too, as I can see a few cybertronians being drunk. Also High-Grade Energon is the equivalent to Beer, which surprise me seeing that Cybertron has the something close to liquor or beer.

During my free-time, I learnt that Energon is the main substance and valued resource used by all Cybertronians for food, medicine and for their own biology. It is the blood flowing inside and throughout their bodies. It is from the blood of their creator, Primus. It can be found in energon deposits sent from Cybertron or inside Cybertronians.

Mechs and Femmes require energon in order to live their lives anywhere they go. And what surprise me that Energon can be converted into ammunition and energy for energon-dependent weapons and equipment. Cybertronians refine Energon for fuel in their health and technology. Once energon is refined, it's formed into a liquid state and it can be placed into containment units, which makes sense.

While I was in deep thought, I wasn't aware of that Strike-Med is snapping his digits infront of me trying to catch my attention.

"...Hey Blackout, Blackout! Cybertron to Blackout!" Strike-Med said waving his servo infront of him.

"Huh, What?" I said as I shook my helm.

" seem to space out for a bit, is there something wrong?"

I place a servo in my faceplate, before answering "Sorry, I'm just..." I trailed off again, this time I spotted the femme from last diun, it was Arcee. Well I have a few encounters and talks with her, but she doesn't seem to around here that often, and by the looks of things, she seems to be looking for someone as she entered the building.

Strike-med seems to notice me to be staring at something behind him and he asks  "Buddy..."


"Blackout, you alright? You keep looking something behind me that you seem to make you space out... again..." Strike-Med pointed out.

"Nothing!" I answered quickly, causing Strike-Med to be suspicious. He was about to look behind him as I quickly replied.

"No wait!"

He looks behind him despite my protest and saw Arcee looking around for someone.

Strike-Med looks at me, which I had an embarrassed and nervous expression on my faceplate. He looks at back at Arcee and to me a five times before he stops and looks at Arcee and his optics widen in realization. He looks back at his friend with a devious smile, as I give him a death glare.

"Strike-med, don't you da-"

"HEY YOU! FEMME!!" He calls out to Arcee, catching her attention, "Come over here!" He gestures her to come.

"SCRAP!" I exclaim as I cover my face with my servo in embarrassment in a sideways glance trying not to be noticed.

When Arcee arrives and walked in front of Strike-Med and asks, " yes?"

"You seem to be looking for someone, is it this guy?" He gestured on what's behind him, Arcee looks behind him and to her surprise it's me.

"Blackout?!" She said in surprise, as I stood up and I look at her with an embarrassed expression on my faceplate.

"Oh uh hey Arcee..." I waved at her nervously, while I silently gave Strike-med a death glare.

Arcee waves back at me, and looks at Strike-Med before she looks at me.

"Blackout, who's this?" Arcee asks, gesturing towards my friend.

"This is my friend, Strike-Med..." I introduced, "Strike-Med, this is Arcee..."

"It's a pleasure to meet you!" Strike-Med said with a slight bow.

"Likewise, but how did you know I was looking for Blackout?" Arcee said.

I perk my helm up from that statement, 'Wait....SHE WAS LOOKING FOR ME!?'

"Well it's because Blackout was-" Interrupted him by slapping my servo over his mouth.

"It's just his lucky guess..." I answered as Strike-Med glares at me a bit.

Arcee just smiles, "Um...Blackout, I wonder how if are you free for today?"

I remove my servo from Strike-Med's mouth and replied, "Well for now, I'm already finish with the match today, why did you ask?" Strike-Med sees this and said.

"You know, I'll be going somewhere, BYE!" Strike-Med quickly said, before running off, leaving me and Arcee.

'Traitor!' I thought in my mind, before looking at Arcee, "Oh you were saying?

"Well, I was wondering if we could... hang out?" Arcee said, as she grabbed her left arm with her right servo and turned away for a moment as her faceplate formed a light blush.

"Wait really, like now?" I asked in surprise.

"Y-Yes..." She said with a slight blush.

"Oh uh... well I-I w-would like to hang out." I said a bit nervously to which Arcee smiled at this.

~Timeskip~ 3rd POV

Through out the entire day, Blackout and Arcee have fun hanging in out together, and because of this they both know get each other better, Arcee was quite surprise to see Balckout to have a problem to socialize to people. And also being a bit of a lovable dork, despite him being a gladiator.

She also likes listening to Blackout's stories about his fights and near death-experience against Megatronous, which surprises her. But in other words, they both have fun hanging out with each, which they quickly being friends.

Right now both the Gladiator and the Two-wheeler can be seen walking outside the entrance of coliseum, sharing laughs.

"I really had great time." Arcee said, satisfied with what just occurred.

"I did as well." Blackout agreed.

They both soon notice it's becoming dusk, meaning they have to part ways.

"Well... it's getting late... I have to go..." Arcee said, a bit sad since she enjoys Blackout's company.

"Yeah... it was great hanging out with you..." Jaune said with a smile.

Arcee returns with a smile, they both gaze each other until their moment was interrupted.

"BLACKOUT! WHERE ARE YOU!?" An angered voice calls out in the distance.

"Oh...I's nice hanging out with you Arcee, um bye!" Blackout said.

"Bye..." Arcee said as she walks away.

Blackout ran to where voice came from and to his expectations, it's his owner Rollblast, along with his bodyguards.

"Blackout! Where have you been!?" Rollblast asked angrily.

"Oh I'm just wandering around and stuff..." Blackout lied, trying to hide the fact he has been hanging out with Arcee.

"Next time don't wander off without my supervision! Otherwise I have my bodyguards to teach you a lesson. Remember, if you ever try to escape or go rouge, you will face terrible consequences, do you understand?" He threatens.

Blackout internally growls at this, "Yes sir..." He said with a sneer.

"Good! Now head back to your sleeping quarters!" He said, to which Blackout complies and heads back to his sleeping quarters.

While walking back, he thoughts. 'I wish something happens right about now...'

Soon something will happen incoming, and he has to be prepared for it.


To be continued

Well this chapter is done, I hope you all enjoy this and stay tuned for the next chapter. And I apologize for the Delay too, I tend to be a bit distracted on nice story I have to update first, but stay tune for future chapters and updates!

A/N: I'm also bad at doing romances, I'm just new at this. 😅

Also I do not own the OCs! Except Rollblast, they all belong to their respectful owners.
Strike-Med belongs to Xo_Blue
Zephyrix belongs to dazzatheking833

And don't forget to check out their content.

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