Chapter 1

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In the Emerald Forest, Jaune was wandering alone, with no weapons or armour on him whatsoever. They had been taken away by his family of dicks and Arc Clan assholes, who alongside Arc Clan supporters and the Vale Council forced Ozpin to kick Jaune out of Beacon and surrender the Arc Family heirlooms to them, as he was disowned by them.

And with that, he was forcibly kicked out of Team JNPR and Beacon Academy by a newly appointed headmistress, Glynda, who replaced Ozpin as he didn't comply with the Arc Clan and Vale Council's demands, who decided to reform the school to meet her expectations. This angered Ozpin, Oobleck and Port, who saw potential in Jaune as a great leader but was stripped away because of fragile Egos.

As such, Jaune decided to end it all by sneaking into the Emerald Forest, hoping that Ozpin, Oobleck and Port wouldn't be burdened by his presence any longer.

"Why, why must my bothersome family just stick to their businesses and let me dream of becoming a hero?!?! WHY!?!?!" Jaune screamed in frustration, whose negative energy surged throughout his body and to his surroundings. This negative energy attracted the Grimm towards his location and began to attack him. However, that doesn't mean that he'll go down without a fight.

With nothing but his bare fists, he began to pummel and jabbed his way through each one of the Grimm, not caring for any broken bones or limbs in his body. As the numbers increased, so did his anger and frustration, venting it all onto the Grimm.

"DIE, YOU PIECES OF SHIT!!! I'LL TAKE YOU ALL ON!!!!!" Jaune yelled as he continued to pummel through each one of them, despite having a broken nose and a bloodied body. As it continued, the Grimm began to feel fear, as if they were starting to feel fear and confusion for the first time. Whoever this person was, their instincts were to tell them to run away from him immediately, unleashing an aura of fearlessness and danger towards them.

They hadn't felt this sort of aura, ever since they had faced the King of Vale from the Great War, but this person exceeded him. He was a monster in his league, so much so that the younger ones began to flee from him, while the older ones still fought him despite facing grave injuries.

At this point, Jaune was on the verge of exhaustion, nearly collapsing from using all of his strength against the Grimm. Regardless, he pressed on, defeating all of the Alpha Grimm in less than a second. After a while, he lay under a tree to rest, wincing in pain as his injuries caught up to him. "Heh, looks like I won't be surviving this after all, eh?" He told himself, coughing up blood.

However, fate has other plans for him, as he is pulled through a portal as he passes out.

However, what lay on the other side was what he did not expect.

POV Switch

Onboard a Planet Destroyer-Multiclass starship docked in a large base, a blonde woman in a military uniform was walking to one of the soldiers handling starcraft supplies and fuel with a clipboard. The clipboard has various lists for her ship's supplies.

(A/N: What does the Starship look like)

This woman was a KANSEN and the captain of her ship, the UMSN Reverence, which was a large ship armed with many planet-destroying armaments and housed a huge number of starfighters in the hangar.

(A/N: KANSEN UMSN Reverence Appearance)

Her ship also housed various mechs from different universes that were modified to meet her organisation's needs, whether it was to hunt down illegal multiversal travellers or lawbreakers.

As she approached the soldier, he saluted in respect, "Ma'am!" "At ease, soldier." Reverence ordered, to which he put his hand down. "Are the supplies delivered and the ship's engine refuelled?" She asked to which he answered, "Yes, ma'am." "Good, get ready to depart promptly." "Very well, ma'am."

At that moment, the base's alarms went off, which set off the soldiers to stop whatever they were doing and arm themselves for a rift portal that appeared in the hangar. Some of them readied their weapons at the portal, waiting for whatever was going to come out of the portal and gunning down the intruder.

And when it did, a bloodied and bruised boy with messy blonde hair came out of the portal, who had passed out. The soldiers on site aimed at him, anticipating any movement. One of the soldiers decided to poke him to see if he was conscious.

"He's passed out, what do we do with him?" The soldier asked, to which the Reverence, the currently higher rank office responded, "Get the boy to the infirmary and have any medical staff onsite to treat his injuries immediately. I'll consult the Multiverse Lords about this."

"Very well, ma'am." The soldier replied, before being assisted by another soldier, carrying him to the infirmary as the others went about with their usual business.

"I have a feeling that boy would be of great benefit to us in the future..." Reverence whispered, before heading to a room used for contacting the multiverse lords.

A few hours later
POV switch: Jaune

Jaune woke up with a start, as his eyes were blinded by the luminous, bright lights of what appeared to be an infirmary to him. 'Wait, this can't be Beacon...' He thought to himself.

As he tried to get himself out of bed, he groaned and winced in anger as the pain receptors were burning through his body like fire, muscles ached as he tried to get up and bones weak from his fight.

One of the soldiers noticed him awake and walked up to him with two cups of coffee. "So, kid, you're awake. Surprised you managed to get through those injuries." He complimented, while a confused look washed over Jaune's face. "Wait, this isn't Beacon, right?" Jaune asked the soldier. "Nope, different place at all. N.U.071 Outpost B-556." The Soldier responded. "Wait, are you with Atlas?" Jaune asked again. "What? No, not with those PMCs, or that suckass military from that show." The soldier replied in a surprised and insulted voice.

"Then, who are you guys with?" The soldier was about to answer when a knock on the dorm interrupted their conversation. "Well, looks like you had to ask that question to our leader, kid." "And whom they may be?" Jaune asked when got himself out of the bed as Reverence came into the room.

"Phantom, you are free to return to your duties." "Yes, ma'am." Phantom then walked out of the ward, leaving Jaune and Reverence in the room alone. They stared at each other in silence when Jaune spoke up first. "So, who are you guys even?" "Well, we're part of an Organisation created for the sole purpose of protecting the balance of the multiverse, usually by stopping any travellers from breaching into other dimensions or sending special task forces to eliminate any existing travellers."

"W-wait, multiverse?" Jaune stuttered, not knowing how to process this. Reverence could still see that he was still in shock, so she decided to break the ice with him.

"So, what will happen to me now?" "As for that, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it..." She replied, before shifting the topic. "So, what's your name, young one?" "Jaune..." "No last name?" "None, I was disowned..." "Ohhh... Well, in that case, I am the UMSN Reverence. A ship girl taking on a human form from a Planet Destoryer-Multiclass Starship." Reverence introduced herself to Jaune, who was slightly taken aback by her statement.

Reverence expected his reaction and began a long explanation of how she came to be, which started as her primary form as a Wisdom cube. It was then used to allow the UMSN Reverence (ship) to manifest itself as a shipgirl, who was in service to the UMSO, the organisation that the soldiers in the base and her serve. As more as he explains, he finds it interesting as he converses with her.

However, a beep on her watch got her attention, signalling something. "Huh, looks like our leaders want to speak with you." "Leaders? Your organisation has multiple leaders??" Jaune asked. "Well, just only three. Can you walk?"

"I think I could." "Good, then we don't need to keep them waiting." Jaune got up and followed Reverence to a secluded room, full of different locks and and heavily guarded doors. "What's with the tight security anyways?" "This room is directly linked to the holo-comns in the leader's office. Everything said by the leaders is highly confidential, thus, the reason for tight security."

She then escorted him into the room, which was pitch black. The only source of light came from the illumination of the console in the middle of the room, which contains the holo-projector. She pressed a few buttons on the console, before projecting an image of the Leaders, who were none other than the Multiverse Lords.

Multiverse Lord#1: Chaos

Multiverse Lord#2: Order

Multiverse Lord#3: Balance (A/N: Credit to UltimastrikerX for letting me use Ad'mi for the story.)

"Reverence, you are to wait outside. The three of us will decide what will happen to this immigrant." The one in green armour stated, prompting her to wait outside of the room, leaving Jaune to the three Leaders.

"So, young man, who are you? Where did you come from, and what are your intentions?" The Blonde girl inquired him, with the Multiverse Lord of Balance carefully examining him with curiosity and intent.

"Well, how do I start this off..." Jaune muttered, before continuing. "My name is Jaune Arc, I'm a for" "Are you from Arcadia or the Arc Clan?" The Lord of Chaos interrupted, seeming to have an ulterior motive.

"Father, please. We know that you're weary of-" "We can't be sure if they're onto him or not after the last attempt made by them, but we could have the benefit of the doubt." The Multiverse Lord of Chaos explained before Jaune continued. "I was a former huntsman-in-training after I was kicked out of Beacon due to my fake transcripts being found out by my former family and the Arc Clan. Unfortunately, the former headmaster was removed forcibly from his position as a headmaster and council member and was replaced with a new one, who immediately agreed to the council's and Clan's demands."

At that point, the Multiverse Lord of Chaos took an interest in his story while the other two mentally noted about his story being different from the others. "After that, the newly appointed headmistress made changes to the school regulations and rules that the former headmaster and two of my teachers disagreed with. I decided to end my life by entering the Emerald Forest illegally and fighting to the death with the huge number of Grimm in that area. Unfortunately, I somehow managed to scare them away and lay under a tree, hoping to succumb to my injuries... That was until I was brought to this place by a mysterious entity."

Under the Multiverse Lord of Chaos' helmet, he has a look of shock, yet respect from this Jaune. He had seen many others, but he exceeded others in his field. He must hand it to him, he must be built tough or that's he's lucky.

In the eyes of the others, they seemed impressed by this man's achievements, but shock and anger for the slight unmention of Jaune's disownment from the family, which angered the Multiverse Lord of Balance to his core, changing his eyes from an Emerald Green to a Blood red for a brief moment. However, the Lorddess of Balance has a more neutral look on her face, taking an interest in the young man.

"With what I have shared, what do you intend to do with me?" Jaune asked them curiously, before being met with blank stares. "Originally, we wish to send you back to your dimension of origin, but seeing that you are surely not welcome there, I, the Lord of Chaos, have decided to invite you to become a soldier of our organisation: the United Multiverse Security Organisation. You can have the decision to turn it down to forge your own path, or take it and be a powerhouse in the long run." The Multiverse Lord of Chaos offered, with the other two looking at him with confused looks.

"Father, surely, you can let-" "He displayed a sense of bravery and determination, one that could be respected by us and our troops. Think about it, he would be a great benefit to our cause, not matter the task at hand. Plus, I can tell that you took a liking to this Jane, am I not wrong?" The Multiverse lord of Cahos rebuked, before pointing out her crush on him, to which she blushed madly about.

"I-I'll think I'll accept this deal, but how can you help me in the long run?" Jaune asked, still slightly taken aback by the Lorddess crush on him. "You'll see soon enough. By this day, you are to be referred to by your codename: Zero."


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