3: Initiation

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Nearly a dozen young men are sitting around a table in a dining area when Kain brings me in. Some are wearing their armor, but most aren't. "Men, listen up!" He barks, immediately calling their attention. "We've got a new recruit from Mythril. Name's Lumen. He's an archer."
A brunette man towards the back snickers. "Seems a bit dainty for a man, Captain. Are you sure he's not a Mage? He sure doesn't have much muscle on them thin bones of his." The other Dragoons join in on his cackling.
"ENOUGH!" The commander snaps. The men fall silent. "We are the Baron Dragoons; I will have no loose tongues among my ranks. When you make a fool of yourself, you're making a fool of me. So unless you want to be without a tongue, I advise you to keep immature wisecracks to yourself."
"Yes, Captain..." They mumble. Damn, I think to myself. The young commander leans towards that specific dragoon as we pass.
"And might I add, Riley, he's a damn fine shot. Next time, I may just have him skewer your tongue." The brunette shudders.
"Understood, sir," he says quickly to hold onto the last of his gusto. I take an empty chair between him and another Dragoon, who looks up as I pull out the chair. He's wearing his armor, but his helmet is in the floor next to him, so I can see his curly black hair.
"You're from Mythril?" He asks. I nod.
"Yes. Why?" He shook his head.
"Aren't most people on Mythril dwarves?"
"That's Agart, Meriwether," the Dragoon from before, Riley, guffaws. "And you're the smart one!"
"Anyways," I reply smoothly. "Yeah, most people on Mythril are small, but not everyone is. Most of the small men work in the mines though." Meriwether nods.
"I suppose that makes sense."
"You're really an archer?" Riley asks through a mouthful of food. I nod.
"Why is that surprising?" Meriwether shakes his head.
"Archers are hard to find. A good archer? Like finding a needle in a haystack. And if Baron does recruit one, the Red Wings usually get first dibs," he explains. I take a sandwich off the plate in front of us.
"Yeah, no offense, but when you came in, I thought maybe Kain was bringing a Black Mage in as a Dragoon. You're really skinny," Riley laughs. Meriwether smacks the brunette's head.
"Captain told you to stop mouthing off!" He snaps. Riley grins.
"Captain isn't here though!" He smirks. Another dragoon passing by smacks him again. "Hey!"
"Shut up, Riley."
"Anyways," Meriwether adds, "I'm surprised Kain managed to bring you into the Dragoon force. One would think Lord Cecil would put up the better argument..."
"Are those two rivals or something?" I ask. Riley shakes his head.
"Nah, those two are pals in some really strange way. The two of them and Lady Rosa were best friends as children, and they still are. Well, rumor is that Cecil and Rosa are a thing now-"
"Are you finished?" We whip our heads behind us. The dragoon commander is leaning against a pillar. And he looks pissed. Riley and Meriwether jump up.
"I apologize. We meant no harm," Meriwether rambles quickly. Kain dismisses him curtly.
"If you are finished listening to rumors, Lumen, then I advise you to follow me so that I may show you the rest if the grounds. I put the sandwich down. I only got to eat one bite.... oh well. I'll get something to eat later.
"Yes sir."
I obediently follow the dragoon into the hall. He begins to speak once we've left that wing of the castle. "I wouldn't believe everything you hear. It's not all true."
"Yes sir." But how much is true? He stops in front of a large courtyard similar to the one I was first brought to.
"This is the training yard. You'll train here with the others daily. You're good with a bow, but it wouldn't hurt you to learn how to use a sword or a spear as well." I nod. "Up on the top section is where you can train with your arrows though. It's usually empty up there though." Then he brings me back inside, and we pass Cecil, Biggs, and Wedge. Further back, I can see a larger group of Red Wing soldiers.
"Kain," Cecil says with a nod.
"Cecil. The king has sent you on a mission at this hour?" The dark knight nods.
"He demands that we fly to Mysidia to obtain the Water Crystal." I can't help myself.
"Why? Isn't the Water Crystal a national treasure of Mysidia?"
"Lumen..." Kain warns under his breath. Cecil turns sharply to face me.
"Kain warned you earlier. You speak to your commanding officers with respect and obedience." He lowers his voice. "Now I'm warning you. We, and now you as well, serve the king of Baron. It is not our place to question the demands of our king." He nods to Kain and jerks his chin. "Move out men!" He barks, and the soldiers follow him.
He used to be more quiet when I knew him before. Kain was less harsh. How much has Rosa changed? Kain snaps me out of my thoughts.
"Come on, it's late. I'll show you to the rooms." I follow him across a walkway into a tower, and up the stairs. The large room is lined with cots. A shelf stands at the foot of each, but there isn't much space. "You'll be sleeping here with the others." He points to a cot that is against the wall. "That one's empty. It's yours." I nod, but I'm panicking inside.
How am I going to do this?! I can't sleep here! Not with all these men...!
Kain turns. "Be up at the same time as everyone else. Otherwise, I may let Riley pour a bowl of water on you."
"Yes, sir." I lay my single bag on my shelf and prop my bow against the bed. Kain's armored feet clang against the stone floors as he walks away. I sit on the bed.
Why didn't I think this through better?
Checking that no one was around, I slip my tunic over my head. A lighter material rests over my pale skin. Carefully, I reach under it and feel for the bandage around my chest. I'm half tempted to pull it free, but I know I can't risk it. Instead, I knot the fabric tighter. Air comes more strenuously, but I have to do it like this. Using a razor blade, I look at my reflection.
Flat. Perfect. You look like a man. Sort of. The blade comes up to trim my hair a bit shorter. Better.
Perhaps I should explain. Someday I will. Just not now. I've run from my past, and now I'm back where I came from. I hid who I was. Ever since I fled with only a small sack into the village, and convinced a merchant to take me with him. For now, hear my four words, a fact that I've hidden expertly for nearly six years.
I am a woman.
Before anyone can see me, I tug my tunic back on. I can hear the others guys in the hallway. I shove my bag under my cot, and pull out a book. I flip to a new page to see about a new fletching idea I'd had. I use a smudge stick to mark the lines.
"Whatcha' doin'?" Riley asks, plopping down next to me.
"You design your own arrows?" I nod.
"Those things can be expensive." Riley soon loses interest and goes to wrestle with another group of guys. Meriwether soon takes his place.
"What type of feather are you going to use?" I shrug.
"Don't know. I usually used Chocobo, or Cockatrice, but it turns out Cockatrice can turn one to stone," I remark wryly. "I'd rather not have that happen." He nods.
"Aye. I agree. They're horrid foul." Once I finish the design, I look over it. The fletching tapers at the end, but looks balanced. I'll build it in the daylight. I close the book and lie on the cot. Everyone else follows soon after, until the only light comes from the double moons shining through the window. I lay still, until all I hear are loud snores. I get up silently, tucking a dagger in my belt. Hey, I can't be too careful.
Now, you're probably wondering why I would get up at this point. I didn't eat, so I have one answer: food.
I tiptoe my way around the halls, until I find the kitchen. All I need is something small, a piece of fruit even. My eyes scan the counter. I'm in luck. There's a banana and an apple. I only take the banana though; apples are too noisy. I quickly eat the banana and dispose of the peel. Now to get back to the room. I creep my way back and crawl onto my cot. Phew, no one saw me.
I let myself then drift to sleep.

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