4: Stripped of Rank and Duty

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I rise before the other Dragoons to change into training clothes and splash some water on my face. I grab my bow and quiver and head out. Time to practice.

The upper barracks are almost empty. Almost. A lone woman stands by the railing, watching the sun rise. Her blond hair gleams in the light, and a white and gold cape trails behind her. Purple boots cover her feet, and a tiara-like comb holds back her hair. Is that...? I shrug. It can't be...

Ignoring her, I notch an arrow and aim it at a target. The woman turns quickly as the arrow flies. As expected, it hits the target. Her eyes settle on me, and I look away. It is her.

My sister.

She makes he way to me, looking at me up and down. "Hello," she says softly. "You must be a new recruit. My name is Rosa."

"Lumen," I reply. The blond's gaze stays on my face a moment longer.

"An archer?" She asks, gesturing to my bow. I nod.

"For the Dragoons." A slight smile comes on her face.

"Kain finally picked up an archer. Usually Cecil wins that argument." Her face falls a little at Cecil's name, and she looks back to the skyline.

"Sorry, but are you looking for something?" She nods.

"Someone," Rosa murmurs. "The King sent him on a mission last night, and he hasn't come back yet." I immediately know who she's talking about.

"Lord Cecil?" I inquire. She faces me quickly. "I ran into him last night as he was leaving..." I add. A wistful smile drifts over her face.

"Yes, Cecil..." She glances at my bow. "May I? I haven't practiced in a while with all of my studying to be a white Mage recently..." I hand her the bow and a arrow. "Thank you."

Rosa arches her neck as she aims up at a target. Her violet eyes narrow and her delicate fingers release the bowstring.

Bullseye. She's gotten better.

She hands the bow back to me. "Thank you. I'm afraid I must leave now though." A small grin comes on her face. "Perhaps I could give you some pointers some time. Since you're a Dragoon, Kain must have faith in your ability." With that, she left. Riley shows up just after she leaves.

I don't think she recognized me... Good.

"Was that Lady Rosa I saw just now?" He asks. I nod.

"She was up here when I came to practice." His face turns serious.

"Lumen, try not to be alone with her. People will talk. Lady Rosa is a good woman, but she's taken. You can't flirt with her."

She's my own sister you idiot!

"I wasn't!" I snap.

"I'm just saying. People will talk if you do. Besides, we're only Knights; she's a noble and a white Mage." Just so he shuts up, I nod.


The rest of the day goes fairly smoothly. Kain doesn't snap at me for anything. Some of the other knights are reprimanded for not swinging a sword or spear right, but that's apparently normal. Kain finds a spear for me to use in practice, as well as a helmet. This one must be older than the others; it's blue, a shade more similar to Kain's own helmet than those on the other Dragoons.

"Until the smith has a chance to make one that suits you better."

The spear is about three quarters of my height in length, and is crafted from a dark metal. Worn leather is wrapped around the hand hold as a grip. It's much heavier than my bow, but I soon adjust to the weight. Kain works with me in using it.

"You want to use the length of it to gain an advantage over your opponent. So if you have to jab, parry, or jump, you'd better move fast."

"Stop swinging it around like a sword when it's not one. Jab, or slice with its point only."

"Balance the weight in your hand, and distribute its weight by changing how you're standing."

"Good! Now move your feet faster!"

"You're aims good. Damn good. You pick up fast."

"Try using the side of the shaft to attack with brute force if they're in close. You're a light weight; the only way you'd get the advantage in a fight using brute force is if you can knock them off balance."

"Excellent footwork, boy. You keep this up, you'll soar through our ranks in no time."

Our spears collide, sending sparks to the stones below. I'm panting, but Kain is still collected. I think I see a small quirk of a grin, but his helmet obscures his face. "That's enough for today, Lumen." We both lower the spears. "You learn very quickly, kid. Just don't let it get to your head." I nod quickly.

"Yes sir." Kain looks back over his shoulder to the other men training.
"Good work, men! Take the remainder of today to rest up. Again tomorrow!"

"Yes sir!" They shout back before running off to the mess hall.
This continues for several days. Kain takes it upon himself to train me since apparently I have more potential and versatility than the other new recruits. He isn't as harsh as that first day though, and he praises my progress.

I still rise before the others in the morning, and Lady Rosa is always in the same place. Always watching the skies for a sign of the Red Wings' return. Every so often she speaks up with her soft voice to suggest advice, but she rarely says a word. It isn't like her. Cecil's absence is really taking it's toll on her. Back when the four of us were younger, Cecil, Kain, and Rosa were nearly inseparable. The four of us were great friends, but I couldn't help but envy Rosa- especially since she not only had our mother's love, but also the boys' loyalty. From both of them. I was an outcast.

Sometime after dinner one evening, I hear airship motors. Several airships are decreasing altitude towards the castle. They're back. I hurry to the main hall to see what's going on, and I run into the commander on the way.

"Lumen? What are you doing here at this time?"

"The Red Wings have returned. They're landing now." For a moment I worry that he's going to tell me to return to quarters, but instead he nods.
"So they have. Let's welcome them then."  By the time we get to the landing area, only Biggs, Wedge, and the Auburn twins are left. All the men wear haunted expressions. And from what I can see on Joshua's sword, the blade is still wet and red. They've killed. Kain stares at the bloody weapon as well.

"We had no choice..." Wedge states forlornly, not meeting our gaze. None of them do.

"Men, women, children... Anyone in the way..." His partner whispers. Joshua, the elder twin, meets my eyes.

"They were defenseless, and still we cut them down."

"What did you do?" I ask hoarsely. He looks away. Kain lightly touched my arm.

"Lumen... It was the king's command."

"How can the king warrant something like this?!" Kain covered my mouth with his hand before I could say anymore.

"You two, the twins, next time, wipe your blades down after the fight." Biggs and Wedge hurries them away. Kain glances back at me with his hand still over my mouth. "Have you calmed yourself? Or are you going to make noise and say things you'll regret? I have no problem with keeping my hand there." Fury rages through me, as well as sorrow, but I nod my head, and my commander drops his hand.

"I'm sorry, Commander." He shakes his head.

"You must be careful whom you say things to. I'd hate to lose a valuable asset of my regiment. Come on then, Lord Cecil will most likely be presenting the Water Crystal to the King."

Nobody's guarding the entrance to the throne room, which seems strange. "Commander?" I ask, "aren't guards supposed to be stationed here?" The Dragoon tenses up.

"They are. This seems odd."

"My liege?!?!" Kain and I look at each other. It's Cecil. We rush forward, but Kain stops me before we both can enter the throne room.

"Wait out here, Lumen. I'm sorry, but for now, you can't be in an audience with the king." I sigh in resignation.

"Very well." Kain nods.

"Good lad." I continue to listen from outside as Kain's marches in his boots into the room.

"My liege, surely you don't believe Cecil to be one to turn against you..."

"Fine." That must be the king of Baron... "Since you care for your friend so much, you can join him on his task! Now both of you, begone from my sight!" The doors open, and Cecil and Kain are shoved out.

"Kain, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to get involved as well..."
The commander dismisses him with a shake of his head.

"No worries. We simply need to slay the eidolon and deliver this ring, no? We'll slay the monster and return. You'll be back to commanding the Red Wings in no time."

"Thank you Kain. You are a true friend..."

"Think nothing of it. Go get some sleep. We depart at first light." Cecil bobs his head and walks by. His eyes are glued to the stone floor, so the dark knight doesn't even notice I'm here. Kain stops next to me.

"What happened?" I ask. Kain shakes his head.

"His Majesty isn't being himself. Cecil questioned him for having the Red Wings retrieve the Water Crystal, and the king accused him of treason, then commanded him to slay the Mist eidolon and deliver a Carnelian signet if he wishes to regain his rank. His Majesty then reprimanded me for defending him. Now I must accompany him as well to the Valley."

What?! That's unreasonable! I met King Baron once when I was young. Kain's father died when he was young, and Cecil was raised as the king's own son- he'd never do something as unreasonable as this. Our liege was a man of reason and justice... Where is the justice in stealing the national treasure of another nation...?

"Lumen." My eyes snap up at the commander's voice.

"Yes sir?"

"I leave at first light. I don't know when I will return. Until then, I'm leaving it in your responsibility to command the Dragoons." He presses a blue cord with an engraved amulet attached, into my palm. "That's the proof that I've left you in charge. It's the seal of the Dragoons. With this, no one will question your authority."

"What?! Commander, I've been enlisted for less than a week-!"

"And you're already one of my best men. I've been sparring with you individually to prepare you in case such an occasion as this took place. If you truly have so little faith in yourself, have one of the other men assist you. I'd recommend selecting a knight you believe is capable of being a leader and could save his own ass if need be." He leaves me no room for further complaint and turns on his heel down the corridor. I return to my own dormitory as well.

As I lay on my cot, I still can't reel my mind around the fact that Kain has already left me in charge- and I haven't even been here a week yet! Could it be that he's found out my secret...? No, it can't be. I've been so careful, and I most certainly don't act like the lady my bloodline designated me to be. That's Rosa, not me...

I swing my feet over the edge of the cot and lift up my quiver, removing several shafts and some arrowheads from their place along the rest of my supplies. Some are stone or iron, but most glitter in the dim light- Mythril, the metal of the village I'd called home for many years after leaving Baron. The metal was more effective against monsters than iron, and much lighter and sharper than stone, the exception being obsidian, if I can find it. Anyways, many of the arrows haven't been tied to their shafts yet. There is a reason for this. On the side of the quiver, there is a hidden compartment where I've hidden several vials and pouches. I withdraw one such vial, and it glows a dim fluorescent green in the dark. Poison. Not the strong kind that will kill a human- just strong enough to stun them. Still in the bag, the clear vial next to it has no effects. Wait till you see an arrow coated with it hit a minor monster- they'd better start saying their prayers. In the pouches are loose, solid poisons/materials. One can knock out an entire room of men just by being inhaled. Another contains many little capsules within. Red capsules release a fire with impact against a solid surface. Blue capsules release ice. Yellow releases electricity, and yes, timed just right in the right placement, it has enough power to electrocute someone. Hence why they're wrapped protectively in a hidden compartment. I'd rather not have my entire quiver go up in flames...

At the bottom of another compartment are my few treasures. A jeweled hair comb, a silver dagger, my accumulation of money, and a set of five throwing knives. The throwing knives are the result of a peculiar gift from this man from the Adamant Isle. I'd given him the tail of a beast I'd slain, and he'd given me this strange metal in exchange. Nobody I spoke to knew what to do with it until I met a weapon smith of Dwarven descent from Agart. He'd only heard tales of the metal, but apparently it is legendary. He crafted the set of knives for me, but warned me to use them sparingly. So I have.

The dagger and the comb are the true treasures though. On my ninth birthday, Father gave me the hair comb. He said it would bring out the blue in my eyes with its green gems. Of course, I never really had a chance to wear it since I ran away before I came of age to attend parties as a lady. Plus, it was a dainty thing much more suited for someone like Rosa or even Cid Pollendina's daughter, Hope. Hope wore nice things even less than us, but she was still much more feminine than I will ever be. I wonder how she and Cid are now... I haven't seen them in several years...

I hold the dagger with my left hand, running my right fingers over the broad of the blade. It's a small blade. Not very useful against monsters or if I should be in a fight. Yet I've keep it regardless. I continue to run my fingertips over the flower engraved in the steel. It's pretty, but I used it once before to protect myself when I walked alone at night. I've only had to use it that once. Since then, I keep a larger dagger on my belt. That isn't why I keep it though.

I jumped on my big sister's bed. "Rosa! Rosa! Wake up! It's my birthday!" The blond rolled over to face me.

"Lu... It's too early... Go back to sleep..."

"It's my birthday though..." I mumbled as I slid off. She jolted upright.

"I'm so sorry! With Father's death and my training, I completely forgot it was your birthday! I'm the worst...!"

"It's ok..." She shook her head, golden hair flowing in gentle curls even though she'd just woken up.

"It's not ok. It's not right that you get overlooked when our situation becomes difficult." Her violet eyes stared. "We're sisters; we have to stick up for each other. If we won't, who will?"

We passed our mother, who was still staring at our father's memorial on the mantle with haunted eyes. Nobody ever told me what happened, but Rosa said its affecting Mother so badly because she hadn't been able to reach Father soon enough as a White Mage. Father had died of his mortal wound before she could heal him. It was the only reason she hesitated at Rosa's determination to become a White Mage as well. Me... I didn't have magic. I'd never be a Mage, Mother said. So as worried as she was for Rosa, she'd rather Rosa be a Mage than be like me.

"Mother, we're going into town-"

"Good. Take this list with you. We're out of flour and sugar." A parchment was handed to Rosa, while a dark look was passed to me.

"She didn't say happy birthday," I muttered.

"She's tired Lu... I'm sure she didn't mean it..." Even my sister faltered though. She knew Mother knew. Just as I knew Rosa was the favorite.

"Rosa! Lumina!" Two boys ran up to us. One had wavy, white hair; and the other had blond hair tied back in a short ponytail. Rosa smiled and waved at both of them. They were a bit older than Rosa; friends of hers. They played with me every so often, especially Kain.

"Nice seeing you guys, but I need to buy some things," Rosa explained.
"I'll come with you," Cecil offered and they left Kain and I there. The older boy stared at the ground.

"It's a nice day," I commented. He nodded, then looked up. He then removed a short object wrapped in burlap.

"It's a nice day for a pretty girl's birthday," he said kindly as he handed it to me. Kindness shined in his blue eyes. "Happy birthday, Lumina." I removed the cloth, revealing a silver dagger with a flower engraved on the blade. "It's a dagger," he explained. "So that you can protect yourself." I rubbed the flower. "Careful, it's sharp..." I laid the knife on the ground and threw myself at him. He managed to catch me in his arms.

"Thank you. I love it," I murmured. "It's one of the best gifts I've ever gotten. The flower is beautiful." He ruffled my hair and chuckled.

"---as you," he mumbled. I didn't hear the rest of what he said, but I payed no attention to it.

"What flower is it?" I asked. A shy smile grew on his face with pink dusted cheeks.

"Remind me to tell you when we're older." I couldn't stop smiling. He tucked the dagger onto my sash. "Now go help your sister. Have a happy birthday."

"I will!" I shouted as I ran off to help Rosa.

I'd run away two days later. I had finally had enough. I don't miss Mother's shrieks about how useless I am, but I have missed Rosa and Cecil. And Kain...

How ironic that the boy who gave me my first weapon would become my commanding officer. I shake my head. Now's not the time to be looking back. Kain is my commanding officer now- nothing more. Besides, everyone knew back then that someday it would come down to him and Cecil fighting over who would win Rosa's heart. Is that still the same even now?

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