EE: Part Seven

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Robbie breathed it all in as he stood in Gravity Falls for the first time in a few years.

Out of all the places in the word he thought he would end up, this was one of the place he had put on his list to avoid at all costs. Robbie had told himself at the beginning of going around the country that he would never come back. Never come back to the small, sleazy town. To never see the disgusting atmosphere, or the disgusting people of it, nome who understood anything of their own town. He wholeheartedly hated it all, and was hoping to forget it.

But now, here he was, standing in this town once again, living back with his parents.

As most now knew, he was Robbie Radiance, a now accomplished, famous, loved magician and psychic, across the whole country, dome by preforming his shows the Tent o' Telepathy. He was now famous, he deserved to be treated so. Living in this small town was less than he deserved.

He deserved more. He was a star, after all. Stars didn't deserve a life in a small town with a bunch of ordinary people, who only did ordinary things. Stars, especially ones with real power, deserved more. They deserved a lavish life, people to constantly tend to their needs and have expensive things.

Stars who had worked for their fame, stars like him.

Robbie was seated in his little house, slightly away from the house of his parents. It was small, smaller than normal rooms he had before by far, but the important thing was, it was his own space to keep away from the people of this town. He didn't want to have to socialize with them beyond shows and reports. The farther away, the better.

The only good thing about this place seemed to be the fact that his amulet seemed to work much better here than anywhere else. Not that it hadn't worked well on the road, but it seemed much more powerful. Along with his other magical tools. Perhaps because this was the place he had found it.

He picked up his amulet off the table, fastening it to his collar as it started to glow. He had to look decent. Not his best, since it was just Gravity Falls, but he had to still look good. Lowering his standards too much would give some people the wrong idea, as some of the citizens had to follow him on the news. It was just an interview on tv, as well. Not a show.

He looked in his mirror, despite not being the best, he still looked impressive. Not just impressive, outstanding. He always looked that way, an eye catcher, someone you noticed first in the room, the best dressed, the best looking person in the entire room.

He had to be the best in the room. There was no one, not even some certain people, could be better than him. It was a thing with the entertainment business.

Robbie swished his cape behind him, and opened the door out of his little home. It was an old habit he had, when you were in big cities, not that anyone in this town would ever see such cities, with the exceptions of the Northwests, perhaps. It was a way to catch people's attention, make then want to know who you are.

Although in this town, there was no one to impress. Everyone already loved him, and it was also Gravity Falls. Even if he had done his absolute worst, it would be the best thing this town has seen.

He looked, watching his tent getting set up. It was tiny, nothing even close to the size of places he had been in before, he had seen tens upon thousands. This tent was almost an embarrassment. At least it looked nice on the outside.

He looked around the town one more time. Why do I have to be back?

Robbie sniffed the air. Even the smell was awful. The smell of gasoline and old, greasy diner food filled his senses. It wasn't pleasant, and it only made him miss the big cities more.

Maybe, if he was lucky, he would convince his parents to move to a bigger city. Better yet, let him do a world tour. Though that sounded too optimistic.

"Robbie, we're so glad you're back!"

He heard his parents, looking at him with a smile. He didn't even force himself to try and smile at his parents at first. It was only when he saw a group of people approaching him and them that he smiled.

"It's good to see you too, Dad," Robbie said, his fake smile growing. He didn't dare go for a hug, though.

"Oh! It's looked like we've just caught Radiance family having a special moment!" Said the reporter. Her voice was high an annoying. Like many, she was wearing too much makeup. He was used to that. But in this town, it only seemed to be the reporters who would dress up for his presence.

"How does it feel to be back in your hometown, Gravity Falls?" The reporter asked, handing him the microphone.

Looking forward to getting out as soon as I can.

"Oh, it's just great," Robbie said, his fake southern accent coming out. "Great to be home with Mom and Dad. Great to preform in front of the people I grew up around."

Out of all the fake things he had said, that had to be one of the grossest, least true. He felt like he wanted to throw up. He wanted to leave this interview immediately.

"Do you have any special tricks up your sleeve for us?" The reporter asked, giving him a wink.

Of course not, I'm not sure if I'll use my amulet.

"We'll just gave to see," Robbie said. "A magician never shares his secrets."

The reporter smiled wider. "Well don't you hear that, Gravity Falls! We are can't wait to see your performance! But don't forget, there's another tourist attraction in this very town, The Archives of Mystery!"

Robbie tried to conceal a grimace. The Archives of Mystery? What a dumb name. The Tent o' Telepathy had a much nicer ring to it than that.

"How do you feel about that, Mister Radiance?"

Robbie smiled and chuckled, though again, it was fake. "Well, it's nice to have a little competition, good luck, Archives!"

Of course, he would do much better, he was much better than whatever that tourist trap was.

"Aha! A competition! Citizens of Gravity Falls, watch out to see the rivalry between the two! Thank you, Mister Radiance."

The reported turned away, as Robbie walked away. "Now, the Northwests have declared-"

The Northwests. Another group of people he was trying to forget. Especially Bill, the longer he could go without seeing him was so much better. He was another one of the aspects he hadn't missed,

"We're so glad to have you home, sweetheart," his mother said.

Do not call me sweetheart.

"Aren't you warm in that jacket? Don't you want to take it off?" His mother asked.

"No, mother. I do not," Robbie said. "Now, I'm going to prepare for my show," Robbie said, whisking away towards his residence.

"See you later, sweetheart!" His father called.

When they were out of earshot, Robbie grumbled. He was once again reminded of why exactly he had Gravity Falls so much. His parents. Being away for them for so long had been a good thing, for they had been much too annoying in the five minutes he had to endure them. They were the worst aspect of thus entire town.

Though, he supposed everyone in the town was like that. No one understood show business, not one understood his powers, either.

His powers.

Robbie sat down at his table, making sure not the displace the exuberant cloth. That could only end in disaster for not just him, but her the objects on the table, it had taken him much too long to get them, he didn't want to have to do that again.

He put his gloved hand over the pack of cards, opening them and staring to shuffle them.

"Cards show me what the town of Gravity Falls has been doing," Robbie commanded.

The cards started to rustle a bit, and they floated out of his hand for a second, before they came back into his hand. Robbie stroked the deck of cards with his free hand, before starting to pick up cards.

He looked at the cards, studying them carefully, watching what everyone was doing. Most of it was useless information, Lazy Toby doing his usual running into a wall while trying to run a diner, perhaps that explains why it's so bad, Manly Bud cutting wood, does he ever stop? But it was something he saw on the next card that intrigued him.

He looked at two girls on the one card, people he had never seen in this town before, and even he could recognize most of the residents, despite being away. They seemed to be looking over a book, but it wasn't just any book.

Was that, a journal?

He had remembered some of the journals. He remembered being obsessed with those, before passing them to Bill before traveling the country. He thought Bill had both now, most likely obsessing over their contents.

Was that another one? Where had they gotten it? More importantly, what were they planning to do with it?

Robbie studied both of the girls faces for a moment. One had blonde hair, and blue eyes, though one could consider her hair to look fake. Though one might consider her plainly pretty, her fashion sense ruined it all. There was something about her that made him angry.

The other had red hair and contesting green eyes. Unlike the person next to her, she actually did look nice, at least to Robbie, certain people he knew might've not said the same thing. Though it didn't matter if he thought she was good looking, he wanted to know what on earth they were doing with another journal

There's only one way to figure this out, Robbie thought.

"Robbie, you're on in five!" He heard someone call.

Robbie groaned. He hated being interrupted, even if it was to do his show. He stood up, swishing his cape as he left his house like place again, and made his way over behind the Tent o' Telepathy.

Luckily,there was still enough room to put a makeup corner behind the stage. The lady he had worked with many times before stood in front of him, checking up his details, such as primping his hair, and just among sure he looked perfect. He couldn't look anything less than perfect. Even if it was just a practice for his show.

"I wish you good luck on your grand opening, Mister Radiance," she said.

It didn't matter, Robbie didn't need luck. He not only had gained more impeccable skill at what he did by travelling and doing shows, but he had grown in his power greatly. He had it all, he didn't need her petty luck to have a good show. But while they knew about the skill, no one besides one other knew exactly of his powers with his amulet, and it was only by accident.

He stood behind the stage, getting his preforming composure ready.

I must make sure those two girls are at my show, no matter what.

E n d o f E p i s o d e O n e
[14,297 words]

Hello everyone! Thank you for reading this far in the story. I hope you like Archives Falls and want to continue to story, and if you like, please spread news if this story! Again, thank you for reading

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