EE: Part Six

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When Pacifica finally found her sister, it was a surprise to her eyes of what she saw.

Instead of a siren drowning her, all she saw was Wendy being tied down with some sort of rope, by a bunch of little creatures, which she couldn't quite tell what they were until she got close to them.


It all made sense in Pacifica's brain now. They had formed together to look like one human, which gave 'Oran' his glossy look, and the sing song voice was them trying to sound human. And the little turquoise things she had seen on his right arm, which she had mistaken for scales, actually were some of sprites wings that they weren't able to hide, so they just tried to cover it up.

Either way, she had to get them to stop attacking her sister. Even if they were rather weak creatures and weren't really hurting her, it at least had to be annoying.

"Hey!" Pacifica called out, pushing away a mob of sprites to see Wendy. As soon as they saw her, a good amount of them began to swarm around her, trying to attack her. This seemed to include of biting and pulling at her hair and clothes. The first wasn't bad since it didn't hurt, but it was annoying how they pulled on her hair.

Pacifica managed to push most of sprites away easily before they could rush into another mob attack her. She finally amazed to kneel down and try to untie Wendy, before a group of sprites formed, slapping her hand away from the rope.

Gosh, these things are annoying. At this point, she might've rather preferred that 'Oran' actually rather be a siren, because at least those things were easier to ward off, and there weren't a multitude of sirens the same way there seemed to be a whole flock of sprites.

"Stay away!" One called. "You do not know of the crimes she's committed!"

Pacifica looked up, confused, while batting away some more sprites. "What crimes?"

"Are you stupid or something?" Another asked, it's voice much more feminine than the first.

"You have to know!" Another sprite called.

Pacifica was confused. In the couple days that Wendy had been here, what had she done? She couldn't have done much, the times she was here Wendy was often talking to working at the Archives of Mystery. When Pacifica wasn't with her, she was either on a date with 'Oran' or recklessly driving the golf cart.

"You had to have been involved too, helping her!" Another taunted. "Don't you guys remember? there was another! Helping them take the journal from him!"

"I think we should sacrifice them both!"

"Make them both pay for the crimes they have committed against him and the forest!"

What crimes? Who is him and what have I helped Wendy do?

Before Pacifica could get her thoughts clearly in order, the sprites started to form a group chant.

"Sacrifice! Sacrifice! Sacrifice!" They chanted. It repeated, until the entire crowd was violently chanting to sacrifice them.

Considering you're tiny and Wendy and I could bat you away in less than three seconds, that's highly unlikely.

A group of sprites started to attack her, still chanting. They were pushing her down onto the ground, probably trying to tie her up like they had done to her sister to sacrifice them to someone. Pacifica slapped the sprites away, getting tired of their games.

"Alright! Guys!" Pacifica said, standing up and pushing more sprites away. "I don't mean to be rude, but I think you've got the wrong people! My sister and I have only been here for a few days! We haven't done anything to hurt the forest, or, him. I don't even know who him is. Even if we did, we didn't mean to, and we're sorry. We can pay back what we need to. There's no need to sacrifice us."

"Yeah, Oran!" Wendy said, still referring to the sprites as if they were still one person. "Plus, we could probably-"

Pacifica shot Wendy a quick glare, telling her not to threaten the sprites. Threatening them wouldn't help their position at all. In fact, most likely it would make the, even angrier with the twins. Wendy got the idea, and just watch edit egroup of sprites.

"Wait, you've only been here a few days?" One of the sprites asked.

"Well, if we use the same measure of time as you, yes, only a few days," Pacifica said.

"We're on the same time measure as him, we have been ever since we met him," one sprite replied.

It would be helpful if I knew who 'him' was, she thought.

"If you don't mind me asking, who is him?" Pacifica asked.

The sprites went quiet for another second.

"Him, we've known him for years," one sprite said. "He came, and he met us, and we immediately became partners. He gave a task, to guard his precious possession."

That's not very helpful, Pacifica thought, although she didn't say that aloud. She didn't want to insult them, as they seemed pretty passionate about this.

"Okay. . ." She said.

"Many years ago, someone, with if I remember correct, hair just like yours came and took it! We have sworn that they will pay for their crimes against him and us! We will sacrifice them to the higher being of him to make him pay!"

"Sacrifice! Sacrifice! Sacrifice!" The sprites started to cheer again.

"And they also just happened to look like YOU!" The sprite said, pointing his finger at Pacifica.

Wait, is this about the journal?

It couldn't be, this was a totally different part of the forest they were in. If they cared this much as his possession, they wouldn't leave it so far away from them.

"You idiot!" One of the other sprites said. "Did you not just hear her? She clearly said her and the other girl arrived a few days ago! It was years that they stole the possession from our grasps! She doesn't look smart enough to get past us, either."

"No one is smart enough to get past us!" Another sprite cheered. "We will put an end to the one who has an continue our legacy!"

Pacifica wasn't sure wether to be insulted, confused, or amused. If she felt insulted, she would stir up and argument, if she acted amused, she would probably do the same thing, so she just furrowed her brow, watching as the sprites conversation continued.

"Plus, I think they weren't a boy, and they looked totally different from her," one sprite said. "I caught a glimpse of him, he was handsome."

"Oh, shut up! Don't fall for the enemy, you idiot!" Another sprite shouted at her. Pacifica thought she saw someone throw their footwear at the sprite girl, and Pacifica felt slightly sorry for her.

"We need an army! We need to go in the night and hunt down this one!" Another said, trying to raise a larger crowd.

As the sprites continued to talk, Pacifica slowly made her way over to Wendy, and started to untie her.

"These things, sprites, are weird. . ." Wendy whispered to her.

"I know, let's try to get out of here before they decide we've done something wrong and want to sacrifice us too," Pacifica whispered back.

"Sounds like a good plan to me."

"Hey!" One of the sprites called at them.

Both Pacifica and Wendy turned their heads quickly to face the sprites. The group of them were staring st the twins, all of them looking slightly annoyed and ready to go start an attack.

Uh oh.

"If you guys aren't the one who took it, do you know the person who did?" One asked. "They were of your species."

That's very helpful, Pacifica thought.

"Didn't they have someone with them, too? I saw two lights!" A sprite called out.

"Do you know the person with them, either?" Another exclaimed.

"Can you help us find them?"

"Do you know the best way to get revenge?"

"Where do they live?"

"What are their weaknesses?"

"Join our army and help restore the forest!"

"Sacrifice! Sacrifice! Sacrifice!"

"Alright!" Pacifica said, her voice getting louder. "Wendy and I do not know who took his possession. We've been here a few days, and we've mostly been working for our caretaker and haven't had time to meet anyone yet, our apologies. But if we ever to see someone that looks suspicious, we will make sure to tell you guys, okay?"

The sprites went quiet for a minute, to Pacifica's relief.

"Hmm, alright," one sprite said. "We'll let you two go, this time. But if you ever see the one who did, bring them to us. Also, if you ever see him, tell him that we would like to see him again, and that is been much too long."

Pacifica gave them a quick smile and a thumbs up, and then went to untie her sister. When she was finally untied, Wendy left up from the ground, and the two started to walk away from the forests and back to the Archives of Mystery.

"That, that was," Wendy said. "That was actually kind of awesome."

"Awesome? Almost getting sacrificed to someone by a bunch of sprites is awesome?" Pacifica asked.

"Yeah! Well, not really, but it was cool to know that different creatures exist here," Wendy said. "I owe you and apology, by the way, sorry about calling you crazy, I was just-"

"I get it, I get it," Pacifica said. "I was acting way too paranoid and suspicious, even if I did turn out to be right. Well, partially. I promise next time I won't get so in the way, okay? I'm sorry as well."

Wendy smiled. "Apology accepted, sis."

Pacifica smiled at Wendy, and Wendy smiled back.

"But hey! We've got to go check out more of that book! What other creatures might lie in this town if there are water sprites? Giants? Goblins?"

"Ghosts?" Pacifica added,

"Maybe! What about dragons?"

"I think dragons might be a bit of a stretch, Wendy. What about zombies? Or creepy crawlies?"

"Ooh! That would be so cool. Think about all the creatures we could find, Paz!" Wendy exclaimed.

"Think what we can learn," Pacifica said.

"Think about all we can show Great Uncle Fiddleford and our parents when we get home!"

Suddenly, Pacifica got serious. "Wendy, it might be best if we don't tell them."

"Aw, but why? We could at least tell Grunkle Fiddleford and we could fill up the Archives of Mystery with real mysterious and not the lame stuff he tapes together to get tourists to gape at. That statue of a 'ham-pire' is the lamest things I've ever seen."

"Wendy, I already tried to tell him I found the journal, and he said he didn't believe in the supernatural," Pacifica told her sister. "If we say that we found something like a goblin, don't you think he'll think we're insane? And if we tell mom and dad, they'll blame Great Uncle Fiddleford for us acting like this and we'll get sent home!"

Wendy went silent for a moment, thinking. "I see what you mean, Paz. So is this just going to be our secret?"

Pacifica shrugged. "I guess."

"This is going to be so much fun!" Wendy said. "We've got to have a name, a cool name. Hm, what about Myth Sisters? No, how about, no. . ."

Pacifica rolled her eyes, they could be here for a while. Wendy loved to name things.

"What about Mystery Twins? That sounds so cool, and it's catchy!"

Pacifica smiled. "Sure Wendy, Mystery Twins it is."

"Mystery Twins! Mystery Twins!" Wendy chanted.

"Alright, alright, Mystery Twins!" Pacifica said, adding to her sister's chant.

"Yes! Now let's go home before everyone starts to wonder where we are, and we also have to look in that journal of yours if there's any more creatures in this town we could find!"

"Alright, alright," Pacifica said.

"Race you home!" Wendy said suddenly.


"On your mark, get set, go!" Wendy exclaimed, taking off before Pacifica could actually process what was happening.

Either way, Pacifica smiled. With the journal, this summer might be better than she thought, finding monsters with her sister, and discovering new things, how awesome could that be? Sure they would have to keep it a secret, but it was worth it if they got to watch actual monsters.

With that, Pacifica smiled, and started running after her sister.

This summer was going to be one heck of a summer.

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