LBW: Part Five

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Pacifica laid down on the couch with a thunk, the Journal balanced on her stomach as she kept her hands behind her head and hair, closing her eyes as she tried to to relax.

Reading the Journal had been what was keeping her from going mad while wondering if there was more to what met the eye with Robbie, if he was using her sister for purposes that she really didn't want to believe were true, or just thinking she was insane and that Robbie was just a nice person who happened to be a teenage celebrity and was also a psychic.

Also, the incessant babbling from Fiddleford.

His babbling seemed to worsen after Wendy left to hang out with Robbie, He hadn't hurt himself or anything, but the strange comments involving the end of the world and some force coming to get you was non-stop. After the first time he screamed, Candy, who seemed strangely accustomed to this, escorted him away. She had asked Pacifica to leave the room as she took care of it. While she didn't want to be left in the dark about what was happening, she obliged for her sake.

That's when she started reading the Journal, to keep herself calm.

She flipped through the pages one more time, rereading the section which discussed ghosts, and just looking at some of the code lined within the pages, unable to break the code.

She had confirmed one thing a few days ago, that the supernatural existed. At least in this town, and that someone had studied the creatures, documenting them in this book. Who was it, though? It didn't look like anyone's handwriting she knew, perhaps they had passed away? But then why had it been in the care of sprites, as well? Why had any of the Journals been in their care? Was the Author the "They" the sprites had spoken of?

What about psychics? Is there anything about them?

Psychics, would there be? She wouldn't be surprised, but there didn't seem to be much in the Journal about psychics, or anything similar. Maybe it was just a stage act, but she didn't trust anything who wore such an odd haircut (which had to be bigger than his own head) with such pride.

There was a sound of the door opening, and Pacifica looked over in the direction of the front door, seeing Wendy appear in the doorway. She had the same ribbon on her wrist as before, and she was eyeing it, this satisfied, dreaming look in her eyes as she grinned at it.

"Hey Pacifica!" Wendy said, plopping on the chair beside the couch and looking for the television remote.

"First of all, don't bother trying. Great Uncle Fiddleford thre- misplaced it after you left," she replied, cutting herself off. "Second, where have you been? "You've been gone for hours."

"Oh, Robbie was showing me his studio which hey use to film some of his psychic shows. It was so cool Pacifica, you should've seen it," Wendy said, smiling even more, not even acting apologetic. "There was all this camera equipment on which you'd use if you wanted to make a movie, and he showed me how it all worked and even offered to let me use it sometime! Think about it, Pacifica, we could make a really cool mystery series!"

Pacifica narrowed her eyes, looking at Wendy. her hair seemed to have pieces of it standing up all on their own. Was that normal? She didn't think so. There was a difference between static electricity and plain weird.

"I think the air in that place though is weird, considering what they use to make a smoke effect for shows. Robbie said that's why he wears hairspray so much, to keep it from looking like he'd rubbed a balloon on his head. But either way, he's actually really awesome, and he acts like a gentleman," Wendy said with a bit of a chuckle.

"So, let me try to summarize this," Pacifica said, shaking her head a little. "You left to hang out with a weird psychic boy-"

"Pacifica, he's not weird," Wendy said, cutting her off. "Chill out. He's not a siren, or sprites who will try to attack us for a crime we didn't commit. He's an actual boy this time."

Pacifica rolled her eyes when she was sure Wendy wasn't looking. "Okay, you were hanging out with Robbie, who had psychic powers as he showed you around his studio?"

"Pretty much," Wendy replied. "Hey, I'm hungry."

On the inside, Pacifica wondered how that was so cool. She just didn't see the appeal of it.

She got off the chair, heading towards the kitchen, as Pacifica followed her, squinting. "He wasn't reading your mind or testing anything on you, was he?"

Wendy opened the fridge door, before looking back at Pacifica. "What? No, of course not! You need to stop being so paranoid."

Pacifica huffed, rolling her eyes. "You sure he didn't try anything?"

"One hundred percent," Wendy said, taking a Pitt Cola and starting to drink it. "Robbie didn't even really talk about it until I asked about it myself. I'm not worried. Besides, I think he'd ask for permission before he did that."

"I'm just unsure why he was so interested in you. I mean, you're cool, not doubting that, but you've only known him maybe two days, Wendy. I hope you're somewhat joking," Pacifica said.

"Hey, two days in long enough to start a romance, if you ask me," Wendy replied. "I mean, it's not love yet, but who knows? It could be, maybe in the future. Think about it, a summer romance with a teenage psychic celebrity, that would be so epic."

Pacifica sighed. "I just don't know, Wendy. Also, what's that?"

"Oh, this?" She said, she took the rectangular object, which turned out to be a CD case, which was from a band she had never heard of before, but it seemed to be one of those stereotypical dark, brooding bands. "Robbie gave it to me. He said I might like it."

She never pictured Robbie as the type of person to listen to metal music, but if he had that CD, apparently he did.

"He gave you a CD?" Pacifica asked, confused.

"Yeah, I might go listen to it, so I can tell him if I liked it or not. He said he'd probably want to hang out again soon, he said he'd show me some cool places in Gravity Falls he knew of," Wendy said.

"Wendy, just," Pacifica said. "Be careful, okay?"

"You said that last time about Oran," Wendy said, sighing.

"And I was right," Pacifica said. It hurt a little to say that, if she was honest. "I want you to have fun, just I don't fully trust this guy. Plus, you've only known him for a few days."

"Wow, the Fun Police wants me to have fun," Wendy said, laughing.

Pacifica frowned. "I am not the Fun Police!"

"You kind of are, sis," Wendy said, still laughing. "Though fine, I'll be serious about it."

Pacifica nodded, as Wendy glanced down at the ribbon again, smiling as she walked away with the CD.

Before she had time to ask Wendy any more questions, she saw Candy come up the stairs, and she looked exhausted. Although she maintained a smile on her face, even though it didn't seem easy.

"Candy, are you alright?" Pacifica asked. "How's Great Uncle Fiddleford?"

"I'm fine," Candy replied quickly. She certainly didn't look fine, but Pacifica didn't pry. "Mister Pines, on the other hand, I'm not so sure. He usually calms down easily, but this time it wasn't so simple. I ended up forcing him to take a nap so he wouldn't craze himself too badly. Hopefully when he wakes up he'll be better."

She didn't say anything further as Candy walked into the gift shop, leaning on the counter and rubbing her eyes.

"That bad?" Gideon asked, as if he knew what had happened.

"Terrible," Candy replied. "I just don't understand, Gideon. He's been marginally worse for the past few days, and I don't understand why."

"Candy, I think he's just reaching a limit," Gideon said. "Maybe we have to give him a break."

"I already do," Candy said. "I've cut down his work hours since I've arrived, I've told him to relax-"

"No, the work he does when we're up here," Gideon said. "I don't know what on Earth he does, but ever since you let him off the hook, he's been obsessing over it.

Candy paused for a second, going quiet, as Pacifica saw her face sink in disappointment, covering it for a few seconds before looking back up at Gideon.

"Well, what am I to do? I can't put him back on the hours, that was even worse for him. Now that I have though, he goes off doing that project and he ignores all of us. He's ignoring the girls ever since they came because of this. I can't have that."

Pacifica watched as Gideon's expression dipped into confusion, biting his lip in thought of what to say to Candy.

She knew she shouldn't be thinking this, but she couldn't help but think about how cute Gideon looked when he was in thought. She dismissed those thoughts as quick as she could, continuing to listen to what Gideon might say next.

"I don't know, Cands. It seems we've done everything we can," Gideon said. "Or, you have. I swear, he's getting more and more senile every year. He's not the same as we was years ago. I don't think we can change that much."

Candy didn't say anything, but Pacifica could sense the rising disappointment inside of her at Gideon's words. They hadn't meant to hurt her, and she didn't' act that way, but Pacifica saw a look in her eye that betrayed that, told her that Candy felt that in some way, she had failed at something, although she wasn't sure what.

"What will happen then?" Candy asked quietly.

Gideon sighed. "I guess when he's too crazy to run shop, we close down and end up giving it away to someone. And we move on."

"But, if he closes shop, you have to, don't you have to?" Candy said, not finishing her sentence, but she knew Gideon was aware of what Candy meant.

"Yeah, even now, my Dad wants to. Says he can make more money off his car dealership elsewhere, the only thing tying him down is my job, even if it doesn't always pay that well. Says I can make more money working at some camp for a summer instead of working here almost every day."

"And if he closes, I won't," Candy started, getting quieter. "I'm not sure how I'll get enough money to- to, you know. The little cash I get here is keeping me on my legs. If he closes-"

Candy didn't finish her sentence, and started to cry into her hands, tears trickling down her face and gentle sobs escaping her mouth. Gideon got up, giving her what appeared to be a tight hug from what she could see, before tiptoeing off quietly to contemplate what she just heard.

Everything she had heard from them had made Pacifica feel far more confused. About Gideon, Candy, and her Great Uncle Fiddleford, especially. She had assumed when he said he was working, he was actually taking a nap or watching television. But it appeared he was actually working, but on what? Why was it driving him to the point of insanity? What made this project so urgent he spent every hour he had working on this? Why was Candy not able to afford a college graduation without this money? Why was Gideon's father want to leave so bad? How did they know so much about Fiddleford, despite only being his employees?

Her mind raced, unanswered questions taking up every piece of her brain, consuming her thoughts. To calm herself, she sat down on the couch once again, picking up her Journal, skimming through its contents to distract her mind from what was going on around her.

After looking at the front, though, one more time, a realization hit her like a brick falling on her head, in such a blunt way she didn't realize how she had never noticed this before just now.

Perhaps did her Great Uncle Fiddleford, know about the monsters and supernatural beings in this town?

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