LBW: Part Seven

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"Can I open my eyes yet?"

"No, not just yet."

"Geez, I feel like you're leading me into a lake or something."

Wendy chuckled, and she felt as if he was rolling his eyes or something similar. So far, she had been blindfolded, as he lead her somewhere she had no idea. She assumed it wasn't to hurt her or something, but she didn't like the idea of her not being able to see where she was going. It gave her the chills a little, although she would occasionally hint that she did not like this.

"Look, Wendy, I promise to you I'm not leading you into a lake. Lakes are disgusting," Robbie replied.

"They aren't that bad, really," Wendy said. "I think it's awesome how I can walk on the sand and have fish swarm my feet. Plus, snorkeling is so fun."

"See, that's the exact reasons I don't like lakes. There's not a regular cleaning, which means who knows how dirty that water is. And I think fish are gross, and what diseases they might carry if they bite your feet," Robbie said.

"Fish don't carry diseases," Wendy said.

"Not all of them. Some just might. That's hardly my point though, since I still think they're gross. Plus, I think when sand gets between your toes it's annoying and incredibly hard to get out."

Wendy chuckled again. "You're like Pacifica, you know? You both worry about the strangest little things. Like sand between your toes or where you're going. It's weird."

That didn't get a response out of him, but Wendy didn't mind. He seemed to be somewhat preoccupied with making sure she didn't trip over a rock or something similar, or making sure she didn't drown. From the silence, she hoped they would soon be getting closer to their destination, as she was now itching to be able to see where she was. 

"Hey, how much longer do you think we have until we get there?" Wendy asked.

"Not long, we're almost there," Robbie said, helping her over a bump in the path. Just a bit longer then we're there."

For a few seconds, she felt both her feet lifted up into the air, like as if she was jumping or hovering, and she wondered what was going on. It didn't feel as if she was being supported by anything, besides what seemed to be the air.

"Robbie, what's going on?" She asked.

"Oh, nothing," He said, and she felt herself come back down onto the ground with a loud clank.

Almost like she had landed on. . . Metal, maybe? It sounded a lot like metal. The only thing she was sure of was that she wasn't standing on the ground anymore. 

"Sit down," Robbie said, taking her hand and slowly helping her sit, since she could still not see what was happening. She lowered onto the cold ground, letting her legs rest in front of her, and she heard Robbie sit next to her.

"Alright," he said, helping her take off the blindfold, and letting her look up at the sight around her.

Looking around, she suddenly felt the breeze become stronger, as she realized she was sitting atop of some building that appeared to look like some sort of warehouse. 

Wendy looked out at the sight ahead of her, looking at what was the entire town of Gravity Falls, being encased by a bright, warm sunset, the breeze only illuminating it further. She could see everything, from the Archives of Mystery to Greasy's Diner to a huge manor in the distance, and it all seemed brilliant. The town she thought was tiny seemed so much bigger from atop of this place.

"Like what you see?" Robbie said.

Wendy didn't respond at first, letting an amazed looked cross her face and answer for her. When she did speak, it was just in a faint tone, as she didn't want to avert her eyes from the sunset before her.

"Wow," she whispered, as she heard Robbie chuckle.

"I know, it's my favourite spot in the entire town, too," he said. Robbie muttered something else after that, but Wendy paid no mind.

"It's, it's awesome," Wendy said, smiling more.

"I know, I used to spend all my time just sitting atop of this building and watching the sun set," Robbie replied.

"Wait, does your family own this building?" Wendy asked, to which Robbie nodded.

"That's so cool!" Wendy said. "So you can like, go up here whenever you want?"

"Yes, I can. It's much better when my parents aren't here, though. Much quieter." Robbie said.

"Yeah, I see what you mean. My Mom always gives me heck over the littlest things," Wendy laughed. "But it's still so cool your family owns this warehouse and just lets you use it. My parents would never let me do that."

Robbie nodded, but didn't say anything in return to that. Wendy looked back from Robbie to the sunset.

"Heck, our Grunkle Fiddleford doesn't even allow  us to go on the roof of the Archives of Mystery. Says it's too dangerous or something like that."

"Fiddleford. I presume he's always been like that, a very safe person," Robbie replied, tapping his finger against his chin.

It was then Wendy noticed that he slipped his hand closer to hers, holding her hand carefully. It wasn't like before where it felt like he was doing it so she wouldn't fall, this was something else.

The gesture had caused her to blush. Why? She had held many boys' hands before (though, that was way back in kindergarten on the playground when that had happened) but never before had she actually blushed or felt awkward when this had happened.

Was this a sign that Robbie was actually going to be her summer romance? Was this actually going to work out?

Imagine what Paz will say when she hears this, Wendy thought to herself.

"Hey, Wendy," Robbie said, looking up at her.

Wendy quickly looked back at him, perhaps too fast, as she felt her neck crick a little when she had looked up. To hide it, she brushed her fingers through her hair.

"Hey, Wendy, I've been meaning to tell you something," Robbie continued.

"Uh, okay," Wendy said.

"We've been hanging out for a bit, and I find you a very endearing person," Robbie continued. Wendy felt herself smile.

"I was wondering, if you'd like to take it a step further," Robbie finished.

Wendy felt herself get excited on the inside. This was it! He really did like her and wanted to be more than just her friend. Inside, she was beaming, even if she just had her casual smile on when it came to the outside, she was ecstatic about this. Maybe a summer romance wasn't too far off!

At the same time, though, there was something about this that felt too off. Did she really want to be in a relationship this summer? She had planned to be spending the whole summer with her sister and family and have fun, but if she did have a summer romance, could she really do that? She didn't want to be tied down for the summer with a romance that she would end up not liking, as that would be worse than having no summer romance at all.

Then again, she'd wonder if they really would mind. Fiddleford didn't seem to care about much, and neither did Gideon. Candy and Pacifica, though?

"Uh. . ." Wendy said. 

"Do you?" Robbie asked again, his voice becoming sharper, as if he was worried she'd say no.

"Uh," Wendy started. "Sure, why not? Wouldn't hurt to try!"

Robbie smiled. "Perfect. That's great, Wendy. Perhaps we could go out tomorrow?"

"Where?" Wendy said.

"Well, there's movies playing," Robbie said. "We could go to the diner, although that's a bit casual. There's always other options, you pick what sounds fun to you."

"Hmm, a movie sounds really fun," Wendy said. "I heard there's a cool action movie out this week, The Destroyer or something like that, I thought it sounded super awesome and we should check it out. How about that?"

"Sounds fun," Robbie said with a grin. "I heard about that movie too, the plot sounds interesting."

"Doesn't it? I think the giant robots attacking humanity sounds really cool, and the other movie about Not-So-Spectacular-Man was so cool, we should totally go to that one," Wendy raved. Superhero movies were her passion. 

"Perhaps after we could get something to eat," Robbie suggested. "I'm not big and movie theater food. Too gross, as they make it in such large amounts. Plus, the butter they put in the popcorn is disgusting."

"Aw, I like the butter," Wendy replied. "It's kinda' salty, but that's cool with me."

"You also like lakes, though," Robbie said.

Wendy shrugged. "I guess."

Things got silent again as Wendy drifted her attention towards the sunset, which was almost over at this point, which means she would have to leave soon.

For some reason, when she had told Robbie she would go on a date, there was a spark of guilt in her. Why? She didn't know, was it because she had been leaving the Archives of Mystery for this and spending more time with Robbie? She didn't know and she didn't understand why she felt that way, but there was that feeling there, telling her she had made a mistake. Not that she was going to admit that feeling to Robbie, though. Or Pacifica, Candy, Gideon, Fiddleford, or anyone. 

She looked at Robbie again, who seemed to be mumbling over something and adjusting his amulet, or making a fuss over something else. 

"Hey, Robbie, I have to go," Wendy said. "How do I get down?"

Robbie looked up suddenly and over at her, smiling. "The same way we came up."

He took her hand, helping her up, and they walked over to the edge of the warehouse roof. For a minute, she thought they were going to jump, before she realized that wasn't the way they came up, and you couldn't jump up from the ground this high.

Suddenly, she felt a sensation as she watched her feet lift off the ground. She looked at her feet, then up, then over one way, then over at Robbie, who was smiling at her amusement.

She was floating! She was actually floating! 

Wendy smiled at Robbie, as he floated them carefully down to the ground. Wendy wished that would never end. Now she could tell people that she really had floated this summer and met a real psychic! How cool was that essay going to be? 

She looked up at Robbie, who was grinning at her. "You enjoyed that?"

"Of course I did!" Wendy exclaimed. "One second, I was one the ground, the next, I was floating off a roof towards the ground with no help whatsoever! Well, besides you, but that doesn't count. Either way, that was so cool."

"Glad you liked it," Robbie said. "I hoped you enjoyed yourself this evening."

"It was awesome," Wendy said, as her hand drifted towards the ribbon on her wrist and she started to fiddle with it.

"I'm glad," Robbie replied, before taking her hand and kissing it gently. "I can't wait for tomorrow. I'll meet you at the theater at six, hopefully. I might be a bit late for, reasons."

"Alright, six, then," Wendy said.

"Do you need me to show you the way back?" Robbie asked.

"No, I'm good," Wendy said, taking a step back.

"Alright, goodbye," Robbie said, as Wendy started to run off. She thought she heard him mumble something about calling someone,but she ignored it entirely, her thoughts too caught up in other things to really care. 

Any feeling she might have had about doubting if she wanted to go on a date with Robbie had been shoved down far now. She wanted to go on that date, and she wasn't going to care what anyone, not even her own sister, was going to say about the date.

She was going to enjoy it.

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