Chapter 2

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Hayden sighed as she sat on the edge of a random building. The view was great. Obviously, it wasn't better than her view from her own roof, but that was because Piltover would naturally look better. But from here it didn't seem as though the undercity was so bad.

After a few minutes of coming to terms with how everything looked she nodded to herself and then looked at the people below. No one looked like her, and if she could guess based on Vi's reaction to enforcers, no one would want to have anything to do with her... except maybe get into a fight.

She sighed before jumping off a few ledges to get back to the ground. After she got used to the feel of it, the building hoping wasn't so bad, it was actually a lot of fun. It gave her a bit of an adrenaline rush to do something she knew was dangerous and she probably wouldn't have been able to do back home.

Not that she specifically wanted to, she hated getting in trouble. She already had enough attention on her for how 'scatterbrained' she was, she didn't need to do more.

Once she safely reached the ground she started heading to the right, keeping herself near alleys and walls, but not really going through them unless she was sure they were empty. When she got a view of the undercity, she also paid close attention to the most and the least crowded areas she could find, and her safest place to go would have to be the small area she saw where there weren't many people at all. Even if she did run into someone there, she could handle them herself without others overhearing and getting involved.

Which did remind her that she would have to find Caitlyn again. She isn't even sure when they got separated, all she knew was that Caitlyn was moving so slow. Which was unusual since she normally did great when they practiced fieldwork and rough terranes. Maybe it was because she was so unfamiliar?

Hayden didn't spend too much time thinking about why Cait was so slow because she finally reached the area she was looking for. She had no idea what she might find here, but at least she didn't have to stay near shadows and alleys anymore, she could just walk and look around herself for a bit. Long as she paid attention to the noises around her, she shouldn't get caught by anyone. And maybe if she was lucky she could find something to blend in with... Though it probably wouldn't be very clean if she found it on the ground, it would be better than nothing.

As she walked through the small area she noticed that there were lots of twists and turns, and some of the turns she made were extremely narrow, but Hayden didn't care, as long as she could fit through, she took it. That also was the reason why she kept going in and out of run down and destroyed buildings. If the door wasn't locked, then she didn't see a reason not to explore. She never knew what she would find, and the mystery was the best part.

She was casually walking through another narrow street when she heard the sound of something unfamiliar. It was a weird hissing noise, and while she knew that meant someone was near, it also meant she had to investigate.

Yes, she may have been separated from her partner and their informant, but she still had a job, to get back the gem. And maybe if she played her cards right, she could get her own informant. Or at least finally talk to someone, since she hadn't run into another person for a while.

She casually walked towards the direction she heard the noise, making sure she was completely calm and wouldn't be noticed. As she got closer she heard the sound of footsteps, and she soon found herself standing outside of a run down building with a shattered window. As she got closer she made sure not to step on the glass, before she peaked inside just to end up seeing a girl putting together some type of machine at the back of the room before just standing in front of it. Hayden almost called out to her before the girl suddenly took action.

Hayden's mouth actually dropped as she watched the girl with two long braids and a seemingly slim physique just brutally fight (what she now assumed was some type of game machine). It was enthralling to say the least. She had never seen anyone fight so passionately or so fiercely before, and the way the girl just seemed to dodge every hit too... there was no wonder her score kept rising on the board that was right next to her.

It was obvious that the other woman was taking out some kind of pent up anger, but Hayden didn't think it was a problem until she screamed and gave a final punch. After that she seemed out of breath before looking up at the board only to see her score in second place. Though Hayden was still a distance away, she could still see the flash of irritation before the girl shot at the game suddenly, making her tie the noise she heard earlier to the gun in that girl's hand.

Hayden took a small breath, unsure if she would be able to talk with this other woman who was obviously still upset, but now that she wasn't preoccupied anymore, she doubted that she could still get away without being noticed. Hayden kept her eyes sharply on the figure in front of her as she took a step forward, this time actually stepping on the glass, making the girl turn and aim her gun at her in less than two seconds.

Hayden's hand twitched, the urge to pull her own gun out just as quickly, but she resisted. That would probably escalate the situation when she didn't need to, she only wanted to talk. She raised both of her hands as a way to show she wasn't here to harm the stranger, while the blue haired girl's eyes narrowed, and her hand didn't move from its place, keeping the gun aimed steadily at her head.

"Who are you and why are you here?"

Hayden had the strongest desire to look around the room, but she didn't and maintained her eye contact with the other woman.

"Hello, my name's Hayden." She spoke clearly and slowly, making sure she was staying still and didn't make any sudden movements. She had no idea what was going through the woman's head, but her eyes seemed to look Hayden up and down.

The enforcer had to stop herself from grimacing, she was still in her uniform. While she had come across a few torn clothes, none of them actually were her size so she left them, she didn't see a point in bringing them with her. Which meant that if this girl hated enforcers as much as Vi did, then she wasn't gaining any favors for herself.

"Well Hayden..." The girl took a step closer, her eyes shifting between looking curious and angry, though Hayden was more surprised by how calm she suddenly was, compared to moments ago on the machine.

"Are you one of those enforcers that work for Silco?" She asked slowly and her tone was accusatory, though her statement made Hayden's eyes narrow herself. There were enforcers that worked for Silco? That wasn't right? Why?

There was a sound, making her eyes snap right back to the other girl's who had plucked her gun, because her eyes had wandered while she was thinking.

"That depends... Do you work for Silco?" Her question seemed to confuse the other, so Hayden assumed that she did. She took a deep breath, and lifted her hands a little higher.

"Can I come inside, or do I have to stay here standing at gunpoint?"

The woman sneered at her and Hayden blinked in surprise, not expecting such a reaction.

"Why are you here? Did Silco send you to 'check' on me? Does he think I can't do it? Is that what this is about?" Her hand had started to tremble without her noticing, but Hayden did, her eyes now locked onto the gun instead of her eyes. That also meant she didn't notice when the other girl's attention was no longer focused on her. She was shaking her head as if hearing things that Hayden couldn't.

Her first instinct was to say she didn't work for Silco, but if she was working under the assumption that this woman did in fact work for Silco, it would work against her. Though she also had a feeling that lying would come back and bite her in the ass.

So, she decided to improvise, and she worked best with the truth.

"Shut up!"

"Well, I'm lost."

Both eyes snapped back to each other instantly, neither expecting the other to speak, and their actual words were just as surprising.

Hayden's mind was moving faster than she anticipated. They both spoke at the same time, meaning that the other girl couldn't have been yelling at her to shut up, since the last person that spoke was her. So she had to be talking to herself. But that wasn't as if she was answering her own question, because 'Shut up' isn't a normal response to 'Why are you here' that left Hayden with the assumption that while she was talking to herself, she wasn't exactly talking to herself.

While they stared at each other, she could also see that the girl's brain was moving just as fast. She didn't know what she was thinking about, but she knew she didn't like the way that she was staring at her. It wasn't an accusatory look, or just suspicion, it was in anger. Why was the other angry? She didn't know, all she said was that she was lost, which was true. But the next thing she knew, she was quickly tilting to the side to dodge some type of bullet.

She let out a squeak when she looked back at the female, and saw she was still aiming at her and she looked even more upset. Her own heart rate picked up as she hoped she didn't need to either run with her back facing this woman, or have to fight her. She just watched what she could do, and while Hayden didn't think she was weak, she also didn't think she was too aggressive either. Her intentions were always to subdue, not to attack. And when it came to running away obviously the other would know the area better too so even if she did run, she would get lost and probably caught anyway.

What could deescalate things here? She wasn't sure, mainly because she didn't know what set her off in the first place. She was walking a thin line that she knew nothing about. She didn't know this city, the people, and especially not this girl. And to top it off, she was completely alone. (Which was her fault, but didn't change the fact that this situation was terrible. Though she had the strongest feeling that if Caitlyn was there, they both would've been shot at multiple times. She could be a lot more... blunt and headstrong than necessary at times.)

"I'm sorry." Was the first thing that spilled out of her mouth. There were tons of things that she could apologize for in this specific instance, most of them relating to the privileges of her own life and the struggles of those who lived down in the undercity, but there were still several that she could think about for this specific instance.

The girl seemed to tense up, though her expression started to shift, between uncertainty, anger, and confusion. It couldn't linger on one emotion too long, and Hayden stayed still as the other girl worked it out.

"Why... are you sorry?"

Hayden's eyes wandered again, mainly out of habit. She had been making too much eye contact, which was something she didn't do often, and it was starting to make her uncomfortable. She didn't fail to notice how blue the other woman's eyes were, or just how her emotions were felt so rawly that they practically bled through her eyes either. To her, that kind of eye contact felt invasive.

"I'm sorry that I intruded on your personal time, when you obviously came here to be alone, I'm sorry that you're going through something that's so frustrating to you that you can only take your anger out like this. I'm sorry that you weren't given the same chances I was, that when someone walks up behind you that you have to pull out a gun, I'm sorry that you can't feel safe when you look at this uniform, I..."

It was quick, much quicker than she anticipated, but the other girl was in her face within seconds. If Hayden wasn't letting herself ramble, this might not have happened, but she couldn't help it. There were so many differences between Piltover and the undercity, between the people who lived above, and those who lived below. She couldn't ignore that, and she felt guilty. She hadn't made this situation herself, but she didn't try to fix it either. She wasn't truly aware until today, but that wasn't a good excuse, it was just ignorance.

She closed her eyes as she felt the gun press under her chin. It wasn't like she could actually do anything right then. She wasn't a fighter, not like this.

"You know..." When she heard the woman start speaking she opened her eyes and sucked in a breath with how close they were. She was never this close to anyone... she wasn't entirely sure since she didn't have friends, but being inches away from someone's face couldn't be normal. Maybe this is how people were in the undercity?

"When someone is aiming a gun at you, and you have your own, you're supposed to pull it out to defend yourself." Hayden let out a gasp as she felt the other woman pull her gun out of it's holster, before aiming the second one on her temple.

Hayden tried her best to keep her breathing even as her heart rate kept rising. Training did not prepare her for this at all. She couldn't close her eyes because of the way the other girl was staring her down. It seemed the anger in her eyes was gone, all that was left was just curiosity. She wasn't sure if that was a good thing for her or not since she now had two guns on different places of her head. Her arms stayed limply by her side, not even attempting to save herself. She wouldn't be fast enough, she knew it.

After a few more tense seconds, the other woman slowly backed away and back through the window. While one gun stayed aimed at her, the other she used in a waving motion, inviting her inside. Hayden took a deep breath. At least she was still alive for now.

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