Chapter 11

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I feel like this is rushed? I dunno... Maybe I'll slow it down...


I sat in my dorm, staring at the wall in boredom. I wanted to talk to Kaito about what Mandy had said... But maybe she was just lying... Or what if she was telling the truth. I stood up and dusted off my work pants. Alright! I would have to confront him. Taking a deep breath, I opened the door to find Jack about to knock.

"Stephan---" He started.

"Shut. Your. Stupid. Mouth." I glared at him, radiating a cold aura. He should die. 

"Please just listen! I don't like it when you hang around that Kaito guy..." 

I smirked. He didn't like it? "That too bad. Maybe you should have thought about it before you hooked up with Ms. Slut, hm?" 

He frowned. "I'm serious! He seems like a dangerous man." 

"Oh, and you're not? You just went and slept with her after everything we went through. I thought I was your mate?! I'm not just some toy, you know!"

"But--" I pushed past Jack and walked away. 

"Just get a life, would you? You can't stop me from seeing Kaito; it's my own decision!" Storming away, I held back the tears that were threatening to spill over. Damn Jack. 

I hated him.

~Jack's POV:~

I smiled to myself as I watched Stephanie storm off.

That girl was going to be mine. She couldn't stop it no matter how stubborn she was. Mandy and I had seen through her and Kaito's plan... So we decided to strike back. I wanted both Mandy and Stephanie. I mean, please. How could this gorgeous rock star have just one? Honestly, he would have preferred three or four girls swooning at his side, but the damned Council wouldn't let him have his way. 

Anyways, he looked back on the plan Mandy and he had designed. Stephanie was obviously heading to see Kaito who would be waiting for her eagerly. They both seemed to like each other, but that would be crushed when Stephanie found him while Mandy made a move on him. Then I, being the awesome guy I am, would swoop in and save her. Like a hero. Only sexier. 

Heh. What an idiot. 


Damn, Jack. -.- No one likes you! Thanks for reading, guys. :3 Sorry this chapter is short~ I want to lengthen it out!

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