Chapter 10

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I looked around the bustling mess hall where everyone was trying to get their meal for the night. My eyes probed for Kaito. Where was he?

I felt eyes burning their way into my back and turned to see Jack staring at me longingly with Mandy at his side. She didn't seem to notice as she was talking animatedly with a small group, but I shrugged him off and turned.

"Stephanie!" Someone yelled and I moved my vision to the direction from which I heard it. There stood Kaito with his tray of food and my heart skipped a beat. Even in this terrible lighting he looked handsome. Giving one last glance to Jack, I ran over to Kaito and linked arms with him. I could feel the glare burning it's way through the back of my head and smirked. It was SO on.

"So, where should we sit?" He asked as we searched for an open place.

"Uhm... I honestly have no idea. It's so busy with all of the new refugees, do you know if they'll be making more renovations to add seating?" I asked and he shook his head.

"With the longer winters, we're low on supplies. I doubt any changes will be made until spring rolls around, but we still have about two months to go... Hey! Look! A spot!" Kaito dived for the spot and sat, looking rather proud of himself. I laughed.

"Nice going... Now where will I sit?" He seemed to notice this dilemma and frowned, then grinning that crooked smile which would make any girl swoon. Even more so than Jack.

"Well?" Before I knew it, there was a pair of arms around my waist and I was sitting in his lap. Blushing madly, I tried to scold him.

"K-K-Kaito! Wh-why..." I heard him laugh and he whispered in my ear, sending chills down my spine.

"We're trying to make them jealous, right?" I nodded and he discreetly pointed to them, now both of their attentions turned to us in cruel glares. I smiled triumphantly.

And then smacked Kaito.

"WHAT IN THE WORLD POSSESSED YOU TO MAKE ME SIT ON YOUR LAP?!" I yelled at him, a smile playing at my lips. Kaito whimpered like a lost puppy.

"I can't help that I love youuuuu~" He whined. This guy was a great actor. He sent me a knowing smile and I spent the rest of the night on his lap. Nothing got done in our plans because we were too busy laughing.

When I returned to my dorm, after he walked me like a true gentleman, I gave him a kiss on the cheek and then left before he could say anything else. I lay on my bed, face buried in my pillow as I recalled the events of last night. I couldn't stop smiling! He was just... It was so... I sighed dreamily.

Too bad it was all just a game.


I woke up the next morning and groaned. Time for work.

Grabbing my uniform, I opened the door to get down to the women's sanitation unit where we bathed, groomed our hair, worked on dental hygene, and everything to that degree. As I made my way out, I jumped in surprise.

"Goodmorning, beautiful~" Kaito chanted, leaning against the wall in a---even I'll admit it---somewhat sexy fashion.

"H-hey," I stammered. "What are you doing here?" I asked and he scratched the back of his head nervously.

"Well... I just wanted to thank you for last night. I mean, I know we're strangers and it was all just for jealousy, but... I had fun. You're really nice to hang out with..." I smiled at him. Was that a blush I saw?

"I had fun, too! It was really nice to get to know you..." He nodded and we chatted all the way to my destination where I stopped him and told him that, unfortunately, he would have to stop here. We shared a laugh and I entered the unit, cleaning up, then heading to the mess hall where I was to work today. I entered and went straight to Mabel---a friend of mine---who I helped cook this morning's breakfast which we then served. As I was bringing out a tray of plates to prepare for lunch, someone stuck out their foot and tripped me. Sure enough, it was Mandy.

"Wow~ Look who showed up! It's Mandy, the Great Whore. A pleasure to see you. But don't you have someone's pants to get into?" I smiled sweetly and she scowled at me.

"Of course I do! Jack's. But I just wanted to warn you, if you don't stay away from Kaito, I'll kill you." She glared and I laughed.

"You?! Kill me? Dear, you can't have every guy to yourself. Besides, who said I even liked him?" I asked and she rolled her eyes like I was the idiot here.

"It doesn't matter if you like him, it matters that he likes YOU. Jeez, how thick-headed can you get. Oh, well. Exactly what was expected from a little girl." She smirked at me, and it was either because: A. My jaw was practically on the floor, or, B. MY JAW WAS PRACTICALLY ON THE FLOOR.

"Wait, what?! Ka...Kaito likes me?!" Mandy continued to smirk and nodded.

"Ever since he met you." And then she left me to finish my work with that on my mind.

Was it true? Did he really... like me? I smiled at the thought. Maybe I would confront him about it tonight. Yes, tonight.

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