Chapter 9

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It's been so long, but I've had writer's block... I hope you like it! <3


Stephanie's POV:

I stood there, stock-still. In my door way was Jack, down on one knee, a cheap, plastic ring in a box.

"Steph, will you marry me?" He asked, a dazzling smile on his lips.

Tears filled my eyes as I returned the grin, and said one, single word.


Slamming the door in his face, I locked it and rested my head against it. Thank God in this place they had doors with locks, because right now, I honestly couldn't face him. More weeks had gone by without a word from him. Then, when I had JUST gotten the urge to confront him about it, I found the most horrifying piece of information.


Walking down the trodden, dirt sidewalk, I made my way to the new dorms which were slowly being made by the men. This camp was honestly sexist in the way they seperated people for jobs. Women did all of the cooking, cleaning, washing, and sewing, whereas the men did all of the actual labor. It was rare for a woman to receive a man's job, or a man a woman's and was only given on special occasion. People were still coming to the camp after two months, and apparently there were many more to come.

Making my way through the door frame of the soon-to-be dorm I found a recent friend of mine, Darren.

"Hey! Darren, have you seen Jack at all?" I asked, and he momentarily stopped his work of hammering nails in to glance at me.

"Oh, hey, Stephie," He greeted me with an excited grin. That's just how Darren was. Cheerful and energetic. "Hmm... I don't think I've seen him around. He's supposed to be here, but maybe he went on break. Check his assigned dorm?"

I nodded and thanked Darren, heading to room 226. In each dorm they had rooms where one person lived. You could move in with your mate, but for that happened you needed to be asked, and for some reason Jack had never asked me.

Making it to room 226, I knocked on the door. "Jack?" All was quiet. "Are you in there?"

A soft moan was heard from the room, and my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. What was that?

Reaching the door knob, I turned it and found the room open. When I had gotten in, I found myself completely and utterly shocked. There was Jack, alright. With Mandy. In an intense make-out session. And what else? They hadn't even NOTICED my entrance.

I could feel my face heat up in anger and I grabbed the nearest object, throwing it at them with full-force. I must have hit something because I heard a squeal of pain, and Jack shouted my name. But I wasn't turning back for him. I was already on my way back to my work, and already forgetting him for that matter.

*End of Flashback*

Fresh tears made their way down my face as I recalled the memory. I could hear Jack banging on the door, but was too preoccupied with my own pain to even answer him. Finally I heard him leave. After about another half an hour of sitting in the same position, I heard a small knock on the door. A let out another sigh and built up my courage, opening the front door.

"Listen Jack, I honestly don't need y---" Kaito stood there, looking me up and down with an eyebrow raised.

"Jack...? It's just me. I came to see if you have any spare blankets. There are too many refugees to keep up with the demands," he stated.

"Oh, yeah," I opened the door more. "You can come in."

Making my way to the small closet in my one-room dorm, I opened it and pulled out several blankets.

"Is this fine?" He nodded, taking note of my red, puffy eyes and giving me a pitying look. Did he know how Mandy, his mate, was cheating on him? Or was he still oblivious?

"Well, I should be going no---" I cut him off, grabbing his arm before he could turn.

"Do you... know about Mandy and Jack?" I asked and his face fell.

"Yeah..." He replied, dropping his gaze to the floor.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I figured you should find out for yourself."

"But you're going to do nothing about it?" I continued, bewildered.

"I don't know what I could do... It's not like I can stop them..."

"I say we get revenge." He quickly met my eyes, something dark glinting in his own.

"Revenge? How?"

"We... Oh! We get them jealous?" I blushed slightly. "Sorry, I think of main ideas and then I have trouble continuing them..." I smiled sheepishly and he returned them, support twinkling in his beautiful... dark, forest green eyes... It was kind of--- WAIT! What was I thinking?! I shook my head and continued on.

"So does it sound like a plan?" I asked and he grinned mischieveously.

"Damn well... Want to meet in the mess hall tonight and start planning?" He implored. A light blush shaded my cheeks, my heart thumping in my chest at his smile.

"A-a date?" I stammered and inwardly smacked myself. What was with this guy?! Why did I feel this way?! I had never had this feeling around Jack... Daichi spoke up and I jolted from my reverie.

"Yeah... A date." He shot me a warm smile that made my cheeks heat up even more and squeezed my hand gently before taking the blankets and running off.


I think I was in love.


YEY! The good stuff has come and now I have the will to upload more! <3

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