Chapter 8

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The pic is of Kaito. <3

Chapter Eight!!! Woooo! Why is Jack in such a pissy mood? Hm...I wonder, I wonder. He's kind of annoying. Getting on my nerves and all....


Stephanie's POV:

"Steph, can I talk to you?" Jack asked. Wow. That was the first thing he'd said to me in weeks.

"No." I responded nonchalantly.

"Good---Wait, what? But I---" I cut him off.

"This is the first thing you've said to me in MONTHS. A simple 'Oh hey, Steph! How's it going? You fitting in well?'" I glared at him and stormed away. I had to admit though, fitting in hadn't been a problem at all. The girls were so nice---I didn't really associate with the guys (they were all intimidated by me)---and I had learned that this "Mandy" was pretty much that one whore that you always hear about in stories. The chick that never did ANYTHING.

I sighed, entering my state of depression, as Puddin' walked up to me.

"Hey girlie!" I smiled, my mood brightening at her appearance. She barked happily as I pet her.

I kept walking, not paying attention for my life, and suddenly hit a wall, falling on my butt.

"Agh!" I screeched, holding my face. "What the fu---" I looked up and saw the guy who I had seen with Mandy.

"Oh, it's you." He looked down at me in confusion and then stretched his hand down, pulling me up. However, I guess he thought I weighed a lot or something because he accidentally pulled me into him. I blushed as red as a beet, sparks flying when he touched me.

"U-umm, sorry!" I stepped away and ran, Puddin' chasing after me. When I thought I had gotten far enough, I stopped and face-palmed. I could have at least gotten his name and not have been as nervous as a school girl! Jeez.. -.- I rubbed my temples, now annoyed.

I heard the click-clacking of heels and looked up. What the hell? Oh, it was just Mandy. She stopped in front of me.

"Can I help...?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest and raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, stay away from Kaito." She said and I gave her a confused look.

"My mate. The one you met. Green eyes. Blonde hair." Mandy continued to list off things and then realization hit me. So that was who he was.

"Kaito, huh...? Well, good luck getting me to stay away from him. You can't stay away from any of the guys, so why should I listen to you?" I asked and she sneered.

"Bad things happen when you don't listen to me." She said and I started to laugh like there was no tomorrow.

"HAH! That's good, now go run off and climb into another guys' bed while you're at it, hun." I snickered. She sent me a death glare.

"Oh, and while I'm at it, you should stay away from Jack too." Now that surprised me. Why should I stay away from Jack? He did pick me as his mate, didn't he? He was the first guy who had ever really taken interest in me....

"Whatever." I shrugged, brushing the thought away and moving past her. But even through all my efforts, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong off of me.


Uh oh. O.O What is Mandy talking about...? And why should Stephanie stay away from Jack? all doesn't add up....Find out on the next upload. :P

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