First Taste

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Here's the next chapter......

Warning triggers ahead!

I decided not to mention that guy Aro to anyone; nor let anyone else know about it at home either, because I don't trust anyone knowing this, that I think the Cullens could be witches after he called the Cullens the Cullen Coven.
I just hope he don't pop up again, because he gave me the heebie jeebies, and I think Charlie would agree too if I ever brought it up....hell I think he'd get a patrol car out there to see if Aro pops up again, but I don't need to bring it up, and be embarrassed by him doing that, him sending a patrol officer to watch the school and over my safety.
Fuck I'd be made fun of too, and I don't need that at all!

I was sitting in the woods; my back resting against a tree, a blanket under me, and I was listening to music outloud, and the song called Faizh by Jiluka played loudly from my phone, and I was holding a book, which was in braille, of a book series I liked, which was Vampire Kisses, about a teen goth girl who is dating a vampire, it's a kinda cheesy book series, but I like it.
Menace soon played next, and I like Jiluka alot; wish I could get their albums.
I'm one of those girls that likes screamo Japanese rock music.
I hum as I trail my fingers over the braille lettering, my mind reading in my head scenes from the book series, and the half vampire brother of the male lead was causing issues, and it was getting dangerous for the female lead.

I heard a crack of a stick; which my ears wouldn't mistake it for my music, and I tilt my head to the side, and I call out to Charlie.
I heard no answer as the song Menace was finishing up, and my anxiety was kicking up, since I could feel eyes upon me, predatory eyes; eyes that saw me as their prey.
I frown deeply, and dig into my purse, grabbing my SOS alarm, which is loud, and could be heard for leagues away, and I hold it in my hand, and I press the alarm, making it beep loudly.
I know that Dad would hear it from the house, and go looking in the woods where I'm at, so I calmly set it upon my lap, letting it blare, turning my music off, and I patiently wait for Dad to come find me, as I turn the page of my book after reading the last passage, and I heard crunching of footsteps approach, the steps of hurried ones, them crunching the pine needles and fallen leaves as my SOS alarm wailed, it vibrating the woods for miles.

I heard heavy breathing, as the crunching footsteps stopped, and Dad says.
"Honey; why are you blaring your SOS alarm?"

I turn my SOS alarm off.
"I felt unsafe; me feeling something watching me."

I heard him unholster his gun, and him cock it, and I heard him walking around, him looking for anyone that could be spying upon me, and he sighs, him de-cocking his handgun.
"I don't see anyone, but I know you're never wrong, so let's pack up and go into the house, alright."

I stand up, closing my book, and turning my music off, and Dad grabbed my blanket, and purse, as he set my SOS alarm inside my purse, and he guided me back to the house.
"I was making beef pot roast when I heard your SOS alarm."
He says to me.
"It scared me."

"Sorry; but I swear I felt something or someone watching me Dad."
I tell him.

"It could've been an animal, so don't get too worked up."
He replied to me.

No; it wasn't an animal, to me it was a predator that was probably human.
I thought to myself as I walked up the steps of the home, and he guided me to sit upon the couch.

"I'll warsh your blanket immediately."
He says to me as he sets my purse next to me on the couch, and I heard him walk into the washing room, and I could hear the pressure cooker hissing in the kitchen.

I sigh, me holding my book that's in braille.
I know what I felt and heard, so why didn't it reveal itself to Dad?
I thought to myself, my anxiety kicking up immediately after we returned home.
Dad probably thinks I'm crazy now.
I sigh yet again at my thoughts.

A knock sounded at the door, and Dad yells at me.
"Can you answer the door honey!
I'm busy!"

"I will!"
I call to him, and I get up, me walking towards the door, and I grab the door knob, and turn it, but when I opened the door, the expensive cologne from the old era hits my senses, that I remembered that person Aro wore.

"Hello love; we meet again."
He says to me, making me freeze, my eyes moving side to side, me recognizing his British accent.

"Why are you stalking me?"
I whisper harshly to him.

"Stalking you?
No; I am keeping an eye on you love."
He replied to me, making me scowl heavily at him.

"Then why you are doing that?
Are you some kind of predator?"
I ask him.

He chuckled at me.
"Do I seem predatory?"

You came to school where only students are allowed, just so you could sit with me, then you come to my home?
That is predatory stalking, and I can get a restraining order if I wanted to."
I tell him point-blankly.

"Restraining orders do not work on me, let alone the police."
He laughed lightly at me.

"Who's this honey?"
I heard Dad walk up, him cheerful.

"Hello good sir; I am her lover."
Aro lied to my stepfather.

I gape in shock he said that as the two I heard shook hands, and Dad replied.
"Your hands are freezing."

"Yes; I'm rather cold blooded."
Aro chuckled.

Dad asked him.

"A joke good sir."
Aro replied to my stepdad, who I see as my real father.

"Oh I see; but why didn't she tell me about you?"
Dad asked Aro.

"Because I am much older, and she was afraid of your reaction.
We have been writing to each other, but alas the writing stopped, so I came from Rome, to America, to look for her, to see her in person."
Aro kept lying to my Dad, and I was furious by now of Aro lying, because no, we ain't dating at all.

You came all the way from Rome?!
Then you're a loyal guy!
My daughter needs a man like that in her life!"
My stepfather says cheerfully to Aro, him warming up to Aro very easily, which is very unlike him, and creeps me out.

"May I borrow her for a few hours?"
Aro asked Charlie, my stepfather.

"Sure; just make sure she's safe because she's blind."
Charlie tells Aro a little too much information.

"She's blind?"
I felt Aro's eyes staring upon my face.

"Yes; you'll need to make sure she don't run into anything."
Charlie says to Aro.

"Then I will do that."
I felt Aro's cold as ice hand take my hand into his own, and the chills that went up my arm, and created gooseflesh upon my skin skittered up to my neck too, making the hair upon my neck stand on end.
"Come then."
Aro orders me; and I was hesitant to do as he asked, but if I refuse, my stepdad will know Aro is lying we have been dating, and I don't want an all out brawl to happen between my stepdad and Aro, so I sigh, me giving into his whims for now, as he started walking away, me walking beside him, that is until my foot slipped on ice, but as I fell, I felt arms catch me in mid air, then pull me into what felt like, I felt on my fingers, was an expensive suit, and I curl my fingers on the suit of his out of instinct, since my heart raced from nearly falling.
"Are you alright love?"
He murmured into my right ear, making warm chills skitter across my body more.

I blink up and I go wide eyed, as his face was an inch from mine, revealing a pale as snow face, red vibrant eyes, pink full lips, long dark hair combed back, that some of it rested upon his chest of his suit, and I knew the rest went to his middle of his back.
His pink lips formed a mischievous smile with straight white teeth.
"Can you see my face?"
I avoid looking at him.
"Are you shocked?
Were you expecting I look like a stacked filthy swine?"

Can you blame me?
I thought you were an obese filthy dude in skidmark underwear, that is a pedo.
I thought to myself, me annoyed my imagination of this guy was stupid at the school.

He chuckled at me; and walked with me in his arms like I weighed nothing, then he sets me on my shoes, and I heard a car door open, and I felt him grab my right arm, guiding me to sit in the vehicle, and as I sat in the vehicle I could smell this car was new, very new, or a very new rental, and I felt the seat was a big one a limo would have, as I scoot to sit by the far window.
I tilt my head to the right, me listening, but I didn't hear anyone else breathing in the vehicle, so I couldn't tell who else is inside this vehicle, but I saw very dark tints on the windows, they were almost black....well the shape of them.

"Milord; is it wise to bring her?"
I jolt a bit in my seat, hearing another voice, which was male.

"Caius it is very necessary."
Aro emphasized the word Very.

I felt eyes on me, then this person Caius say.
"Have it your way Milord, but involving yourself with her will cause trouble for us by the Cullen Coven."

Again; the witch talk, so are they witches?
Who are they?
Who are the Cullens?
Who is Aro to the Cullens?
That is what I was thinking this very moment as I felt a cold hand enclosed around my left hand, the hand was very very cold, like so cold, to where it reminded me of doctor's hands are cold.

I left my phone back home too, so I was concerned if something went wrong, that I couldn't call Charlie, so I'll have to defend myself though I'm blind.
"You need not worry."
I tilt my head towards Aro's voice, but why did I have a feeling he was brutally and horridly lying to me.

Weird it's like he read my mind, but there's no way he could read my mind.
I thought to myself, me confused.

"Head onward."
Aro told the driver, and I felt the vehicle start to move, and my eyes moved side to side, me listening to my surroundings, and I still didn't hear no breathing from both men, which is kinda creepy.

"She does smell enticing right Caius?"
Aro says to Caius.

"Indeed; but why did you pick her?
You can have any woman you want, but you chose a blind woman."
Caius says to Aro as if he's displeased with Aro bringing me along.

"Because once I saw her I knew I had to make her mine."
Aro says to Caius, making my anxiety kick up, and I used my other hand to feel for the door handle, but I heard the lock to the doors click downward.
"Did I say you could leave love?"
I felt Aro's breath fan my left side of my neck and by my ear, which felt cold, and I started trembling, me scared he'd sexually assault me, so I started tugging wildly at the door knob, but with hopelessness.

"That's right; you have succumbed to your fear, just like any other human being."
I heard Caius mock me in a condescending voice.

"Being afraid will make me hunger more little vixen."
Aro whispered into my neck, and I felt his tongue lick my left side of my neck, making my heart lurch into my chest in utter terror.

"Please let me go!"
I squeak out in my terror like a rabbit caught by a predator.

"Sadly I cannot let you go love."
I heard a click of something, what sounded like a blade coming out from a pocket knife.
I then knew he was going to mutilate me, so I struggled even more in an attempt to open the door, but failed, then I started kicking the driver's seat, making the driver truly ignore me.

"Control her or I am purposely crashing this vehicle!"
I heard a much younger male voice growl out that threat.

"Do not order Lord Aro around Alec!"
Caius growled out to the person driving he called Alec.

I felt a hand grab my right hand, and held it to the door, and Aro's hand holding my left hand lift it up, then I scream as I felt a blade make a small cut into my palm, tears flooding down my round cheeks in fear, then I felt a cold mouth go to my palm, and felt the person sucking my bleeding palm, but didn't use teeth.
"We do not need a baby vampire Milord."
Caius commented to Aro, and I then knew that Aro was sucking my hand, drawing in my blood, so he was a vampire, and so was Caius, and Alec!

"Please let me go!"
I sob in fear, me terrified I'll be killed next, me now knowing they aren't witches, but vampires, and I wanted to escape far from here.

I felt Aro's mouth pull away from my bleeding hand and he says.
"Sadly you are never returning home my dear."
I go wide eyed in fear when he says this, me petrified by him saying this, and I started struggling the best I could then and there, me screaming Let Me Out over and over, until I got tired, me realizing it's pointless to struggle, when they are much stronger than me, me breathing hard, me knowing my fate was sealed, me kidnapped by vampires, which I never thought could exist.


To be continued......

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