To Rome We Go Prey!

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Here's the next chapter.....

I was sobbing as I was shoved onto my back in the seat of this vehicle, and Caius then complains.
"Her sobbing is getting on my nerves Milord."

Well I'm sorry I'm crying in terror you jackass!
I thought harshly to him.

"I will gag her."
Aro I heard say, and I felt a cloth wrap around my head, and cover my mouth, and he tied it in order.
I whimper in pain as I felt the knife he held, then made a small cut on my other hand, and I felt him put his cold freezing mouth to that hand, and I heard him sucking my hand, him taking in my blood, and not biting my hand.

I figured vampires would have fangs like in Buffy or like Vampire Diaries, but no, it's all horse shit then, but their bodies being cold was no lie.
I'm absolutely petrified after being kidnapped, and I wanted to return home, but Aro told me I wasn't returning home, and I know Charlie will search high and low for me, him even going to Rome to find me, since Aro mentioned he's from Rome, so that meant he was a foreigner to the United States.

"Is she really worth kidnapping?
I truly think it is not worth it."
I heard Alec the driver scoff at Aro, and I heard Caius sigh in an annoyed way, like he's tired of Alec firing his mouth off.

"Alec your vile mouth never ceases to amaze me."
I heard Aro say as I felt him pull his mouth away from my bleeding hand.

"You kidnapping her will be your undoing Milord; especially since her father is a police officer."
Alec replied to Aro.

"Though he is an officer of the law; he will not be able to find her, even if he comes to Rome, and I shall make sure of it."
Aro retorts calmly back and I felt him wrap my cut hands in two cloths, him tying them onto my hands.

"Are we almost to the private airline, so we can leave this small town?"
Aro asked Alec.

"Yes; we are."
Alec replied.

I felt cold fingers go through my short hair that was an ashen blonde color, and cut short like a boy.
My hair being cut like this is better to be kempt than having it long, due to my blindness, and I'm guessing Aro was caressing my ashen golden locks, which made me feel more tears go down my cheeks, me not liking him touching me right now.

"Do not forget humans eat food Milord, if you want to keep her in our coven within our home."
Caius says to Aro, and I knew he was giving advice to Aro.
"As well as she defecates and needs baths."

"You forget Caius women have menses; so she will need sanitary products."
Alec reminded Caius of the things I'll need if they want to keep me captive.

"We will shop for those things when we return to Rome."
I heard Aro sit up in the leather seat I was laying on, and it sounded like he was sitting with his legs crossed.

"Milord; are you willing to share her blood with us?"
Caius asked Aro, which made me whimper in fear.

"No; her blood belongs to me, and no other vampire.
Do I make myself heard to you?"
Aro retorts calmly back at Caius.

"Yes; Milord I understand."
Caius says to Aro, and I felt his eyes were staring at me.

"Contact the coven; and tell them no vampire is allowed to touch this human, but me."
Aro says as an order like an authoritarian leader.

"I will send a message immediately."
Caius says to Aro.
"Aren't telephones a nifty invention?
Just a few taps and I can send a message to everyone in our coven."

"Jane loves taking selfies."
Alec comments to Caius.

"What are selfies?"
Aro asked Alec.

"They are portraits you take of yourself and share with others."
Alec replied to Aro.

"I do not need a telephone."
Aro replied to Alec, and I heard the frown in his voice.

"Actually you will soon."
Alec replied to Aro.

"These telephones can catch us whilst feeding, and that is not good."
Caius says to Aro.
"So we must create laws to where if you are filmed feeding, then you are executed."

Are these people crazy?!
I thought to myself, me scared that maybe Aro wants to turn me into a vampire, and if I become a vampire, I could do a fuck up, to where I'm caught on film feeding on humans, and I'd rather not be a vampire, and I don't want to be a vampire, but a human.

"Poor human; she's petrified."
Caius says in a mocking fashion, as if he's making fun of me for being terrorized by them.

"Her fear smells delicious does it not Caius?"
Aro chuckled darkly at Caius.

I kicked where I thought Aro was sitting, but I felt a hand grab my upper chubby right thigh.
"That is not proper, you harming your master."
Aro retorts gently to me, but by the sound of his voice, he seemed excited I was fighting him, which makes him a complete and utter psychopath.
"My how cruel you are, calling me a psychopath."
He mused mockingly out at me.

Did he just read my mind?!
That's impossible!
Nobody can read minds, that is only in fictional books that could happen!
I thought to myself, me terrified he can read my mind, he would know what I'm thinking, especially if I planned an escape.

"Escaping would result in your death woman."
He retorts at me, him growling at me like a feral evil creature.

You're not the boss of me!
I thought to myself, my emotions in my mind showing my loathing of him.

"On the contrary; I am your master, and you shall do what your master desires, lest you be punished severely."
Aro laughed at me after he said that.

"Escaping is not wise; unless you want other coven members to devour you."
Caius says as a warning to me I could tell by the sound of his voice, which made my blood run cold.

I attempt to kick Aro again with my other foot, but he caught my inner left thick thigh again like the other one, and he growled out.
"Shall I teach you manners little vixen?"

Kiss my ass!
I thought towards him harshly.

"I would rather eat your arse."
He replied to me.

"Milord how inappropriate."
Caius cleared his throat nervously.

"So you're into eating ass Milord?"
Alec asked Aro, which I could tell he was teasing Aro.

"All of her I will devour soon enough."
Aro retorts back at Alec.

"Take a joke as it is Milord and quit being an uptight miss priss."
Alec retorts back.

Do not speak to Lord Aro that way, unless you want to be flogged when we return to Rome!"
Caius yelled at Alec, which made me jolt at him yelling at Alec.

"I will schedule your flogging when we return Alec."
Aro; I could hear his sneer within his voice.

The vehicle pulled to a stop, and I heard the doors open to the vehicle, and Aro dragged me by my thighs out of the vehicle, making my shirt I wore pull up and reveal my slight pot belly, and I then was hauled over Aro's shoulder, and I fixed my shirt in order, me embarrassed he saw my bra probably.
I then was carried in his arms, him pulling me into his arms, as I heard him go up some steps, and then I felt him set me in a chair, and buckle me in.
I was still gagged, and as I sat there; I heard shuffling noises, and then I felt something sharp go into my neck, and a burning sensation, and my mind became dark, meaning I was given a knock out drug.
My fate for now onward I believe will be a horrible one, and I will find a way to escape even if it kills me.


To be continued.....

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