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Chakor comes out only to see him standing near the car. All family members came out. But Suraj was  determined to leave. Chakor went to convince him but stopped as she received a text message from her father in law, "Beta! Don't do anything..let's give him some time. He will be ok in some time."

Chakor nodded him in yes and he stopped all others and let Sukor go.

Suraj took her bag and kept it in the car. He made her sit in the car and went to take his place. He looked back to others but because of anger, he didn't go to them. And they left.

On the way, there was complete silence until Chakor broke it. He was driving in complete rage. No expressions, no talks, no discussion but his anger was clearly visible.
Chakor placed her hand on his, "Suraj!"
Suraj, " I am fine!"
Chakor, "No! You are not!"
Suraj removed his hand.
Chakor held her stomach shouting, "Suraj! Stop the car!! Stop the car!"
Suraj stopped immediately...came out of the car to her.. , "What happened!? Stomach ache!!?? Wait we'll go to hospital!?"
Chakor held his hand saying, "Suraj!! It's paining alot!! Aaaaahhhh!!!"
Suraj, " don't worry! There is a hospital near! I'll take you. Just a minute!"
Chakor held his hand tight, "Don't go anywhere! I have my medicine in the bag!"
Suraj, " where chakor! Tell me! I will take out!" picking up her bag.
She directed him, "Suraj! Open the bag! There's a pocket inside!" Suraj opened it as soon as possible and searched for the pocket!
Suraj, "Found it! What next!"
Chakor, "There must be something paper like thing!"
Suraj checking, "yes! Yes! Found it!"
Chakor, "Take it out!"
Suraj in hurry took out that paper,  only to find a photo of himself. He said, "Chakor! There's no medicine! It's my photo!" And looked up to her only to find her teeth out! And again she smiling the most beautiful smile!

Suraj confusingly asked her, "Medicine!?"
Chakor , " Yup! That smile there on the face of that idiot in the photo is my medicine! These days it isn't that affective because the real one isn't that smily as he used to!" with a sad pout.
Suraj with his mouth open looked at her. She was smiling at his reaction. And he moved to look at the picture where he was smiling. Seeing and realizing what happened just now, he started smiling. Chakor seeing him smiling was the most content one. After all, she did what she never used to....acting! For this man. He changed her alot!

Love is not what forces you to change. Love is what changes you gradually without your own knowledge. You realize it when you look back at your old self. Same was in our story. Chakor never adjusted according to him, nor he did. But both were changed. Yes! They were.

Back to the story, Suraj, "Oh! So you were fooling me!"
Chakor, "Yes! Sir! I was! I was born with that right!"
Suraj, "What if I start showing my rights on you? Haan!" Leaning on her! And that smile on her face turned to fear. She moved back and he leaned more over her.

He said in a husky voice, "By the way, mine is a fundamental right!"
Chakor, "Surajjjjjjjjjjj!!"
Suraj, "Now see your expressions!" And started laughing at her!
Chakor pushed him back and embarrassed avoided to look at him. But she was fine in moments seeing him happy.

After ten minutes,
This time he began, "Chakor!!"
Chakor, "Yes"
Suraj, "You missed me! Hai na!!"
Chakor, "As if you didn't missed me!" pouting.
Suraj, "I missed you alot! Chakor."
Chakor, " I too missed you! But you were showing attitude and didn't call me!"
Suraj, "oho! Like you called me!"
Chakor, "I didn't had my phone!"
Suraj, "I broke mine."
Chakor, "Why did you break it??"
Suraj, "Because you left! And I was in anger!"
Chakor, "Your anger! Hats off! Did you even realize what you did today! Suraj they will never do what's wrong for us. They care."
Suraj, "Acha! Was it going to be good, what they were doing now!"
Chakor, "Suraj! You know I realized what actually they wanted to do... when I was waiting for you. Was it possible that I and you would have said out what we feel for each other under normal circumstances. They were enacting everything so that we can confess our love."
Suraj, "Chakor! I don't know why, but I cannot look at it that way! I can't dare imagine what consequences would have followed!"
Chakor realizing that she should not talk more on this, changed the topic, " by the way, you must be on leave!"
Suraj, "I got one due to fev...." And his words seized as soon as he realized that this can tense her.
Chakor, " I right?" And with a tensed look she checked on him only to find his temperature raised. "Is it the way to ignore yourself. We must have stayed at home. You are not well. I can see redness in your eyes. But no!! Mr. Suraj Rajvanshi doesn't care about anything! He is a self imagined hero."
Suraj with raised eyebrows, "Your hero!"
Chakor irritated, "Stop the car! I will drive now! Take some rest. It's already six and you have spent your whole day in travelling."
Suraj, "Madam! My dear life is very precious to me! You and drive! This is the G.T. road, an highway not a playground!" and he burst out laughing.
Chakor hit him hard but he continued. After much insisting, he stopped the car near a dhabha. After all both were hungry...after undergoing so much of emotional and mental dilemma.
Suraj declared it as their first dinner date because the very first one was a blunder according to him. They again had an argument on what scale their very first date should be rated. Suraj called it a zero date. Chakor called it the best one. And what followed was their usual fight. What more can we expect from them. However, the fight didn't last long. As soon as they saw each other, the usual smile or rather the most wonderful one ended all disputes.

Suraj ordered the food for Chakor. He was in no mood to have food. He was not well after all. He wanted to keep his head down on table and take some rest...but he can't do so in front of Chakor. She might again get tensed. However, Chakor was the Intelligent one. She went to the counter saying she has to order more, but reality was different. She asked the owner of the dhabba if there is any hotel nearby for a night stay. The owner explained her all things, that what facilities they would get there and everything.

On the table,
As ordered her food came. She took her chair and went to sit near him. When he was sitting with his head down. She took a morsel and offered it to him. He refused but she was determined so held his hand. As soon as she did so, he melted...and out of no where opened his mouth to have it. So, our lady here knows what his weakness is. And our gentleman, can be swayed away by her small tactics very easily. She knew this and made him have proper food. After, the dinner...she clicked her fingers which brought Suraj out of his fairy world. She took away the car keys, paid the dhabba owner and took him to the car. Now, it was getting worse for him. He couldn't keep his eyes open. Chakor looked for a hotel nearby and checked in. She asked the manager to send a doctor for him.

She took him to the room and help him to lie down on the bed. He partly lost his consious. She removed his shoes and shocks, made him lie  comfortably and pulled up the blanket over him. The doctor came in, and gave some medicines to her.

She went to sit near him. The events of the day came in her mind. How she woke up with an headache with the thought that this gonna be a long day. Yes! It was a really long day. A day of worth remembering throughout the life. The day that started with despair and agony....ends with so much love. Indeed it was her family, who was responsible. Suraj couldn't understand this but soon he will. They waited for fifteen days to confess their love but when unsuccessful, they made the situation harsh for them, and the result was this. She was sorry for talking to so rude to the family...but that all was involuntary. But this day, gave her Suraj, his love and it's physical existence. Now she could feel herself filled up with all his affection. Her so called 'friend', was now her 'more than friend'.....yup! She yet can't call him husband. She smiled at herself. Seeing him, she realized how her world revolves just around him. His closed eyes had so much love filled in them for her.

Just then, Suraj held her hand..and rested his head on her lap.
Chakor smilingly, "Feeling better now!?"
Suraj, "Hmm"
Chakor, "Ok! Now sleep!" Caressing his hairs.
Suraj in his feeble voice, "Did we struggle so much today to sleep!"
Chakor, "What!?" not getting what he meant.
Suraj, "I want to talk to you endlessly tonight!"
Chakor, "Ohh!"
Suraj, "What did you think?"
Chakor, "No nothing!"
Suraj, "Chakor! What now? I mean what is our equation now. Can you elaborate please!"
Chakor, "Ummm! I can't make out exactly what should we call it"
Suraj, " more than 'just friend' and less than 'husband-wife'.......let us make it boyfriend and girlfriend. Yup! That sounds awesome!" And both laughed in unison.

Chakor, "Suraj you know what! I really couldn't make out what and how was our relationship going. But what I realize now that it was you who wanted to give it a particular direction. I wasn't."
Suraj, " yeah! You were not! But you were afraid that I may force you into all this."
Chakor, "excuse me! I am afraid of nothing!"
Suraj, " I know! I always wanted to make it slow. I fell for you the very moment, I saw you for the very first time. But I knew it's nothing but infatuation. Consequences led to our marriage but I wanted to love you first. And yes! I am loving you since you were away from me with your parents in London."
Chakor in utter shock,"What!! Since then you have been quite."
Suraj, "Yes! Because I was afraid of getting a slap from you. By the way, Chakor when did you fall for me."
Chakor, "As expected! When you started ignoring me... getting angry on me... hurting me again and again! Obviously you'll have to pay back!"
Suraj, "Do you even know how much it hurts me, when I do that to you."
And they held each other. He loved to luxuriate in her presence. She felt as a sunbather feels the sun. And she had her personal sun, Suraj. They slept in each other's arms, there whole world concentrated in the gap between them. It was love, immense love, pure love, love as clear as water, love as clean as sky. No physical attraction, no want...just love. Simply LOVE!

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