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The morning full of bliss. 

Sukor completing six months of marriage, six months of legal living with each other, six months of understanding each other, six months of unsaid love, six months of feelings. Everything seemed so worthy after what happened the day before.

Suraj was fine now. However, he wasn't allowed to go office by his own majesty, his wife because he already worked tirelessly and that was the reason of his illness. His office people too were on Chakor's side and after a lot of insistence, he was forced to sit at home. 

They were at their house and Chakor was preparing lunch, when the door bell rang. Suraj went to see and was taken aback to see his parents, Chakor's parents and Shashwat. He was in a very good mood  but at the very first sight of his family, all the harsh events clouded his mind and he backed off without greeting them. 

The family was basically there for celebrating Sukor's six months marriage anniversary...but somewhere to convince Suraj that all what happened in previous days, was purely inacted and they had no intentions of parting them. However, with there arrival, Suraj left for his room and remained there. Chakor, on the other hand, greeted them warmly and welcomed. 

Shashwat was deeply sorry for what he did. He knew under what circumstances, and under how much pressure from his uncle n aunt, he got ready to do all this. This was expected from Suraj and is anger is purely justified, but he can't afford to lose his only friend who was not less than his brother. His only family.

So with the determination to get back his lost trust, Shashwat went to Suraj.

Suraj was leaned on the window of his room, concentrating on the hub-hub of the street down there.. when Shashwat broke his reverie, "Suraj!"

Suraj in a stern voice, "Why have you come here?"

Shashwat, "You know better than me!"

Suraj, "Yes I know! And I know that you are wasting your time here, so leave!"

Shashwat moving in front of him, " Suraj! I know you are hurt! But believe me! I only wanted you and Chakor to unite." 

Suraj, " oh! Was this the only way. How can you even think of such a low thing."

Shashwat, "No! Never! But you know what... anything that could clear your misunderstandings and bring you both near..never seemed low to me."

Suraj, " Shashwat I am sorry! But I can't forget that."

Shashwat, " Ok! Your remembering that and hating me for that, gives me the assurance that you love Chakor to infinity..." smilingly, "And I time when I come back, I will get a football team ready for me!" and chuckled. Suraj hearing this hit him hard. And after a round of glaring, both laughed together. 

Since Shashwat was forgiven, whole family too took the opportunity to get the most out of it...and all issues were sorted. After lunch, whole family settled in the dining room except sukor. Guess! Where they can be?? Yup ;)

In the kitchen, Chakor was cleaning plates and Suraj was there to take water for his medicines. When Chakor noticed his presence, she said, "I knew this!"

Suraj, "What?"

Chakor, "That you can't be angry with us for a longer time."

Suraj nearing her, "Us!? Who was angry with you...but if you are ready to convince me with those typical wife tricks, I would love to enjoy the attention..." smirkingly.

Chakor returning back a smirk, "Get a typical wife then! Sir!"

And he was taken aback with her lovely taunt.

Chakor, "By the way, Shashwat told me..he said something magical to you and you melted in a second. Tell me that..." and he spilled all the water, he was drinking, coughing at her demand. How could he tell her that he melted at the thought of having a football team ;)

In the evening, sukor were made to cut a cake after Tejaswini did their aarti. They took blessings from everyone. The family members were to leave to their respective places and after a sweet celebration, they left. Shashwat left for Dubai, Chakor's parents for London, and Suraj's for Lucknow. After seeing them off, sukor came is... when out of nowhere, Suraj blocked Chakor's way. And she bumped into him. Irritated, Chakor, "What is wrong!"

Suraj, "Everything."

Chakor, "Have you lost something you never had!"

Suraj, "Yes."

And she tried to move away but he was hell bent on not letting her pass. 

Chakor, "What happened? Anything wrong?"

Suraj, " Today we have got a reason to celebrate. I am here. You are here. Don't you think we should make our day memorable for our life to come." 

Chakor thought in some direction and her conclusion made her all nervous and butterflies occupying her stomach. 

Suraj broke her train of thoughts and said, " I am giving you ten minutes, get ready...I have a surprise for you."

Chakor, "What surprise?!"

Suraj, "Something that will surprise you alot!" and left to change. 

Chakor was constantly working on what it can be. Is it...and shook her head desperately. May be he's taking her on a long drive. But please! They had enough of it. May be a dinner. But it's just six in the evening. She was brought back in this world by a voice saying, "Are you ready...or should I leave!"

Getting ready in her favorite dress of pink color, she moved out of her room to him. She knew he will love it more if she wears her own favourite than his. That was the beauty of his love. Suraj saw her and instantly complimented, " You are looking great!" And she smiled. It was not that she didn't liked what Suraj wore, but she was shy enough to confess what she feels. 

There was a hotel...a grand hotel... beautiful decorations all over. It was in the outskirts of the city, pollution free environment and fresh air. Her doubts were deepening. Obviously they were not going for a dinner. Suraj took keys from the manager and held Chakor's hand. They were most probably going to get a room. Chakor was getting impatient. She didn't wanted to make everything so fast. But they both love each other and that's where everything seems correct. It was just her assumption. Was it really true!? Or there was still a probability of something else...on their six months anniversary. 

It was not a room door, because it was a grand door... really big...was it terrace or a hall. Yup! It was a hall..what she could make out from the darkness coming through the in way. Suraj signalled her to go in and she followed. Still wondering, what her surprise is, she took a look of the place. It was a huge hall with a balcony from which moonlight entered. She could feel Suraj entering and closing the door. She could feel him standing behind her. Yes! What it was!? Her mind seriously struggled to make out...unless a light from one of walls flashed in front of her. 

Bliss! Pure Bliss! Happiness to see all that will count to be some of the best memories of her life. There were pictures on the wall that lighted one after the other...the first one being their first ever picture and another one with their rings exchanged. How beautiful their room was on the day of marriage to how lovely it looked while making lunch together. How beautiful she looked with her bangles gifted by him to how smart he looked wearing the shirt she gifted. How much they cherished that each and every moment. How much they loved the moment when a new picture flashed. How much they rejoiced what they felt at that particular time. It was wonderful. 

After seeing their picture that was clicked yesterday, she was sure it's an end and was about to turn when the floor lighted up! I LOVE YOU CHAKOR was all that written with the beautiful candles. All glistening up, at once making her both, shocked and surprised. Everything seemed so perfect and she felt like the queen of this world. 

Another look of the place. That hall looked like her world. The memories from six months back, the most awaited words, all glistening in their best way. There was something more that was glistening. The water in her eyes. She could all time feel him standing behind her. Not touching. Just standing and most probably smiling... because the air around her had the familiar fervour it always has when he smiles. 

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