Ch:9 [New Experience]

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“Oh God, it's almost 5:00 pm. Where is Jungkook? Did he forget? No way... If he...

“Ynaahhh...” I felt relief as soon as I heard his voice. It's my first time waiting for someone at a park rather than home.

“You're late, Jungkook.” For the first time in my life, I complained to someone like this.

“My bad, Yn. Okay, wait here. I am coming.” He said and was about to leave, but I held his hand.

“Where are you going, leaving me alone again, huh?” I asked and saw him becoming a statue.

Jk's POV

“Where are you going, leaving me alone again, huh?” She said, placing both hands on her waist. Omo, so cute, but I felt something in her words.

“I-I am just going to buy a special thing,” I said to her like a robot.

“Okay, then go and come back fast. I am getting bored sitting here alone,” she said, pouting her face.

“Wanna go with me?” I offered, and in an instant, her eyes sparked up. I shook my head and headed towards the shop with her.

15 minutes later...

“Which one Yn? Blueberry, strawberry, vanilla, or chocolate?? Or something else???” I asked her because we have been standing here inside the ice cream parlor for the last 10 minutes, but she hasn't chosen a single one yet.

Suddenly, she came towards me and leaned towards my ear. “Jungkook, I never tasted ice cream before. So, I don't know how chocolate or vanilla will taste as ice cream. Can you choose a good one for me?” she whispered.

My heart clenched upon hearing her. How low can parents go? They can't even fulfill their child's childhood desires? I looked at her and then went to order.

“Give us each two cups of each ice cream.” I felt a tug on my shirt when I was ordering. I looked at her and saw her shaking her head. I raised one eyebrow to ask her what she was trying to say.

She leaned closer to my ear again and whispered, “Why are you ordering too much? I said choose one cup. I can't finish all of this.”

“Okay then.” I looked at her, and she is right; we can't finish this much. So I called one of the waiters and asked to change my order. This time we ordered just two cups of two-in-one vanilla-chocolate ice cream and packed one box of each flavor of ice cream for home.

She was too happy, and I was beyond happy to see her happy. And the main thing is left. I have to ask her no matter what.

We reached home, and she was about to go upstairs, but I held her hand. She looked at me with her questioning gaze.

"Yn, I have something to talk to you about..." I hesitated a bit, unsure of how she would reply.

"Okay, give me 5 minutes. I will come after freshening up?" I nodded, and she went upstairs.

I was looking at the way she went, but suddenly I felt a shiver and quickly looked out of the window. The bushes beside the window suddenly moved as if something was there.

"It's creepy."

I also went to the bedroom to freshen up.

Yn's POV

Just after 5 minutes, I came downstairs but couldn't find Jungkook, so I went towards his room.

I knocked on his door, “Jungkook, are you there? Can I come in?”

“Yeah, I am done. Come inside,” he answered from inside, and I opened the door only to see him struggling to put on his t-shirt. I quickly turned around, he quickly put on his shirt, and tapped my shoulder.

“It's done. You can turn around,” he said and went to his bed.

I turned around and asked, “Why did you come into the room when I was waiting for you downstairs?”

“Sorry, I thought to freshen up at the same time,” he said and smiled softly.

“It's okay,” I said and sat beside him. “What do you want to tell me, Jungkook?”

“Yn, do one thing, shift everything from your room to my room, then I can freely talk with you,” his words astonished me. The Jungkook who never let me into his room is now demanding that I stay with him in the same room.

“But Jungkook...” He cut me off in the middle. “No 'buts,' Yn. It's the final decision. Let's go and bring everything from your room and then arrange my room together,” he said happily and dragged me with him.

Late at night, after dinner, we were laying beside each other on the bed.

“Yn...” He called me softly, and I hummed.

“Aren't you feeling creepy?” His question astonished me. I quickly turned towards him.

“Why? What happened, Jungkook?”

“When we were downstairs, I felt like someone was keeping their eyes on us. And when I looked at the window, the bushes suddenly moved as if someone was there. I am really feeling creepy,” he said while making faces.

“Should we report this to the police, Yn?” He asked again, now looking at me. I hugged him.

Jk's POV

“Should we report to the police, Yn?” As soon as I said that, Yn hugged me tightly. I thought she was scared, then I heard her soft sobbing.

“Yn? Are you scared? It's nothing. No one can harm us, okay? No need to be scared. I am sorry if I made you scared. There could be nothing, maybe it's only my imagination. Shhh... don't cry.” I was trying to console her, as she kept crying. But her next word made me shocked.

“I-It's m-my D-Dad.”

I know I know it's too late. Forgive me okay? I am only focusing on my recent story right now.

Love ya....


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