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24 September 2019

Hey, everyone! How are you all? I hope you're all well? Here's the tenth chapter of 'Arranged or Love?', I hope you enjoy reading it! Let me know what you think of it! It was one of my favourite chapters to write!

"Love does not appear with any warning signs. You fall into it as if pushed from a high diving board. No time to think about what's happening. It's inevitable. An event you can't control. A crazy, heart-stopping, rollercoaster ride that just has to take its course." - Jackie Collins

Alayna's POV

'I can't believe you danced with Dr. Zayan! You're so lucky! You guys looked cute together, I have to say,' Hina says, grinning at me. We're at the hospital, and we're both having lunch in the cafeteria.

I burst into a coughing fit. "Well, our names were picked out together, so we had to," I say, shrugging. However, I can't control the faint blush which appears on my cheeks.

'You must have enjoyed it. He sure looked like he was enjoying himself. I, on the other hand, had to dance with a random guy I didn't even know. And he couldn't dance!' She says, pouting.

I laugh. "Poor you, Hina! What will you wear to Aliya's mehndi on Friday?" I ask her.

'I don't know yet, I have no idea! It's thanks to you that I'm invited, along with Zain and Anum!'

"Of course we'd invite you! Aliya told me to invite you guys, happily!" I tell her.

'Thank you, all of you! What are you planning on wearing?' She asks me.

I grin. "You'll see on Friday!"


I'm extremely busy the whole week at the hospital. The emergency room especially is full, and lots of patients are being admitted to the wards.

The week flies by. On Thursday evening, we all go to Kabir's mehndi. It's a lot of fun. He's a great guy, the perfect guy for Aliya. He's a businessman who lives in London, and it's obvious how much he cares about Aliya.

On Friday, I have work as usual. Aliya's mehndi function is in the evening, starting at 8pm. I get absolutely exhausted at the hospital, ordering tests for patients in the cardiology ward, checking up on new admits, sending two patients for an MRI, and seeing to patients in the emergency room. The other interns are also extremely busy that day, and neither of us have time to meet up for lunch.

When it's finally 5pm, I breathe a sigh of relief as I exit the hospital. It's slightly chilly today, and I pull my tan, woolly coat tighter around myself. I go to the Starbucks opposite the hospital and grab a cappuccino, before driving myself home.


Aliya's mehndi is a hit. She looks absolutely gorgeous, wearing a yellow Pakistani style maxi dress, with silver embroidery. For her jewellery, she's wearing fresh flower jewellery, and she makes the traditional mehndi bride. Her makeup is natural and subtle, she looks flawless.

I'm wearing an orange, pink and green coloured anarkali dress, with matching pink leggings and a pink lightly embroidered dupatta. I bought this outfit especially for Aliya's mehndi, and it's so stunning. For my makeup, I've applied gold, sparkling eye shadow with glitter, winged eyeliner, and a pink liquid lipstick. My base is applied flawlessly, and I internally thank myself for drinking lots of water. Drinking lots of water everyday really does wonders to your skin.

I'm busy throughout the entire mehndi function, and I make sure that all the guests are happy and having fun.

At the end of the night, me, Hanna and Sara perform a dance for Aliya, in front of close family and friends. We dance to several Bollywood songs, and we're all exhausted by the end of it.

Me, Hanna and Sara will be spending the night with Aliya at her home, as it's her last night before marriage. I can't believe that the time for her wedding has come, so quickly! Tomorrow is her wedding day, and I feel so many different emotions. I feel happy and excited for her, but I also feel sad. I feel like crying, because she's my childhood best friend, and she will be getting married tomorrow and going to her husband's place. Marriage is such a huge step, but we all know that Kabir is the perfect guy for Aliya. He cares for her so much, it's evident to everyone.

I tell Aliya and her parents that I'll be there in just half an hour, because I have a few things to do. Although it's midnight, I need to phone the decorators, hair and makeup team, and the wedding venue to check that everything will be perfect for tomorrow.

They tell me to come soon, and leave. I'm at Hanna's home, with her family and my family. We're all sitting in the living room, and I'm busy on my phone calling everyone.

After I'm done making the calls, I stand up. 'I'd better get going, are you coming Han? Sara?' I ask them, yawning. I'm tired.

They nod, standing up.

"Alayna, sweetheart? Can I please have a word with you? If it's okay?" Aunty asks, smiling gently at me. She looks very nervous.

My face heats up. I know exactly what everyone wants to talk about, but I don't know what to say. 'Yes, sure Aunty,' I reply politely.

Zayan's watching me intently, sitting on the other side of the room with Usman Bhai, Dad and Uncle.

"I understand that you must still be feeling shocked, after.. you found out," she says, her eyes wide.

I blush harder, playing with my fingers in my lap. 'Yes, I'm definitely still shocked. I can't believe.. any of it.'

"I hope you understand that in the end, the choice is yours and Zayan's, dear? We would never force you into anything," she continues.

I nod. 'I know. I'm just.. super shocked. May I ask, when did you all plan this?'

She smiles softly. "Years ago, sweetie. Over ten years ago."

My mouth falls open in shock. 'That's.. a very long time ago. Why didn't you tell me?' I look towards Aunty, Uncle, and my parents. 

For a few seconds, they stay silent. I don't think they know what to say.

"This alliance would mean the world to us, dear. It would bring our families together and make us one, and it would also merge our companies together. Most importantly, though, we believe that you and Zayan are perfect for each other," Uncle says, smiling at me.

'Uncle, we've only known each other for.. just over two months! How could we possibly be perfect for each other?' I ask, my cheeks heating up.

I feel Zayan's eyes on me, and I look towards him. Sure enough, he's looking right back at me. My cheeks brighten even more as he smirks at me.

That signature smirk of his.

"It doesn't matter if you've known each other for two months, dear. Two months is a long time. We really think you'd both make the perfect couple," Uncle replies.

I bite my lip. 'Zayan, say something!' I say, which makes everyone laugh.

He raises an eyebrow, looking amused. "Dad, Mum. I was against this alliance, but now, I believe that my parents must have thought of what's best for me. Alayna, Aunty and Uncle only want the best for you."

'What?! You. Dr. Zayan. Come here, now. I need a word with you,' I mutter, standing up and glaring at him.

Everyone looks amused, like they're watching a comedy on TV. This is our life, though.

"Don't you think Aunty and Uncle have always wanted what's best for you?" He asks me again, scratching his chin with his index finger. He looks so hot, it annoys me.

'Of course I know they want what's best for me. But, I can't believe you!' I say, throwing daggers at him with my eyes.

"Alayna, no one will force you into anything," Yusuf Bhai says, supporting me.

'I know,' I answer.

'Do you all really think me and Zayan are right for each other?' I ask in a small voice, a few seconds later.

Everyone nods, including Yusuf Bhai.

I sigh internally, not knowing at all what to say.

"If you're not happy, dear, then you don't need to worry. Just do whatever your heart tells you to do. It's a question of your whole life," Aunty says, holding my hand gently.

Uncle nods. 'Yes, Alayna dear. I would be the happiest if you were to marry Zayan, but the choice is only yours and his. Don't think about us, but think about what would make you happy.'

I give him a small smile.

Dad speaks next. "Exactly, sweetheart. I know that you're still shocked, but please think about it. You told me and your mother the other night that you're ready for marriage, but it's not up to us to make the decision for you. It's your decision to make. If you want to marry Zayan, or not."

I think for a few minutes, but I have no idea. I don't know anything right now.

'Mum, Dad. Aunty, Uncle. I know you all just want what's best for me and Zayan, but.. I need some time to think. And I don't know how much time I'll take. If you want, you can marry someone else Zayan. I don't want to become a burden on you. And I don't want to waste your time. I need to think about it,' I finally say.

Aunty gives me a sweet smile. "Sweetie, take all the time you need. I understand that you must think about this, it's not something you can decide in one second. Take all the time you need."

She hugs me gently, and I feel my eyes fill up with tears. Aunty and Uncle are so lovely. Hanna and Laiba Bhabhi, Usman Bhai. Even Zayan's a good guy. I don't want to hurt anyone in any way. I will think about my decision, and then I'll tell everyone.


I cry lots at Aliya's rukhsati. She's been my best friend since childhood, and now she's leaving her parents' home. I think I cry harder, because I'm imagining my own rukhsati. I don't know how I'll ever be able to leave my home, my siblings and my parents. I won't be able to leave them, I'll die.

Hanna consoles me after Aliya leaves with her husband, and I cry into her shoulder.

'Shh, it's okay Alayna. You're so strong, and you're crying like this? Please don't cry,' she says, kissing the top of my head.

"It's so difficult, Hanna. Having to leave your parents and the only home you've ever known. I don't know how every girl is able to do it," I cry.

I gently break the hug, and Hanna wipes away my tears. 'It's a part of life, Alayna. It's very difficult, I know. I don't know how I'll ever be able to leave Mum and Dad.' She also has tears in her eyes.

"Me neither, Han," I say, sighing.

Armaan cries a lot when her sister leaves. I comfort him, and he hugs me and cries. I hug him back, sighing. He's a good friend off mine, and he always will be.

I'm so confused, though. For so many years, I had a huge crush on Armaan. And now, I don't know how, that crush has disappeared. Boom. I still acknowledge his good looks, but I see him as nothing more than a great friend.

I'm feeling really down after Aliya's rukhsati, and I already miss her like crazy. I'm tired, and I have a bad headache from crying so much.

My parents come over to me and hug me. 'I love you, Alayna. Don't cry, please. It's a part of every girl's life. She has to leave her parents' home one day,' Mum says, emotional.

"But I don't ever want to leave you and Dad. I'm your daughter," I say, starting to cry again.

'And you'll always be our daughter, Alayna. Come, let's go home,' Dad says to me.

"Oh, Dad! Yusuf Bhai's already left, and I'll be driving in your car too. Can you please drop Sana and her mother off, on the way? Alayna will drive in Zayan's car! Zayan, can you please drop Alayna off at home?" Sara says, with a glint in her eyes. Sana is Sara's best friend. Her and her mother were also invited to the wedding.

'Sure, I'll drop Alayna off at home. Hanna's driving in my car, too,' Zayan says. Where has he suddenly come from? I turn back to look at him, and he gives me a dazzling smile.

My cheeks heat up. "Thank you, son. That would be great. That's fine with you, right Alayna?" Dad asks me.

I shrug. 'Yeah, sure.'


Five minutes later, me and Hanna are sitting in Zayan's Audi. He's dropping me off at home. I lean back in the passenger seat where Hanna made me sit, and I sigh. I miss Aliya like crazy.

My ears start to hurt, so I remove my gold earrings and place them into my clutch. I'm wearing a gold coloured lehenga, with a gold shirt and dupatta. The whole outfit is heavily embroidered, and quite honestly, it's the most beautiful outfit I've ever seen. I feel like a bride myself right now. I'm wearing matching gold jewellery, and studded gold heels. My makeup was done today from my favourite salon, and it's flawless. Or rather, it was flawless before I started crying. I have a gold smokey eye with winged eyeliner and lashes, bronzed contour and sparkling highlight, and a natural blush. On my lips, I'm wearing a matte dark nude lipstick with hints of pink.

My long, thick hair is curled to perfection and falls over my left shoulder. I love my entire look. It's so pretty. I feel and look like a real princess.

'There's so much traffic,' I say, looking out the window. Without traffic, the drive home would be an hour long. However, it certainly looks like it'll take a lot longer to reach home tonight. Two and a half hours minimum, if the traffic stays like this.

It's already midnight, and I'm tired. So is Hanna.

"I'm so tired, Zayan Bhai. When will we reach home?" Hanna asks her brother, yawning.

'Not anytime soon, Hanna. We just got on the road five minutes ago. I don't know why the traffic's so bad at this hour. Looks like we'll be spending the night here,' he jokes.

Hanna laughs loudly. "Imagine if Aliya and Kabir Bhai are stuck in traffic too," she says.

My cheeks heat up, before I turn to glare at her. I imagine the same thing, though. Poor them, they'd be stuck outside all night on their wedding night!

Zayan chuckles, glancing over at me. He smirks when he notices the blush on my cheeks.

'Hanna, you should just stay silent always. It's a good thing that it's Sunday tomorrow. Imagine if we all had work in the morning!' I say.

Zayan smiles. "Then your mentor would have to sign you off for the day. Oh, there's roadworks going on ahead. That's why the traffic is so bad," he tells us.

Aliya's wedding was held in a stunning manor near Warwick, over an hour away from where we live in central Birmingham.

I smile, leaning further back into my seat. 'I'm gonna text Dad and see if he's also stuck in traffic.' So I do. I text Dad, and he replies two minutes later saying he's also stuck in traffic, several cars behind us on the motorway.

"Thank god Aliya's walima is tomorrow night, and not in the afternoon. I'm gonna sleep until at least midday!" I say.

'Same. I'm so tired, I'm probably gonna fall asleep any minute,' Hanna says. Her eyes are bloodshot red with tiredness.

"I want nothing more than to sleep right now, but I can't in these clothes. They're so heavy, and tight," I mutter to Hanna.

Zayan looks towards me. 'Open the window if you feel hot, Alayna. You too, Hanna.'

I scroll down the window, sighing with relief as the cool air hits my face. My hair flies, getting messy. But I don't care. I close my eyes and relax.

I fall asleep a few minutes later.


Zayan's POV

I smile, glancing at Alayna and Hanna. They've both fallen asleep, and I'm glad that they have. They were both absolutely exhausted, especially Alayna. She was busy the entire day, first with Aliya and then taking care of the guests.

She cried so much, when it was time for Aliya's Rukhsati. It hurt me for some reason, seeing her cry like that. Aliya's been her best friend since childhood, so I can feel her pain.

She looks so peaceful in her sleep, her hands resting on her clutch in her lap. She looked absolutely stunning tonight, in her gold lehenga. She was the most beautiful girl at the wedding.

Her beautiful, thick black hair is flying with the wind, and it makes her look even more perfect. She looks like an angel.

I've completely lost it. Alayna's played her magic on me. I've never been so interested, so drawn in, by any girl before. Not even Mariyah. I used to think that I was in love with Mariyah, but Alayna has made me forget her completely.

The traffic's stuck, in one place. It's not moving forward at all now. I don't know what's going on, but at this rate, we won't even reach home tomorrow.

Just then, my phone starts to ring loudly. I quickly answer it, not wanting to wake the girls. It's Uncle.

'Zayan, son, where are you?' He asks me.

"We're in the same place as earlier when Alayna texted you, Uncle. Not even one mile ahead of there. We're near a service station," I say. I explain to him our exact location.

'You're lucky you've reached there, son. Don't go forward, though. I'm quite behind your car. There's been a landslide nearby and a huge accident. All the roads are blocked ahead. You won't be able to get anywhere,' he tells me.

"Oh, no. At such an hour, too. What shall I do? Have you called Dad?" I ask.

'Yes, me and him are close to each other. We're going to have to find somewhere to stay. The roads will open at midday tomorrow,' he says.

"Okay, Uncle. Alayna and Hanna are both asleep. I'll wake them up and tell them, and then I'll try to get to you guys," I say, worrying.

'No, no. There's no way that you'll be able to reach us. There's so many cars stuck here, and we're way behind you. If it's possible, please ask someone the way to a hotel around here. We have no choice. Please take care of Alayna.'

"Okay, Uncle. Of course I'll take care of her. I don't see any hotels here, but there must be something. I'll ask around, and I'm sure we'll find a place for tonight. I hope you're all okay. I'll call you after we've found somewhere to go," I tell Uncle.

'Thank you, son. It means a lot to me. Okay, take care. Bye.'

"Bye, Uncle."

Before waking Hanna and Alayna, I need to find somewhere we can stay until the morning. We can't stay in the car, stuck here. I drive to the service station which, thankfully, is near us, and I get out of the car.

I fill my car up with petrol, before asking the cashier if there's a hotel nearby.

'There's only one motel here, about a kilometre away. I don't know if you should go there, though,' he explains.

I frown. "We have no choice. We're stuck here for the night, and we need a place to stay. Do you know who I am?" I ask him, angrily.

'Of course I know who you are, Mr. Khan. Everyone knows you and your family! I'm sorry, but the motel is definitely not up to your standards. It's high up on the hill, you'll see it after you walk out of here. However, it's very slippery outside. You'll have to park your car outside here, as it has no car park.'

I frown. "It has no car park?!"

He nods. 'No, sir. And you might have difficulty walking up the hill. It's very slippery. Do you have to stay there alone, or do you have people with you?' He asks me.

"I'm not alone, that's why I need to get them a place to stay."

'Of course. It's not a five-star motel, but it must be better than staying in your car. You'd better get going. I don't know if there's any rooms available, because everyone is searching for a place to stay, so you'd better go fast. It was nice to finally meet you!' He says, cheerfully.

I nod. "Thank you."

I get back into my car, before waking up Hanna and Alayna by calling their names. They look at me sleepily.

'We're stuck. There's been a landslide and a large accident ahead, so all the roads have been blocked until midday tomorrow. Don't stress, Alayna. Please. It's not only us who are stuck. Your parents and my parents are also stuck. Everyone is. They're behind us, and we can't go back either. I've found us a motel, there's only one in this entire area. It's not up to my standards at all, but we have no choice. We must go there, if it isn't already full,' I tell them.

They both nod. "We'd better get going," Hanna says.


'Sir, I'm very sorry, but there's only one room available. Our motel is full, due to the landslide and blocked roads. Room 21 is available, if you want it,' the man at the reception tells us.

Oh, my gosh. I'm going to have to sleep in the same room as Zayan tonight? Looks like a sleepless night is coming up. My cheeks turn bright scarlet. But I nod at him, as there's no other option available to us.

Zayan nods, looking around the reception and lobby once again in disgust. I try my best not to laugh. It's definitely not up to his standards, or mine, if you come to ask. The motel is old, dirty and rusty. It's better than nothing, though.

The receptionist leads us upstairs to the second floor, and walks to the end of the single corridor. He takes out a key, and opens the large, wooden brown door. At least the doors look normal-ish.

When he opens the door, the three of us halt in our steps. The first thing we notice is that there's only one double bed in the room. There's no couch, no single bed, or spare mattress.

Zayan looks towards me and Hanna. Hanna looks at me in disgust. 'It's so dirty,' she whispers to me. I chuckle, nodding as I fully agree with her. I just hope the bed isn't dirty.

"This is the only room available, Mr. Khan. There's only one bed in here, but we can get you a mattress," the man tells Zayan.

Zayan finally nods. 'We'll need a mattress.' Then, He steps inside. We follow him in.

"I'll get that for you right now, sir. Please, make yourself at home. If you need anything at all, please call reception from the telephone on the table," the man says, politely.

We nod at him, and he leaves. I look around the small room, shaking my head in disbelief.

'I can't believe where we're gonna have to stay,' I mumble.

Hanna nods. "I know, right! Oh, well. At least the bed looks clean. I'm exhausted." She plops down onto the bed and pulls me down. I reluctantly take a seat on the bed next to her.

'I'm sorry, but we have no other choice. You girls can take the bed, and I'll sleep on the mattress,' he tells us.

I shake my head. "No, Zayan. It's fine. I'll sleep on the mattress with Hanna. You can have the bed."

'It's honestly okay, Alayna. I don't think I want to sleep on that bed anyway,' he says, looking towards the bed and frowning.

He slips off his blazer and places it on the chair next to him. Next, he undoes his tie and opens the top button of his shirt. God, he looks so hot. His hair is slightly messy now, and it really suits him.

Just then, a thought enters my mind. 'Hanna, what on earth are we going to sleep in? I don't know about you, but my lehenga is far too heavy to sleep in! Oh, god! We don't have any clothes here. Do you think they'll have any at reception?' I ask, in disbelief.

Her mouth falls open in shock. "I can't sleep in this dress either! I'm going downstairs to ask." She stands up.

'You girls definitely won't find any clothes here. I'll call and ask reception though, wait,' Zayan says.

He calls reception, who tell us they don't have any clothes for us. We're stuck. There's no way that we can sleep in these clothes. It'll be way too uncomfortable, and they'll definitely get ruined. My lehenga costed several thousands, and was designed by Mum specifically for me. I don't want to ruin it.

'I might have something in my car. I always like to keep a spare hoodie or two, and a shirt. I'll be right back with those,' Zayan says. 'Lock the door from inside, and don't go out anywhere.'

We nod.


Zayan's back ten minutes later, holding two hoodies and two t-shirts. He hands them to me and Hanna.

I blush deeply when I realise that I'm about to wear his clothes. I have no other choice. It's freezing up here, too.

'Zayan, it's fine. Honestly, you wear the hoodie. You'll feel cold. I'll sleep wearing this,' I say to him.

"Alayna, I brought these clothes for you. And for Hanna. Just wear them, you'll sleep more comfortably."

I open my mouth to talk, but then decide not to. He's right. I'm exhausted, and I just want to sleep comfortably for at least ten hours.

'Thank you,' I say, giving him a small smile.

"Go and get changed Alayna, I'll get changed after you," Hanna says to me.

I nod, and walk into the en-suite bathroom. Thankfully, it looks pretty clean. I take the quickest shower, and remove all my makeup. Then I put on the clothes Zayan has given me. A black hoodie, with a white t-shirt. I had been wearing leggings underneath my lehenga, so I put those on.

I look into the mirror and am surprised at how bright my cheeks are. I look flushed, flustered. I'm just wearing his clothes, and I'm like this right now! I zip up the hoodie, feeling nice and warm. It ends mid-thigh! It's huge.

I walk out the bathroom, and Hanna whistles at me. 'Alayna! You look hot. Even though I have to say, right now you look like 'A' from 'Pretty Little Liars'!'

I chuckle, shaking my head. "That's what I was thinking too, with the black hoodie and all! Go and get changed now, you too. We'll make an 'A' team!"

She nods, going to the bathroom. I get into bed, seeing that Zayan's made himself somewhat comfortable on a mattress on the floor.

"I have to say, my hoodie suits you more than it suits me," Zayan says, smirking at me.

My cheeks heat up. 'It's huge on me! I didn't know you're this big!'

His smirk gets more prominent. "I guess I am. So, you're going to sleep on the right side? Nearer to me?"

My mouth falls open in shock, and I shake my head furiously. 'I just.. have a habit of sleeping in the right side of a bed. I'll sleep on the other side,' I mutter. I realise that his mattress is on the floor very close to the right side of the bed. My cheeks turn deep scarlet.

"I'm sorry for making you nervous, I was joking. Of course you can sleep on this side, you have a habit of it and I want you to sleep comfortably. Well, as comfortably as you can here." He gives me a dazzling smile.

'Erm, okay. Go to sleep,' I say to him.

"I will, when the lights are off and Hanna's in bed. I need to take perfect care of you girls, don't I?" He says, cocking his head to the side and raising an eyebrow.

'I don't need taking care of, Dr. Zayan,' I joke.

"Alayna, have you thought about the arranged marriage?" He asks me a few seconds later.

I sigh, looking down into my lap. It's been a week since I found out and told him that I need time. It's been a week, but I don't know yet. I haven't yet made my decision.

I shake my head. 'I haven't made my decision, Zayan. It's difficult. I've been thinking about it, non stop.'

"You're not happy, are you? I understand," he says, gently.

'I'm just.. shocked. I still can't process it. I don't know what to do, Zayan. I need more time,' I say, looking at him from under my lashes.

He gives me a sad smile. "Take all the time you need, Alayna."

'I'm sorry for wasting your time,' I mutter.

He shakes his head. "You're not. I understand the situation you're in, and how you feel. You don't need to say you're sorry. I know it's not easy."

I nod. 'You're a great guy, you know that?' I say, honestly.

His grin takes my breath away for a second. "I know, Dr. Alayna, I know!"

I laugh, lying down on the bed and staring at the ceiling. He really is a great guy.

'Sleep, Alayna. Tomorrow will be another busy day,' he says softly.

"You too. Goodnight, Zayan," I mumble, yawning.

'Goodnight, Alayna,' he replies, exhaustion evident in his voice.

I call Dad and ask him if they all found somewhere to spend the night, and I tell him that we're absolutely fine and about to sleep. After talking to Mum and Dad, I fall asleep.


What on earth is that sound?! And where's it coming from? Oh, god.

I slowly open my eyes and sit up in bed. Then, I hear it again. Footsteps right outside our room.

Oh, god. Who's outside? Zayan remembered to lock the door, right?

I snuggle closer to Hanna, scared as hell. The footsteps get louder, and then they stop. Is the person outside our room right now? Who is he?! Or is it a she?

What if it's a kidnapper?! Or worse, a murderer?

I sit up in bed, pulling the hoodie tighter around myself. I sit for five minutes, before I step out of bed. I can't sit here all night like this, and I can't fall asleep when I'm feeling so afraid. I need to check who's outside.

I take only two steps forward towards the door, when I trip over something hard, and hurl forward. I fall on top of something hard, and I stifle a scream.

'Wha-what? What's going on? Alayna? Are you okay? What are you doing on top of me?' Zayan's voice whispers to me.

I relax instantaneously, onto his hard body. I breathe a sigh of relief as I lift my head from his chest and look at him.

His blue-brown eyes are filled with exhaustion, amusement and something else. His signature smirk makes its way onto his handsome face, and he places a hand on my hip to steady me. "If you wanted me so badly, Alayna, you should have just said."

I flush, my eyes widening and I feel embarrassed as hell. I can't believe I just fell on top of him. And I haven't even got up yet. I cover his mouth with my hand, making him raise his eyebrow.

'Shh! Get up!' I whisper, pulling him up. I make sure that he's very close to me, though. I'm terrified right now.

He sits up, and I sit next to him, our legs pressed together. "What happened? What's wrong, Alayna? You look like you've seen a ghost!"

'I'm scared,' I mumble.

His eyes fill with concern, and he places a hand on my arm. "Why are you scared, Alayna? Hanna was right next to you. What's the matter?"

'I can't sleep now,' I say.

"Yeah? There's plenty of space here, if you want," he suggests, his eyes full of mischief.

I sigh. 'You're..unbelievable! I'm really scared, Zayan. I heard footsteps outside, and they stopped in front of our door!' My cheeks are bright red.

"I'm sure it's nothing, Alayna, but I'll check for you," he says, standing up.

I follow him to the door, and he quietly unlocks it.

'Please be careful, I don't want you to get hurt,' I say, grabbing his arm.

He turns to me and smiles. "I'll be absolutely fine, I promise."

He opens the door and checks outside. He checks the whole corridor, before returning and locking the door.

'It's nothing, Alayna. There's no one outside, on the whole corridor. It was probably a cleaner,' he tells me.

"Yeah, thank you Zayan. Thanks so much. And I'm sorry for waking you up by falling on top of you," I say, embarrassed.

He smirks. 'It was my pleasure.'

I roll my eyes. "Go to sleep. I'm sorry again."

'Don't worry about it, Alayna. Sleep,' he says, gently. So I do, and this time, I'm not woken up until my alarm goes off at 9am.


Wow, this is the longest chapter yet! Over 5600 words! Do you guys love me? ;)

How was the chapter? It, too, was filled with ZaLayna moments! Okay.. what should their ship name be? Zalayna? Any suggestions?

Don't forget to vote and comment if you liked the chapter! Go crazy with your comments. They always make me laugh.

I love you all loads! Thank you so much for reading. It means a lot to me.

Question: What are your career plans?

Bye, guys! x

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