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2 Oct 2019

Hey, everyone! How are you all? I hope you're all doing well? Here's the next chapter of 'Arranged or Love?', I hope you like it! Let me know how you find it, and don't forget to vote and comment loads! It always makes my day! Love you all x

"Look, if you reject him now, he's gonna make his life's mission to go out there, and meet the most perfect, most beautiful girl in the world just to try and get over you. He'll end up marrying this other woman and spending the rest of his life with her, and he'll tell himself that she's perfect, and that he really must be happy. But she won't be you." - Love, Rosie

I love that quote so so much! And that movie. It's one of my favourites. It's super cute.

Alayna's POV

Aliya's walima is perfect, and she looks absolutely gorgeous in her light pink fully embroidered lehenga. Her and Kabir make such a beautiful couple. She looks so happy, which makes me even happier. I hope that I'm as happy as she is, when I get married. She's glowing with happiness.

Now as the wedding is over, I get into my normal routine. I go to work on Monday as always, and it's busy. Also, I'm on call this week, so I'm working long shifts.

I'm extremely busy on Monday, and I work a 24-hour shift, from 9am Monday, to 9am Tuesday. On Tuesday, I have the day off, and I'm on call again on Wednesday.

Thankfully, during the day on Wednesday, it's not too busy. I find more than enough time to write up all my patient notes, and to check up several times on my patients in the gynaecology ward, which is where I'm rotating this week.

That evening, I'm on call, and it gets slightly busier. Two patients have come into the emergency room, and they have to be admitted. I order x-rays and scans for them, before going to my call room to get some rest.

I'm going to try and sleep as long as I can, before I'm interrupted again.

Four hours later, at 1am, my phone goes off. Not my pager, surprisingly. I sit up in bed, yawning, and am very surprised when I see Zayan's name flashing on my phone screen. Just seeing his name flashing on my phone screen makes me blush.

He has my mobile number, along with the rest of the first year medical residents' numbers, as he's our mentor.

I answer his call. 'Hi, Zayan,' I say, yawning.

"Hi, Alayna. You're at the hospital, right?" He asks me, his voice full of worry. It wakes me up completely, and I sit up straighter.

'Yes, I'm on call tonight. Is everything okay? I thought you're at home?' I ask him. I hope everything's okay!

"Yes, I'm at home, and I need your help. We need your help. Laiba Bhabhi has gone into labour." His voice is panicked.

I start panicking too, while I'm super excited at the same time.

'What?! Oh, my gosh! Bring her to the hospital! I'll take care of her, I promise. Oh, my god. I'm about to become an Aunty!' I shout through the phone.

I hear him chuckle on the other end. "Thank you so much, Alayna. The thing is, Usman's in Paris, for a conference. We told him and he's getting the first flight back, but the flight is at 8am. After seven hours. He might not arrive in time for the birth, and Laiba Bhabhi's stressing out and in severe pain."

'Please calm her down and tell her not to stress. She can't stress in this state, it's not good for her or the baby. Bring her to the hospital. It's quiet right now, so I'll give my pagers to another resident, and promise to buy them coffee later. And I'll be right there with her,' I say.

"Thank you, Alayna. You have no idea how much it means to us," he says, breathing a sigh of relief.

'You're all family to me. Laiba's like a sister to me,' I tell him honestly.

I'm so excited, but at the same time, I feel very nervous for Laiba. Ever since she found out that she's pregnant, she's been absolutely terrified about labour and giving birth. Furthermore, her pregnancy has been quite complicated. It hasn't been an easy one at all. In all three trimesters, she experienced bleeding, spotting and pain, along with many other things.

"Thank you, Alayna. We'll bring her to the hospital now. See you in a bit," he says, his voice calmer.

'See you, Zayan,' I reply, turning off the call.


'Laiba, breathe! Don't take any stress, it's the worst time to be stressing. Usman Bhai will probably be here in time, but if he isn't, he'll be the happiest when he sees his child!' I try to console Laiba, who's both upset and in pain. She really wanted Usman Bhai to be with her, by her side, when she gives birth.

"Alayna, what if something goes wrong?" She cries, staring at me with wide, teary eyes.

I give her a small smile, shaking my head. 'Nothing will go wrong, sweetie. Look at your baby's heartbeat! It's absolutely normal, and everything's fine. Just don't stress, okay?' I say, caressing her forehead.

I completely understand why she's stressing, though. Ever since Laiba and Usman Bhai got married, they started trying for a baby. It took Laiba five months to get pregnant the first time, but sadly, she miscarried soon after finding out she was pregnant. The miscarriage broke her completely, and after it, it took her a long time to fall pregnant. It took her a whole year, and again, she started to experience cramping and spotting. However, the pregnancy stuck this time. The entire nine months, she's been terrified, in case something goes wrong.

"It hurts!" She cries, tears flowing down her cheeks. She's having another contraction, a very strong and painful one.

Me and Hanna gently wipe away her tears. 'The midwife will be coming very soon to see how far along you are, Laiba,' I tell her, not knowing at all how to take away her pain.

"I want an epidural, Alayna. Please, get me an epidural," she begs me, her eyes bloodshot red from crying so much.

'Laiba dear, Alayna told you that the midwife needs to check you first. After she's checked you, she'll be able to tell you if you're far along for an epidural. It might be that you're not dilated enough yet,' Aunty says, gently.

I nod. "Yes, exactly. I'll go and call a midwife. Do you want some water, Laiba?" I ask her.

She shakes her head, giving me a small smile. 'I'm sorry for being so moody, Alayna. I'm so sorry!'

I chuckle, holding her hand. "You're not being moody. You're being completely normal! You should be happy, though. Very soon, you will be holding your baby in your arms," I tell her softly. I smile at the thought of Laiba with her baby in her arms, and I start to get slightly emotional. She's like a sister to me. Ever since I became close to Hanna, her family too became close to me. Including Laiba. She's a lovely girl.

'Can you please do me a favour?' She asks me, looking hopeful.

"Of course, Laiba. Anything!" I promise.

'If.. if Usman doesn't reach in time, can you please be with me? Please can you be with me in the delivery room?' She asks me.

My mouth falls open in surprise, and my eyes water up at her request. "You really want that?" I ask her in response.

She nods, smiling at me through her pain. 'Yes, of course I do! I would really love that. I wanted Hanna too, but she would most likely pass out seeing me like that, in so much pain.'

I chuckle, looking towards Hanna who nods at me. "She's right, I'd definitely faint."

Me, Laiba and Aunty laugh, shaking our heads at Hanna. She's so crazy. Sometimes, I can't believe how she's a doctor. But she really is an amazing doctor. One day, she will surely be one of the best in the country, following her brother's footsteps.

Talking about her brother, there's a knock on the door. Aunty goes to open it. It's Zayan.

'Of course I'll be there with you, Laiba. Nothing would make me happier,' I tell her, overjoyed yet overwhelmed at her request.

Zayan walks in, asking Laiba how she is. He's dressed casually, wearing a tight white t-shirt which clings to all his muscles, and black jeans. He looks extremely worried, and tired at the same time. However, he still looks drool worthy. His dark hair is dishevelled, he's clearly ran his fingers through it a little too many times. His dazzling blue-brown eyes are exhausted but beautiful.

'I'm fine, Zayan. Thanks to Alayna, I'm feeling much better,' she replies, smiling warmly at me.

I return the smile, shaking my head. "I really didn't do anything. I was just about to call the midwife," I tell Zayan. I really need to stop staring at him like this. He must think I'm a right weirdo!

He nods. 'She's coming. And Alayna, thank you. For being here, for helping Laiba. Thank you.' He gives me a small smile.

"I'm always here for her, and she knows it. You don't need to thank me, Zayan," I reply.

He glances at me for a few seconds, an unreadable expression in his eyes. When I catch him looking at me, he looks away. What was that about?


The midwife checks Laiba, and tells us that she's 4cm dilated. She still has a while to go, but seeing how much pain Laiba is in, she gets her epidural half an hour later.

It's nearly 5am when the midwife arrives to check her again. She tells us that she's not progressed much, and that she's now at 5cm. Thankfully, Laiba's no longer in pain, and she sleeps for a short while.

Aunty and Uncle are outside in the lounge with me and Zayan. Hanna has just gone to the cafeteria to grab us all some coffee. I yawn, suddenly feeling tired.

'Alayna, go and get some sleep. You look exhausted,' Zayan says to me, concerned.

Aunty and Uncle nod. "Yes, Alayna dear. You've been with us for hours, and you've been so amazing. We don't know how much longer it will be, you need to rest. You've been working for nearly twenty-four hours," Uncle says gently.

I shake my head. 'It's fine, Uncle. I'm really not that tired. I'm too excited to be tired! I want to be here with you all, nothing would make me happier,' I tell him honestly.

He beams at me, as does Aunty. "You're too lovely, dear. And you're an amazing doctor too, I've heard and now also seen!"

My cheeks turn pink, and I thank him. 'Thank you, Uncle. You're too nice! Hanna's been complimenting my skills as a doctor, has she?" I chuckle.

'Yes, her and Zayan,' Aunty replies, smiling at me.

My blush deepens as I glance towards Zayan. He really complimented me, in front of his parents? 'Zayan, thank you. That's such a huge compliment, coming from one of the best doctors in the country. I honestly feel so.. wow! Shocked,' I tell him the truth.

His lips quirk up into a small smile. Well, it's either a smile or a smirk. Something in between. "You're going to become one of the best doctors one day, Alayna."

Wow! All these compliments, they're making me feel flustered! 'Thank you,' I say, biting my lip.

Aunty and Uncle look at us with smiles on their faces. My blush brightens, as I stand up just as Hanna arrives with the coffee. She hands one to each of us. I take mine thankfully and take a sip, loving the feel of the liquid warmth travel through my body. I love coffee. It's my drug.

I go to check on Laiba, and see that she's still asleep. She's not in pain anymore, thanks to the epidural. She needs this sleep, before she gives birth hopefully in a few hours.


An hour later, Laiba wakes up. Me, Aunty and Hanna sit with her, talking excitedly about how we can't wait to meet the baby.

'I can't feel anything anymore, I'm so glad. The amount of pain I was in earlier, it was excruciating. Indescribable. It was the worst pain I've ever felt before, by far,' Laiba tells us.

I smile. "You're very strong, Laiba. I'm definitely not going to be as strong as you, when I'm in this situation," I say, knowing. I don't know how every woman does it.

Hanna nods. 'Me neither! Alayna's right, you're really strong. Oh, here's the midwife!' Hanna says, smiling at the midwife who's just walked in.

The midwife checks Laiba, and tells us that she's now 8cm dilated.

I grin at Laiba, who looks shocked and scared, but definitely happy. 'There's not long to go now!' I say, excitedly.

"Not long left at all!" Aunty says, holding Laiba's hand gently.

'Oh, my god. I'm going to become an aunty!' Hanna says, beaming with happiness.

I chuckle, nodding. "So am I!"

Right at that moment, my emergency pager goes off, loud and clear. It makes me jump. I had forgotten that I still had my emergency pager on me. I gave my overnight internal medicine pager to a medical student, but I still had this one on me.

"Code Blue. Ground Floor. Lobby."

"Code Blue. Ground Floor. Lobby."

The door bursts open, and Zayan rushes in. He's definitely heard my pager go off, as it was so loud.

'Code Blue? Do you need any help, Alayna?' He asks me, frantically.

I shake my head, rushing out the room. "I'll be fine! Take care of Laiba, I don't know how long the code will take," I reply, running out the door.

The code was called from the main lobby of the ground floor, which is at least five minutes away from here. I run as fast as my exhausted feet can take me, and I reach the lobby. The patient is on a stretcher, and a large medical team are working on him.

I'm quickly filled in by a fellow nurse that this patient came in with severe breathing difficulties, and he passed out in the main lobby. He's gone into cardiac arrest, and his past medical history tells us that he's a heart patient, and he's suffered from a stroke in the past too. The patient also suffers from asthma.

I help the rest of the medical team as hard as I can, and thankfully, an hour later we find a faint, slow heartbeat. We had nearly given up on the patient, as there was no pulse, but he's back with us. He's still in critical condition, but he has a heartbeat again.

Situations like this are so nerve-wracking. So frantic. Everything can change in a single second. One second, there's a completely different situation, and the next second, everything changes.

As doctors, we never know what to expect. Each day is different, we have no idea about the situations we will be facing. We are around life and death every day. We see new life being born, and we see death. People losing their loved ones, while on the other side of the hospital, a new life is born. Life is so unpredictable.

But I love my job. I completely love it, with all its' ups and downs. I love helping people as much as I can, I love helping them get better. Being a doctor is difficult, but it's so worth it.

I decide to take a quick trip to the residents' room, to fill in an on-call senior doctor about the 'code blue'. I head upstairs and quickly talk with the senior doctor, a cardiologist and surgeon. The best cardiologist in the city.

Before rushing out the room to go to Laiba, I take a glance at the noticeboard in the residents' room. The rankings for the best intern. There's a month to go, before the best intern is chosen. I haven't looked at the board in a while, as I completely forgot about it.

First place, Dr. Anum. I smile. She completely deserves it. She's such a hardworking and dedicated doctor. She'll definitely be one of the best very soon. I'm currently in second place, only five points behind Anum. Hanna's third, Zain's fourth and Hina's fifth. However, our points are all close together.

Second place. I'm very proud of myself right now. It's a huge accomplishment. Earlier, I didn't care much about the award for the best intern, but now, I want to win. Me, or Hanna.

I head out of the room, rushing to the maternity building behind the main building of the hospital. I'm so excited to meet Laiba's baby. Laiba must nearly be fully dilated by now.


It's a boy! Laiba's son, Adnan, is born at 10:27am that morning. He's absolutely perfect, weighing 7 pound, 10 ounces. I can't stop staring at him. He's absolutely beautiful. So adorable. So tiny!

I'm with Laiba in the delivery room when she gives birth, and when she sees her son for the first time, she bursts into tears. I start crying too, seeing her so emotional and happy. I leave her only for a couple of minutes, and she has skin to skin with her baby. I go outside into the waiting room, and break the news.

"Congratulations! It's a boy!" I say, grinning. Aunty and Hanna both burst into happy tears, while Uncle and Zayan look super happy and emotional too. Straight away, Zayan calls Usman Bhai, and gives him the news. Usman Bhai's on his way to the hospital, he'll be reaching in about an hour.

Zayan tells us that Usman cries when he hears the news, and tells him that he can't wait to see his son. Seeing everyone so happy, it makes me so emotional.

Hanna hugs me, grinning with tears in her eyes. "I'm going to see the baby, can I go inside?" She asks me, hopeful.

'In a bit, Han. Laiba's getting stitches, but you'll all soon be able to go and see her and the baby,' I tell her.

She nods, smiling.

"Laiba's okay, isn't she?" Aunty asks me after hugging me.

I nod. 'She's great, Aunty. She did amazingly! She's getting a couple of stitches, but she's perfect,' I tell her.

I go back to Laiba after she's had her stitches done, and I beam at her. 'Laiba, he's so perfect! He's gorgeous, just like you!' I say, not able to take my eyes off the baby.

"Adnan. His name's Adnan," she says, smiling softly.

'His name's beautiful, just like him! Did you choose the name?' I ask.

She nods. "Me and Usman both love the name. We chose it together. Will he reach soon?" She asks me.

I nod. 'He's on his way. Zayan told him the news, and he told us that Usman Bhai cried when he found out. I'm so happy for both of you, Laiba. He's so precious.'

She stares at her son in her arms, kissing him gently on his forehead. "He's my whole life already, and I just met him less than half an hour ago!"

I smile, tears rising to my eyes. 'I'm going to be his favourite aunt! I'm gonna be the cool aunt!' I say, laughing.

She chuckles. "I know that he'll love you a lot, Alayna. We all do."

'I love you too, Laiba. But I love baby Adnan more. Right now, he's my favourite human being,' I say, gently touching Adnan's teeny tiny hand. He holds my finger, making my mouth fall open in surprise. Aww!

"Do you want to hold him, Alayna?" Laiba asks, smiling at me.

'Of course! He's so tiny, though. But of course I want to hold him,' I say.

Laiba hands me her son, and I hold him very carefully. When he's in my arms, I can't stop looking at him. He's so adorable, so perfect. I give him the gentlest kiss on his forehead, and he opens his eyes and stares at me.

"You're so beautiful!" I whisper, staring at him with a silly smile on my face.

Just then, the door opens, and in walk Hanna, Aunty, Uncle and Zayan. They all come over to see the baby, and Aunty and Hanna again start to cry.

I hold him for a few moments longer, staring at him and giving him gentle kisses. Then I hand him back to Laiba.

'We have to give Adhaan to baby Adnan. It's one of the first things a newborn baby should hear,' Laiba says. She was getting stitches which took a while, and then was getting cleaned up, which is why the baby didn't get the Adhaan right away.

"Wasn't Usman Bhai supposed to give Adhaan to the baby? But he's not here!" Hanna says, panicking.

'Usman's not here, so I'll do it. I'm here, and I'll do anything for my nephew,' Zayan speaks up a few seconds later.

Laiba smiles, nodding. She gestures for Zayan to come to her, before she hands him her son.

Zayan gently takes baby Adnan in his large but gentle hands, and I feel my eyes water for some reason. I'm getting even more emotional now. Seeing Zayan with a newborn baby, his nephew, in his arms, it makes me sure that he's going to be an amazing father one day. I can already see how much he loves the baby.

He bends closer to the baby's ears as he starts the Adhaan. And he has the most perfect voice. Everyone stares in silence at Zayan and Adnan. I can't take my eyes off the two of them. The scene in front of me is so beautiful, so perfect. My heart does a weird flutter, and I feel a ticklish feeling in the pit of my stomach. The smile on Zayan's lips.. he's so perfect.

When he finishes the Adhaan, he gives baby Adnan a gentle kiss on his forehead. His smile intensifies as Adnan stares at him with wide, chocolate brown eyes.

I feel my heart flutter again, and I step back slightly to see the scene in front of me. He's so happy. Everyone's so happy. Laiba and Usman Bhai have been blessed with the biggest happiness in the world, their precious baby boy. I want nothing more than to see this family happy, always. They're extremely important to me. They've always been my second family, and I just always want to see them happy.

Zayan hands baby Adnan to Aunty, who can't stop complimenting her grandson. I smile gently. I'm the happiest I've been in a while. I feel so lucky, that I got to experience such happiness. Clearly, I'm very important for their family. And they're very important for me, too.


Usman Bhai's the happiest father when he meets his son for the first time. He cries when he meets Adnan for the first time, and he makes everyone cry tears of happiness. He spends the whole morning with his son, he doesn't want to be anyone else. He's already such an amazing father, it's evident how much he loves his son. And Laiba, too. Laiba and Usman Bhai are the most beautiful, the cutest couple in the world. They love each other immensely, and they're perfect for each other in every way.

I hope for the same happiness for myself, one day. I hope to have someone who will look at me the way Usman Bhai looks at Laiba, with so much love and care in his eyes. Sometimes, at times like this, I actually want to get married. For the first time, I imagine Zayan as my husband.

I don't know why or how, but he does weird things to me. To my heart. He makes me feel... weird, fuzzy, crazy things I've never felt before. Right in my heart. Like today, when he read the Adhaan in baby Adnan's ear. The scene was just so beautiful and perfect, it made my heart flutter. I felt butterflies in the pit of my stomach. I didn't want to stop looking at him. I don't know what this is that I'm feeling, but it's new. I've never felt this way before, but I don't want this new feeling to go away.


That afternoon, my parents, Sara and Yusuf Bhai come to the hospital to meet the newborn baby. Everyone's super happy, it warms my heart. I feel as though everyone here, every single person in the room right now, is my family.

We all take turns to hold baby Adnan, and everyone falls in love with him as soon as they hold him. He's so perfect and so small! And the way he stares up at everyone with his big, chocolate brown eyes. The way he holds everyone's one finger in his whole hand. I love him so much. I'm definitely gonna go over to Hanna's home more often now. Just to play with the baby.

And to see someone else too, of course. There's no way that I can ignore those dazzling blue-brown, beautiful eyes. And that signature smirk. Zayan. I don't know what to say about him. He makes me feel... I can't even describe how he makes me feel, because I don't know myself. But let me just say, it feels good. Whatever it is. My entire body warms up whenever I catch him looking at me. When he smirks, I start blushing like crazy. Hell, what's happening to me?!

I'm Alayna Ali! I've never ever felt this way before. I've seen many, many handsome men in my life. Not one of them has had this effect on me. I wouldn't give any guy a second glance in the past, their looks would have no effect on me, but now.. now, everything's changed. Zayan's something else.


There you have it! The eleventh chapter! How was it, guys? Tell me! I want to know all your thoughts on the chapter. Tell me the good and the bad!

What was your favourite moment in this chapter?

What do you think is going on in Zayan and Alayna's minds? And what will happen next? I have the craziest ideas for this book. I can't wait for you all to find out what I have planned!

Don't forget to vote and comment!!

Question: What's one thing you can't live without?

Bye guys! And stay tuned for the next chapter, because it will be interesting.. ;)

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