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8 February 2021

Hey, guys! How are you all? I hope you like this chapter.. I don't know if you will though! Anyway, here it is!

"Part of me aches at the thought of her being so close yet so untouchable." – Nicholas Sparks

Alayna's POV

Hanna avoids me for the rest of the day. Whenever she sees me enter the same room as her and I smirk, her face turns pink and she makes an excuse to leave the room. She's such a cutie. But I've just started with my fun. Let's see how long she can escape from me.

I spend most of the day with the girls, teasing them as they tease me back. After 5pm, I start to feel really tired. I keep yawning, and all I want to do is sleep. I go upstairs to my room and lay down for a while.

Zayan walks in just as I get into bed, and he gives me his handsome smile. 'Tired, baby?'

I nod, waving him over to come and sit next to me. He sits at the edge of the bed, and I hold his hand. "I'm exhausted. What were you doing?"

'I was just watching a game with Yusuf, Kabir and Armaan. Is Hanna still running away from you?' He asks with a smirk.

My face turns bright scarlet, and I nod. "She is. But I'm not gonna let her run from me at dinner. In fact, I'm gonna sit right next to her."

He chuckles. 'So, you called me your baby daddy?' He teases.

I groan, punching his knee playfully. "Shh, shh! She wasn't supposed to tell you that."

'What else did you say to her?' He asks, amusedly.

I bite my lip, trying to contain my giggles. I remember something very, very vividly. Something about Zayan's mouth. My entire body turns bright red.

"Nothing interesting! I'm gonna sleep for some time, Zayan. Wake me up in an hour?"

He nods. 'Rest properly, Alayna. You need it. Our baby needs it.'

I smile. "Yes, I'm so tired all the time Zayan."

He smirks. 'You weren't too tired last night, were you?'

"Zayan," I groan, laughing and closing my eyes.

He kisses my forehead gently. 'Usman needed me for something, I'll go and see what he wants. Sleep, babygirl.'

I nod. "Yeah, bye Zayan," I mutter sleepily, drifting off a few seconds later.


When I take a seat right beside Hanna at the dining table, her eyes widen.

'Hey, Han. Miss me?' I ask her with a smirk.


'I know you did!' I sing, as Zayan takes a seat right opposite me.

"I didn't."

'Yeah, yeah. Keep telling yourself that. I'm still so sleepy,' I say, yawning.

She turns to me worriedly. "How are you feeling?"

'I'm okay, but so tired. All the damn time,' I say, groaning.

She gives me a worried smile. "Sleep early tonight."

I smirk, and she quickly looks away from me, shaking her head. 'I shouldn't have said that,' she mutters, as I laugh.

I lean towards her and whisper, "I'll try to, Han. You know, it's difficult though. Zayan is so..."

Her eyes widen, and she grabs my hand. 'Do not complete that sentence!'

"I'm not saying anything wrong. All I'm saying is that I would sleep early, but whenever I see him, Han, I don't know what happens. I feel like-"

She 'accidentally' drops her spoon onto her plate loudly, making me jump. She pours herself a large glass of water and drinks it in one go.

Just as I'm thinking of what else to say to her, the usually delicious aroma of chicken fried rice hits my nose. I frown, leaning back in my seat. The smell doesn't sit well with me.

I drink a sip of water, but I'm still feeling nauseous.

I eat some plain rice and a bit of fruit salad, but the smell of fried rice hits me again. My head starts spinning, and I feel like I'm going to be sick. Right now.

'Oh, no,' I mutter, holding a hand to my forehead. I'm sweating.

"Alayna, are you okay?" Mum asks me worriedly.

I look towards her and nod weakly. Everyone turns to me, worried.

"Alayna-" Aunty starts, but I jump up from my seat and run to the bathroom, clamping a hand over my mouth.

Zayan's behind me, and so are Hanna, Mum and Aunty. I reach the bathroom just on time, banging the door shut behind me and making sure to lock it. I don't want anyone to see me like this.

I lean over the toilet seat and vomit out what feels like everything inside of me. Five minutes later, I feel like I have no energy left at all. Mum, Aunty, Hanna and Zayan are still outside, telling me to open the door. They've now been joined by Laiba and Mariyah, too.

'I'm fine,' I say weakly, standing to my feet. My legs feel wobbly, I have no energy at all. I don't know how I manage to stay standing. I brush my teeth as quickly as I can without falling, and I use mouthwash. I feel disgusting.

I open the door with a trembling hand, and my legs give way from underneath me.

Zayan catches me in his arms before I fall to the ground, I'm leaning against his chest and his arms are wrapped around my waist.

Everyone starts to freak out, and it makes me super worried.

'Shh, shh. You're okay, I've got you,' Zayan whispers into my ear, carrying me bridal style as I close my eyes and lean into his warm, hard body.

"I'm okay," I mutter, scared as hell.

I've been sick several times, but I've never felt this drained before. I have no energy at all, and I haven't eaten.

'Alayna, you need to eat. You haven't been eating much at all, that's why you have no energy. Tell me, my sweetheart, what do you want to eat?' Mum asks me worriedly as Zayan sets me down onto our bed. He sets the duvet over me, and I give him a weak, tired smile.

"I feel sick thinking about food, Mum," I say, shaking my head and making a face.

'Alayna, dear, you have to eat. I'll go and bring you some fruit, okay?' Aunty says, caressing my forehead.

"Only a little bit," I say to her, my eyes begging.

She gives me a gentle smile and nods. 'Of course, sweetie. Eat a little bit, but keep eating throughout the day.'

Hanna goes to sit on my left side, and she grabs my hand. "What can I do to help?" She asks, making me smile.

I shake my head. 'Just sit with me, Han. Stay with me.'

"Of course, Alayna. Always," she says, kissing my forehead. She starts to massage my hair gently.

'Do you need anything, babygirl?' Zayan asks, as Mum and Aunty leave to get me some food. Mariyah and Laiba are standing beside the bed, and Zayan's sitting on the other side of me.

"No, you can't go either," I say, grabbing his hand with my free one.

He sighs, nodding. 'Never. I'm here, Alayna. Eat some fruit and then sleep, okay?'

"Yeah, I want to sleep now," I say, closing my eyes.

'No, Alayna. You have to eat something and then sleep,' Laiba says, her eyes filled with worry.

"Take care, Alayna," Mariyah says to me softly.

I give her a weak smile. 'I'm an idiot. For making everyone worry about me.'

"You're an idiot for saying that," Hanna says. "Of course we'll worry about you. We love you."

'Pregnancy is so tough,' I say, making everyone chuckle. Even Zayan laughs at this.

"Hurry up with it, I can't wait to meet my niece or nephew," Hanna says, laughing.

'How can I hurry up? I'm only eight weeks and one day. I can't hurry up with it. This is the first and last time,' I mutter, as I start to feel a bad headache.

Hanna coughs loudly.

Zayan's shaking with laughter beside me. I smack him on his leg. 'So you do have enough energy to smack me. It makes me happy.'

I glare at him. "I have enough energy to glare, too. Zayan, this baby will be our first and last."

Laiba's eyes are filled with tears as she laughs at me, and Mariyah's smirking too. Zayan, however, has the largest smirk on his lips.

Hanna coughs loudly and mutters under her breath. 'Yeah, yeah. Tell yourself that. Every year you'll be giving us good news.'

"Hanna!" I groan, turning away from her and hiding my face in Zayan's arm. My face is bright red.

He shakes his head with disbelief at his sister.

'Hey, I'm right here Hanna. You're so crazy, try to have some shame sometimes,' Zayan says, frowning at her but he's unable to stop himself from laughing.

Hanna rolls her eyes. "First you have some shame, Zayan Bhai. Then I'll think about it. You two, I don't even know what to say..." Her cheeks tint light pink as her words trail off.

'No craziness now, Hanna. Zayan. Shh. Sit with me in peace, please,' I say, my cheeks heating up.

Thankfully, they do as they're told and they both stay with me, making sure I'm okay.


'Alayna, you have to eat. You ate one tiny little piece of mango, that's it. Eat some more, please,' Hanna says, pouting at me, her eyes wide.

I groan. "Han, I'm not hungry. I don't wanna be sick again."

'You won't be sick, Alayna. Come on, open your mouth,' Zayan says softly, taking the fork to my mouth.

I do as I'm told, and he pops a small piece of strawberry into my mouth. It's delicious, and sweet.

I eat some more fruit, they make me eat until they both think I've eaten enough. And thankfully, I'm not feeling sick now. The two of them are on either side of me, sitting with me.

'I'm going to work on Monday,' I say, clearing my throat.

There's silence. Neither Zayan nor Hanna speak a word.

'I'm going, and you can't stop me,' I say, raising an eyebrow and looking at my husband.

His jaw is tense, and he shakes his head.

'Alayna, no. You're not feeling well. Are you crazy?' Hanna says, worriedly.

"I'm absolutely fine, Han. Who knows how long the sickness will last? I'm okay, and I honestly can't sit at home all day doing nothing. Both of you know me well, and you know that I can't sit idle. I have to keep busy, and I'm going to work. I'm a doctor, just like the two of you."

'Alayna, you can go once your sickness subsides. I don't want you to fall sick at work,' Zayan speaks.

I sigh, shaking my head. "Zayan, I won't be sick at work. I'm meant to be working on the paediatric ward next week, and in the clinic. I'm not on call anytime soon, I don't have night shifts and I won't be running around. I'll be okay, I promise."

'Alayna, I'm not happy about you going to work like this. You're not well. You're weak.'

"I'm fine, Zayan. I'm well, and I'm strong. I'm pregnant."

He sighs. 'No one at the hospital knows about your pregnancy.'

"And I would like to keep it that way. I don't want anyone to get suspicious, so I will go to work just like I always do. I don't want to tell anyone else yet. Especially not while I'm still in my first trimester," I say.

He nods. 'I agree that we shouldn't tell anyone else just yet, but Alayna. You were so weak that you couldn't walk when you were sick. You had no energy left.'

"Zayan, I'm learning how to control the sickness. It can be controlled, to an extent. I'll stay away from the foods and the smells that make me nauseous. Then I'll be absolutely fine. I promise." I stare into his eyes, and he sighs.

'Alayna, are you sure? Zayan Bhai, please make sure she works only in the clinics. There's no way she's running around the hospital like that,' Hanna says, super worried.

"Okay, you can go next week. If at any point you feel unwell, Alayna, please call me. Or come to my office. You'll only be working in the paediatric clinic next week, where you'll be seated all day."

I grin at him, nodding. 'Thank you so much, Zayan. I love you.'

I hear Hanna groan from behind me, but she chuckles.

Zayan gives me a small, worried smile. "I love you too, Alayna."

Little did I know, though, I was making the worst decision of my life to return to work. I should definitely have listened to Zayan and Hanna.


Thankfully, I'm feeling much better over the next few days. I return to work on Monday with Hanna and Zayan, although no one is happy about this. As he'd said, I'm working in the paediatric clinic all week, seeing young children come in with their parents.

I see patients suffering from several illnesses. There's a little boy aged just five, who's suffering from a brain tumour, and his symptoms are getting really bad. There's another little boy aged six, who comes in with a nasty flu. I see fifteen patients that day, which isn't bad, so I have plenty of time to write my notes.

Zayan keeps texting me throughout the day, to ask me if I've eaten, if I'm drinking enough water, and to make sure that I'm seated while working.

It's almost the end of the day, only an hour to go, and I'm feeling pretty tired. I've been productive, which I'm really glad about, but I'm exhausted. I've completely eliminated coffee from my daily routine now that I'm pregnant, not even drinking decaf. I've been drinking plenty of water throughout the day, though, which has kept me awake and alert.

Right after I've seen my final patient for the day, Zayan walks into my office. I groan internally at the sight of him.

He's dressed in black dress pants, black dress shoes, a white fitted button-up shirt and a white doctor's coat which is open. His stethoscope is hanging loosely around his neck, and his hair is tousled. He looks tired, but his eyes brighten up when he sees me. A soft smile makes its way onto his handsome face, and my heart clenches at the sight of him.

How is he all mine?

'Hey, Zayan,' I say, stretching.

"Hey, Alayna. How are you? How have you been today?" He asks me, worriedly.

'I'm good, I'm good! I'm tired now, but of course I would be. I've actually been feeling better than usual. How was your day?' I ask him.

"Busy, which is why I couldn't come to see you earlier. But it's been okay. The surgery this morning went well, and then I had a few appointments this afternoon. Are you finished now?" He asks, looking around.

I nod. 'I am, earlier than usual. There's still half an hour left until five, but I'm done for the day.

"Shall we go home?" He asks me.

I nod. 'Yeah, I'm done. But what about Hanna?'

"I texted her to tell her I'm taking you home as soon as we're both done for the day. She told me that she still needs to check up on two patients in the E.R., so she'll be slightly late today. She'll drive herself home."

'Oh, okay. Let's go then,' I say, turning off the computer and standing up.

Zayan grabs my phone, purse and folder as I shrug off my doctor's coat and put on my warm, woollen black coat. I fasten the buttons and smile at Zayan. He's changed into his black coat, too, and he looks sinfully sexy, dressed fully in black. His coat is fastened, and it reaches his knees.

He places a hand on my shoulder, rubbing gently. "You're not feeling cold, are you?" He asks worriedly.

I smile, shaking my head. 'Nope, I'm all good. Let's go, Dr. Zayan.'

He smirks. "After you, Dr. Alayna."


Although I'm slightly nauseous over the next few days, I'm feeling much better than last week, because I haven't vomited again. I get headaches, and the cramps which are lessening too, but I'm not physically sick again.

I continue going to work for the rest of the week, slipping back into my old routine. Friday is an especially busy day, where I see thirty children come into my office with their parents, suffering from different illnesses and disorders.

Hanna's assisting in a surgery, so she's finishing an hour late today. Zayan's finishing late, too, as he's in a long surgery.

Right as my shift ends and I'm done for the week, I get ready to go home. Zayan's personal driver will be picking me up the small street behind the car park.

As soon as I step out the hospital, a cold chill runs down my spine. I just feel like something's wrong, but I don't know what. I shake the thought out of my head as I walk to the back of the hospital, to the car park.

It's completely deserted, and mostly empty.

I walk through the car park to reach the street the driver will be picking me up from. When I get there, the street is empty. I take out my phone to call him.

He apologises, telling me he's stuck in traffic and that he'll reach in just five minutes.

I sigh, walking down the street, getting further away from the hospital. My head's aching, and I'm so exhausted. I just want to reach home and take a long, warm bath and then get into bed.

I turn the corner, texting the driver to wait for me outside one of my favourite coffee shops. I'm not going to buy a coffee, of course, but I want a hot chocolate.

I look around, shivering and shaking my head. There's no one to be seen, I'm all alone here and I'm a short walk from the hospital now.

I start walking briskly down the street, scared. Certain memories enter my mind, and they make my headache worse.

Just then, I freeze in my tracks. I can hear faint footsteps not far behind me.

They're getting closer, and closer.

My heart starts racing in my chest, threatening to escape. I can hear my heartbeat loudly in my ears. My palms start to get sweaty, and I start walking quickly again.

Just as my footsteps get quicker, so does the other pair of footsteps. They're following me.

I hug myself with my arms, goosebumps forming all over my body. I need to get away from here, now.

With trembling fingers, I take out my phone from my purse. Without glancing at my phone, I dial a number.

As soon as I'm about to press 'call', my face is covered with something and I see black. My phone is snatched out of my hand, and I hear it fall on the concrete ground.

'No! What the fuck? Leave me alone, who the hell are you?!' I scream, but my hands are roughly pulled behind me. The next thing I know is that I black out, falling to the ground.


My head's buzzing, aching badly. It feels painful to open my eyes. My whole body is aching badly, I feel so tense. I can't move.

Slowly, I open my eyes, groaning out in pain. My eyes take time to adjust to the dim light.

Where the hell am I? What on earth is going on?!

My heart races in my chest, my heartbeat increasing by a million times the normal rate. I take my hand to place on my chest, but I can't. My hands seem to be locked into place.

Where on earth am I?!

What's going on? Why am I here?

I open my mouth to speak, but I can't. A large band of strong tape has been placed over my mouth, tightly.

I look around the small room, or wherever it is I am. It's not a room. It looks like a small, dirty warehouse.

I look down into my lap. I'm seated in a dirty, sturdy wooden chair, and my arms have been tied to the armrests with thick, brown rope. The rope is digging into my wrists painfully as I try to free my arms. But it's impossible. They've been tied too tightly.

My legs have also been tied to the legs of the chair. I can't move a single inch.

I try to scream behind the tape, but it's impossible. No one will hear me from here. I can't even hear myself.

I've never felt this terrified in my life. Not even when..

Why am I here?

I try to free my arms, I try to kick my legs free, but I can't. I try to shout, I try to scream, but I can't. My wrists feel raw, injured and so painful.

My eyes fill with tears as I realise I can't do anything. I'm completely immobile. I've been kidnapped, and I'm terrified as hell. Who would do something like this?


No. It can't be. I had thought that the threats were a joke. That they weren't serious. The text messages. I hadn't received a text since days, I thought the person had finally, finally given up. But no.

They were completely serious about hurting me.

Zayan enters my mind, and the tears start to flow. I cry silently, not able to make any noise. I need Zayan, now. I need him so badly. I need him to take me away from here. I need him to save me, and our baby.

Our baby.

Oh, my god.

I cry harder, wanting to scream so loudly. My whole body hurts like hell. My heart hurts like hell. I need Zayan.

The fear starts to increase as I feel cramping in my legs, in my abdomen, in every part of my body. Is my baby okay?

My baby better be okay.

If anything happens to my baby, I'm going to die.

My heart starts pounding in my chest, my hands sweaty. My whole body sweating, yet covered in goosebumps.

I hear footsteps. Faint footsteps, getting louder. They're coming from behind me.

Slowly, the person walks in front of me, but I can't see them clearly. Their back is to me, and they're dressed fully in black.

The person in front of me is dressed in a black, loose hoodie, black pants and black shoes. Their hood is covering their head, so I can't see their hair.

But this is a girl. This is definitely a girl.

She sighs loudly, making my blood run ice cold. Very slowly, she takes her hands to her head. She removes her hood, not turning around to face me.

Dark brown, wavy long hair cascades down her back, and my eyes widen in shock. With fear. No. There's no way. It can't be! I can recognise her, just from her hair. There's no mistaking her.


With a low chuckle, she turns around to face me. There's a gun in her slim, fair hands.

No! It can't be.


Hey, guys! How are you all? I hope you're all well?

So, here's the chapter! How was it? Did you expect this ending, from the funny start?

What do you think's going on? Alayna's been kidnapped, but by who? Who's this mysterious girl, and why is Alayna so shocked?

What do you think will happen next? :(

I'm so sorry, guys, for this ending. But I thought it was about time. Who's Alayna's stalker? Who's after her since so long?

Don't forget to vote and comment if you liked the chapter!

Oh, please point out any mistakes you find in this chapter because I'm sure there'll be plenty.

Question: Do you enjoy cooking? If so, what's your favourite meal to cook?

Bye guys! I hope you don't hate me!

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